Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 27, 1977, p. 23

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Transport minister says Press Wednesday April 1977 B11 Ont needs majority government Vet wreaths concern member The greatest help the economy of Ontario could receive in the next provincial election is the return of a majority Progressive Con government Mini of Transport and Com lent ions Jim Snow told members of the Ha It on Burlington PC at their annual meeting at the Hornby Towers Golf Club Friday This statement reversed previous statements that minority government in Ontario is working It this lack of confidence in our government which Is causing the problems he said That why we have high unemployment and high inflation Our neighbors to the south are backing out want a stable Online govern At a lime when a separatist government his power in Quebec and when other socialist parlies ire in other provinces there is even a greater need for a PC government in Ontario he added Bill Kcmpling MP for agreed with Mr Snow on this point Contrary to popular belief minority government is not good for the people Mr said It difficult to administer in minority position bee the mm have to be in parlnment Picking up on this liter the provincial candidate for Burlington George The problem with a minority government is that the ministers have to spend all their time in the house working on staying in government In majont government Mr ivis his senior min isters could spend their time solving the economic pro blems and with to resolve the situation in Quebec he exphined Although the purpose of the annual meeting was to elect new executive for the riding along with providing a start point for Mr cum paign it was Mr Snow who stole the show ith his off the cuff speech which hinted at a possible election LOOKS LIKE a pretty good likeness George Members of the Halton Burlington Progressive Conservative Association congratulate the candidate George Gray on his choice of posters as they prepare for a possible June election Mr Snow warmed up the audience by telling them an election could be provoked if the liberals and New Democratic Parly members ganged up igainst the governments proposed Control Bill 1 he premier has not said whether it would show or not if ihe bill is Mr sud Hut it is an important bill to be on Mr Snow that the bill wouhl relun the rent controls until December at a rite or eight per cent Ik added that tenants could request i rent review it in rate the I iberals however he said both want the increase to be six per cent The have staled the eight per cent figure is totally iblc leaving the election issue in the of the I iber lis said Mr Snow Mr Snow felt both the building owners and tenants could live with an eight per cent maximum while a six per cent maximum would create three to four times as cases and up the rental reviews Mr Snow could not predict a June election the campaign managers for Mr ray announced that lhe were proceeding under the assumption there would be If an election should not be called on our target dale then we may look dumb but we be prepared said campaign maniger 1rank Wilson However if it is called and we re ready we look dumb and In contrast to Mr Snow s off the cuff speech Mr re id from prepared text and beforehand for hiving to squint at his copy bee of inadequate lighting in the room Sensing the time w is right Members of the executive are second vice president Bob Reed past president Fran Barnes first vice president John MacArthur president Eric Gudgeon George Gray secretary Irene Saunders and treasurer Dunn Crav 1 believe the time is fast when if the Ontario opposition parties do cause the to fall should the interests of go lo the people of ask for a majority m indite in order to provide op position to tin lihcril government in iw i to provide i stronj live to deal with the socnlisl J of Quebec 11 w is tin in Quebec mi Die lack of the federal 1 ih it Mr lashed out it in his speech I follow me the Quebec that thur would be to use success lis Critical of gravel report Horner welcome Philbrook says Jack Horner the 19 year veteran Tory will be welcome Liberal MPs as long as he can feel com fortable in the ibcral party and with the views it reprc sents MP Frank Phil brook recently Mr Philbrook was questioned on the matter after Mr Horner crossed the floor ind joined the Liberal there was no doubt concerning Horner s ability ind his IJ in MP makes him a in Horner told the House of Commons he fell he could represent the west and specific illy in the cabinet and make a strong contribution to national unity Spring dance attracts The sive held a spring dance at ill that attracted more than 100 Music was supplied by Harry Discotheque of Acton running from rock to square dances with Max Storey doing the calling Among those present were M and Mrs Bill Kcmpling Bob Jones president of the new Hiding Hon Councillor Brad and Mrs Clements Councillor Buss and Mrs Powadiuk and Mr and Mrs George Gray Mr Gray is contesting Ihe next provincial election Dr Ben Young one of the senior Progressive Conservatives in was also present Association president Ken Murray assisted by his wife Doll and their daughter Mrs Marilyn second vicepresident welcomed the crowd with Mr and Mrs Roy Wood first vice president It was good to see a truly grass roots at so many newcomers display so much vigor and enjoyment Mrs Maurice Newton one of the members reported Colored ice Ice is out of the irena now It was outside and dumped in red white and blue mounds by the side of the building P lint gave the ice the weird look Time will tell whether the deal is acceptable on that basis The big question is whether he can truly feci home The higher have looked pretty carefully at that seem satisfied said Horner was i candidate for the PC last year He has a reputation as being to the right of Ihe political spectrum because of that his defection to the I party came as a surprise to a lot of people Pleased with map directory The of Commerce were very pleased with the success of the first pubhcition of their local map and directory to secretary Betty I Mrs the chamber is hoping for i second publication in Ihe near future George of the Ontario il tie Working Wright I lbcril andi date for Wellington Petl were spc i recent meeting of ihi of it limer in Mr Jcwttt lined the policy that is rccom mended for Ontario the Working 1 art I Ins is to existing I ils Act of Mr representing the JDIHKI member Hon for Acgrcgitc no re to scrip the He did however sugces i number of w improving it trilled Mr Wright was must of The Workmt report in the following ire is He per ton gruel is not sufficient for rchabilition purposes would be more to the point pits should be 10 years not Hi Truck luhgc should not be encouraged but discouragcdoverrail or lhc Act should be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the nvironmcnt lhc Department of Mines should be back up support to industry their origin il reason for being in existence Mr Wright con eluded it wis tot illy to tike the decision miking process out of el pits hinds it the 1 mints II township w ml business I Ins is irly so since Working lliimsehe dispelled the bit there is of enel the of would told to ex their shin Jit acres After Mr we lis Mr Wright statements urns were l ikon from the floor Mr of the Work me I ehillinjcd Mr Wright sugLestn that I port is in stink where as the I report w is soci sink Mr Ho if I kept lhc Working I honest Mr suLciskd one or two us members nut of fourteen were loo eiHd odds However he eon presence did show through here Hun Mr went on to a thit it v is the public it lorceel the eminent to forw ml the origin il Wright re id i si from the Mini of Natural Hornier confirming this in Wrights opinion it wis the public i second look However it s the industry will benefit if this through iccordiiif to Mr Wright he hour of discussion the meeting close with the quests We build dREAM HOMES ANywhERE May 1st is the deadline for applications nail CLIFFOHD BROWN GEORGE ST in country Wo I Italy cam homo you boon look for Hall day 9 catalogs over models rung ng to luminous homos Why a Hull day Id Contractor Thoro ihroo good masons 1 Quol Hall on lor uilng grade motor all throughout ovary homo Id And wo lo ng that roputnt on high workmanship Hall day Bit Id Contractor wo con you a rango of cult design on and mortgage ass Hoi I to become on author rod Halliday Id Contractor we hod to prove that had Hall day aaiact Wo bock wo bu Id and of Hall day Homo reipoc tod In haul 1888 Lot gel together and lalk about your dream home Hollidoy Dealer HOMES DISPLAY COURT Avenue lltirhtikton HONDA FEATURING AS STANDARD EQUIPMENT UP TO MILES PER GALLON MOT 00 Fully Equippod till April 19771 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE A OR CHOICE OF ANYONE CHOICE OF ANY TWO A In Sedan Back St Wagon Accord and CVCC 5 Speed Auto Tram Optional Extra Colour Metallic on No Extra Charge OLYMPIC AUTO SALES springboard and reason for the people to effect tion he said It appears now however that their strategy Is to proceed post haste to create an environ in which to hold their referendum He criticized the federal government for reneging on their campaign promise to provide funds for rapid sit development in Ontario while at the some time drop ping 1 billion in I DA last year for projects such as dis patching a load of bulk grain to a port in Ghana which had no bulk grain unloading facilities and had to be returned to Canada Mr Gray felt confident that with hard work from his sup porters he could unseat the I ibcral incumbent Julian Heed in the next election The riding was only lost by GO voles he said Al that time the Gallup polls did not show the per cent party popularity in Ontario that we now enjoy Mr Davis did not have the per cent lanty which he now has com pared incidentally to Mr s incredibly low per cent In outlining a campaign pi itform Mr Gray said he would pursue the location of new industries in the construction of new senior citizen homes in Georgetown endorse the Hills resolution which died for construction of licensed nursing homes and support the development of multiple landfill sites as- opposed to the land fill site at bite I The fin pirt of the meet inc dealt with the election of new officers Elected by were president trie dudgeon first vice- president John MacArthur second vice president Bob Heed Irene and isurcr Al Dunn 1 lie new area directors elected at other meei tngs were announced at the Representing Acton is Itert llurhnglon lane Georgetown I md Milton Mel helps Grit Feds change date 1 he I il switched for lis ilion to May 4 from April Members will choose iheir tie tie in the Holiday Inn on 1 Road during the p meeting sitling member I rink is the only declared speaker will be Tony minister consumer and corporate iff On Tuesday April 12 Jack Johnson MPP Wellington Peel the matter of memorial wreaths purchased every year by the Ministry of Government services from etc raft in dustrics which employs dis a bled veterans Mr Johnson had earlier been told by friends and members of the Royal dian Legion in Wellington Peel that the government was considering letting the contract for memorial wreaths out to tender Mr Johnson noted that in most cases this is the only fair way to let contracts However where people who have fought for our country are concerned the govern is duty bound to that they continue to supply memorial wreaths The question raised in the house by Mr Johnson was lo the Minister of Government services the Honorable John Smith Mr Johnson asked as to whether or not the minister intended lo let the contract out for tender 80000 work awaits Kelso Close to worth of improvements and development work will be undertaken at Kelso Con solvation Area by the Halton Region Conservation Area Natural Resources Minister Frank Miller has an These general im will include fencing gales landscaping beach and turf development ind reservoir bank erosion control Habitat improvements will include fish stocking and utilities improvements will include the msUillation of facilities completion of area workshop ind improvements lo the Archie Service Building Planned construction projects include picnic tables signs playground facilities roads and parking lot 836O640 Choose It TILDEN ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS replied that he would do so and also inform the Legion how much the government appreciated what the wreaths and the Legion stood for The minister replied that he Mr Johnson commented had no intention of asking outside the house that he had for other tenders or other been surprised that anyone suppliers would ever consider depnv ing Industries of the As a supplementary ques contract I was sure that It Jack asked the minister was just a rumor but had to if he would consider be certain It would be totally informing the Ontario com unacceptable to me to have mand of the Royal Canadian the contract tendered out and I that the Ontario have these good men lose Government will continue to their jobs Also the wreaths wreaths directly would lose their meaning on without lender from Vcttraft Day if they Industries The minister were marie elsewhere Missed Your Free Press Please Let Us Know Our carriers do their best to give fast courteous service but mistakes do happen so If you do not receive your paper or have any complaints regarding delivery please call our office 8532010 to select Actons CITIZEN of the YEAR FOR as of the year 1977 The following are my reasons for nomination Mail Your Entries To The Acton Chamber of Commerce Box 415 Acton Ontario -NOTICE- RE- REGIONAL GOVERNMENT BILL TOWN OF HILLS The Council of the Town of Halton Hills will receive written submissions from the public or any individual group regarding Regional Government as it affects the Town of Halton Hills A special committee of council will review these submissions for possible revisions to Bill 151 IMPORTANT Tha date for receiving written submissions has been extended from April to May 16 Address to Re BUI Mr G D Pntchard ClerkAdministrator Town of Halton Hills 36 Main Street South Georgetown Ont

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