Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 27, 1977, p. 4

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Tha Acton Press Wednesday April 27 1977 Editorial We want Acton back The deadline for sending written submissions on regional govern to Halton Hills council has been extended so more people can gather their thoughts and prepare something The Actomans for Action com mittee is working on its brief only getting copies of Bill the bill which set up regional government here this Tuesday We have heard of one Acton man and one man who are planning to send in submissions Another Acton group is considering it All these reports needless to say will speak out against regional government It is to be hoped even more groups and people will take the opportunity to send in reports no matter how brief Certainly unhappiness with regional government has been widely evident here In the main it is a feeling of loss of identity rather than a surety of increased costs and taxes Putting this kind of feeling on paper is not easy We wish we had Acton back again hardly the words of a formal submission But there it is In step with province Our tongue in cheek article about Daylight Saving Time in last weeks paper caused somewhat of a hooha and were sorry Despite the fact council did not pass the usual proclamation Acton will keep right in step with the rest of the province When other clocks go ahead an hour ours do too A close reading of the article reveals that we were reporting the fact council had not passed the proclamation Only those who are late for church Sunday morning will know they shouldve changed clocks one hour ahead it stated We wanted to keep our own identity but being an hour behind Spring sprouts Mam streets are getting a spring cleaning Workmen are using brooms as well as the road cleaning machine to get up all the dirt and debris the rest of Ontario is obviously no way to go a bout it Misses planes and buses our councillors an hour late at meetings people arriving at shows after the plot is an hour advanced school trips can celled out by waiting guides late night birth and death registration in legal doubt It just wouldnt be worth it even though everyone would begin to realize we were from Acton in Halton Hills Hope you all conformed and turned your clocks ahead on Satur day night We believe the government is right in proposing gun controls We believe the government is right in banning pornographic issues of magazines We believe the govern ment is right in tapping phones to help catch criminals After all it s spring and you can t complain ALL the time The wildfowl at the lake seem to have weathered the winter well There was no shelter for them this year but water was kept open for them Perhaps at last we have found the solution to the birds and winter OUR READERS WRITE Actons Fairy Lake Weston M9R Ontario April I bought myself a trailer in the Breezes Trailer park on Fairy Lake and believe me am I glad I did I think that It is a terrific place to relax I have lived in the trailer each weekend and I have seen the lake and the surrounding countryside in all her moods and my wife and I really enjoy it Acton a lovely little place to shop and browse around I thought I would write this little poem about It I hope you find it good enough to put in your paper I have recently Immigrated from Glasgow Scotland I remain Yours respectfully John sun in all His glory Shines on Fairy Lake And through the trailer windows Making sure we re all awake The swans glide slowly on the lake Their regal heads held high The raucous honk of flying geese Echoes loud as they go by Trailer owners stretch and yawn Deck chairs soon appear Lying stretched out in the sun By their side a box of beer Rich man poor man kindred spirits Living close to nature With God creations all around Who knows about the future If man can live contented As close as Trailer living Perhaps in Actons Fairy Lake We ve found our earthly heaven Need another residence Dear Editor At a recent meeting of the Executive of the North Association for the Mentally Retarded the need for further services for the profoundly retarded and handicapped was discussed As a result of this discussion it was decided that the Association should further explore area needs in this regard The purpose of this letter is to solicit information specifically on Any people from North Halton presently receiving these services outside the area Any people presently within North Halton requiring this service now or In the future Any North people now on a waiting list for area services such as who are anticipating a lengthy wait for admission As we realize there are concerns on this throughout the region we would welcome information on all Region residents who conform to the above criteria in order to give us a better un derstanding of the total situation If this Information as well as any com mentsoflheneecffor or appropriateness of these further services could be forwarded to our office in Georgetown it would be most appreciated Yours truly Barclay Mrs Mae Barclay North Association for the Mentally Retarded Reunion at Goderich To The Editor During the year 1977 the town of Goder on beautiful Lake Huron at the mouth of the MaiUand River is celebrating its one hundred fiftieth birthday As a great many special events are planned for the days from June to July 10th we would like to invite all former Goderfchites to return home during those days If anyone wishes more information write to me at P Box Ontario Sincerely yours Harry Small blooms sparkle in the wood Sugar and Spice by bill smiley Hurt in mm things my itientton this ik it faithful readers bliss tin von will hut to Ik content with ieriblnt I I nun in sinking into fir big m i turn tner to Hit column or o out nullum lotkr sink driver in tin ir e ir or it ever turns on first lets rid tin Quebec issue which is istm the mi hare every t 1st Hum there down in it ive I ikin lluir firs sli tow ini dictatorship of sorts with tin innounit that is to i province wen pi lying it loot fur i few months but tins oni is blunder I missivi proportions Mm e in i force unilineuilism Qui bee Hi in tin could font ism on id Whin Mill tilt people who is fervent nit ilists ind turn into rigid coin missirs when power ever irn it jo in forte fret pcoplt to mulling thev don 1 w to do in in or burn is st Hi in I done in tlu Hut in t lluir minis or spirits In font its lit luisqiii his crowd v i It lluir first bit boo boo Hit edict ho it renin will to mm Hum lhi in with tlu riLht people iy in their own I whither it be or reek ill in and in irk it will hot int r int 1 hi lint is not the tin ill Democracy at work I re id or tin first time through i Press this weekend that the Hilton Hoard of went id Ihc Region it for com tower Whit happened lodemocne lint the local residents who in going be affected by this decision Ken consulted no public he notices ire we not entitled to he tlu rt win tin tower is neiessarv is il required in Whit kind of dtmoerae is it work in Hills When is the concern Hilton Hills council the the torn It ippeirs vcrj strungi read where person his bun In III up for sit months by I lrpimnt bee he mis to put in round swimming pool on his proper l ml i lower with ill of its pollution on op of the escarpment is of mi one cm come rns are not V reecp concerns ire pollution an irea of some of the best escarpment pro We it ire entitled to know it It ist tin sue the needs express our ionic about this lower resident for the pist five I Ail I Concession is i prictiung Juliet mil is I democrat is no de id I It Armstrong I Herd who voted this decision heir from vou I thought it least of I due it ton would int to He the public I Please sign your letter A person who Ins i pn vilely through her doctor ins written i I the dilor on subjee in to the in list week s I ree Iress Doctors arrant in the letter is tint signed e innot be published If llie wnler will omt in we will be lo pub ish it next week I he mine of the writer in thiol piper but the 1st If must be The master plan J h it fimily of birds in liert lip in the maple Int hey their w keefi ir As Nature does decree have never paid i building tax tor building in tree Ihey intend to ruse their mill Where everyone is They never go permission from The locil zoning bo mis I heir urgent need is so decried Without Planning Hoards They have no need for politics To regulate their lives to Iheir own they st alone fittest still They live by every olden Rule And raise Iheir in pride bach on their own will plan alone With nature to abide They don ttry to change iheirnative To Improve the situation They do or die but never try To dominate their nation They ignore the concrete jungle lluv refer the open space love lo sing and do lluir thing their place I very slart till the depart Jhtv do llie best they em lit their worth to mother It is the 1 in Victor Smith It It Why not write a note Dear Header We are disturbed by discussions of the possible break up of our Canada How can we express our good will to our 1 rench speaking fellow Canadians Arc you searching for a way lo express your friendship towards ihi people in Quebec Please write a not- or postcard expressing your feelings about this lant matter in French or English to Citizens of Quebec Council of Canadian Union Peel Street Suite Montreal Quebec H3A 111 ibh unite the rest of and all llie turn of Quebec Pierre I rudt we II be stuck with another lour five of insipid inept ind indiffennl I iberil totrnmenl The only file Hut be more frightening would lit the prospect of four or five of government re is possibility of lie NDP that it sir lining to produce a ml a federil Well tint seltlts the political situation for this week I for one squalid little I wnle there arc rumor thai I Horner in Tory P from boll Jus part stick his thumb in the big fit Liberal pie and with cabinet post on he end of It lltrcwith some for Joe Clark If Horner w mis go wave goodbye and forgti iliuuihini One Paul once a jmwer in the I iberal he one who sincjihindedlv destroyed the morale of in id s irmed forces crossed floor in huff when he didn I his own way joined the lories is been Paul Who ever since Churchill wilh and went on to It id his country But Jack Horner is no Politics ire sick miking Westerner He Missus is still keeping hi gossips specu is 1 write Nobody seems to know where sht is or the hell is going on the lime this ippears in print J Horner will have mimed Pierre I nidi intl will pop up from first diss VirCimdi take pictures I know It is said no more of lliosi doll il functions for her like tut tine the ribbon on the brand new out or ii s msl in Us fine new park Hut I can t help wondcrine if she s gome to pass up all those sunshiny glamour events tele the Queens Jubilee which are undoubtedly heme phoned right now in loenl in fighting Tor mvi s fair I know but the comparison and Queen thrusts itself it The Queen wis crowned when she was thin Mrs she hid as babies itwut is f Hut she did not then dichre she must fulfill herself illow herself be piwtd ind pestered smutty reporters to learn what is going on between her Philip Nope she hung in through all the tlmriness calumny of what must be one of most arduous jobs in the world When there is lough decision lo be mudc she madnt and stuck toil She did a job of raising her kids it seems She endured the sniping and And she did all wilh a grace mil thil proclaimed the word I itlj at icr slep Its let lo follow nobody con inn tin Sine r girl if she I in itch Hut while Pierre is an arrogant m inn 1 bet he Duke of is no either She hung in thin wa rest of us do snot living for years with a com str Hut it goes with Ihe lore 1 doesn gel any as the years go by either This morning I came down for ist eight clock At a quarter to nine I went out the door lo work During tint minutes I spoke four times each time tying either Yes or You re right lhat look two seconds 1 hi n of the time my talked and her voice followed mt right out the door like a swarm of bets following a I oris I That snot news but that too is reality The Free Press Back Issues 10 years ago Taken from he issue of he I- ree Press or Wednesday April Lake view subdivision Is a hive of activity this week as builders excavate cellars clear land and erect houses in a rapid ac of building in Acton Forty one building permits have been issued for new houses in the subdivision alone at an estimated value of but the actual figure using the purchase price as a guide would be double that Project Action a teenage group with only one event under their belts had the atten tion of Ihe town and district on them Saturday as they staged a marathon 40mile walk in aid of the cancer society Starting at at seven am walkers completed the trek from about 80 who started out raising over for he cancer society Course was miles along Highway Seven Vern Denny was the first walker in Unidentified flying objects are being reported in this district again Both the Milton and Guelph papers say have seen a bright object like a star moving in a wavering line across Ihe sky Only one single light marks the strange craft The Mill Main stoplights are a new ex police have had a watchful eye on corner It difficult first to pass right through on a green light when you re accustomed to stopping cautiously There have been a couple of errors but the improvement is obvious 20 years ago Token from the issue of Ihe Free Press Thursday April A huge industrial and residential development in Esquesing Everyone talking about it but no one knows anything definite about it According to township reeve George Cume the municipality has received no official word about it Asked to comment on the proposed development he said I wish somebody would tell me be cause I don t know Mr Currle said I see by Ihe papers going to be a big thing but said that was all he knew Rumors flying week had il that the project was part of the vast Taylor empire and would stretch from Hornby on the south to on the north and perhaps larger yet Farms in area had repor ledly been optioned some lime ago The site for Acton new Tire hall is being cleared Bower Avenue entrance The old building is now facing on Willow Street Early this morning an accident near Crewson s Corners was reported in which two men were injured Dennis Turner of Erin district was shaken up and Bill Ingls of Ac Ion received 21 stitches his head and face and was sent to Guelph General hospital OPP officers are investigating 100 years ago Taken from he Issue or the ree Press Thursday April 187 J The committee who have in charge the arrangements for Ihe celebration of the Queen Birthday will be able to announce particulars in a few days jubileed Monday to its hearts content the small boys and girls were regaled with oranges and things and he larger folks with speeches street parades lots of guzzle and baseball A brilliant lummation in the evening wound up the nines The of Russia has ordered a declar ation of war and already of his troops have entered Turkish territory The sound of battle will soon echo through the civilized Many of the young shade trees on Bower are dead and council should see lhat are replaced wilh out delay The large hall over post office has been partitioned off and a portion of it leased by the Knights of Theolher portion will boused for Council Court and other public meetings Mr Hunt our popular started yesterday for a pleasure trip to gland He sails from Portland on Salur day Pure blood stallion Terror owned by Mr John White is to travel in this section during Ihe season Slock raisers and others in are referred lo Ihe large advertise ment Bread has risen and now bakers say two dimes a loaf THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office

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