Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 3, 1977, p. 1

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Downtown check list studys recommendations in brief establishment of a leather theme immediate acquisition of Hotchens property and additional property for parking from Willow through John rental upgrading and marking of the parking lot behind and the Dominion Hotel parking meters at Hotchen s lot Trinity United church lot Mam from Church to St s Mill from Main to Frederick Willow from Church to Bower John from Church to Bower hiring of a bylaw enforcement officer to be shared with Georgetown sidewalk projections on Mill trees and street furniture on Main building improvement program prohibition of overhanging signs freestanding canopy along Mill for weather protection rental and landscaping of the small space at the northeast corner of Mill and Main BIA entrance signs planters and benches at the municipal building planters seating and lighting at the United church lot use of the town hall as a prominent com munity feature establishment of a farmers market privately initiated improvements Draft plan circulating A preview of what Mill could be streetscaping and continuous canopy for weather protection Leather town looks ahead Reaction to the draft report on a Plan for Acton Business Centre is very good smiles Business Improvement Area board of directors chairman Henry Stachyra Tuesday After receiving seven copies of the report last week he is circulating them to all the 75 mer chants and businessmen included in the area this week He is also having extra copies made So far the response has been very enthusiastic he says Business people are particularly pleased by the suggestions that the town assume a leather theme and for the re institution of the short lived Saturday morning market The illustrations are also attracting much attention he said Questionnaires will go to all the people in the downtown business blocks effected and they are to be back to Mr Stachyra by August 12 After another meeting with Limited which prepared the draft a final report will be presented in September A public meeting will then be called The cost of paid by the BIA to An will include the final report The is financed by business assessment and assessments jumped per cent this year to cover the cost of the new sidewalks and this report The BIA will have an surplus to begin next year They this year for the maximum amount allowed The amount may vary considerably from year to year Mr Stachyra is counting on a good response to the and good constructive criticism He is very encouraged by what hes heard so far On the BIA of directors are Mr Stachyra Ed Wood Bill Terry and councillor Pat Doug Flowers of Anthrogram Limited met with them several times and made many con tacts here before writing the draft report Full report on page 6 One hundred and Th Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY AUGUST 3 Twenty Pages Fifteen Cents Traffic can cross bridge There will be continuous flow of traffic on Main St N answering a question which has been puzzling residents since road construction began there Workmen plan to have a oneway flow of traffic at all times A flagman will direct the north south flow on the one lane all during working hours After the workmen have left for the day two lanes will be open for traffic and police have been assured prece dence will be given to their vehicles in the event of any emergency The area of the small bridge had caused concern since the Main and Mill reconstruction programs began There were lions some of them fairly far fetched for alternative routes However the workmen are now certain they can keep their work to one side The two lanes which will be open will be at he extreme east side of Main N The corner of River and Main has been paved over this week to make it easier for huge trucks to turn These trucks have been having much difficulty venng corners since recon struction began Some road signs have been temporarily taken down since they were being struck by trucks Although some trouble with quicksand had been cipatcd workmen say they ire able to cope with the sand well The earth under the bridge is clay they believe The men in the King Paving crews comment they have had few complaints from local people despite all the noise dust detours and con fusion Storm cuts services back to normal today Sunday flush storm which hit most areas of Southern Ontario quite heavily knocked out hydro television cable and tele phone lines in Acton feeling local residents for as little as three hours to as much as three days 50 per cent of the town was affected by any one of the three malfunctions no hydrono telephoneno cable television and at press time the only area in Acton which was still not in full operation was the area There seems to be a lot of seeping into our under ground system from the storm said John Program Director for able Systems We had pro blems with some other areas in Acton and along Highway South but with the except ion of Kingham our had loo per cent vice by a Monday We been having i lot of power problems this summer because of the great number of electrical storms in the area he added But we have just purchased standby power equipment which should retain the power our equipment needs thus pre venting breakdowns in ser said that no extra manpower was needed to check the lines per cent of which are on poles and 40 per cent which are buried There were some blown fusts and some of the light ning were broken but there was nothing really serious just annoying Our problems resulted from a hydro shortage stated Hydro in Acton was out for about three hours and mm in five separate areas of said Ken Hodgson a lineman with Hydro ive trees were responsible for the black outs in the t hurch St area some sec of Mill St Poplar Ave St and Kingham The lightning and high winds knocked the trees into the lines usually broking them with their weight Hodgson and partner Cook handled the MZB 97 on Friday On Friday Minnie I Ben will observe her birthday This well known Actonian was school principal for many years and of course the Z Bennett School is named in her honor She is a former Citizen of the Year Her eyesight is poor but she still enjoys contact with relatives and friends Her address is Central Park Lodge lloom 200 St Kitchener black outs in had power restored in the five ireas by To Sunday We had no extra man power for this one laughed Hodgson Just George and me Bell Canada took the brunt of the storm in Acton and hoped to restore service in the area by this Sixteen customers in cton are not receiving vice said Ho Duke Assist Manager of Public tions at Bell Canada We hope have service restored by m Wednesday The problem for Hell started when an 8 volt pri mary high tension table draped itself over one of Hell anadas service lines The sparks off the hydro cable slowly fused the individual service lines together thus ending service Bell has had around the clock manpower in splicing cable repairing the damage I here were many fallen branches and streets were lit with them after the skies cleared One large branch struck the home of Mr and Mrs Vic Elliott and fimily on Church St Another large branch fell off a tree at the home of Mr and Mrs Mike family Church St and blew all the way up Willow to Morse Hardware WHAT is if Its an ulu knife an Eskimo hide scraping tool Where was it handcrafted Coppermine N W T Why did it surprise its purchaser See Portables move out There are few minor traffic problems by construction on Mill St and in Acton and they ire going to seem larger this week is The Hoard of moves portable classrooms from Acton to various points in the legion of where they ire now needed We ire moving 11 portable classrooms from Robert I M Bennett and Mackenzie Smith School in Acton to seven points in the southern part of the region said John Cargo assistant superintendent of Plant Operations and We II be moving one or two porhblc a day if we re lucky and the weather ill right Milton District High School will get two class rooms Robert Baldwin School Milton will three Slrtet Middle School Milton will one Brook Public School will get one J I School Milton will get two Polly School in Bur will one and the North relocation Centre in Burlington will get one I he portable classroom range in age from two to 10 hive been moved as much as five times Addition to fire hall will be 200000 expert tells council The for the ad tit ion fire hall is according to Alan consulting engineer He told Hills council Tuesday night the cost will be higher if the windows facia are m itched to those in the town hall He emphasized the 000 is for the fire hill alone does not include work on the town hall except for the demolition of the stage Mr he met the citizens group who arc to restore the town hall I hey w us to give prices on the fire hull look is much like the town as possible A scpintc price would be ob tained for this he idded hire chief Mick Holmes said he had not been in touch with the citizens group re He sai the group to the removal of the stage if the face of it is left int ict They did not want square windows he said Councillor I ctcr Marks asked what the cost would be without changes to match the town hall Mr said probably IM 0H could be saved Councillor I con tended the cost must be weighed againsl the wishes of the citizens He pointed out negotiations were started to give firemen space but now both requirements must be met Mijor Tom Hill claimed council had decided to hold up the firemen s request until it was known if the citizens could money to restore the town hall In Mr eegen pre dicted no interruption In fire department routine since the woul I be building above the existing Fire hall Councillor Miller pointed out there wis only ooo in the budget Coun Pat McKenzie stated the firemen should be looked ifter regardless of the citizens Councillor Booth put forward i motion to have Mr ccgin prepare final draw ings and specif cations for Ihe lire hall with retention of the town hall also in mind Where the extra coming from asked Coun Mike Armstrong Booth suggests lot levies now in the bank tentatively earmarked or a new library should be used It would appear it would be sometime before the library is started Booth said He urged no debentures be issued and Ihe total cost taken from lot levies to eliminate debt Booth contended lot levies from four developments starting in the next year could be used if the new Town wells pump overtime Noticed bubbles in your water The milky appearance is due to the fact pumps arc working overtime at the town wells to provide enough water these days The dry weather heat have In creased the call on the wells resulting in the steady pumping Another well at the end of the park is due to come into service in October and this will relieve the strain on the present water supplies is built Marks claimed the need for the fire hall is evident and agreed that a library seemed to be in the future Councillor Miller asked for a report on how the financing could be arranged The motion to prepare the final drawings passed un animously Thefts A purse was reported stolen from the I Bennett school this week containing A car radio antenna was re ported stolen from a cor parked at the corner of Main and Mill Pranks on Kingham Rd A resident reported to police someone entered his home turned on the stove glued the phone receiver to the phone body put pot of foodstuffs on the stove and pulled flowers in the garden Committee waffles on regional road expansion Moving the portables here it comesl And there it goes rear guard and all Regional Public Works Committee Chairman Jack was unsuccessful in convincing his committee to quash any notion or ex paneling a regional roads system to incorporate roads in the urban parts of Burling ton and The committee was com menting on a report which encouraged the region to assume new roads in the regional road system Chief Administrative Officer Ernie reminded he council that the province would make grants available over a five year transition period if the region moved towards the expansion now Some councillors reared losing the grants if they proceed with expansion Burlington Councillor Vern said most of the roads In the system in the north now he argued the system is clearly inequitable It isn t a matter of whether you change the system or not but a question of how to go ibout it he said Councillor Laurie said he favored returning all roads to the area levels and introducing a grant structure to assist with main to nance of roads in the north where the population Is sparse and there are many miles of roads Regional Chairman Morrow said he wanted to be certain that avoided the situation thai occurred in Hamilton He claimed Went worth took over a lot of regional roads at great ex pense to the region but there was no savings to the area levels asked the committee to support his motion that would have abolished idea of expanding regional roads and put the matter to rest But the committee ready for thai His motion was defeated but there was no motion suggest any action be token In other words the matter was left in limbo left the meeting at that point and told the com It could do as it pleased with the rest of the agenda Outside the chambers told reporters he upset with the com No I m not upset I feel that I m In con trol of the committee and always have been He said he was confident the committee would eventu ally pass what he calls a sen motion

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