BIO The Acton Free Press Wednesday Oct L c IODE marks 60th anniversary TWENTY FIVE year pin is presented to Jessie Coles by provincial I 0 D E vicepresident Mrs J S Darling The anniversary of the founding of Lakeside chapter of the 1 0 was happily celebrated Saturday and three of the charter members were there to share the friendly hours of re mini sconces They are Mrs Stella McLam A damson Mrs Isobel Elliott Watson and Mrs Marguerite Symon Taylor The first regent Emerald Cooper Simmons was also an honored head table guest About members former members and guests spent the memorable evening together in Knox church hall with a banquet toasts speeches and presentations highlighting the program Speaker was national 1 0 vicepresident Mrs Morley Keegan Provincial vicepresident Mrs J S ingtook part In presentations and toasts Program chairman was present regent Mrs Helen with Mrs Eileen as standard bearer and Mrs Win Elliott as pianist Mrs Harriet said grace Mrs Kay Lidkea rep resenting Mrs Josephine Force regent of the Duke of Devonshire chapter of the I 0 D E proposed the toast to Lakeside chapter and Kit also recalled the brought greetings from the years of working together senior group In reply Mrs Mrs Darling proposed the toast to the four charter members Only Mrs Lucy Edwards Walters was unable to be there In a touching reply Mrs likened the evening to a mountain top ience She spoke of the strong bonds among members and said the party would give inspiration to carry on with renewed interest and loyalty She recalled the days of formation when the four charter members were together The organizer Mrs Smith suggested the name because of the town s lovely lake On behalf of the charter members she urged the members to dream a little think a lot evaluate and then decide Jessie Coles toasted the provincial and national REGENT Helen and the four tiered versa cake chapters and Mrs Keegan responded Marguerite Ryder Spiel a year member read a lively history of the chapter and Mrs VelmaWest spoke a few words in tribute to deceased members Mrs Hazel thanked everyone who had par New year members were given their pins by Mrs Jessie Coles Mary Mann and Kay Dills Mrs Spielvogel introduced the people present by name a remarkable feat she had also undertaken at the year anniversary She mentioned Bessie Woodhall Musselle a 59year member and Helen Middle- ton a year member As chairman of the I O D E sliver Jubilee ittee Mrs Kecgan spoke Highlights of six decades recalled by 57year member Some highlights of the past years of Lakeside Chapter were recalled by Marguerite Ryder Spielvogel a member for years Early in the First World War years Mrs C H Smith wife of the Anglican rector at that time was very Interested in the work of the I O D E She had a group or ladles meet at the home of Mrs Torrance and they formed a Primary Chapter On June 1916 they received their Charter and became the Duke or Devenshire chapter Mrs Smith satis fled she decided there were many young ladies in town who could form a Junior Chapter On October 6 a small group got together at the borne of Mr and Mrs George Edwards Mrs Smith ex plained the work of the Order and the Constitution to them and presented them with a woollen flag and so the Lake side chapter Children of the Empire was started On April the Chapter was received and the charter members were Emerald Cooper Regent Lucy Edwards 1st vice regent Marguerite secretary Stella McLam treasurer and Elliott Standard Bearer The first event held by the Chapter was a tea and bake sale in the shop now occupied by the beauty salon The proceeds were There were many incidents in the early years dear to the hearts of members many of whom still belong to the Chapter Agnes was the first bride a party was held at Lucy Edwards A china chocolate was pre to Agnes which she still treasures Our work in the early was all for our town and community On May the Chapter presented a flag to thttown In and they sponsored operettas in Hit town hall In a new floor was laid in the town hall costing and new cur tains purchased for the stage The first dance on the new floor was held September with Premier Orchestra of The Chapter donated a flag for the park entrance tables and benches for the park benches for cemetery and helped equip the kitchen and recreation room at the In November 1922 the Chapter members banquetted the Junior base ball team During the first and second World Wars the members assisted in many projects knitted for the Red Cross helped the Great War Veterans Association and in relief work Many dances have been held by the Chapter over yeare but one we will never forget was the night we had Ben Hoke orchestra a big name band at the time That dance nearly didn t come off because the orchestra got lost in Dances then always had patronesses and the late Mrs It M Mac donold was always ready to ass us in any way she could In 1925 a huge bazaar was held in the town hall with the Many bazaars have held since lately with higher proceeds After the first World War the Chapter decorated the solders graves in and Dublin cemeteries after the service on Armistice Day This was done every year up to 1954 when the Decoration Day in June took our place At first the Citizens Band and many citizens went with us as the years went on it was only the members Through rain snow and sleet the faithful few performed this service 11 wis decided a bigger group is needed and so the Decoration Day in June wis started with all organizations and citizens taking part Then again only a few were at tend ng so this year only the Legion and Chapter members performed this service Our other endeavours during the early years in eluded awards lo pupils in public and high schools calendars in the schools adopting a northern school assisting with the sale of poppies helping the Red Cross the pioneer cemetery and the Music Festival At a chapter meeting held at Marguerite in 1928 four officers of the Nat lonal Chapter Mrs Burden Mrs Lumber Mrs Dunbar and Mrs McCarthy attended They were quite surprised to be attending a Junior Chapter EDEN MILLS RESIDENT Howard Walker sketched the Academy recently He has been awarded a communications award for his articles and sketches in daily papers over the past several years Eden Mills resident deceives special award At the annual meeting of He received award for appeared in the daily Heritage Canada held in Promoting in an outstanding press the Globe Ottawa on September a lannerthevalueofCanadas Mall during the last Communications Award was heritage and the need to pre- to Howard V it through his many Mr leer makes his Walker Architect Toronto articles and sketches which In Eden Mills but thoroughly enjoyed them scUts and said they wouldn mind coming back this visit we began to feel guilty at re maining a Junior Chapter and began to think of becoming a Chapter lftHwcreally graduated to a Primary 17 years less three from the date the Chap ter wis organized Mrs rnst of Kitchener the Pro Organizing Secretary presented our Regent Vida It with the new chap ter Mrs Main of Hamilton wis present also In the years the meetings were held in the Oddfellows hall and in the members homes In we holdingour meetings in the and in IMG moed to the Legion Hall we still hold our meet although in a fine new building The fees up to were eents when we became a I Chapter they were SI In 1940 they were raised to and in 1954 to which in eluded the price of the magazine Echoes In 196J were raised to which included for the bazaar groups In 1967 they became as the per capita tax and were raised and now we pay fees The woollen flag presented Mrs Smith was used until 1935 when a standard and flag were purchased and dedicated at the home of the standard bearer Marguerite Ityder and what a proud group we were that night Mr J a short time later presented us with a leather carrier which we still use on parades On April 12 1960 a new standard and flag was dedicated at a chapter meeting by Rev A MiKenzic The Canadian flag was purchased In 1967 also another leather carrier Our table standard was pur chased in 1974 On the anniversary of National Chapter on May 29 1JG0 our standard bearer carried our standard In the procession of standard bear On may 1935 we held a very successful banquet in the old parish hall Miss Joan Arnold past president from national headquarters was a guest also the members of the Duke of Devonshire chap ter The admission was cents The Chapter members prepared and served the ban and baked Alaska was the dessert nearly a disaster In that old cook stove In 1937 at the Coronation service the members planted a tree in the Robert Little school grounds In the Devonshire and Lakeside chapter held an afternoon tea at the home of the later Mrs Peter Smith impressively on the role of the crown in Canada The monarchy is a living and enduring part of the life of the people Affection has been added to reverence for people of many backgrounds she said Our beliefs reflect the feelings of the majority of Canadians The monarchy Is ours by deliberate choice We have a sense of continuity lacking a republican state as ideas and former convictions are being tossed aside today the people need something con slant and to hold on to She told of the I ODE silver Jubilee project the purchase of 30 noted original water colors of the Arctic to be presented to the museum at in the name of the Queen The beautiful anniversary cake was made by Mrs Grace and decorated by Mrs Young Upstairs there was much interest In a display of the two charters pictures and scrap- books Convenor for the an versa ry celebration was Mrs Spielvogel with comm members FOR familiar faces in the I E and Kit are sisters Mrs Mane Sut Clara Coy and Kit Chapter Tribute paid YEAR member of Lakeside chapter Marguerite Spielvogel introduces all of the banquet s guests by name Outoftown guests renew friendships Attending the Lakeside Chapter of the I anniversary dinner from out of town were Mrs Emerald Cooper Simmons Guelph Gladys McKersic Milton Stella Adamson Cambridge who is a charter member Mrs Dora Lambert Miss Mrs trances Dills Prosser St Thomas Mrs Marie Fergus Mrs Clara Coy Toronto Mrs Catherine Mississauga Mrs Helen Mc Geachlc Milton Mrs Helen Cull en Guelph Mrs Alice Johnson Rum ley Miss Julie Cambridge friends attending with guests were Mrs Betty White Weymouth Muss and members of the I O E chapters In Milton and Brampton were our guests Later in the year we attended a tea held by the Guelph chapter also one in Brampton and toured the Dale greenhouses The last several years some of our members have attended the Founders Day luncheons sponsored by the Guelph chapters Our chapter has held many successful bazaars dances teas baking sales rummage sales garden parties miles of pennies bridges euchres and other projects over the year assisted many other organizations fulfilled our obligations to headquarters helped at citizenship courts assisted many needy families with Christmas baskets and in other ways presented rings Never Late Never Ab sent certificates and bur to high school students During the years the Chapter has been bereaved by the loss or 12 members and as for as we know 12 of our former members have passed away May the Lakeside chapter be able to carry on for many more successful years L0T0 CANADA TICKET Mrs Ida Henderson toon Saskatchewan Mrs Helen Kerr and Mrs Mary Thacker Guelph Regrets and greetings were received from Mrs Hazel Mrs Muriel Mane Lome Mrs Ruth Robertson Mrs Mino Mrs Wood Mrs Margaret Mrs Betty Ryder Itzsimons Mrs Betty Dolphin Mrs Bessie Maples den Mrs Edna Henderson Collins Mrs Helen Mac Donald Bell Mrs Isobel Bruce Russell Miss McMillan Mrs Mrs Marion Mori Craig Mrs Helen Mrs Margaret Armstrong Mrs A Newton Mrs Josephine Force Mfsstmmn Robinson Mrs Kilty Miss Doris Wilson Mrs F ranees Hurst Mrs Lorna Held and Mrs Bessie Vincent regents Regents of Lakeside Chapter of the I D E since 1917 have been Miss Emerald Cooper Miss Marguerite Symon Vera Harvey Olla Armstrong Bessie Woodhall Alice Johnstone Stella Jessie Anderson Robinson Vida Ram Marguerite Ryder Mrs A J Buchanan Miss Robinson Mrs Malcolm Mrs Helen Cull en Alice McCallum Mrs George Musselle Marguerite Ryder Mrs A J Mrs J H Creighton Mrs Richard Bean Mrs Garnet McKenzie Mrs 11 Hinton Mrs Stanley Norton Mrs Joe Miss Jessie Coles Mrs It Spielvogel Mrs Wm Sproslon Mrs Mrs Cecil Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Spielvogel and for the past three terms Mrs J A touching tribute was paid to the deceased members of Lakeside chapter Saturday These members are Mrs Vida Hilton Mrs Edna Johnston Mrs Tina Thompson Coles Jessie Walker Mrs Ethel Fryer Mrs Eleanor Miss Marion McDugall Miss Nellie Wilkin Miss Clara Grindley Mrs Olla Arm strong Mrs Jessie Russell Landsborough Mrs Jean Isaac Mrs Betty Lowrie MacDonald Mrs Vera Harvey Reed Mrs Mary Marks Mrs Pearl Wal lace Boyd Mrs Violet Smith Cochrane Mrs Nephew Buchanan Miss Laura Scott Mrs Mrs Terry Hunt Grigg Mrs Mary Jackson Hinton Mrs Mary Benton and Mrs Dora Wood Ryder Missed Your Free Press Please Let Us Know Our carriers do their best to give fast courteous service but mistakes do happen so If you do not receive your paper or have any complaints regarding delivery please call our office 8532010 LIGHTING SHOWROOM Rela I and Wholesale GERRIE ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO LTD Armstrong Ave Geo Its Planting Time Again w Birchway Farms Nursery Garden Centre 5 Miles North of Georgetown On Trafalgar Road at Batlmafad OPEN DAYS A WEEK DRUG STORES Well Worth Looking For until SATURDAY OctobCf NOTICE Refuse normally picked up Monday October will be picked up Tuesday October 11 1977 Further refuse normally picked up Tuesday October will be picked up October 12 YOUR CHOICE Only GILLETTE CARTRIDGE I GILLETTE FOAMY 11 0ZSHAVE CREAM TAME RINSE I VASELINE INTENSIVE CARE LOTION ml ROLLON ANTlPERSPIRANT COLGATE DENTAL CREAM I Hon Gnat www ELXES UPDATED FROM CHEAT RAITAIl ASSORTED FLAVOURS PADSASSORTED TYPES BASKET WEAVE CLOTHS ASSORTED COLOURS COLOURFUL APRONS ASSORTED STYLES COLOURS IRISH SUPER EXTRA Alt FRESHENER SOL SEE COLOURFUL ASSORTED COLOURS Co YOUR CHOICE THROAT LOZENGES BABY OIL 1 MILK LOTION VASELINE BABY POWDER UMLBR0NCHI0A COUGH SYRUP BAN ROLLON DEODORANT 1 glenlea drug mart Queen Street East Acton 853 2220