Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 6, 1977, p. 26

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday April 1977 ft si World opens up for students on Italy trip STUDENTS FROM ACTON and Brantford high schools visited Italy during their school break last month The Arch of and the Coliseum in Rome in the background were enjoyed by all There were 29 people from Acton who went including chaperones plus a cousin of one of the local girls They met Mr and Mrs Lou Bonnette and daughter Diane who set up the trip and Braida and visited Rome Florence Pisa the Isle of Capri and Naples with numerous smaller places It small world and fie ting smaller every day Several Alton high school students and ones helped prove this during a recent trip to Italy Twenty four two cousin of a student and three spent mm days rooming J round Ihe ruins of Home liking pictures of the I Tower of Pisa having fun in and investigating the isle of Capri Mrs Sue of Student Services ind Hill and his wife acted as during i he trip Students going wen Alton Karen loulurt I mice tllerby G l frank Gcnj I iulu Kilehinf Vie torn 1 Jeff Ml I ivish Susan Kohn lim Pink Jennifer llowc Nancy iker cousin front Hit Sue Thompson luffm Kiren and iltidi r nil who in 1 tunlher who is illcniluiL llumhtr he roup led on I 17 from Toronto Inter nitiond It was hen mitupwiDWl high school students who wr to hi their travelling short in Mnnirc the roup noil slop Brussels MP students discuss death penalty crime After having a good night slcepihefirstmghl the group had sightseeing orientation lour of city in the morn int saw such sights as the coliseum the forum St in Chains church Steps Trevi tain Seven Hills In the aficrnnon they were Riven a lour idrian Villa near ivoli and Villa where Ihi in full of J rids of fountains Dinner th it evening was enjoyed in a restaurant on a mountainside overlooking livoh The group was musically entertained while lhy He Mil next day was spent dm me 1 md from Ihc Isle of inn At got on plane boat which took the studtnis teachers to tin mil where they en joyed tour On tin ly to th it Ihe bus driver stopped i unco factory lure ihc group eol i chance to set earrings and rings bung ide hey were quite surprised to learn that inn in made out of sci stalls lour of Viliean City in tin Basilic of St Piter the mean Museum mil Sislinc I h was on the for the next day The is free for shop- pint i spent it the i iht group of Cam lift lor I at ihey at the Hotel lloston Ihcir first full siihlscint included St 1 ml Art and with Michel inLelos The s inn mi nunc they had lour I Hit lull loner of lorence mil i It l lie r where I before heading back lo Flor The next morning was free for shopping before the bus left lo return to Rome On Ihe way back Ihey saw ihe cathedral Siena and a small town called where Ihey had supper When they relumed the group was reunited with Paula Gardin who had spent the week with relatives A flight to Brussels was on the agenda for trie next day Once the plane landed at its destination the group had a lour of the city The next day weary travellers caught a plane Montreal then Toronto ending ihcir short sum as ambassadors from Acton and Sue burns explained all the little things which made the trip so successful The Bon neltcs and head of a travel agency in Ilily met Jennifer Howe at the airport few days early gave her lours fed her well and treated Jennifer royally Mrs Burns said She also pointed that Mr Bel lone is coming to Acton in i few months lo sec the Bon and she hopes he en joys Canada as much as her group enjoyed his country though ihe students missed two days of school before the March break began includ Ing the felt was worthwhile Mrs Burns that if the group had left on the Saturday iherc would have been of other people the airports escaping from Iheir routine She said this would have led to confusion and possibly losl luggage or missed flights Another advantage cording to student Janice llerby is that the students returned home on Saturday giving them all day Sunday to catch up on lost sleep and recuperate from jel lag The youth of today have world their doorstep They just have lo knock and take advantage of whit lies ahead It trips like this thai help today generation see is around them and perhaps have more understanding of people Convicted m ike the best prisoners Member of Parliament old some It high school students on While speaking to Boris She ins Grade Canadian Law class r also staled Ihil until three years igo only one murderer who had been released after his sentence wis sercd had killed He explained lhat it is usuallj the white collar worker convicted of fraud or embezzlement who causes trouble in prisons and commits Ihe crime when released His were given he introduced the sub jeel of capital punishment had voted against the reinstatement of the death when it came up in the of Com mons lasi fall The said he fell rehabilitation and confine were enough punish ment said Over 1100 Sheridan graduates Plans for the ninth annual convocation were outlined al ihe monthly meeling of the Sheridan College Board of More than 1 students are expected lo during thai separate con vocalnns one il the new Brampton Cimpus June J and tw i at the Campus June 10 Arrangements been made hold lh Iwo ceremonies in a lenl sinct the campus does not have sufficient space commodate Hit number of and thai we anticipate will attend this year said Elizabeth Hamster would provide protection for the innocent party prison who has been wrongly sen lit also told the class the rich and influential usually ire no affected by this form of punishment He explained it is the little guy and blacks in the slates who are victims of punish the figures have been made official sud Phllbrook ihc trend seems lo be the violent crime murder rates went down in countries where Ihe death penally was abolished Student Gibbs asked it proves if prisoners con of murder are beiier behaved The M explained il means less guarding and Iht rehabililiation is belter I he public can be less afraid Phllbrook said Ihesc fears nol well Tooled Miss demanded explained they are deeply but well rooted The same girl wanted to know if this kind of murderer could gel on parole more easily than someone who had caused trouble while in jail Mr Phil brook replied that each case wis different and il tided on type of murder whether il be one of passion which is likely lo be done agun or in cold blood etc tie compared it lo embezzler who steals and person who steals One of the students asked him about who thinks he is Jesus Christ and who is now serving a life sentence in a California son for many gruesome murders he either planned or look part in in 1969 Mr Man son and his accomplices come up for parole next Dr Raid he felt est of a humane society he should be lo Mr and friends did receive the penally but while awaiting Ihe punish wis abolished and their sentences reduced to life The book Heller Skelter and TV movie of the name tell he stories of the murders and the and much publicized trials Organized crime Organized crime Is running wild in this country Dr Phil brook lold Ihe students He ex phi nod that organizations operate in the shadows and police detectives C and must lay specific charges and solely on suspicions tor this rea son he explained it is hard lo get Ihe organizations head people as Ihey may be very respeeiable citizens of the town Dr Phllbrook pointed the chiefs could be mayors ministers or anyone else respected and peeled in ihe town is falling even to convict anyone in crime ho said as the persons involved will invest illegally acquired money into legal investments Criminal investigators must depend heavily upon witnesses Ihe member of parliament said Unlike inary crimes where people freely testify against the in organized crime anyone who knows anything in fearful of their lifts Phllbrook said One student asked about the decriminalization of minjuana Philbrook ex plained thai this was a biased and emotional subject which is coming up in the House soon He changes in the emphasis on punishment could lie made with penalties being harder on Ihe trafficker than on ihc possessor Philbrook said he has Seminar on asthma The I Association will he offering a seminar on Asthma ihe hospital in Georgetown April p m Guest Speakers will include George Director of Ihe Aslhmi Program rippled Centre Toronto and Bell Staff Member of ihe George town Hospital I he program will cover all aspects of asthma CARPET CORNER MAIN ST NORTH- ACTON 8533620 You Headquarters in Halton Hillj for CARPETING CUSHION FLOORING DRAPERIES CERAMIC I hi brook courts art riqucsiinc li in lit pud out of is coerts in becoming down with which hold up is a of I in Hit LIGHTING SHOWROOM Retail and Wholesale GERRIE ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO LTD HOPHOP Into TODAY STANDARD SHIFT OR AUTOMATIC NO DOWN PAYMENT BANK PLAN FINANCING UP TO MOS

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