Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 25, 1977, p. 19

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Josee Charlebois returns from Adventure The Acton Free Press Wednesday May 1977 B7 What does it mean to be a Canadian To most the question would be meaning less In this day of political uncertainty the average per son Is too busy thinking of the future of the country to think about the present However to teenagers from across Canada the ques tion has a sense of reality that they didnt feel a month ago These teenagers part icipated In the annual Ad venture in Citizenship In Ottawa earlier this month organ i led by the Ottawa Rotary club with expenses paid by the hometown Rotary clubs Actons representative this year grade 13 student still has a hard time answering the initial question but finds the dif ficulty In putting into words what her heart feels Adventure began left for Ottawa May from Toronto International Airport Her adventures began while boarding the air plane when she saw former Prime Minister John baker sitting at the front of the plane They smiled at each other lighting the match of the high school stu dents of the days to come Once the plane landed in Ottawa and checked in at the Rotary booth she met her billet Mrs Kraft and her roommate from Newfoundland The next day the students from all over Canada gathered at the Centre Block of the Parliament buildings Josee was able to meet many of the there as everyone was wearing name tags She found it quite easy to mingle as everyone was in the same boat No one knew anyone The huge group was taken to the Railway Committee Room where they were wel comed by Jock Langford chairman of the Adventure in Citizenship committee Colin Matheson president of the Rotary Club of Ottawa and Larry Greenberg mayor of Ottawa The teenagers were warned then by Mr that they would leave the city with a different feeling toward their country Coincidence Later that same morning the group went fora reception in the House of Commons where they were greeted by clerk of the house found a seat to sit in and after a white looked to see whose chair it was She was surprised when she saw Scout news Tonight Wednesday A colony Beavers will go on a tour of the Acton Fire hall Thursday night B colony will be taken on a tour of Mc Donalds restaurant Sat urday May 28 a will be held in Milton at the Scout Hall North and Milton districts are both part icipating and expect boys to turn out The event runs from 10 am until 4 A beaver camp at the osa will be held June IT IB and 10 Friday Saturday and Sun day the North Halton District This camp is for boys 10 yrs or older who will go up to Scouts next year It Is run like a Scout camp the boys are supervised but do the work themselves The boys will be sleeping under can vass so should be prepared Acton cubs will meet at the Scout hall at 30 prompt They must be at Ltd in Georgetown by pm Friday Acton boys taking part are Wayne Goulding Jim John ston Tim McDonald and Brian Steck- ley Leaders from Acton will be Mike Walton and Pat Gar- ton June a district camp for Scouts will be held at the Flaherty Farm on highway no west of Caledon There will be pioneering projects and it will give boys going to Jamboree in Prince Ed ward Island a little more experience Willing work week runs for the remainder of the week Please try to find a job for a boy so he can help Scouting Ground still dry The small amounts of spring rain in this district have not much relieved the dryness of the ground On Monday some surrounding areas received drenching rain However this Imme diate area had only a gentle rainfall which didnt even drive the boaters on the lake to seek shelter by sheer coincidence It was the seat of Dr Frank Phil- brook member of Parliament Mr gave a brief history on the House and described parliamentary procedures and the upkeep of the House The Hon James Jerome speaker of the House of Commons spoke with the guests about the houses most Important functions He also said he had great confidence that most of 255 students would some day be involved in the political running of Canada At a Rotary luncheon In the ballrooms at the Chateau the Hon John minister of labour was scheduled to be guest speaker However he was not able to attend Instead a representative delivered Mr speech for him After the luncheon the group returned to the Parlia ment buildings to the Senate where they were addressed by the Hon Mme speaker and Rob ert Fortier clerk of the senate French only said her speech entirely In French so only the Frenchspeaking or bilingual students understood what she was talking about Josee said Fortunately Josee herself is bilingual being born in the province of Quebec so she was not left out of anything In fact she surprised everyone with her as only ten out of the entire group spoke both languages A tour of the National Art Gallery was next on the agenda with the group being split up Into ten groups of Divided into the same groups the students were introduced to representatives the various embassies around Ottawa Josecs group attended a reception at the Tunisian Embassy and were escorted there by a sultan After a bus trip to the em bassy in Park the students saw a French film on Tunisia They were then given a Tunisian meal in the dining room described the food as very hot and spicy They were welcomed by the ambassador of Tun isia A dance held at Laurent an high school finished off a very busy day The next day Tuesday the students broke up into their same ten groups at the University of Ottawa and were assigned to a professor A discussion entitled I Canada Diversity or Division Is Confederation Negotiable was held with questions At lunch in the Universitys Blue Room the guest speaker was Joe Clark leader of the opposition He spoke about the pipeline up north and the enquiry He pointed out to the students that he was sitting In their seats in when he made his first trip to Ottawa as a guest of the Ad venture In Citizenships com mittee After lunch the group was bused to high school for the RCMP Band Concert and later to the Division for their Mounted Arms Display Supper was eaten here where they were addressed by Deputy Commissioner J J Drapeau The 2S5 students started to feel closer to each other at this meal s they were sitting closer and could meet each other better The evening was spent at the Museum of Science and Technology Wednesday morning was spent talking to Senator Carl He spoke of separation and Canadas economic standing Government house At noon Josee and the others were taken to Govern ment House where they were welcomed by His Excellency the Right Hon Jules Leger Governor General Lunch was a fresco in the Rockcliffe Park Pavilion Everyone sat at tables according to what province they were from There were 102 students from Ontario and one particular girl was chosen to speak on behalf of the provincial representatives Huge circle After lunch the group had some spare time to walk in the park It was here says everyone expressed they really felt about their country Apparently it was all started by the stu dents from Nova Scotia who held arms and sang Fare well to Nova Scotia and then urged everyone to join them and make a giant circle said the feeling of unity THE COMMISSION ON Freedom of Information and Individual Privacy The Commission on Freedom of Information and Indi vidual Privacy by authority vested in it by Govern- of Ontario will undertake an enquiry to examine Public information practices of other jurisdictions in order to consider possible changes which are compatible with the parliamentary traditions of the Government of Ontario and complementary to the mechanisms that presently exist for the protection of the of individuals- The individuals right of access appeal in relation to the use of Government information 3 The categories of Government information which should be treated as confidential in order to protect the public interest The effectiveness of present procedures for of Government information the public 5 The protection of individual and the right of recourse in regard to the use of Government records One aspect of the Study will include the acceptance of written Briefs and the Receipt of Submissions as well as a of public meetings throughout the Province Persons wishing to make representations to the Commission on any of the Study are re quested to write to the Counsel Commission of Freedom of Information and Individual Privacy Waterloo Street London Ontario N6B or to submit written Briefs with the undersigned not later than August Public hearings will be held at times and places in Ontario to be announced later and those filing Briefs or letters who wish to appear personally will be advised as to me time and place when they will be heard Please address all correspondence to Counsel Commission on Freedom of Information and Individual Chairman Pools Counsel across the country was very strong at this point She also said everyone was Im pressed because they real ized there were people living In provinces so many thou sands of miles away that before were just names on a map She pointed out one boy from British Columbia was standing across from a girl from Nova Scotia and for the first time he said he realized Nova Scotia was really part of the country Up until then Josee said he felt Canada in his mind only went as for east as Quebec After singing the national anthem while in this huge circle everyone ran into the centre signifying the east meeting the west After this display of emotion the group had a police escort to the National Capital area On the way they were given the VIP treat ment says going through red lights stop signs etc Supper that evening was at the Grand Crystal Ballroom at the Chateau Laurier as guest of the National Capital Commission Also attending the dinner were 130 members of parlia ment and students sat at as signed tables with MP from their own riding Josee sat with Dr and other students from this area During the meal they dis cussed the good and bad points about the adventure Andre Ouellet and Ed were guest speakers Both had been ad venturers 20 years ago Mr Ouellet invited the stu dents to improve the lang uage and separation problem by doing what they can in their own areas organ ire student exchanges and ar range class projects to know the rest of Canada After dinner a dance was held at Champlain high school Presentations Thursday May 12 the last day of the stay everyone as sembled in the Confederation Room of the West Block for presentation of the Citizen ship certificates by his Hon Judge Paul Tardy At this time everyone went up to the front and received a cert ificate Josee had previously received hers while living in Truro Nova Scotia when she was secretary In the Jr IODE Lunch was at the Chateau Laurier All the billets were present and Dan Crone and Rod Holmes led in a singsong with songs they had written commemorating the trip The students who just one day earlier had been chosen to represent their province had this chance to express their feelings of the past four days and what their country meant to them None of the speakers were quite able to put down into words how they had felt the past few days according to Josee Some spoke of the importance of the unity of the country others spoke on how they had become aware of the people in the country on the opposite coast Feel In heart What does being a Canadian mean to you Some tried to answer but it was hard Well its hard to put into words said the speaker from BC because it Is a feeling and you cant explain it You feel it in your heart We have all now become more appreciative under standing and enthusiastic about our fellow Canadians said another speaker We have met people from all corners of Canada and found out that none of them breathes fire Seeing the buildings of Canadas history and leaning about politics was nice but thats not Canada Being a Canadian in your heart not on paper is what it is all about said another adventurer Highlight In the whirlwind of events which took place in the five days Josee found it difficult to pick out any particular highlights She found the circle fascinating in what it meant to everyone in it She also felt just meeting the other adventurers and feeling that she had known them all her life was a highlight also Someone like who has lived in several different provinces all her life could well imagine the various feel ings across the country How ever her five days in Ottawa this month showed her more about her country than any amount of living in all of the provinces CHARLEBOIS 17yearold daughter of Mr and Mrs Louis Charlebois Elmore Dr recently attended the Adventure in Citizenship activities held in Ottawa The local Rotary trip sponsored trip there Reelect Jack Johnson JACK JOHNSON your Progressive Conservative Candidate The man determined to serve the people of his riding fairly no matter what the problem may be in a given area Jack is one of the hardest working members in the legislature and has one of the most creditable attendance records in the house and at committee meetings His persistence resulted in having a PRIVATE MEMBERS BILL passed the first one in years allowing candidates to advertise in the weekly press up to the day of election This bill benefits both voters and candidates in provincial elections Jack insists on participating in Committee Work He is a member of the STANDING COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON HIGHWAY SAFETY After only a half a year 1st sitting in the legislature he was made Chairman of the RESOURCES ESTIMATE COMMITTEE establishing budgets for the several ministries dealing with the Provinces resources Jack laid his political career on the line when he opposed the closing of our hospitals planned in his riding None were closed FOR INFORMATION OR OFFERS OF HELP PHONE Fergui Coiadon Erin Bolton Mount Campaign Hoadquarten JUNE IS ELECTION DATE PLEASE VOTE X JOHNSON

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