Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 6, 1977, p. 1

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Hydro hearings adjourned again Another adjournment is necessary in the Bradley Georgetown hydro lion hearings Aclon Legion hall because the interest of the people of Ontario is so great a troubled hearing officer ruled yesterday Hearing officer Donald Mtyrick who said his decision govt him great personal discomfort granted motion for ad because all eases under new ex propnation hearing id may be by an appeal before courts The appeal which was Monday springs from the same hearings adjourned last November prop rial ion hearings in Actons Legion Hall ire for Ontario proposed volt corridor from the nuclear generating station it on Lake Huron lo spot between Milton Georgetown The path of the proposed power corridor is broken Into ihrce sections for the purpose of expropriation and the hearings Tuesday concerned the southern section from north of south lo Milton station Opponents of lhe proposed power lines are appealing a split decision of the divisional court which would June pre vented hearing officer from accepting evidence or allowing cross exaniin ilion concerning other directions Tor the corridor that is other direc lions than the one chosen by lhe provincial officer ruled lost November Ihit he not lo hear evidence alternate routes Opponents of the line which Include the Interested Citizens Group others wish lo presenl such evidence anil igunsl Hydros choice of line The provincial utility on the other hand wants just use evidence about the position of individual lowers along the mile section Resolution by the court of questions concerning the use of evidence for alternate roules would remove some of lhe what called the awareness of lhe hearings Me nek may reconvene the hearings before lhe ap peal court comes down with a decision mcnl carries con that lawvers for ex propriation opponents must do ill the paper work needed and with Ontario Hydro s lawyer approach the chief justice in three weeks lo sec if the earliest possible dale for the appeal hearing is set Exceptional treatment is needed said He said lhat work by lawyers for local residents who oppose the line must proceed to the ex elusion of all other matters Georgetown lawyer Richard who headed the op position agreed to the con lions Ontario Hydro lawyer Tom Marshall told that he wrote the chief JusUce Tuesday afternoon Both lawyers disagreed about the dale when lhe hear ings would most likely resume Hydro Marshall maintained that it be September or October before hearings resume if Meyrick granted lhe adjournment because of the court crammed schedule and summer recess on lhe other hand felt thai June would be a more likely lime a date which Marshall termed overly optimistic if the chief justice does grant an early hearing Throughout the two hour meeling in lhe wide room in the legion contended that in spite of the six months passing the position of the opponents was the same as last November They still did not know if they maj intro duce evidence concerning lines lo the hearing We can obtain the jectives of the expropriating authority t Hydro by alter native routes said Therefore and lhe introduction of evidence dealing with is essential to our ease he Marshall outlined the choices he felt lay before Mcynck yesterday An ad journmenl w is one but the lawyer said it can frankly be tolerated by Ontario Hydro The hearing could proceed is it h id in the middle section of the line Colbcck could proceed and hear the balance of evidence on specific loeation of lowers or the he could continue route evidence but added lhat he was not also hear evidence of owners with respect to small changes in the line Marshall told that he was ready to listen to pared lo bring forth Ontario Hydro witnesses for the opponents lo cross examine Aflcr hearing an hour arguments by both sides retired to a back room with a coffee cigar and his notes for a half hour of decision making Expropriation hearings on lhe middle section of the same line finished last month in Acton under the same hearing officer Lawyers in lhe north part of lhe controversial line are ippcaling Ontario Energy minister James Taylors decision which gave a go- for expropriations from lhe generating station to Col beck One Hundred and Second Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY APRIL 6 1977 Thirty Panes Fifteen Cents JUST A GLIMPSE of bandage under his left shirt sleeve hints at the fact Henry Harbers doesnt lead a perfectly normal life Here pic preparing newspaper pages for Dills Printing he spends three nights a week attached a kidney dialysis machine He joins in a campaign to make people conscious of the need donations Seepages Approve plant addition but query Actons ability to pay Region Public Works ipproved the construction of a Si extension to the Water pollution Control ihnl Wednesday Bui the project l approved without concern raised about Acton ability to pa for that and other expensive sewer and w iter projects needed in the Jack It if lis said the committee was approving a lot of work has to be charged back to Acton but he said would be necessarv for either Hills Council or Regional Council to bale Acton out The in afford all of this Itaflis said Regional Chainmn Morrow said it l be legally for Hills lo bale out and lhe region could do it He snd the only method til able is through uniform w iter equalized Georgetown Burlington ill face men ists in their w Her r lies in s cast J Milton do have lo rust ihtir rales jet Councillor I slid hid mere ised Us rules on reeu ir lo ivoid mlo If Ins been sillinc on us hands since 14 don lhe people represent to ifam He said had witer rates now thev to bale ihem ve hid bad government up there he Councillors who oppose llitcd w iter rales see it is i step tow irds equilizcd issessmenl on sewtr projects is well The it is now local hive some control over projects want out Regional millets or Council are reject a project on area wants if it Is to be paid tor by the area On hand if the thirty is lo be spread across Hit region the region will w int lo a closer scrutiny of lhe projects it approves In spile of claims bv Burlington thai will be the big winner representative Pat Me is hesitant to endorse push for equalized water It would benefit now there is no doubt about But from now ill be i the sewage plant just ap- proved is last expansion He said the expansion of for the Duby denies systemcheap Holmes new fire chief Hills now has a fire chief for lhe whole town Monday Mick Holmes ehitfoffire number one Aelon and surrounding area is to the position of chief for both districts one and Iwo Area Iwo is com prised of Georgetown and the surrounding area Hills council made lhe appointment following an in earner i meeling In to his duties as chief of Area One Holmes was directed by council to take over as head of Area Two replacing Ken who has started his new job as Officer for Homes Mississaugi day resigned I ebr Holmes will now sit do in wilh works committee lo dis cuss stiffing requirements will ilso be decided later where his headquarters will be Works Mike indicated then will be at least one deputy fire chief and a deputy for both fire areas long tune Aclon resident Holmes is been in firefight me for over and before becoming chief for ire one he wis Aclon fire chief lor li I run to the birth of Halloa Hills Holmes hid been to serve as fire chief for lhe entire town but it is ialer decided split Hills in half and make I iolmes chief for area one and i chief for area two Itiukem had become fire thief in Georgetown in 1972 ouneillor lhe former mayor of l ikes strong exception lo rem irks made il recent region meetings of s past decisions Speaking of water svslem region treasurer I Jon inner last week Ihil iter sewer sjslcm was built on ind situation here was dr It is not built on lhe cheap Mr asserts holly 11 wis built iccording loourlcvelof and our It s not in of ours if the region his grandiose high cost of operating knew we operate in sophisticated We had good engineering advice our plant w is worked well We knew there would be things we have to do in the Wt did we could if ford He feels lhat w iter rates will have lo be considered faced wilh the fio per eent rile inereist for He the equalled rales should he more sitisficlory If its across the board But don single us out is lhe municipality to be he slid We re not asking lo be bailed oul by equalized rites he snd Wo built our own and and now wt re to the cost of Georgetown he suggested We didn ask to go regional He concluded I wont iccept criticism that wt were litking We were on top of everything Parking ban criticized KELLY BEEMER OF BADEN came to Acton this weekend to see her favorite hockey team New Hamburg play in the 3rd annual Acton Centennial Atom Tournament Tourney lasted all weekend More stories and photos on sports pages section B he ban on overnight p irk ing came in for criticism Hills council Mond niht Councillor Morns contended the by law was serving the purpose for which it was intended He claimed il was me int lo help forces with snow rtmov now tars ire being lagged in fine weather and on i 1 monlh a basis He said he wis receiving ibout having ears lagged when they had over nighi visitors Councillor Booth the overnight parking on slreezs had been inned it preventing wrecked heme led on the road and to prevent ihrcc four ear families from using the streets is parking lots He saidh support the tor review of lhe bylaw as It as the two rcisons were considered ouneillor Mike Armstrong s ml he thought he had made it lhe In law was to be enforced monlhs a vear Peter Marks said he had understood the I would lie on the books lor lhe 12 but would he enforced during the winter months I lub said he hid received several com tints from people with overnight visitors Four year frustration Approve permit iost in shuffle budgets A four year frustrating for i building forasmall industrial building on Main Street North by came no closer a solution Monday night al Hills council He told council he in 1971 when lhe permit was approved by the Acton planning board and council He said apparently the papers eol lost in lhe shuffle when regional government was set up and were never forwarded to the He snd after many questions and endless phone calls in IB74 he was told it would be considered as pari of an overall plan Prom then on nothing has hap What is the intention to put me off forever he lorn Hill explained Mr loft has asked Acton council for a rezomng the lown of Aclon never sent lhe papers inlo the He said the said Ihcy would approve spot Fallen tree cuts hydro and cable ONTARIO HYDRO and cable television employees worked for several hours Monday morning to restore their respective services after a huge old tree toppled to the ground and took wires with it The tree is on the highway south of Acton at the Norton home A downed tree between Acton and Speyslde caused a hydro blackout in the immed late area and a disruption of coble television service In Acton Milton and George town on Monday The large badly rotted tree In front of the home of Mr and Mrs Norton on Highway toppled at a taking hydro and cable wires with it as fell to the ground The hydro was off unlit about one from the southern outskirts of Acton to while Hydro workers strove to restore ser vice school was left without lights or heol and normal classes were dis during the morning Coble service was even luolly restored lo subscribers during the day All of North was while cable workers yards of cable back onto the hydro poles According to Ontario hydro workers the tree fell for no apparent reason but they said it was rotted inside rezomng I Dub said Mr loll wdseiughtupmlhe transfer is suffering from lhe rtsulluil confusion He snd sine the won ipprove spot now Mr I oft is e in of a new ll He some decision should be in is as possible Councillor Pal McKcnzit said lhe lo know what will to the land behind Scene Street The pi inner slid the an swer would still be No since it is spol rezomng Councillor Boot said planner makes but pi inning board can deal with them is they like Mr loft problem was referred to planning board Settle Following union meetings Monday agreement has been reached on contract negotiations Beardmore and Co A vote was taken by the union membership White agreement ha been reached no details will bo available until next week said Abbott Conway on behalf of the company Wording of lhe contract must yet be put In Kb proper form Region Public Works Committee approved sewer and water budgets for the regional special meetings and lnday lhe budget calls for and on the sanitary sewer and wilerworks respectively The work planned in Georgetown for sanitary sewers amounts lo and for waterworks 105 The budget calls for to be spent on sewers in Milton along with 287 worth of work on the water system Unlike roads sanilary sewer and water works projects are charged back to lhe municipality In which work takes place The high cost of the work lhat needs to be done on Acton sewer and water is cause for concern among regional staffers and some Work required in Acton Ihls year is substantially higher than work in Georgetown and only slightly less than Milton But Acton baa fewer people to bear the cost and the Impact on the ratepayer is more ARMFUL OF daffodils means money for the Cancer Society The sale of flowers Friday and Saturday was the kick off of the month long campaign here Member of Theta Phi chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Susan was selling blooms on the street in Saturdays rain

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