Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 27, 1977, p. 17

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Churchill Paper drive showers keep residents busy Joanne Turner The April meeting of the Churchill CCCW held at the home of Mrs J Turner Wednesday April started with a dessert lunch President Mrs Storey was in charge The devotions led by Mrs Frank Thompson centred around the trip to Emma us and Jesus Revelation of Himself to His Disciples Business under discussion was the for Incoming paper and the painting of the church kit A painting bee was organized Last month project a Bake Sale raised just over Mrs gave a reading entitled Gladness and Mrs Eleanor Thompson led a of brain teasing contests The meeting closed with the benediction Paper drive The Spring paper sponsored by the will be held May and next Monday Tuesday and Wednesday Newspapers tied securely in bundles also magazines and cardboard bundled separately may be brought to the storage shed at Norm Turner s precast yard Showers High school girl friends held a miscellaneous shower on Sunday afternoon for Susan who is to be married next month Hostesses were and Sharon and the shower was held at the home Neighboun on the second line held a shower on Saturday evening in Churchill community church school room for George McPhail and Valerie Mitchell who are to be married in the near future Some lovely gifts were received and a friendly social time enjoyed by all Grin District High school band and choir participated in a mass band choir concert held in Guelph last Wed nesday Students spent a busy day in practicing for the evening event music supervisor Dave Davidson conducted the mass band and choir in an inspiring rendition of Jesu Joy of Man s Desiring Several from this area attended the con cert Limehouse The Acton Free Press Wednesday April 1977 Scout Cub auction raises funds for hall bowling Ospringe 200 people show up at roast beef dinner by Doris The final meeting of the Lazy Loungers was held at the home of the leader Mrs Glen Jackson when eight girls prepared for their Achievement Day exercises to be held next Saturday April at Their Sleeping Garments mas and nightgowns they made been sent to the County Home Economist for evaluation Mr and Mrs Gordon Howes are baby silting this week Six month old Amy of Toronto is keeping her grandparent happily occupied while her parents are enjoying a vacation Nice riin Did I say I wish it would Huh We pray for rain to nuke the grass grow so we can gel the lawn mower out so we can cut the grass Well it was a nice rain and despite the general feeling of dampness there were around people came to enjoy the hot beef supper Saturday evening at Knox byttnan Church That was less than usual but the supper was just as good Visitors with Mr and Mrs Ernest Wynne and family last Sunday were Mrs Wynnes mother Mrs Maurice Liberty of Scarborough Mr and Mrs Maurice and three children James Liberty and son Jeff iberty and Silverwood oil of Tropin Congratulations are tended to Gaius Gilbert who wis presented with a trophy night for the best mnovicc goal tender in the Erin House League Gams is a very dedicated player and hopes to be a big league goal tender day Mr and Mrs Vernon Ste wart attended the Toronto Livestock Exchange Con vention on in the Sky line Hotel A retirement parly and banquet was held in the evening in honour of Fred Campbell the general man of the stock yards Mr ampbcll is a brother of Mrs Allen Walma father George Campbell of duration week Some special events were held at Ospringe school Education Week Tuesday was Open House There were speeches numbers by the choir and musical numbers presented in the gym the back wall of which had played on it the work of all the grades There were many articles of interest on display also handwork and pioneer projects A slide presentation on Ireland wis given by Mrs Ken Graham It was most interesting After the presentation in the gym the classrooms were open to the public A good number of parents were present The parents visited the school on Wednesday and Ihursday to view the classes while they were being I he staff the interest shown by the pur On Tuesday morning trin District High School sent two gym instructors and number of students whose delighted the pupils The highlight was when the Ospringe pupils could also take part efforts of the rm mstructors were very well received On Wednesday Mrs Iambdui showed slides on New Zealand to the pupils Mrs entary gave the pupilsatot to think about It was in ex afternoons program 1 hursday afternoon Ken and his assistant Industrial Arts teacher made fine presentation of work done in their classes and that of other US Industrial The pupils of grades i ind were thrilled with the motors projects made by the high school students I- the staff members of were at a meeting at and Elora in the morning for their Profess lonal Development day and back to Ospringe for the afternoon All reported ex cedent speakers at both places S DEBBIE KOPSCHINbKY gels ready to put her culinary expertise to the test She was part of a cooking and sewing display at School s open house last Wednesday OPP nab Erin pair Ontario Provincial Police I hi pur in l il one arrested two men in old ire lion with i recent mil lot lints of 1- nn enter it the is I an and in widi mil or the third wis issued for third irold bvMrs A Hen ton Birthday greetings to M- K Lindsay aged who wis honored by family and friends numbering about fifty a dinner it Lime house Presbyterian Church on April 16 Mr Harvey Norton had a week holiday at Clearwater Honda recently The 1 red Brooks family attended the funeral of his sister in law Mrs William Brooks of Hastings at Nor wood on April 15 E is doing well following removal of a cataract some ten days ago in SI Michael Hospital in The Scouts and Cubs and flea market it I is well attended quilt in un pleisant weather I in showed slides and spoke of the where he was resident Presbyterian minister for two terms before his present charge it ind Union an Mrs J Benton and Mrs the piano mil for hymns and Mrs Kenton Hook for Iwo much ippreeiated vocil solos She extended testes thankint Mac for his splendid due entertainment mil the others who I to the meeting Borrow pronounced the Benediction and all enjoyed a tasty dessert and visit Last Saturday the Lime house Group Committee held a tremendously successful auction sale in Memorial Hall It began at 10 a m and continued until approximately p m In spite of the rain a rather large crowd showed up While the men were auctioning the ladies were holding a bake sale and manning a refresh ment stand which were also on outstanding success A food hamper was also given A special thank you to David Mullins of Limehouse for organizing the event and contributing a tremendous amount of time to ensure its success A thank you goes also to Pcle Wilson and Dick Hock for being coorganizers Peter and Jimmy for volunteering their lime as the Cub and Seoul parents for their help with publicity food and time all Ihe area SUPER SAVINGS FOR THE MINI MAC 35 AUTO SHARP AND OTHER McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS PRICED FROM VISIT PETTYS GARAGE 8569571 Slate of officers Mary The Women Institute held their Hi an birthday party it Hall on March with 16 tables of euchre Ladies prizes first Mrs Mane Murray second Mrs W Norton Men s prizes first John Wilson second Mr E Miller the door prize went to Miss the birthday flowers to Mrs There wos also a very successful bake sale Women lnsti lute annual meeting was held on April 14 at Ihe home of Mrs II Marching ton with 17 members and three visitors present The roll call was payment offers The minutes were read and approved Mrs 1 our dent welcomed our visitors meeting Two delegates were chosen to attend the Women Institute an to be held on July Dog saves The barking and nudging of a Labrador saved the lives of its owners while fire swept through their Milton home during the night a week ago Sunday David and his wife were awakened by their dog Dillon before they could be trapped by flames I don t want you to exaggerate this Mr said but the dog saved our lives He a hero Once outside the couple went to neighbors to phone firefighters Dillon is residing in a Georgetown kennel while the home Is repaired at Bingham Park Lodge Kitchener I- lections The years reports were read by the conveners of the standing committees The nominating committee gave i reportondMrs Geo Ironside installed the officers for 78 Past president Mrs G Ironside president Mrs Lindsay first vice president Mrs second vice president Mrs Clare Wilson secretary treasurer Mrs I district director Mrs Ironside alternate Mrs L branch directors Mrs Apple yard and Mrs D Williamson public relations Mrs L pianist Mrs L Davi son curator Mrs Mar auditors Mrs Miller and Mrs William son Standing committees agriculture and Canadian Mrs C education and cultural Mrs Wilson and Mrs Campbell citizenship and world affairs Mrs G Iron side family and consumer affairs Mrs and Mrs Burt social commit lee Mrs D Lindsay Mrs II and Mrs D Wil llamson courtesy Mrs and Mrs E fruit and flowers Mrs It Lindauer The meeting closed with a social half hour At manor Women lute along with Limehouse and Institutes gave an April birthday party Centennial Manor on April 21 which was much enjoyed April AB SUPERMARKET 9 Mill St East Acton 8530650 Touimr QUANTTTOB Kraft CANADIAN CHEESE SLICES Sealtest 3Qt Bag or Jug 2 MILK Grade A medium Fresh EGGS Nestles 2 Lb Tin Chocolate QUIK Carnival 10 Tin Plus Deposit 135 Doz Savn44 MANDARIN 0RANGES31 Jar GARLIC DILL PICKLES 69 Hi C Tin Save33 FRUIT DRINKS 2 89 LOIN PORK CHOPS 19 J CHOPS JUS CHOPS COOK HAM Maple Loaf Cut SP COTTAGE ROLLS Maple Leal I lb Tins HAMS Heinz 19oz SPAGHETTI In Tomato 289 Heinz Regular Strained BABY FOOD UU Schwartz- Oz Jar PEANUT BUTTER 1280 Tin VEGETABLE OIL 79 30 SAUSAGE US No I Bog NEW CARROTS U S No 1 Size s LETTUCE Ont Fancy 31b Bag MclNTOSH APPLES 39 89 and some of the surrounding areas for contributing to and attending the sale Your needed support is ap preciated more than we possibly say The proceeds from this auction sale are to be used in the continuing renovations of our lovely old stone Scout Hut This Saturday the Limehouse Cubs and Scouts will be planting trees at Waterfalls Park and following that the Scouts will be having their bottle drive After the first week of the threeweek total ptnfall ploy off series the standings are as follows Dynamites J 508 Four Corners Guelphites Mustangs 362 Car Popeye The Happy Gang t Optimists i 19B Plus One 161 pulled out front with a very excellent third ami of 129H The bottom two teams the Op timists Plus One were handicapped with only live bowlers present Spares are not eligible to bawl during the playoffs CARPET CORNER 11 MAIN ST NORTH- ACTON 8533620 You Headquarters in Halton Hills for CARPETING CUSHION FLOORING DRAPERIES CERAMIC TILES SHAMPOO or Nor ml New Richer Thicker RAPID SHAVE WILKINSON BONDED BLADES PACKAGE OF FIVE For All Your Prescription Needs Visit Glenlea Drug Mart ORANGE or CHERRY r VASELINE Intensive Care Bath Beads Flicker ladies SAFETY SHAVER with 5 BLADES A For all of a AM Mothers Day Sunday May 8th GIFTS CARDS WRAPS glenlea drug mart Queen St E Acton

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