Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 25, 1977, p. 17

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by Wendy Thomson The most common questions in letters written to us when we first arrived in Alberta were ones regarding or pioneering and loneliness Now that weve been here a year and a half its about time I answered To begin with were far South Mile East Miles from being homesteaders South 1 Mile East Mile though there a much work to South and Mile East of do on the farms here most Holdfast or Miles West of was done by the REAL pion Miles North 1 Mile em East W Mile South Mile From conversations Ive East Sec Twp Rge learned that when the first l ta ta See how much simpler the lMOs there was nothing flnd but forest Most of the men worked in lumber camps and is built a house cleared and seeded acres on a quarter section 160 acres changing to names Too bad Anyhow once the roads were inand land became more One old man I spoke to said accessible and the oil com the clearing was done by cut- VA through ting down the trees then loo homesteaders fol pulling the stumps with horses m not too sure of all or cows and a puller details of homestead made from old car parts I butalthoughhomestead forget which parts Is all taken up around The families lived almost here many neighbours are entirely off the land as it was clearing and working too long a trip to stores doctors or office Many areas have books The clearing Isnt still done published with pictures and S car parts of course first hand accounts of the The trees are shallow rooted homesteaders who settled that in a matter of there One book from a county houra bulldozer can push east of Red Deer lists Harry tnein in Laycock George Leonard 0 seems strange and family and their bush in the neighbour Peter Stewart as morning and return past an homesteaders OP night Then a They moved from their Brand daddy is farms five miles south of brought in to work it all up for Guclph in as they de- elded they would rather The following year the dry clear willow brush and poplar of brush are burnt and than pick stones on the Ont into piles which are burnt every year The Mrs s remainder is plowed under I was at low ebb coming guess from a tenroom brick house in W we are in the west Ontario to this small lumber of County only shack No wonder she was about per cent of the land is homesick and no neighbours cleared It mostly flat with insight poplar spruce and a few The book goes on to say that lypes Further west InlMHthehouseburneddown you get into the Forest and everything brought from Reserve Ontariowaslost There were people coming November I was in a from many countries to work bank n V In the lumber camps and staring out the window It was claim homestead land A per feeling to be in that son has only to pick up the in a local paper and read the new plaza looking a the mountains silhouetted teams or curling rinks or fantastic vrtbMy rchyshyn Swenseid ie miles between them Sjerdal Pye Maisonneuve Schmidt Saboe etc to realize the Itsthiscombinatlonofmod great variety of nationalities living in a raw country that is so appealing Well be First names Mill cleanng another 10 acres this son Myron year when the local dozer Eino Of course thereVall the makes its rounds and the usual names too and probably bush at present holds moose many Smiths but so far I deer elk a3 well as coyote and rabbits not to mention Getting back to Buck the wolverine down Buck Creeksomewhere between Creek And last fall Gord the and 1955 there were climbed up on a knoll to look two or three great fires that around and a bear came flying swept thousands of acres out from under his feet levelling much of the forest But how can we call that that the lumber camps hadnt roughing it or pioneering touched or whatever when I have a But even years ago there dishwasher in the house were enough trees to make the mile drive cast to Breton an ordeal The neighbours talk of the twoday trip one day there back of getting he wagon stuck In gumbo and having to unhitch it take It apart and carry it to high ground to put itback together Someone else spoke of giant trees arching across the road to make a tunnel of bouncing and Jolting over roots sticking out of the ground Then oil was discovered As fast as they could oil com panics put in roads one mile apart going north and south Official Plan A proposed official plan for Milton passed its first lest during a public meeting at last week About people attended the hall meeting It was the first of five public meetings the last chance for citizens to make in the plan After the meetings the plan goes to Region then Queens Park for approval Key parts of the plan are aimed at controlling resi development west and began drilling The Major severances will be country dotted with wells limited to a retiring bona one per quarter see fide farmer and to rural estate developments of as oil wells but the odd one homes or less docs go right through to join up with another All these roads have no names so there Is some difficulty In where you ve been or finding going A farm auction announce- Hydro commission chair men I in the local paper might man McEachern vice- read something like the one I chairman Bob Mac Arthur saw in Saskatchewan Farm and superintendent Doug Auction of power farm equip- Mason will be attending the belonging to Joe Ball summer conference in at the farm located 1 Mile Ottawa soon DGrant Isaac b Com llb Barrister Solicitor Notary Is pleased to announce the opening of his office for the general practice of law of May 9 1977 at Suite Plaza 10 S Georgetown Ont Hours MonFri 9a m to5p Other Times By Appointment Phone 8776911 GORD THOMSON treads carefully this time as he walks over top of a ell hidden bear den Last time a black bear flew out the opening It was hard to say who was more startled or the bear No answers Site was chosen over any other site as a landfill site because It had the best chance of getting approved by other government bodies Regional Chairman Morrow told members of the Burlington Chimbcr of Commerce at an meeting Wednesday night He said the region decision only the engineers report and that the final result was based on six years of work and worth of research There are no magic an they ore all expensive and they all take time he said Would you rather have us throw away six years of work a quarter of a million dollars he wondered Maybe we could all pack our garbage in our back yard for six while we look for mother solution St Josephs AT HOME to Acton Sunday May 29 24pm in the Church Yard The Acton Free Press Wednesday May 1977 Candidates meeting brings out NDP Libs Does anyone know what happened to spring I blinked twice and It was summer Every year I look forward to spring like a bride to her wedding All the spring songs and poems were written for me Then along comes the mild weather and all hell breaks loose There fencing and harrowing and planting and con and spring cleaning and organizing the marriage of the animals and birthing their young and feeding all the new mouths and And we dont even I often feel like Betty in the Egg and I Have you ever read her chapter The only consolation Is that all my acquaintances of similar life going through exactly the same thing For some strange reason this year we find ourselves with a new puppy a lamb a calf baby bunnies and about five million littlcchlcks It seemed like a good idea in February All of these youngsters require food at two hourly Intervals dtfferenct schedules of course The larger animals want to be out on grass preferably the neighbours Visitors come to see all the cutesies cooing how theyd love to live in the country too Right about now I might consider a trade for a subdivision house set on a minute lot and Hob Mind you its certainly a healthy life I get lots of fresh air and exercise every time the cows get out The medical fraternity endorse the desirability of daily runs and our cattle make sure they help Id forgotten how devious and tenacious cows can be when it comes to getting through fences Paddocks that have confined horses for years become open ranges to a couple of plump heifers A cow will bull her way through six foot colls of barbed wire to reach a lone thistle on the other side of the fence regar A large awkward beast of a thousand pounds can limbo under a cedar rail nine inches from the ground Electric fence just seems to add a little spice to the fun What pened to Robert Louis Stevenson gentle cow lying con In the shade making milk So It you happen to see a couple of heading north on Highway please dont try to stop them With any luck theyll make It toColllngwoodandsolveall my problems Building permit issued A building permit for was issued last month for a new factory warehouse in Acton Five other permits issued brought the total up to Two permits were Issued for residential alterations additions and repairs for a total of One permit was given for a new single family dwelling valued at 000 one new residential garage valued at and one com permit for the in of two underground tanks at the BP station valued at The fight to save precious farmland and to stop gravel pits and hydro corridors appear to be the major Issues in the upcoming provincial election in the Wellington Peel riding A Meet theCandidales meeting was held in Erin District high school last Thursday which grade 12 and 13 students attended A few members of the general public also attended NDP candidate Marion Chambers and Liberal candidate Dave Wright at tended the meeting to give their parties as well as their own views of many of the Issues Progressive Con candidate and Incumbent Jack Johnson did not attend is on on ego trip and costing the province million for an election which most people do not feel is necessary He pointed out that in the last 15 months the provincial government has passed 105 bills proof that a minority government is working Clinic for smokers If you want another chance to stop smoking before the nice weather sets In come to Stewarttown Senior Public School in Hills The Lung Associ Is conducting a five day smoking withdrawal clinic Monday May to Friday June each evening 9 in the library of the school Everyone is welcome expressed fears of regional government if the Davb government is to be re elected Mr Wright pointed out that taxes in the average house where there Is regional government have gone up 105 per cent since 1970 Ho pointed out where there Is no regional government taxes have only risen per cent He stressed that is looking into regional Italian and In turn looking towards areas in the Wellington fenn Peel riding to Better education Is a matter which concerns the Liberals Mr Wright said He stated the farmers have to be looked after Unemployment is also major concern the candidate said and the party has tew Ideas on how to handle the situation and get jobs for the unemployed Natural resources New Democratic Party candidate Marion Chambers said the preservation of natural resources is one of her parly main issues in this election She said there has great mismanagement of human and natural re sources Farmers and their land must be protected Mrs Chambers told the students The farmers ore really small businessmen which In Itself Is a concern of the party The candidate said that the small businessman cannot compete with big business Mrs Chambers emphasized that the government must have sufficient confidence In the people to make small bus iness loans Unemployment is also a concern of Mrs Chambers She explained that she felt the country was exporting too much raw materials to he processed somewhere else The candidate emphasized the processing should be done here thus creating more lobs High government spending also come under attack by Mrs Chambers who claimed government In Manitoba spent less than the Conservative government in Ontario on a per capita has to We see that we have the money before we spend It she stated A question and answer period followed the can didates speeches THISTLE CUSTODIAL SERVICE Complete INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and Owned and operated by Charlie Cheyne phone 8531846 Choose ft ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS ERAMOSA Pioneer Day Are You Interested In Participating PLANNED ACTIVITIES Pioneer displays crafts games and food 1 OOp m 5 Tea Room at the Olde Town Hall Parade 1 Contact Carol Meadows Bed Race 3 pm Contact Evelyn Easson 8564434 Pioneer Beauty Contest 00 m Contact Mary Coulter Ball Tournament All Day Pioneer Dance Tennis Courts PRIZES for the bist float be J race champion Pioneer beauty belt display best costumes at dance Rockmosa Community Centre Sat July 2 FURTHER INFO CONTACT DAVID JOHN IN HALTONBURLIIMGTON BILL JOHNSON NDP ITS Education Financing The will gradually SENSELESS remove the education component of municipal TO property taxes through the corporate sector WASTE Funds will be dispensed on the OUR basis of community need and school NATURAL service rather than XH on the existina RESOURCES 1 ceiling formula system Industrial Goals RUT B goals of a New Democratic governments ITS industrial development strategy are full employment CRIMINAL A comprehensive plan will designate areas in Ontario TO where industrial development needs to be encouraged to WASTE allow all parts of the province to reach their economic and OUR Mi social potential An government will work closely HUMAN with local people so that regional planning will be RESOURCES consistent with the overall provincial plan BILL JOHNSON NDP Headquarters 205 Main St ACTON BURLINGTON GEORGETOWN MILTON TELEPHONE 8788830 and 8788839 TOLL FREE

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