Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 13, 1977, p. 13

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Flat bants drop consols A minor bantam team described b coach Cope Smith as tired and flat were topped by in the WaterlooWellington consolation finals in two games losing April A in and April in Acton 1 Gar Lumbers opened the scoring for Acton al the mark of the April game He was insisted by Paul bell and Smith Jim answered the goal at of I he second 10 of the second period Acton went ahead again on a goal by Marty Collerton from Scott Timbers and Gary lumbers Mark Hurdciic lied It up at of third frame on a power effort and scored again at to give ihcir first lead of the game Derrick Hodgson scored for Acton at 4 45 assisted again by Gary Lumbers to lie It up but John scored his goal lo Acton 4 Home loss came lo Acton Wednesday April looking for a irophy They the scoring at Ihi 19 mark of the first period on a power play goal by Mark Acton Dims Kirton tied up the Ml mark of ilk first Derek Hodgson After a scoreless second pi nod Orangeville came on strong in the third period and capitalized on the power play first at and again at 40 At struck again to the maich al l in their favor irk registered a hat trick with his three power play toals and John quelle scored the winner for The gave the visitors the Waterloo- Wellington consolation championship Alton was playing without the skills of right winger Ron Jackson in scries He was injured during tournament play in Ihe Strathroy major bantam tourney of two weeks ago This completes the season fur ihe minor Aflcr record is wins lossis and ties ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY APRIL 13 One Hundred and Second Year No Second section Acton ice follies getting ready for weekend LITTLE CARRIE SNOW waves a tearful goodbye to her old lifestyle as she embarks upon her new skating star in the Figure Skating Carnival coming this weekend Pat Cranker is one of three pros working on the show As carnival time ap proaches Ihe arena re sembles a madhouse more and more each day There are kids everywhere some crying others wailing to go on the ice for their rehearsal In the middle of the con fusion stands Laurie Cook whose task it is lo organize this mayhem into this year figure skating carnival and do it soon seems lo have every thing well in hand as this weekend show draws near The props are nearly finished she said Skaters mothers have been working on them for weeks now It hears a Is been as well as expected according to Mrs Cook and this year show will he biggest one yet All the kids arc getting about the upcoming performince Just ask the moms of any of Ihe kids if they re getting ex cited said Mrs Cook One of the show featured guest skaters will be unable attend A sprained ankle has sidelined Kaye Thompson for the show but Kevin Parker will still be making his appearance Theme The ihemL of year s show is Movie Nostalgia and will include looks at everything from silent movus lo Disney to westerns to ihi About kids will be skating in the show more in any other year Tickel salts an going well and organizers ire predicting thai ihi show will be very entertaining Tin show will be held this weekend and are still available it the arena Jock Took Bants peewees take trophies hive Minor learns Beach for the annual isaga Beach lournameni and two of ihem pions Both Minor Banlnms peewits look lop honors in ihi rounds of ihe tourney With the help of four mis minor bants torn injured in the I ist unity iht piled in major lenu travelkd troup of ihe tourney for their trophj I hey had been inlr into their own group but win allowed to Willi the mijors ifler signing the four major pliers Hon Jitkson who wis his support l hem The Aeton team put out superb as a tommmitd toath Cope lot Siiurdav morning Acion default igiinst by 1 into lotisol rounds Don stored tin from Scull limbers 1 rem inline would hi nd Weston id show for Hit littu mil lost Last Atom tournament besides running on time thereby proving that such an event can be run on time was also interesting social in itself It pointed out an important difference between kids and thierparents Kids toplaysomc hockey and have a bang up good time Parents on the other hand Fortunately Acton parents seem lo be a little less vehement in their opinions than those in some other towns in the atom tourney one iralt hockey mom punched Milton coach Kent in the stomach the game Glanbrook parents ordered up copies of last weeks paper with the tourney story Whin I went down to see the coach after the game they wire busy totalling up the number they would need Well then are parents for each kid and grandparents uncles and etc II looks sort of like the moms are more interested in results than the kids Herb whose son played on the major aloms team said that after their 10 loss the kids were home playing away twintoday we will tomorrow I wish sometimes that parents could be that grown up about the game Hockey tournaments are fun and its great lo win a trophy but it just as great for the kids to get out on the ice and play which is what they want anyway Relax mom and let them play Old hockey moms don t die and they don I fade away either They just keep hanging on I found some of them during the relent Station Press series and they were still going strong I have no doubt that if I sal close enough to the ice during the I next home game I would hear Sittlcr s mom in the stands shouting Skate Don t you know how Two hands on the stick I hear where Toronto leagues arc running clinics for hockey parents and installing parents penalty boxes for those who become too boisterous during Ihe game only problem is getting the parents into the box I suppose Of all hockey players the one 1 have to admire most is the goalie Not only is the job very dangerous it can also be in credibly boring In the ideal game from a coach s or parent s point of view the goalie would have nothing to do since his team would keep the puck out of his end all game leaving him free to skate in circles around the net until he got dizzy When play does come inlo the home team end the goalie has to do some very unusual things none of which you would catch mi doing In the event of a three on one break I would take all manner of evasive action and I think most people would agree A slap shot from a curved hockey stick can come at you faster than a pitched ball and with a wicked wobble too And the goalie knows that the shot is intended for hisneck notthenet would be obviously Instead the has to stand here and intentionally try lo put small vulnerable pieces of his body in front of the onrushingpuck And hi is stored upon there will be some people who figure it his fault and he is the one who blew the game for the team or worse yet for her sons team The poor goalie fating the opposing teams finest efforts lo remove his neck from his body alt game might get punched in thestomach after the game by some irate hockey mom Iwouldn I do it for the world Mike Km and Cope Smith wire the donors of the trophies in last wnkind s Centennial Atom In Sunday came with Aclon jumped mil lead in the first period on by Gary I rs Mikt M wtnl to Don I I Polo Ihe dLfense wis nit in a they J eld New nil- hold i nl r it MAJOR TOOK consolation trophy in Beach tourney last weekend Back row from left to right Paul Mike McRae Tim Ferguson Brad Manes Tim Evans Dean Hughes Rick Smith Todd Smith Gord McAr thur and Jeff Front row Robbie meulen assistant captain Tim Baker Tim Shields Mark Duval captain Missing from photo Barry and Steve Marshall coaches and Duval manager l ban re Is ml aunt Mtrnlon s inlams pined llu lire ids ihit il while squad was rested up tor the fin il took i I id in the sienirl with r of the eame held thai lead until ihe list minutes of third iriod whin Hodgson pulled tin trigger assisted il With only Allsop s assisted by Don Denis With lift Kick stored into the imptj mi Hob opt smith torn minted quick shifting of all Inns pi our boys in iht played inl first period with their line hardly suing my time The third nod s the first limit mdlakint unnecessary pi mines boys excellent hotkey and ihe goal tinders wire out si in ding Major Alton mijor peewtes were just as successful as their older trials dropping a very close 1 decision in their opener they turned to lake con trophy team is a triple team In Toronto Hotkey I eagut play Hie Aeton squad Downsview for most of the game lo mamger Duval but were unable to stort on who in outstanding lone mirker near Ihe end of last period with Collie mg from and Wndner for Tim Shields was fhw nils for liolh Wilf and coach Instoe slated that the Acton boys played one of their most games of the year Ihe loss put Aeton into eousolalion rounds where their first opponents wire Attou was ions in the ime i m of 1 1issinj inilthnklne Iht Atlon squad played an excellent pissing check ing keep off ihe stort shicl hie in third period Passing puck around with rcil and accuracy Aclon stored after mutes on Mark Duval from lim I and Mike tour minutes later Jeff McNabb stored his first of the two MM Is he got from Tim Evans second goal came three minutes later from an pass running the count to came back with goal it ihe six minute mark of ihe last pinod lo have Me reply with the clincher with four minutes to go passes from irk Duval Bob Ver meulen for the point Tim Baker was strong in the nets for Aclon The win put the peewees into the consolation mil Sunday Playing in of some by Tim Shields the Aclon club came from behind an Auror lead to like consolation championship in the third period ihe exciting game The Acton learn showed good discipline and worked hard to win this game big ind rough squid The Acton boys scored goals while Auron were short handed capitalizing on second period penalties lo like leid Coal scorers wire Kick reinly and Hob Vcrmeulen taking the pass from and Vtrmiultn put Acton id the half Continued on Page Brothers stick with lacrosse by John Quick whai is Canada s national sport Here s a hint Us fast rugged garni and with sticks That s you Hotkey is Will you rt wrong to Hob ihe official sport of is lacrosse Nine out of will you it though he sud Hob is the oldest of lacrosse playing in Acton who turned a reputation for them selves Ihe town Hob dry Hon Hi will be playing for tin Itam in ihe Ontario Senior A loop this season possibly with brother Gary They wanl him bui I don i know if he be playing or nol commented Hob Coal lender has received offers from is far ly as I in New York for his services began playing lacrosse in his yi irof high school in middle hi w is organizing s learn in rmniyeirs with help from 1 I iillefer dry tried it hi simi linn ind Hon joined them ago as ilon youngest lurkos is now on llu Hams for iK goals of him irry Porte 10- of the team Hob picked lacrosse for a spori inslt id of hockey In you tan play by your silf In hockey you other people The three brothers used to witth in whtn tin le would phying front of pickid stands SUTTON WAYNE YOUNG TAKES AIM for the Acton Rams during the season The team has a good chance to go all the way again J ir whitttd ihev developing ihur own in lirsi it at whtn Juvenile s hit tin Junior It ims ihe mis hid been together is i Junior im they the Onlino impious Both Hob anil with ihe It in Hob 11 aim in scoring minding There is no goalie In in in Ontario in said Hob of dry This is in spite if iry he wis enough lo In plnjine miilgtl it ihi linn II was first lime Intermediate learn in 1M7 thai hid brought home in Ontario championship and i Ihe second it has happened Hob has ippy memories of lhat si It Wis quite person into Hit for the isi verybody mil dlo join the executive Whin the team didn lithe next year the fans interest tailed off and now Inm trouble finding people lo work or Ihim What are left on Ihe executive are hardcore lacrosse people Larry Porte Dave Hon McKmght Ann Bob I JcanMcPhall Ian Campbell Young and Mike chance The Hams have a good chance of going all the way again this year according to cochairman Pork and Hon If we gel goalie we want we be he said And If you stay out of the penalty box added Bob It Hit It in I 7 but high Hit most of 1 ill box I pined dummy lit is bird 10 do some limit ill in I sse If ri si if eonl ii in sjwrt for you s Hob in hit someone is bird is in is lone is yiu hold two mils on the slick ill this pounding pi inn kidniy pads mil knit ids is out of bounds as fir is legal In the is when the puck is In is lo Hob wilh hockey or has litllc org in Ontario of the problem is ih it ihe sporl his to com with baseball soccer summer sporls pari of tin problem is lhal his to compete with summer itself when so miny people lake their lions We need minor lacrosse in Alton said Hob Wt tried two or limes and ihe team Itft now is Ihi bants The midgels folded Bob is trying now to find It for to play Last yiar team of Jo boys coached Bob played ex games all year A is highest that any Ontario league goes If i pt w mts lo go farther in in lacrosse he has to move into an American league The Lone Island learn which was a pro Icim the folded ihi wis lo Hams are hoping for support this whan they play If you re to an empty house It said Ron running fairly high Hams and it SI be an exciting season u THE LOOK OF WINNERS is evident on the faces of the 1971 Rams winners of the ALL- ONTARIO Junior championship for the year It was the first time that an Acton team had won an Ontariowide award since the In termediate baseball squad in 1947

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