Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 6, 1977, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Apnl6 1977 Terror- ng Editorial Page Gloom doom and money Acton people have been hit hard tha past couple of weeks with an of increase after increase costs and taxes School board hydro region and local council all promise we 11 be paying more for the services they provide for us All these things were considered necessary the new high school road repair sewage plant sion new well tennis court and so on There are increases in pay and expenses of all sorts School board increases are big and the sum must be paid yet most of it goes for salaries Regional costs for sewer and water must be paid The Hydro commission has merely imposed rates set by On tano Hydro and theres no surplus here Local council faced with all these increases already hope to keep their share of the jump to seven or eight per cent Councillors are concerned about the rising costs just as we are As councillor Duby explains We see the need and demand for certain things We have to face up to it and approve or disapprove We cant put off everything Still the increases add up to a whopping sum We have to trust our elected members and hope they are doing all they can to avoid unnecessary expense It is apparent what Acton con an adequate sewage disposal plant is not what the region offi cials consider good enough We know how the costs of installing laterals have jumped hugely since regional government For ordinary taxpayers its dif fi cult to pinpoint how costs can be cut Comparing costs of regional government and former ways is one thing the Actonians for Action committee is undertaking With an unusually bad winter and cold spring cost of food and grow unemployment the tax scene adds another dollop of gloom to the economic scene around here Vandals must pay Its worrying to read about the instances of vandalism at the swimming pool Ever since the pool was opened there have been problems with young people wrecking walls ceiling and equipment in the washrooms and sauna No doubt there are just a few people responsible for the sickening list of damage Many many people enjoy the pool and act responsibly Vandalism is apparently becoming more common In Georgetown for instance cars are frequently damaged by stones tires slashed signs defaced and public property destroyed Some of these things happen Postal horror story here too Our population is growing There are more young people who do not have the feeling they are surrounded by a com munity which knows who they are Father V J Morgans Canadian flag was taken from its flagpole just a few days after his death The park arena and main streets have felt the touch of fools Things could become worse here The people responsible must be apprehended and they must pay for the damage they have caused Parents sometimes know what their own children have done they must deal firmly with them And people must inform the police of any suspicions The police cannot be expected to solve the problem themselves The Canadian Community News papers Association has a new con test going called Postal Horror Story Contest The association invites its member papers thats us to tell Canada your personal saga about how the mails beat you every week but not to the sub scnbers door Give us the quotes the dates Somebody up there really thinks the situation is proving The horror stories will be published in the C N As publication and then compiled to be sent to the Postmaster General in Ottawa Can any Free Press subscribers contribute to the horror story anthology A personal first class letter mailed March 21 from the Free Press to west Toronto arrived April a full two weeks en route However its newspaper dehv ery stories we want now The prize in the contest Well its a stamped self addressed envelope Potato chips go metric Potato chips in local stores are in metric sized bags now More and more products went metric lastyear for instance ice cream pet foods sugar and snack foods Milk packaging was con verted in Quebec and British Columbia The last of the changes in weather forecasting was com pleted and planning for metric conversion in the beverage indus try was finished Next year we get changes in clothing sports and tobacco indus tries Don l expect the collection of opinion cliicr hippy household hints norm illy mind in tins space feeling mian this If SI of up I d probably snarl Slop fading thosi bloody birds Ml tiny II ib is imp ill over us My norm illy n is d lis i sore It slirt tut as i pa like i into kidneys You know 1 lit sort tiling in makes you emit whin you straighten tip brushing teeth and spitting in tin sink I of lus have that It goes with territory Thin my two mm for llu weekend They wcilIi iboul l pounds between Ihem Hurt s iierliiii jealousy Nobody cm pin llu sunt linns on ihejr nicks it rmdiiad i In simultaneous bucking result no sooner do I im kid and giggling and plunk him down linn the other is Hiding ihin any grandfather knows in smarter and threaten wash their fans and thi kids run it is illv impossible to the inns of Consequently 1 reckon tint lifted Ion ind i lnlf of grind babbies off the floor over tin odd turns li mid fir over separated whin imminent As any old with i slipped ilise or crumbling vertebrae i in tell you is known islhepoorway onioftlu worst of curing a sore The other poor v ly the absolutely worst I won t till you us this is i family jouroil To lop it ill hive wnk s coming up I have i fairly grim that I going to be spending it couple after it flat on my Put you to bed hit S wh it Jim tors do when you go to them with son hick they poke you hard a few turns in sore back and ask Does Dial hurt Of course il does Then they feel your belly LINED UP FOR their photograph are the boys and girls of room 6 Acton public school on May 12 With them is their teacher Miss Daisy Some of the pupils are not known can anyone identify them Front row left to right Jim Noble Bill Water- house Sandy Malcolm Leonard Watson Bert Smethurst Mel Locker Precious Aubrey Gervais Bert Gibbons second row Carney Burnes John Mellon Allan Marshall Garden Oral Chalmers Jack Reed Donald Mann Lambert Henry third row Marjorie Hall Abbie Price Helen Lillian Perry Clarice Norton Cripps Doris MacDonald Bert Hinton Arthur Gamble back row Isobel Smith Lorna McCoomb Lucy Goldham Cripps Eleanor Clifford Waterhouse John Donaldson Gordon Cooper Newton Hurst Bill Wilson and teacher Miss Folster The picture belongs to Bert Giantsize muffets Sugar and Spice by bill which is not ihe greatest erotic experience in the world They tell you take a deep broil till you to tough They seem sure a herni In the back Cm your legs thc ask ignoring the tint w liked from vour llieir null r waiting room and from into torture chamber Dims it hurt to sit or long periods just sit in the w room for in hour i mm and funltd when stood up I hen nonplussed thtytakeoff their glasses nod solemnly i sums sore ill rifhl We d better a pit tun of it I haven 1 but lybe it ill go by time you kit riyul and prints jel hick to me hours lluv incase you hue pain this point tears is bit is lea bags ire spurting out of your lyes from pain You emit something a and i squeal of pure pain you clamber low from high led in ihcir office Pun mv wife Lime up this morning to set 1 h idn downfor wis lying on the floor 1 d just tried to put my socks on Pari today i up is I is lo gel out of They seen the door open one leg emerge Iwo I iter mother lie hove into three more minutes torso followed Ihey thought I wis plastered I wis minly Iry to straighten up without screaming Ml right We know where we stand Don I iny sweetness ind light in ihis column Now lets deal with tint young rip My wife is on her side Newspaper columnists have been illy kind I asked a young person other d ly for an opinion on Margaret shenani ind got the predictable answer own thing wronth that I Iu truly disagree here such a thing is responsibility though the word makes cringe these days If you can t the fine gel out of the kitchen Bui don run into the public square and whine that you re just trying find as a person That juvenile I never been a fan of her husband but I idmired his domestic loyalty on this painful occasion Speaking of the I d love to disinter column 1 wrote a few months link wire on the ropes the were swarming lo pick bones of the P But thai would be saying f told you so one of the sentences in the English ige A prophet is indeed without honor in his own country Sometimes in his own kit then Good forllirry Boyle He has clear th it our national broad listing company its faults is not merely too for keeping the Liberal government in office to the ions of sonu ministers About teeth 1 never heard such crap as the binning of saccharine some mice got some when were stuffed with the stuff Far belter 1 presume to die of cigarettes or linn to from drinking two or three cans of saccharine- sweet ined drmks diy l guess diabetics and fatties don i swing much weight the polls There I ve vented some of my venom and my back feels better dready Instead of fiehng liki with that vul lure tearing out his liver I merely have the more modi pain of a dog excreting blacks OUR READERS WRITE Challenge to all of us Dear fail to sic how a letter in a local paper mid help lo improve the dilcmna which faces this fme land that we should all be proud of We should be thankful to God for hiving placed it in our care lo direct lording in bis blessed will To me all that has been said on the sub of abortion has proved nothing It is a time that I believe calls for the greatest iffort of ill combined and time for sincere unity in all who wint to forget the past and become good neighbors in Christ through his grace in the and mind his is the lo all of us and one th will our desire for well being lo improvL our world and the sooner we face up lo it the belter as calls for could write a book on the subject but what would be the use if it had no meaning This is has reduced this world of ours as well as Canada to Its present slate It did not gel there on its own and of know there will be a lot to answer for and more if wo stand idly by So to conclude let the salvation of all be our choice while ihere is hope left Yours sincerely George Graham Sale of light bulbs Open Utter to The Editor Hear Sirs Recently Ontario Handicapped Company has been active selling light bulbs area residents This company is clearly a private en and not a charity The North llallon Association for the Mentally Retarded which operates ARC Industries Tinker Bell Nursery trysidc Residence and the Develop mental Centre does not benefit from the sale of these light bulbs Yours truly Eric J Taylor Executive Director Back Issues 10 years ago Taken from the Issue of The Free Press Aprils 1967 Hymn to Canada the song written by Herman especially for Canada centennial year has been published in sheet music form by the Toronto branch of Canada Limited a large music firm It Is now on sale at GO a copy at Wat son Music Store The song had Its premiere at Ihe Robert Little school operetta when Diane Frank and Bob Kml sang to a delighted audience Acton public school board will lose eight teachers three from Bennett school and five from Robert Little school this year was disclosed at Ihe board s regular meeting Tuesday night Miss K Heller Mrs J Anderson and Miss have resigned from Ihe Bennett staff They leach kindergarten grades one and four re spectively Mary Beth Elliott kindergarten Verity Mcintosh grades one and Iwo Carol grades three and four Mrs art and Marian have resigned from the Robert Little school staff 20 years ago Taken from the issue of The Press of Thursday 1957 ire men responded to a chimney fire this morning al a at Ihe home of Herbert on No highway east of Ac ion II was reported by Principal McKenzie of Acton School this week that the tape recorder taken from the public school in a recent break in has been recovered from a pawn shop Toronto The article is being held by police and hope is raised that more stolen articles may be recovered William secretary of the Acton public School Board released the names of the new teachers engaged for next fall Betty Mac who as a student teacher taught he school here for one week has been engaged Other teachers arc Carson presently leaching al Keith Black student teacher graduate Alice Sidey of Toronto and William presently teaching at 100 years ago I from the issue The Press of Thursday An was held r- riday evening on the body of Peter labourer who died while unloading wood for Toronto Gray and Bruce Railway A verdict was brought in to the ihal he died from trying to work whili suffering from lack of proper Angus McDonald celebrated his 100th birthday it son in law house near Acton Mr and several of the directors of the Credit Valley Railroad had an an interview with the Committee of Toronto relative to the additional bonus required by the line The bill before the legislature having passed third reading a by law granting an additional bonus will shortly be submitted to the ratepayers Stratford Town Council has agreed to lower the license fee for hotels etc from as fixed last year to A curling match was played Brampton on between Brampton and Millon three rinks each resulting in favour of the home team by shots This is Iheir first victory Notes n stuff If you are one of the people wondering about the sale of light bulbs over the phone dont miss the Letter to the Editor on the subject in todays paper A couple of people had asked us what we knew about the scheme now we are glad to have a reply for them When someone climbs the ladder of success I hope they remember the ones who held it for them M- THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 853 Business and Editorial Office Advancing Copyright 1977

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