Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 13, 1977, p. 20

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B8 The Acton Free Press Wednesday April Wassen- Robinson vows exchanged on March 19 leorgelovn Christian Reformed church was ihe setting of the March It wedding of Kim Robinson and The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs lordon gin fi Mm learReiiiwn is attending Registered Nursing Assistant program in will in The groom of is the son of Mr and Mrs isscns Hit J Ik mended Milton High school tnd is Urn side The Rex J double nng cert morn lirolsn iht ind was soloist stoned lisle her stepfather the wore traduioml own of Hunt lace with scoop neck ind laumi ruffles She carried cascade of red lea roses with point Intertwined The brides best is maid of honor Brides maids were Michelle Robin son sister of the bride corset own and Truth and sisters of groom Nona Mower tirl is 1 stipsisier of bride leorgtloun Thur wire powder color mixed is The mothers ind made ihe best frit of ihi from ilk Med is be in I shirs were tin I ride brother Jiff s lowii nd Was io of iht il cousin Jison l ickt- f lu is the ring bearer bride uncle from Stan was the master of ceremonies l thi reception and dance St George a can church hall The bride mother the wedding cake Special guests were grand parent Mr and Mrs A I Durham Ontario grandmother Mrs and uncle liownsvlew bride elect was guest of honor ai three prior 10 her marrnge They were held b maid of honor Anne Virion Mrs Wendy and Mrs wis hi Id for the harms ind rehiarsal partv was lu Id Mr and Mrs a lion moon to Union Beach the and groom made liomt in WI district directors prepare for annual His 11 spring Directors meeting of Hilton Women was Millon on wuh branches Mrs I presided for he The roll tor a ihemt for he 19 Ilismci Annual which will be held I it George tow church with registration at to a Tht hast brant hes are 1 and theme chosen was Silver Jubilee if Queen lib- tar roll nil will Ik an inter event of the during ihe i sear competitions lor the are to be seven butler larts no nuts ind seven plain lei biscuits which will be sold the competition These art to be made in tht reulir size bach is ihtdistnci secrclarv of ihe number of luncheon tickets required include ihe monc ij Ihe of iitkeis will he 4 IHi The minutes of the fail Mrs Jamicson due to the ibstnct of the sttrclan was read from Mrs President nh ihank- fir gift from ported sht i i her and pec tod In Hill A ItlUr is read from the Haiti I Socict iskine for help ind names of ptrins whi would help pi ins for fund raising It was indniduil branches his iheir Mings letitr of inviiation wis receded from South Welling ion District 10 their annual on IK and a list of sent Hives who must lie on for lh new bo member Ihi fall Convention is rtccived Some of the signs ire still ind will be or at District Invitations will lie for I97H it this time The girls will also thi if projects it ihe District ihe of committee was men mil ihey need i bit of help 10 complete the If feels ihev tan help out thi please icl or the district si ere l ihi It Officer isksihu be in her hinds In ihe latest llil lbe lo in hinds of thi District In the week of is the conveners hai report lo ihe IHO I lanswiremadt for iht six who ire to ihe I Week ind tin for June d i each to dress costume Iht Provincial Hoard Director Mrs M then brought a to meeting asked tht District Directors to check iht branch seen tarns lo mike sure she is Hit names of the district conveners ihe right addresses on tn lo forw ri ports ire oui in lime Mrs Hud members promote of Keefer Pears in desserts ind in grown fruits and vegetables suggcstidwi ire Strang our own In so imported produce Our beet is now wiped out and wi ire dependent in imported sue The Officers inference is lo he instruction on program pi inning if von h one enrolled who illend pic I seen l irv of the unci FriendsinDeed Host farm families are being sought for he summer Junior Agriculturalist program of Ihe Ministry of Youths aged or 17 will work on Aug Extend welcome MR AND MRS Alan Raymond Wassens were married in Georgetown Christian Reformed Church by Mrs a glorious we had We hope Ihis beautiful warm weather will continue whal a break atler long hard winter we had is so nice to see thai some trees arc starling lo bud so spring is really here Election for president vice president and secretary are coming up at our next meeting on Tuesday April fireball We hope tht group will get their nominations in just as soon as possible so lhal our business can be done up quickly and we can enjoy whatever ac livilles the social committee have prepared It would be nice if each member would bring a friend to enjoy us and vice There will be a door as well as other surprises so let us all get out lo give next executive and social committee all the help and thoy need Wt will soon be starling our third year as an and we hope membership will grow as time goes on as we need iclivc moral I support of the community as well as their interest We also need new Ideas to help us reach out to bring more meaning and enjoyment to those less fortunate than ourselves We need you and we would appreciate all he help any interested people can give us With the arriving we have a lot of activities and trips coming up and we would like to share all our pleasures as well as the problems that face all organizations with you the public A warm welcome Is extended to all Hope to see you all and some new members soon END PAINTING MESS WITH A Padco Painting Kit Paint Pad Trimmer Paint Wand and Replacement Pad Paint Bucket EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR A PROFESSIONAL MESS FREE JOB Acton WI elects leaders nutting of the Women Institute was lpmidby ihi president Miss Simmons with two i tiled Spring ind Ihe ilkd taster and with New school Si par in school hen are taking first in silting up new school for Stpttnibir of nexi lollowing il for em siruelion from s Park Ihe sih villi ictommodiie Lid in studtnts I hi school has been in for Scparitt School 137j I filled l kit approvil for prayer Mrs read tht ii s report Mrs Dinnv wis welcomed i forced absence of several months Roll w is answered membership for Collection is Mr Hoy I indsav eivt a paper on Holland irsh reports ihe follow inj directors Miss Mnrjtine Mill Mrs Cooke Miss It in Itu new executive for IJ77 president Miss Dorothy Simmons first vice president Mrs branch Mrs and Mrs S Holmes District directors ire Mrs I mdsa and alternate Mrs I Lambert curator Miss Jean in resolutions Miss M irjorn Hall lonvenors ire education cultural activities Mrs citizenship and world Mrs Cooke icritulture ind anadian Mrs II I indsay I and consumer Mrs PRO Mrs press rtporlcr Mrs C Pickett and luditop Mr md Mrs V Denny I In meeting closed the committee serving lunch Helen Fowler elected president of auxiliary In Mrs tint Irene Shields visited with Legion Ladies Branch 197 in for their lection oflicirs for ltf77 and her Six new mi mix rs initialed into ihe auxiliary On th suk list Maude who is in hospital and Isaac and Ihtm try Mary Daiglt vitt prtsidtn Joan secretary Margaret Dunn treasurer Ann McMillan of arms Joan McKmghl recording secretary tern standard bearer Blanc sports Dins convener sick box Sharon I irk r Mom Hinders Irwin and John Coy wen present letti of officers ind it the of Ihe melting all the girls who served on lasl for help and wh gavi many hours ind said lhir was no In their mind lhal ihls Auxiliary wis to none irgollon EPAToli Plus The Ml New CHAMPAIGNE RABBIT STANDARD SHIR OR AUTOMATIC NO DOWN PAYMENT BANK PLAN FINANCING UP TO 48 EVERY MONDAY BINGO Now held in GEORGETOWN ELKS LODGE Blown Early Bird Garn 30 p Doorj Open 7PM Bingo Starts 8PM 16 Reg Games 3Specal Jackpot 56 Numbers GUARANTEED FREE BUS SERVICE Offer Explret April 30 INCLUDES THESE BONUS FEATURES Carrying Case Shoulder Pad and Film Included AMERA PASSPORT PHOTOS WHILE YOU WAIT 8770411 Next to Golden Fish Chips Georgetown Market On older in incurs visited for raster and flowers and gifts was given lo the liranth and to the ant fund I hi Zone tally is Tuesday April ii in Streiisville Ihere will a bus going at W an hoping for a good lurnwl is social hen tin IJrinch on Saturday jr nwjnail Wforall the worm n have invited all iht zones and en and supper along wiih prizes and lots of fun New officers for are as follows past president 1 president Helen howler vice president THISTLE CUSTODIAL SERVICE Comilr INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL mil RESIDENTIAL CLEANING Own I If l On 8531846 TENNIS ANYONE OPEN HOUSE for present member and anyone Interested in ptoying Tennis FRIDAY APRIL TIME 730 pm at North Halton and Country Club Mapla Ave Trafalgar Georgetown COACH Doug Calrncroa COMMITTEE Renew acquaintances new friends PLANA FUUPLAYINQ SEASON AT A VIBRANT CLUB SANDWICHES AND COFFEE SERVED Fertilize Your Lawn Nowfffi SPRAY YOUR FRUIT TREES IW BEFORE BUDS APPEAR WITH DORMANT SPRAY FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS tl7 853 Ivi ACTONS LEADING FLORIST pi CAROLINE FLOWER GARDEN CENTRE South of CARPET SHACK FACTORY DISPOSAL OUTLET Impossible to pay more FACTORY CLEAROUTSeMHX ENDSREMNANTSFIRST QUALITY LONO IMPERFCCTIONSVWE HAVE IT ALL INCLUDINO EVERYTHINd NEED TO DO IT YOURSELF AND REALLY SAVE CASH CARRY WE HAVE NO ANNEX OF SYERS FLOORING 320 AVE MILTON RIGHT NEXT TO SVERS CARPEtI

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