Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 22, 1977, p. 22

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Charter Night Saturday for Rockwood Lionettes resented the official club to Kingsbury who was the original presi dent It wasn until a year ago that the Lionettes were recognized as an inter national body They are responsible for many com munity betterment projects and work with the Lions and alone Each year the girls do the Blind Canvass they assist with Christmas hampers and are responsible for sending area children to free skating in all winter They ass with meals on wheels as well as many un publicized acts to needy dents The Lionettes do ex tensive catering in the area and are already lining up their program for next fall A sum of was loaned to the Lions by the Lionettes for the basement section of the Community Centre Following a dinner catered by Cedar Rail and the off ceremony an enjoyable dance to the music of the Don Singu lar Second Generation took place Saturday night at the new Community Centre in a crowd of approximately 240 people gathered to help celebrate charter night for the Bock wood Lionettes Each Lioness received a certificate of membership and an official pin Dignitaries at this special event were District Governor of Lions International Campbell Reeve Bill Jack John son Dave Monkman the incoming District Governor and Warren Wicks the Lioness Charter Chairman The Lionettes originally formed to cater to the Lions at their dinners but they have been an independent body with their own source of in come since February of President Barb Bonner Phones face rate boost Bell CaMda subscribers in Che telephone coll and phones exchange will soon lace a a toll charge now slight increase In their Barnes said the rates if monthly phone bills ranging approved by the CRTC which 20 to cents a month phone rates would Bells probably change in July manager William Barnes Councillor Gordon KranU appeared before a meeting of wondered il free calling from Mlton Council Monday to to Milton would be explain why Introduced soon but Barnes phones are going to cost said such a move has not yet more The current rate level proven necessary Only In the exchange is group which allows free distance calls go to Jailing to up to 000 other I customers he said But local fln higher rate would be township council customers can call 37 Penally to Rockwood has reiected a proposal by the phones for free now and this subscribers Grand River Conscrvaton means moving into rate Mr Barnes had some good Authority concerning super Barnes said vis on of the beach area at A private line Will rise from rate level should not jump Rockwood Conservation nor month bv cents phone users Park phones will cos Councillor John a cents more and multiparty the current a previous meeting had told phones cents more he Mid he had heard that the Playground equipment for park children are going to benefit from it town ship budget this summer The recreation committee is way below budget ac cording to township councillor Dave and as a result playground equip ment has been ordered for Park At Monday evening meeting of council Mr Masson said right now the parents come to the park to play but the child have nothing to do He ex plained a merry goround was ordered also Tool thief An man reported the theft of a tool box con taining assorted tools while it was parked at the Dominion Hotel Regional Police say Accepting bookings Environmental education programs for students are completely booked for the balance of this school year and the Credit Valley Con Authority Is accept bookings for the 1S77 program season been taught general ecology pond land and forest study in winter spring summer and fall seasons The programs are tailored to the grade level and the class curriculum Programs are available throughout the year 0RANGEVILLE RACEWAY Approximately have be HARNESS RACING Post Time Thursday Evening 8p Sunday Afternoons 2pm Exactor Air Conditioned Club Houta GATHERED Saturday for their Charter Night at the new community centre About people attended Photo by Don Hilts Kerry Chalmers Club and the Ball Association will take place Reminder to area residents his Saturday June Cash that the annual arc being offered this Strawberry on St as well as the usual free Johns Bowling Green will refreshments place Saturday June at m will be provided on the annual bike- Correction the Pioneer Beauty Contest is actually a pioneer or costume contest Emphasis is on the Hock v and District Lions sponsored by the costume and high marks will Wn magi nation Organizer Mary Coulter the fun side of this event and urges people to enter into the spirit of the thing BARB BONNER presents the official banner to Leona Kingsbury at the charter night on Saturday Photo by Don Hilts Deer hits passing car A car and deer collided on line hive of Monday in damages was caused by the run in to a driven by John of Costume contest will make Pioneer Day July is Just around the corner Com munity involvement In ac llvit such as the Bed Race the parade and the Police say the deer darted out front of the car and the driver wus not able to stop in time Council insists on lifeguards thf day a real success If you are interested in jo in call Fvclyn re your bed entry Carl Meadows about the parade and Mary Coulter about the costume contest WINNERS OF the annual bicycle rodeo at Rockwood Centennial Public School are and Margaret Thomson Constable Murray Kidd checked the participants bikes for safety gave them a written test and had them ride their bicycles through an obstacle course certain degree of park was offering no life guards on the beach He stated that he felt this was inviting trouble Councillor angered at the thought of no lifeguards suggested the park either close down or drain the lake until such time as guards are provided At Monday evening meeting of council Reeve Bill Adsctt read a letter from the Authority stating that they were going to have foot patrols with spot telephones The letter suggested that supervision was not going to be as much as In previous years so parents would have to keep a closer eye on their children Mr said he did not feel idea was acceptable He emphasized the beach should be supervised when ever the park is open Mr McLeod pointed out there are going to be a lot of youngsters who ore camping In the park and just decide to go in swimming without their parents knowledge and the swimmers who have been dropped off at the park for the day without their parents He said the Authority plan was lowering the degree of safety He further stated that the used to a degree of service and life guards is one of them He said the telephone Idea would not work because by the time someone was reached on the phone i person could be drowned You are talking about minutes and seconds ht retorted The phone is of no use Counc agreed to send mother letter to the authority tell Hum eir plan is in The Dominion HOTEL MAIN ST NORTH ACTON is under new management WE HAVE SELECTED OUR STAFF FOR THEIR ABILITY TO BE COURTEOUS AND GIVE GOOD SERVICE Entertainment Three Nights A Week COME IN AND SEE THE RENOVATIONS TO OUR DANCE FLOOR AND TRY OUR FABULOUS DINING LOUNGE SPECIAL MENUS EACH DAY We thank our present customers for their continued patronage and welcome all The Dominion HOTEL ACTON Milton Department Store MAIN ST MILTON LIQUIDATION RECEIVER CONTINUES LIQUIDATION SALE With summer here many famillies will be soon taking vocations The Free Press would like to hear from readers for the Personals column SERVICES Hvtrti I It Acton Ton Summer Hours JULY and AUGUST Monday to Friday 9am to 12 noon and Tuesday Afternoons In Caie of an Emergency call HALTON HILLS CONTACT CENTRE 8771211 SB SERVICES 8533310 All Tours SBPT 2nd to VIA MOTOR COACH T0 EACH OF TWO NEW YORK CITY NX 12500 WHEELING WEST VIRGINIA 7900 NASHVILLE TENNESSEE OTTAWA ONTARIO 8900 OTTAWA DEPARTS SATURDAY SEPTEMBERS FOR INFORMATION CONTACT mm TRAVEL ACTON ONTARIO Toronto Acton STOCK MUST BE CLEARED IMMEDIATELY SALE CONTINUES am THURS JUNE Pieces BUY NOW SAVE SAVE OPEN THURS and FRI 10 am TILL pm SAT

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