Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 12, 1977, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Oct 12 1977 gffitjTMafaiaS Editorial Page About that curfew police should think twice before enforcing an old curfew statute Recently chief Ken Skerrett said the police are considering en forcing a curfew to keep youths years of age off the streets after 10 Its thought the curfew will reduce vandalism and loitering Vandalism has become a big worry the past few years as more and more public and private property is damaged Police at tribute most vandalism to teenagers Vandalism is touching many lives as businessmen and home owners find they must continually replace glass shrubs parts of cars and other items Vandalism of public property is also soaring and costing all ratepayers dearly Vandalism was a subject of concern at two meetings in town this past week the Business Association and the Youth Services subcommittee With winter coming there will be enough hours of darkness before pm that teenagers inclined to vandalize will still have plenty of time to accomplish their task without running much of a risk of detection A curfew would however end some harmless and worthwhile activities for young people who dont cause trouble It would also turn off many decent young people who had never felt hostility to police The rising vandalism problem is a tough one to tackle and answers are scarce However punishing a whole group for the actions of a few and vandalism certainly is the actions of a few has historically flopped Fire Prevention Week This week is Fire Prevention Canada Activities by Acton firefighters are greatly confined this year due to the construction at the fire hall but that does not mean the week has gone unnoticed Fire Chief Mick Holmes along with a few of his volunteers have been visiting schools giving talks on fire safety and prevention Children have been busy the past few weeks making posters on fire safety which will be judged by the Ontario Fire Mar shall later in the year Prizes will to winners There are several activities in Georgetown for Fire Prevention Week including tours of their new hall During this special week fire fighters should be saluted They rush to the fire hall as soon as their hip beepers make a noise un daunted as to the dangers which he ahead Firefighters think of fire safety the year round and hope everyone else does also Thats our money Is a bargain a bargain even when its still expensive The boys who brought you conventions in New Orleans Site and rising taxes have struck again A committee of regional council has come out support of new chairs for council chambers worth each But hold on they say Were not extravagant The regions getting a deal and the chairs will only cost between and The region still doesnt seem to have got the message Govern ments at all levels must restrain spending Getting a good deal on the chairs and other furniture for council chambers the lavish new head quarters being built in Bronte Creek Provincial Park isnt restraint Councillors are considering spending as much for their chairs as many ratepayers dare spend on a chesterfield The fact the chairs are the same as the kind chessmaster Bobby Fisher insists on using doesnt increase their value either The councillors are supposedly wisely administering public funds Not relaxing with the chess board Why not keep using the present council chambers furniture It all looks as if it has been plucked from the board room of a rich national corporation Plans call for the present chambers furniture to be used in a committee room Surely reasonably priced office furniture could be used in committee rooms Council hasnt approved the committee idea yet With a little luck councillors will come to their senses before more tax dollars are wastpd Of this and that Leaves are falling now that autumn is here They fall everywhere in yards on walks and on porches They have served their purpose Once they were a source of light and life Now the trees drop them freely gladly Leaves are like ideas in the mind They come when needed They flourish and give light life and wisdom When ideas have served their purpose they need to be swept away lest they block the way for new ideas We must con stantly sweep out the old to make way for the new Reach out with all the senses God has given us Reach out and love and create and be involved and you will ex the fulfillment of living fife in its fullest Dorothy Thomas OLD SHOT OF LADIES who worked for Hewetsons Shoe factory in the was brought in to the Free Press office by Thomas Gibbons Front row left to right Amelia Evans Dorothy Babiock Frances Jennings Marjorle Gibson Ruth Jennings and Maureen Wilson Back row left to right Frances Kenney Wilma White Waller Waller Cora White Alice Coles Miss Scriven Dorothy Smethurst and Lucy BURNING CEREMONY Leaf burning is a traditional activity during the fall despite Halton Hills bylaw against open fires When the leaves pile up what can you do Put them on your neighbors lawn or burn them Sugar and Spice by bill smiley Boy 1 get of he news sometimes don t you Unemployment and inflation up Housing is scarce and mighty expensive The idiols in Ulster are still blowing each other up The various pipe- lint dtbotcs go on and on And everybody is stared stiff that Quebec will separate Boring boring boring It becomes difficult to remain a positive concerned citizen of this country of ours when the daily news is nothing but bad Madness and senseless violence and fear of involvement seem to be all about us It highly doubtful that any Canadian hockey club can beat the Russians Toronto Argonauts and Toronto Blue Jays are the worst teams in their respective leagues My friends are getting old and sick I have to have a tooth extracted tomorrow And the bricks on my house are crumbling Just like my teeth Just try to keep stiff upper lip when you haven any teeth with which to siffen it Canadian women arc living six and a half years more than Canadian men Juvenile delinquency is increasing at the rate of 6 per cent annually And my is playing hell with my shoulder Taxes in Canada are higher than they are In Britain Two guys trying to fly the Atlantic in a balloon ditched in the sea near Iceland And some poor turkey fish In the Niagara River was drowned when his fell in and he jumped after it He probably had a mickey of rye in it Another big really big cabinet resigns from the government George Chuvolo at wants one last fight drama shows Alberta and Ottawa getting a royal screwing from US based oil companies And my wife wants to buy a whole lot of new furniture for the living room despite the fact that the stuff we have is only years old and perfectly good If you like leaning lamps and rumpspring chairs We got enough natural gas to last us Tor years but we wont be able to afford it The weather is absolutely rotten So is my car which Is about to disintegrate in a cloud of rust dust should anyone give It a kick In Quebec the English speaking are taking a hosing while the rest of the country various guys called Goyer Chretien and Trudeau are telling us what to think And I never did get the stain on my picnic Libit Nothing much rong the big of course rherc is Why one of them has slashed its interest on loans for new cars from to 12 interest Quelle bent vol en Who needs it when the price of cars has goncupaboutsixperetntMfyousee going by you some time in the next year and a body falls through the bottom that II be me running my old car until it However there an out I can buy a Turbo Commander executive Jet that will My Above Tht Weather for only Trade or finance I think I might have to finance that one Ottawa recently floated a bond issue of one billion dollars with remarkable ease Authorities are enthralled ith the case with which the bonds were sold Why not they say cut personal taxes and cover the enlarged deficit with increased borrow ing Why not indeed They only have a debt now of six and a half billion dollars Peanuts What in the name of all that is weird his happened to this country in the last three decades Wt came out of World War with a proud war record and fourth in the world In gross national product We had surging economy a vibrant industrial health and all those noturil resources We were united and free and strong The future was rosy Thirty odd years later we con sell our products because our prices are too high We have one of the worst records in the world for industrial and civil Our postal system is rotten Our don carry passengers lactones are closing down right and ltft The arc a disaster And is practically dictating its own terms with a shattered Dominion in the offing Maybe we too quickly out of national short pants and into the overalls Maybe we got greedy and lazy and soft Maybe we had third rate Icidership that sold out our and our and our other natur resources for interim pohti prestige Whatever happened we have something close to a national disaster on our hands Our dollar Is weak Our young people have little faith In the future Our middle aged are suspicious and cynical Our system is riddled with the worst aspects of bureaucracy Thirty years ago I d have said to any of my many friends from the Common wealth Australia New Zealand Rhodesia Come to Canada that where the future is greatest country in the world I d have difficulty in pronouncing those words today I could say we have best unemployment premiums in the world great health plans But there not much room here now to build a future Pity the Free Press Back Issues 10 years ago Taken Tram iisueof the Free 1967 Transport minister Paul Hellyer prodded by Halton Harry Harley wants a full report from the Canadian Transportation Commission on the closing of the Acton CNR station Acton council has sent a letter protesUng the closing although they have not officially been notified or it For the second time the Chamber of Commerce has arranged a Meet the Candl The three West candidates incumbent George Kerr Liberal Jack Lush and Ted MaeDonald will all be C of C guests at the high school Thursday evening Friday morning at a 35 Robert Little School pupils board their bus for Expo They return Monday after managing to see the world s fair just before its closing the end of October The five going with the group are Mrs Bern Von Fleet Mrs H Collett Mrs Ktrwin teacher Miss Donna and Robert Little Principal years ago taken from the Acton Free Press 1S5T Bob Coxe and Bruce Andrews set the pace in the Thanksgiving Day races at last Monday when they both placed first in their running events Mrs Olive Cairns retiring secretary of the Ladies Auxiliary was presented with a crystal set of earrings and a necklace by the group last Tuesday evening in the An Acton organization arranged a very enjoyable and varied program for the resi dents of the Manor on Tuesday evening This organization was the Women Institute which was represented by a large number of it s members headed by the Institute president Mrs George Fryer The Institute sponsored the program which wis given by a number of very gifted and versatile artists The traditional roast turkey dinner that is always associated with Thanksgiving was served to the resi dents at noon on Sunday Rev P G Vessey of Long Branch was guest it the Rotary Club meet ing last Tuesday evening at the Dominion Motel Introduced by Franklin Prouse the guest spoke on the true meaning of Thanks giving 50 years ago Taken from ihe Issue the I- Press of Thursday October 13 1927 The reeve reported to council that he had received the gift of peony roots from the Prince of Wales They had been planted in the floral bed at the new entrance to Prospect Park There is plenty of rain these days Thieves broke one of the windows of the ticket office at Wonderland Theatre last night stole a number of tickets They received little recompense for their trouble W C Kenney passed his Medical Council examinations Acton friends extend congratulations Radios parties meetings and en are again the seasonable topics The work on cementing No highway is progressing well years ago Taken from the Issue of the ree Press or Thursday Octoberll 1877 Rain had a decidedly dampening effect on the fair at Georgetown Some displays were remarkably meagre In hops one of staples there was but a solitary sample Mr S Smith and Mr Waldic both of Acton were principal winners for sheep Mr Ryder of Acton showed two buggies and two democrats Mr C Hill of Acton showed excellent photographs he Winnipeg ree Press says that what is said to be a potato bug the first one it is believed seen in the province was brought in the other day in a package of goods imported from the United States It lived for a few days only Grace s Celebrated Salve cures flesh wounds frozen limbs salt rheum chilblains sore breast sore lips erysipelas ring worms calluses chapped hands festers piles warts bites pimples itch ingrowing nails flea bites felons shingles sties freckles boils whitlows scurvy cancers wens cuts blisters corns and all cutaneous diseases and eruptions gcnerilly Price 2S cents a box kilometers eh Well lets see now theres 254 cms in an inch and theres inches in a Of this and that Heres where people can talk to each other through the Letters to the Editor column But please be sure to sign your name even tf you request that it not be used THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 853 2010 Business and Editorial Office Copyright 1977

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