Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1977, p. 22

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Thg Acton Free Press Wednesday May4 Eden Mills SPirtxitizjr- Mava a REV BOB RUMBLE guest preacher at the anniversary services of United Church Sunday greets Garnet and Wiima Sinclair after the service is pastor of the Evangelical Church of the Deaf in Toronto Ballinafad Rev Rumble guest at 99th anniversary Winifred Smith The achievement day was held in the former school for the ileal a Mi on on Saturday girls completed the course Mrs Squire economist for Peel and presided Ballinafad Club I had an exhibit which a variety of clothing for leisure wear Shellj Wilson was the commentator club No II put an a skit Selecting fabrics and pat terns Ml girls received a certificate of merit and a silver coffee spoon now has a new ball diamond and screen Many hours of hard work went into clearing the field With help of families and friends wtlh a special men Norman who gave of his time through the week and on the weekend The diamond should be in fine shape for the first game of the Women Ball Club which is scheduled for Wednesday June Practice begins this Wednesday evening It is to be hoped that the bake sale planned for May will be a success to help raise money for equipment The new ball diamond is situated on the lown line on Mr Bamett property The weather was perfect and all seats were filled in the church for the anni on Sunday Special music was provided by the guest soloist Mr Earl Burt accompanied by Mr and Mrs Bob Kerr They played inspiring music prior to the Several beautiful solos were given by Mr Burt and Mr Bob Kerr also favoured with a solo The guest speaker was the Rumble who is the pastor of the Evangelical hurch of the Deaf in Toronto His sermon Deal Wisely was most inspiring Mr Rumble had brought a of bis church numbers from Toronto and the entire service including the music selections was given in sign language by the guest speaker It added much to members of the gallon for as he spoke his hands were working with great skill and dexterity for the benefit of his deaf friends Mr Stiles in introducing Rev Rumble said we were fortunate in being able to have him speak but he had been invited since last otherwise his many other en gage mints would have prevented him coming An hour of fellowship followed in the basement of the church as lunch whs served The beautiful new house beside the former Shortlll home has been sold The new people moved in on Saturday They are a young couple Mr and Mrs Piatt with an infant child We welcome them to the village We are happy to report that Mr Morgan has showed some signs of in Guclph Hospital after a week of being quite seriously ill He has to have further tests this week but we hope he continues to improve and has a speedy re covery Mr and Mrs Snow from Eden Mills attended the anniversary services and were visitors with Mr and Mrs Marshall Welcome new family lt ItorUHnei This column could be en titled Heading Home for that seems to be the general trend The geese are still Hying north As one flock or is it gaggle went honking over head I made an unofficial count of around 115 birds Some thoughts flitted through my mind as I watched How do they pick their leader What is the status of the ones that fly back and forth along the lines Are they offering encouragement giving ad vice or reprimanding some erring one are they talking about all the while Those are some things I will never know Rev and Mrs E D grove of Gores Landing were visiting last week around Erin and and stopped off for a chat with us before they left for home Mr and Mrs Richard of visited over the week end with Mr and Mrs Gordon Howes They are on their way home after spending the winter in Florida We extend a hearty welcome from the com and Mrs Klem of Milton who have purchased the house in the village Mr and Mrs Moffatt have moved in and are busy getting the lawn in shape for seeding procedures On Friday a special meeting was held at the school with local principals bus drivers and trans porta officer Kidd to discuss bus procedures D Hogarth Day and Mrs Virginia Kennedy were pre sent from the Wellington County Board Brownies April was a busy month for the first Brownie Pack On Tuesday April 5 the girls working on their Golden Hand visited with the Girl Guides In Erin for an evening of games songs and preview of what to expect when they fly up to Guides On April Julie Smith and Lynn Misurka were enrolled by Mrs and Brown Owl The mothers present were honoured with two puppet plays and were served friendship tea and cookies On Sunday April a Youth Service was presented on A Grandfather View by Rev of the United Church In On April the Brownies learned what happens behind the counter of Mac Donalds in Guelph They were shown a film watched the making of twoallbecf pattiesonasesameeseedbun and milkshakes with lots of questions being asked On April Mrs Isabcile Johnston taught the golden hand girls how to crochet Many thanks Mrs Johnston Thirteen girls earned badges this week Mary Joyce Wragg Silvia Semma and Kelly received their cooks and housekeepers badge Sarah Hey den and Cindy Jackson their house keepers Sylvia Semma Nancy Johnston Shirley Ictcher Irene Debbie Wynne and Kelly their writers badge with thanks to Mr I isa Swackhamer Vicky Carglll Kim and Karen Jackson their puppe teer badge Good work girls Cookies will be handed out next week Thankoffering meeting Dis Page visitors in area news by Georgian Wright The Easter Thank Offering meeting of the Presbyterian Women was held at the home of Mrs A Wilson with eleven members in attendance The meeting was opened with a reading by the President Mrsl entitled What God has promised Hymn was sung followed by the Churchill secretary and treasurer reports and the com The W S Synodical meeting Is in Toronto and the bpring Rally in on May The annual church cleaning on May at clock Our group are in charge of the Birthday Party at Eden House Nursing home in May Plans are being made to cater to two loads of Paper drive today The CCCW Spring paper drive is in full swing with loday Wednesday the last day to get rid of your old newspapers If you haven already done so please bundle them up and bring them in today to the storage building at Norman Turners Precast yard Christening Thirty five friends and relatives gathered in Chur chill Community Church Sunday afternoon May i for the christening of Donald Bradley six month old son of Don and Shirley Bradley was christened by his uncle the Rev Robert Hyde of and his godparents arc aunt uncle Fred and linda Ebenezer Thompson A buffet supper followed at the Swackhamer home Congratulation Congratulations to Roy and Susan Bosch nee Brooks Mills who had a new baby daughter Amand their first born Monday April Musk Seminar Donald Anderson of this community is one of three talented tnn High School band members to attend a music seminar at the of The weekend is sored by the Sprint Festival in cooper ition with the music department of the university and include i spec ill performance of thi open Island seniors citizens from East Rochester N Roll Call was answered with an exchange of Easter eggs Offering was in pennies Tor he fellowship of the Least Coin dedicated by Mrs Sinclair Mrs W McDonald was the convenor for the Las ler program The scripture was read in parts by Mrs J Chamberlain Mrs II Mrs W Gilbert son Mrs McLean Mrs McDonald had two readings one on Love and the other Iromapenofu Pioneer Mrs It read a poem Fulfillment Mrs Wilson A Ihankful Heart McDonald who has Just re turned from a months trip told of their visit to the Mor Temple in Mesa Arizona where they saw a pageant on the life of hnst performed at a outside gathering A contest on scrambled by Mrs CBers plot bucks for hall for Erin com munity centre budding fund will be raised by a Citizen Band radio club The club Grand Gorge will hold a CB hunt May A transmitter will be hidden within 15 miles of the village and will be challenged to locate the source of the periodic radio Registration for the hunt will be between 11 a and i m at Erin District High School RACEWAY HARNESS RACING Post Time Thursday Evening 8p m Sunday Afternoons Exactor Wager in Air Conditioned ClubKouaa Club H starvation itlair Mrs It Making progress By Mr Hon II sermon was on the parable of the vineyard Matthew It is an allegory the owner did everything to produce good grapes But the tenants v ere only interested in looking after themselves When the owner sent his son the ten ants killed the son just as God sent His son to save the world Choose one of our Great Gift Ideas for Mothers Day May 8 We carry a good selection of Mothers Day Cards by Carefon For All Your Gift Selections Visit HINTONS GUELPH S ONLY SPECIALTY LIGHTING STORE CHATELAINE LIGHTING York Road Multi Bright Ideas for all your Lighting Needs EXTENSIVE SELECTION OF HOUSE FIXTURES Table Lamps Door mes Swag Limps Vin ty Ciblnels Electr Heat Baseboard and Portable Vacuum Cleaning Systems Parts etc Ventilator Hoods Fans etc FREE PARKING Open Do 18 30 Till Sal Dam ORNAMENTAL IRON RAILINGS UNIT STEP DRIVEWAY CURBS x 6 FT 8 FT 6 PRICES INCLUDE DELIVERY convenience One call does it all your entrance can be used immediately after installation Complete range of sizes available standard sizes available rise to 6 rise steps Standard widths 3 to Std porch sizes 36 Modular Wrought Iron High 8 Ft Gate Ea EXPERT INSTALLATION CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATIONS LIMITED 250 MARTIN ST MILTON TOFRI SATURDAY NOON mn followed Ij eourtesy remarks by Mrs Sinclair prayer by Mrs Harden Social half hour spent over lu served by Mrs Mrs 1 Chamber lam ind Mrs A Wilson Isllors Visitors of Mr and Mrs were Mr Mrs liruce SronLnnn from Mrs Burling l Hi is i visitor of Mrs J The has the responsibihl l product for God The fruits of the spirit love joy peace long suffer etc ire to Ik to Ihe land owner We can do his if ve arc tuned into God Mr Bill is making good progress from his broken hip the rchabihti centre Mrs Stirkey is patient in hospital LflKEVIEW CENTRE flnritif Sptclilltlt Inflation On Staff CELANESE BIGELOW VENTURE CALLAWAY Cush 1 ARMSTRONG AND G AF I till Lakeview Centre St ACTON Youre invited to the counterweight Weight Loss Open House FREE ADMISSION Youll meet our Special Guests John Wriggle worth Ibi Earl Warron Well known Radio Announcer in Toronto Ha liked what he saw and he joined May 9 St Paul United Church Main St and Jamas Milton Monday For information call FREE 1 800 361 Q573 counterweight PEOPLE WHO CARE COME SEE the allnew lawn and garden tractors New Modular Mower eliminates skips and reduces scalping New quick change feature lets you switch tchmtnts in minutes instead of hours Choose cither a side or rear discharge mower 14 16 and powerful twin cylinder 16 hp models THEYRE NEW And theyre backed by parts service and financing See them today MILTON EQUIPMENT 3163 Ave MILTON 8782121

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