Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 27, 1977, p. 5

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OUR READERS WRITE Surprises for Johnson Dear Sir Each time I attend Regional Council meetings I am amazed at the way our calleddemocraticsystemfiuictions At the last such meeting April my amaze ment turned to disbelief I learned that in an effort to cut down solid waste a levy was to be imposed on commercial and trial garbage As an environmentalist I applauded this decision but when the chairman or the works committee stated that a study was to be conducted to find out the quantities of commercial and industrial waste going into regional garbage dumps I just could not believe my cars Surely the works committee chairman is aware that this information is already available on Page of the Dillon Report In these times of restraint it is criminal to pay for a further study It is true and commercial wastes are shown as one figure but the norm being one ton per person per year this could be applied and subtracted from the statistics shown and the result would be reasonably curate My second surprise was Milton to explore the possibility of using Site H Milton Brick Quarry for a garbage disposal The Dillon Report considers this site only acceptable for dry inert waste rom the regional council meeting I got the impression that some secret inform ation not available to the public was filed somewhere at Regional suggesting that Site could be used for ordinary garbage If this is so the whole of the Dillon Report is questionable for if in formation has been withheld on one site information could have been withheld on any or all of the sites William A Johnson Red Cross raises 12451 The Acton Free press Wednesday April27 1977 Canvass sale during campaign The Acton Branch of the also went to those local Indus An invitation extended to Princess Margaret Hospital Canadian Cancer Society held who supported the all volunteers and they are and Assistant Professor meeting at the Canadian Cancer Society on to bring their own of Medicine University home of Campaign Chairman behalf their employees by dishes plus a pot luck of Toronto He will dlscuS Aril A Whits nrwinGAtinrl thai i Georgetown The Editor On bchair of the Georgetown and Red Cross Branch I would like to extend congratulations and thanks lo all who were concerned with the Red Cross Campaign for Funds last month Special thanks La the rural and Acton organizers and canvassers who helped make this year housetohouse campaign more successful To those who gave warmest thanks You may be assured thai what you will go to help with ihe many services offered in this area and with national and inter national disaster and other emergency aid Accidents do happen At this moment we have received from Acton which is Mill below our target of Moneys are still to come in from various industries business and donors urther contributions lo Post Office Box 106 Georgetown Ontario would ensure lhat we reach our objective We would lo take this to lhank iho various news media for in forminj the public of Ihi campaign Yours very truly John Chairman Campaign Committee Georgetown and Dist Branch The Canadian Red Cross Society articles including finger puppets stuffed toys Jelly bean bags and others and have sent them to the Prin cess Margaret Hospital children s department There has also been a request from the Ottawa Children Hospital for similar articles for their children which the Activity group will look alter I nations Elma In chairman reported significant dona tions have been received In donations to Canadian Cancer Society are an appreciated mark of res- One day whtn were and has been a delight peel and may be addressed to being given away fret in to the family 1 lliought cats The Canadian Cancer Ilintons black haired Chip lill We got this Society one says Mrs Roach Chip Campaign receipts are runs lo the phone when it coming in well and Cam loves to chase chairman White the floor Chip is very pleased with the an indoor oil and is usually number of volunteers he has i a if he goes outside canvassing A special thanks Arlie White Representatives sponsoring the campaign from Beta Sigma Phi Sorority advertisement in this local were present and reported on newspaper their very successful Daffodil Day Many thanks from the d j Canadian Cancer Society were extended to all those 7 who organized and helped WPn with Daffodil Day P be greatly appreciated A Service to Patients chair volunteer from the Acton man Catherine Branch will receive articles reported the Tyler Ave Craft Tuesday April and Group have made many day April from 8pm Very special guest this year prevention cure and the con will be Dr Richard Hassel of cancer by treatment back at the and chemotherapy Pet of the week and Friday evening after 7 at the church If pickup is required the following numbers may be called Pot luck This year the Acton branch will be honoring their volun teers activity group works drivers canvassers and cap tains again by holding their annual Pot Luck supper at Knox Presbyterian church at 15 p Thursday May CARPETING UPHOLSTERY cleaned For an expert job CoH the Experts found a home with Brian Roach McDonald Chip will be three years old in Garbageathon In Milton of Outers Club held a J lion with sponsorship money riding on pi istn filled with picked up round tht communil Richard rUsselback Wall To Wall and Upholstery CLEANED IN YOUR HOME ZOO Extra STEAM CLEANING METHOD 8533930 CARPET CLEANING Main St Acton Came Snow mother called the Free Press up last week to let us know that her daughters name is not Snow but Stone Came had her picture in the paper two weeks in a row at the ice carnival rehearsal and again at the carnival Our reporter got the wrong name when the first picture was taken The second time the reporter was told she was the same girl picture was in the week before As any horseman knows clipping a horse can be an ex ticklish business thing Hike it The clippers are noisy unless you have those expensive new quiet Jobs they lrnlate the horse and make him ner vous Most horse figure it a good time to become frightened and unmanageable I do very little clipping these days letting nature take its course But there is one old girl who has her mane and pasterns trimmed in the spring She part draft so has an abundance of hair and even though she s twenty one years old we still ride her A little spring clean up is in order Mj rock This morning I pulled out the faithful old Sunbeam clip persthe noisy ones with several teeth missing and about as much cutting edge as pinking shears Gypsy was brought in from the field and cross tied in the bam I plugged the clippers in the outlet above her head placed my upsidedown in place of stool buttoned up the old coat to keep horse hair out of by bra and away we went The old mare is a rock and well used to this clipping lark- thank goodness Just as was standing on my head trimming Gypsy back hoof heads two racing roosters flashed past my nose between Gypsy front legs and out the barn door the pursuer screaming his head off white the pursuer was crowing threateningly The mare never turned a hair never twitched a leg Help from b While doing her off front hoof it was necessary to drape the electric cord over Gypsy back and down side of her neck I do this with any other horse Intent onher off hoof I hardly felt the bump as I landed face down in the straw The ninny enraged that one of his ladles had been taken away from him had jumped the gate and belted full tilt into the bam and me We managed to get that one sorted out unravelling the poor old girl from the clippers and penning up the Still not a word or a grumble out of the dear old thing I was swearing like a sailor Trimming the mane was hardly according to Hints for Better Horsemanship I kept hopping up and down on my bucket chewing hunks of hair off the neck as the clippers slipped Hinny whinnied continuously as he crashed around the stall All five peacocks left the roost and winged Gypsy ear In full flight as they decided to leave The dog got so excited she began to give voice a round up chickens The calm collected unperturbed body in the middle of all this t me it was the horse She was only too glad to have her toilet completed and be allowed to return to her quiet field When clipping horses pair gets conditional severance A couple sue hurdled Hal ton Hills land division committee in a bid to gel living room for Its growing familv The regional committee in an April 19 decision granted a conditional severance to the road and therefore the Byrne application could be one or Infilling spots between other properties The Credit Valley Conscr a lion Authority asked that a severance depend on present ation of a detailed tree plan a Myron and Carol Byrne of e P flile The land to be retained on the northeast half of Lot on the Sixth Line is about eight acres Committee member Bill Coats noted there is scattered development on both sides of Byrne told the committee the lot was needed because of the expanding family Coats made the motion with knowledge thai Byrne needs a development permit from the Niagara Escarp ment Commission Going to Britain this year CALL TED TYLER TRAVEL YOU CANT BEAT OUR PRICES YOU CANT BEAT OUR VALUE GreyGreen Holidays 1977 Coach Tours of Britain Two and Three Day Tours FROM Four Five and Eight Day Tours FROM Include Coach Hotel Breakfait and Dinner mm ACTON ONTARIO THE HALTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 1976 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AUDITORS REPORT CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT DECEMBER 1976 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS iCDiulilRiTnM Fdi 1 mi iriFS Awl mi The accrual method for reporting revenue and expend lure has been Used with the excep tion of reporting of charges for long term llab 1 Print pal and an not Invest nlijlcwl accrued from Ihe due date of payment to end of the fiscal year rec able WW 77B 1 urrent 1S00 Fixed assets are charged lo current expend unless Inancedbylong term debt pal and Interest charges on net long term liab 1 ei are Included In expenditure In the n I per nl 331 Assets bed as capital outlay lobe recovered future years are Included on the Balance Sheet only to the extent of the balances of related net long term liabilities related temporary of Ihelilcalyear Final Cutwi Net long lerm llab 1 payable A dollars are staled at par value Canadian dollars 1976 sJIBMlOOUS I A bit- and ecru debt of sale r ru on elementary MS 66 rniu on secondary I Other 758 Under the lick leave bene plan unused sick leave cat accumulate and employees may become entitled a payment when leave the board a employment TotalLu I 4 Note No a 41878173 to an employee on terminating amount to No has been made on of Lnriptndol iltunds 1711933 the lick leave benefit plan 131078 Lai 1 W 70S Of net long term liabilities HO principal amounting to 13 104 ptuinterestamountlnglofl2 7IB967 Is follows OR THE YEAR 464 197B 162 16 1111 2 2 361160 Bus A dm on 2 179 Instruction a 628 saSKH 417 Total Attendance 83 179 I lantOperal on and Mi NOTENO 4 STATEMENT OF REVISED OVEHLEVY Tram porta I on Tuition Fees 070 EM 2S7IS 417 70 Adjustments with respect 1975 and prior years not reflected In the audited under requisition Capital Expend lure non allocable MO Mo 3407B6 Other Operating lure Debt Charges and Capital Loan IIS 111 lB750verlevyperl07SStaleinent Note No 3 IT1 434 7S8S04 Add 1975 Adjustments ftlll 19710 ngbxptnd tun excluding 2S549S IB7S03 417696 631 Other School Hoard on Feet and Miscellaneous Tulllon 0 107 ore 142 The Revenue Fund expenditure for debt charges and capital loan Interest includes principal and interest pay men as follows and Cover Canada earn 743 42858 11042 MS Principal payments on long term Individuals I on tec 271 liabilities OtherRevenue hiding trans era Inlertstpaymenlaonlongterm reserves 188113 568281 ties 1 xpendlure Interest pay mention temporary Nit upend 6M capital project Rune Total 61750504 of nta ho rants HI 090 INFLATION ACT CANADA Under an agreement between the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada Local Taxat on Previous year sovtr requisition 466 author tied by the Inflation Agreements Act remuneration paid by an Ontario Mole No Local taxal on raised In the 16 IB 12 13 239 288 11089 190 decrease nrevrvelorworklng Total 742304a COrTRACTUALOnunATinS The of buildings which are significant and not reflected on balance sheet amount loll BIB ngyear taxal on Net over requu lion iwsmi Approved G Morton S Lavender Total pi 831019319 Chairman of Ihe Board Director of Education CAPITAL FUND ST ENT TOR THE YEAR 1531 AUDITORS REPORT ixed Assets and Work In Progress Build Schools lei and Improve menu 285 408 374 Tolhe Supporters of the of Education 071 904 404 We have examined the Consolidated Balance Sheet the Hilton Board of Education as al I ubl Other 22290 Decembers ItveHevenueFundStatementoIOperalioraandtheCapiUIFundStatement of Operations for the year then ended Our examination Included a general review of tha Total BBS accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as we considered necewary in the circumstances ess Sles Tax Refund Total Cap nature 64311722 213 In our opinion these Financial Statement present fairly the financial position of the December 31 1976 and the results of lis operations for Ihe year then ended in accordance accounting principle generally accepted for Ontario school boards applied on a bail const tent 1 tha 1 1 he preceding r MacGlllivraytCo Unexpended FundiatDegnnlngot llatanceatlleg year not Burlington Ontario Chartered Accountants permanently February Itih 1977 lemcnlary Secondary Long Term Itiuedand B3B29 1964 Capital lure the 817 Published by Transfer IDhe Revenue Fund Balance lend of 1401 The Halton Board of Education Financed or Fundi at End of r tlemtnliry 120 as required by Provincial Legislation Secondary 1309335 653516 Total

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