Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 20, 1977, p. 10

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10 The Acton Free Press Wednesday April HEir WANTED REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Security Personnel Full limeParlTimB Rate S3 per hour emotionally mature BENEFITS Profit sharing plan Free life Scholarship plan lor dap on dan is work Phono collect foi between and and 42omg17 FULL or PART TIME Beauty Consultant required for expanding company Must be pleasant and mature No experience necessary training pro For interview pointmenicall HELEN GODWIN Saturday plus other days as required saddlery knowledge preferred SUMMER no Dr Roofing rvcos EXPERIENCED i dresser full or 703 PART lime Ex PERSON to licensed Georgetowr Apply staling enclose rec box c The CARPENTER of work part t me Mali preferred We 1r 6598 for Apply in on Motors Georgetown FREE Press area Call 853 EMPLOYMENT WANTED INCOME TAX SERVICE Sandra Deforest Acton Milton INCOME TAX TODD ASSOCIATES Joan Todd INCOME TAX PREPABATION RON NEWELL Milton Acton 3423 43 EMPLOYMENT WANTED INCOME TAX Specializing in farm trucking and small businesses Reasonable rates Call HOUSEWORK done at reason able rales have own frans port at ion tilling for gar 54 SHEET METAL work furnace central air conditioning power humidifier dehurnld liter electric air cleaners basement alterations Call 853 GARDEN plowing and roto tilling lobs Bill 2586 WILL DO lypl g In PERSON willing to make women and children clolh and do alterations Call 31367 DO SOMETHING new phone Limited 453 Brampton to p STEADY babysitting available long weekends and some nights Call BABYSITTER wanted mature person work Coll 3118 IIMIIUMM HORSES boarded and pasture Call 854 alter 5pm TRI CHEM Liquid embroidery new spring catalogues crofts regular paint price until May 1st Marlon Irwin 878 CAMPING EQUIPMENT COLEMAN camp stove burner used twice evenings FT TRAVEL trailer fridge oven si toilet nacc SI ONE Holiday Trailer ft toilet and furnace way fridge and stove electric brakes owning Asking Call 3119 CAMPING equipment primus LOST spayed female Well In collar MORTGAGE FUNDING Homes Farms Equipment Commercial Construction Bridge Loans Major Purchases Debt Consolidation Call for an appointment to discuss requirements Fast courteous service MORTGAGES PURCHASED AND ARRANGED 8772679 CALL ANYTIME WEEKENDS INCLUDED AUCTION SALE FOR BERT SCOTT lobe hold at the 1 Mill Sulci East in ACTON on WED EVENING APRIL 27 AT PM FURNITURE Oak na Cab nut round ends straight dour MISCELLANEOUS Stamford crock China Silver dsh magaine rick Silver basket Green Pink Nippon creamer El siucor other gloss and china The above arc Ion a in good condition from pi ly formerly Lmiuhousu Ural TERMS C or Cheque D bio MAX STOREY ROCKWOOD AUCTIONEER ALREGIS AUCTION SALE for MR HOWARD ORAM LOT ESDUESING TOWNSHIP I milo Sat April at AM sharp material Horse Garden Household Pool slides and diving board 2 sow of toeing homo blankets halters hobbles bales of straw lout bowls sir ng of bolls 30 shoots of H D 12 cedar Is quantity of used cedar posts for above ground swimming pool 1 child sand I adults soddlo lounge chairs Hauling fountains desk furnrtuie tile audio lights Alouolio HP pool accessories snow skis wooden cupboard ft dropped coil ng tilo with T bars Up garden tractor wood and coal stove hospital bod hand saw hand drill fluorescent lights Mo Pod motor cycle brorfor HP riding mower mantel clock Viking comb nation record layer lawn roller minor Bug cuckoo clock grinder photocopier duplicator stored folding choirs tables 10 speed whoel borrows shovels forks small hardware- table player articles loo numerous to mention Black slondntdbrod gelding hands known as no Spencer Sell ng by number CASHorchoquowrthl Lunch on promises ALFRED SPENCE AUCTIONEER GEORGETOWN iwiiujiimiia AUCTION SALE FOR ALLAN to bo hold ha widened on lit Lino of ERIN TOWNSHIP situated miles wosl of Acton From Acton go on No 7 to 1st corner Tracks for SAT APRIL 23 AT 10 AM ANTIQUE CARS PARTS1915 Chalmors passenger louring tunning Only on known Special origin I running Chov sedan Ford Coupe VB Pontiac Sedan 30 mles Perfect Interior 1948 Studobokor Champion sodan- C Studebaker Champion sedan Lincoln ICoprrl 1951 Plymouth Sodan 1951 1953 parts car Ponliac Sodon parts to 1954 Hud sons 1954 Bulck Century H Olds Air Con Olds parts car 1958 Limited Convertible s Briscoe purls parts Olds Station Wagon 1965 Chov Fondots CONSTRUCTION Sitvnrodo P up Duals Auto PS son tap loader Cat good order 1970 J 450 way lobult engine 19G01nt TD9 loader rebuilt Jeep pickup ton 4 speed low truck C 196GGML960 single dump Float 15 ton cap air 1965 Stuoil car corner 1963 1 ton pickup snow plow tandem car C tractor 426 RECREATION EQUIPMENT Dodge School Bus Homo Ivtng flush Tra lei ppod Woods tonl fibugloss 3 p nuw furrow 12 bottoms ANTIQUES Pino A Cash in plow 1930s Rogers mantel radio Rogers I modul rod 1940s record 12 toy trucks 1930 48 ra Iway lamps IS gal cast iron soap kettle cast ron school lull mlilory riles only fan drum records bottles copper drawer P no Maple China Cabinet gljss 3 sides Luge pine church doors glared 21 HOUSEHOLD Snowbird ft range RCA color TV In ilung clothes dryer TERMS cash or cheque with I D MAX STOREY Auctioneer AUCTION SALE WED EVENING APRIL AlGPM out of local Kilbride I plus added add lions TO BE SOLD IN MILTON at fairgrounds in THE AGRICULTURAL HALL on Robert Street SALE CONSISTING of Household Fur appliances lawn garden and hand gloss china and suit walnut starred onions on rubli plus bedroom met queen sue plus headboard plus 3 4 and 6 drawer d I pa ml Hi girls mom 2 while drjwor fold away bids ant castors double matlross and spring knotty no bookcase 2 red kilchun tab plus 4 chairs platform r and hassocks chrome upright racks table limps of drapes I etc walnut buffet fern tension table mahogany bullet with bevelled mahogany sideboard with minor walnut serve with mirror Art Nouvoau oak with plate glass mirror oak bow front APPLIANCES Largo upright Korin ore green automate washer and dryur Cold spot refrigerator NOTE All n now TOOLS GLASS CHINA ETC Workbtich aluminum rololillor Yardman 21 reel power liwn mower like oil or power lawn mowers Alias woodworking lathe with wng bod plus mil attachments press old hind tummy wood with 1 bit set Ivur goblets nnor sotting for other good gloss and no screen assortmonl good lawn and girdon blow torches rolls of garden lei luggage lamp n and washbowl sot Carnrvatvaso crock For baseball tans BASEBALL truck for homo run by ROGERS at Chicago Juno Plus other items not listed TERMSorocashorchoquowlhl Lunchavo lablo PREVIEW Horn 4 clock day of sate Owner Hollboard responsible lor accidents REMARKS LadiosondgemlomonalmorchondisooulolthoKibrido homo is in lion and is well The is sold and owner is ng to Toronto Possession given lor end SCHOUTEN AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE Every Tuesday evening Jim at Stanley Pork Pavilion Erin Ontario Featuring funiluro glass china tamps crockery primitives clocks ports etc Lunch lablo I hour before solo Terms cash or identified AUCTIONEER DAN BAILEY GUELPH FARM wanted or small hone operation by professional couple within commuting distance Guelph Lease re quired phono 7 pm 11MJ PROFESSIONAL man wishes renl or share rent for duplex or country homo or ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE to bu hold Monday Eve F Ha I on Strom in Silo cons of Limps Br bnr with I MAX STOREY BEDROOM child Good references Reply to Box Acton Free Press Aclon INDUSTRIAL motelv loot suit work shop warehouse wholesale outlet On near Lob laws Utilities Included Available May 1st Rezone land Highway 25 tracks A piece of land In Acton bounded by Street North Scene Street and the railroad tracks may be re- zoned residential from in if the OMB agrees with a council decision Monday night Toll owner of a lot FOR OR SALE COUNTRY house semi mile from Ado Available May monthly FOUR bedroom arm house Aclon with privilege of using land for gardening etc Avail able June 1 References a must Or 416 SLK HALL lor rent contact Rick at or 1 3905 after p bedroom bungalow with large backyard month fridge and stove In eluded Utilities extra Avail able May 1 451 31335 ROOMS BOARD AVAILABLE and Board available for person willing to share Call 124 IS APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENTS In Aclon land 2 bedroom appliances and utilities no pels Call or THREE bedroom eluded Adults only No Pels 30773 BEDROOM In October 31 monthly utilities Included Call 853 or 877 3135 ONE lablc 1st apartment Call 31364 ENTAvaliabienow rooms and complete bath room self contained fridge stove and hydro In eluded Phono on Main Street near Scene Street returned to Hal ton Hills planning board asking if any action had been taken on his four year battle for a permit to build a house Planner Mario Vendltti ex plained Mr Toll had bought the lot In 1973 and had it approved for a single family home but the OMB turned it down as spot rezoning Vcndiltl said the only way out of Mr Tofts dilemma was to the whole piece or land He said he would still recommend it stay industrial if only the single lot was con Councillor Roy Booth pointed out council had already approved a possible rezoning across the street for a sizeable residential development Councillor Duby pointed out there are houses on both sides of the lot and or residences on both sides of Highway He said the industrial park is north of Wallace Street He pointed out the houses were in a resi zone until the zoning was changed One lot frozen industrial between two homes is ridiculous he said He explained the land had been a vacant lot with high weeds and an old trailer on it before Mr Toft bought it Councillor Pat said he had called the owner of four or five acres behind this piece of land and was told he would have no ob jection to the of the land We had a problem and assured Mr Toft when he bought the land it would be re zoned It was a gentlemans agreement He said the people in the area would be delighted to have the land zoned resi dential Mr Toft said residents had petitioned to have it re- zoned residential since they arc hampered in selling or adding an addition to their homes He said the land was residential for at least years prior to the industrial zoning He claimed there was only four acres involved and Duby claimed there was a massive industrial area in Acton and said this piece was nol needed He said heavy in dustry snould be down near the pollution control plant He reminded council a house in a non conforming area cannot be rebuilt if destroyed I don t think I live to see that piece of land developed in dustrially Council Monday night passed the planning board recommendation Plan fun and games for summer months Several special days are planned for the Acton and Georgetown public libraries this summer Summer story time will be held in July and August at both libraries This Is open lo youngsters three to six years of age and registration is not necessary Story time will be held at Aclon library every Wednesday from 1 lo 2 and at Georgetown every Tuesday and Thursday from Iwo to three p m Another all summer event is the Summer Heading Club open for children seven to and is also offered at both libraries Twelve books must be read and reported on during the summer months with prizes being awarded such as bookmarks colouring sheets posters buttons and certificates This is pre regis All age groups are welcomed to attend the puppet shows in both Acton and Georgetown on July and August two p Kite making lessons will be held for youngsters eight to 14 at the library on July at two m and in George town on July 15 the same time All materials except string ore provided and pre registration is necessary A lesson in puppet making will be held in Acton on July 27 at two p m and in George town on July for children ages eight to Pre registration is also necessary for this ACTON VOLUNTEER Firefighters were summoned to a fire a manure pile on the property of Sinclair Lot 10 Con 2 Erin Township on Sunday Church Services PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rev Andrew H A Mimstor Mr E A Hanson A and Choir Master Sunday April 24 m Minister Con I ClajS lor Withdrawn a no Worsh p and Spring Communion Homily on Tho Broaking of Broad Tod and babes cared for in nursery during co 11 a m Church School lor Nursery Everyone Welcome EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 33CHURCHILL ROAD NORTH PASTORS Rev Mr Frank Pair B53 9 Christian Education Hour 1100AM me Worship 700PM EvenirmSorvic0 TUESDAY m Bible Study THURSDAY Young Peoples UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA TRINITY CHURCH ACTON Rev Beaton A George Elliott MA Director of Music Sunday April 24 1977 Morning Worship Baby Fold and Toddlar Com Sunday School Everyone Welcome ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Mill Street East Founded 1542 Pastor Rev Dos Sydney M Pastor Phono853 1B35 30 ACTION Club THURSDAY Choir Practice 30pm Young Peoples Sunday April 1977 Sunday School and Class a Morning Worship- W M Sunday Mas Leo Missionary from Ham lion Tuesday April 2G Boptist men and son banquet In Brampton CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Churchill Rd N Minister Rev J L B A and Mrs Eleanor Me Fad don Sunday April 1977 Worship and Chutch School Tho church on hill an Inier denominational cong rogation mm latering the needs of the community Everyone Welcome BAHAI The Baho I Faith Is spiritual light of this ago Through lha forth the refreshing brooios of love re now hi mankind God is source thb refreshing lovo Tho on God of lha entire human race and of all religions If you would like mora information or would like to a fireside phone or wtHo Box Georgetown BETHEL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Sunday April 24 1977 Sunday Worship Sotvlces at 10 am and Preschool Sun day School during the morning service Sunday School morn ng service You are welcome Church of the Back toGod Hour heard over these stations Hem iltonC O C am dial 1150 St Catharines S 30 a m dial 1220 Toronto C I BOO am dial MHZ Toronto am daU430 Commission Phase out rental of heaters THE CHURCH OF ST MARTYR 1872Anglcon1977 Willow and St Albans Rov Leonard of Music Mrs Frank Sunday April 24 J am Hoty Eucharist Tuesday 15 p Jr Confirmation Class 7 30 p m Adult Confirmation MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday April 24 Sunday School HsarDi ES Kerr In to rim Pastor The of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada Wo Corel Water heater rentals once again came into at the Hydro Electric Commission meeting Thursday morning Commissioner Hob Arthur pointed out that it costs a year to but if a service call is needed which is free commission has lopa in parts and labor Mayor Tom Hill pointed out to Mr that the commission is a public vice and that was something the group just had to absorb Mr argued that a mechanic is per forming a public service also but he does not give free service Mr Hill stuck by his original stand however and pointed out the mechanic is independent whereas Ihe hydro commission is not Mr McArthur said there is no reason why someone who does not have any water cannot watt until Monday if the problem arises on Ihe weekend Chairman pointed out that if the sewers backed up on Friday evening the region was notified and said repairs would have to wait until Monday morning there would be quite a few angry people He said this also was a public service one which people fixed right away if something goes wrong Secretary treasurer Audrey and Mr Hill agreed the best thing to do would be to phase water heater rentals as Ontario Hydro had previously suggested The commissioners decided to discuss Ihe matter later in the year Mrs had explained that rentals would have to continue at least until the end of this year as hydro rates were on the in come of rental fees

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