Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 14, 1977, p. 1

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Minister agrees to consider hydro route review Representatives of the Interested Citizens Group which met with Energy Minister James Taylor his assistant Malcolm Rowan and adviser Andy Frame Tuesday felt they got a responsible hearing from the Minister the first In several years of campaigning to get an independent study of a proposed hydro corridor from Bruce to Milton According to John Minns public relations officer for the ICG Mr Taylor said he would consider the ultimatum they delivered discuss It with the Premier and the Cabinet and come back with an answer by December yes or no The ICG have threatened to drag on legal entanglements to delay the corridor over two years unless the Minister gives them a four month review considering an alternative route to Kitchener as well as the Bruce to Milton proposal The ICG contends it has always been Hydro aim to go to Kitchener In the first place but a political decision rerouted the corridor from Bruce to Milton Energy Minister Taylor told the ICG Tuesday the final responsibility is at the political level The ICG left him with three facts to mull over 1 He can ignore an Independent review and allow legal blocks to the Bruce to Milton corridor to delay It up to two years He can consider the amount of dollar savings to the province and Ontario Hydro by shortening the route in miles and have it built sooner He can also consider whether the shorter route would be better for the system both in the short range and long term By taking a route to Kitchener they would solve power problems expected to materialize there In 1980 ICG representatives who included president BUI Mann John Schneider Gordon Kldd Gardhouse David Moffat William Allen and John Minns were satisfied with their Tuesday meeting with Mr Taylor Minns said the fact he thought they might have a point was a strike on their behalf He also said Taylor also began to Bee some of the reasons for the fight against the corridor by citizens along the entire route who have long claimed they were being treated badly by Hydro and the government In any event they are determined to carry on he fight against the corridor unless they get an independent review They feel the review will justify their position and open many eyes One Hundred and third Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1977 Th t Pagoj Fifteen Cents Council drags feet- no town hall funds BOAR S HEAD is helf impressively aloft by chef Dave while Earl Steckley follows with the huge turkey during the procession which preceded the Boar Head dinner in the Legion Sunday The whiteuniformed chefs really do the cooking we just get the blame if something goes wrong explained high hatted Steckley Nothing did Disappointed members of the Acton Town Hall Restoration committee Monday learned there is no money from the Heritage Foundation for the project the way things are at present The decision relayed by phone to Doug states The Heritage Foundation defers its decision on a grant for the Acton Town Hall until such time as the municipal council demonstrates its willingness to make a much more responsible financial contnbution to the implementation of this project and to its subsequent management PROCESSION OF choristers jesters monks and chefs proceeded and sang formally up and down all the aisles at the Legion before over 300 were served dinner there Sunday The in novative Boar s Head dinner was arranged by the church s young people with a little help from their friends Dave leads the procession The event was all impressively staged by candlelight Approve million budget Strike snow play havoc with mail A draft capital budget of will have to decide million for what items listed should be proved by Halton Hills council this week and was sent on to the Halton Regional Council for approval Treasurer Ray King em phaslzed this Is only a pre liminary capital budget and may be charged drastically He acknowledged the sound principle of doing as much as from the operating to reduce debt charges but pointed out the operating budget included surplus from the same levies have been allocated The treasurer noted no provision had been made in either the capital budget or the capital forecast for to for on expansion of the municipal offices on the Seventh Line He suggested a portion of the lot levies ex pected over the next five for Henry St Mary St and Drive Georgetown for Mail in was due to the weather The Prince Charles George- not greatly affected by the stamps are shipped from The budget calls for budget the previous year of years estimated at town and 100 for lake- view storm sewer construe t on in Parking space for the Acton re hall Is I at and rescue van for the Acton department at fire Ik out of inside poslil workers Toronto according to assistant postmaster Christina linn Then was no mail from to be disturbed This year he fore- could be allocated over the pumper for the Georgetown Tuesday BOO to come from the casts a surplus of 150 operating budget which will have to be made up from government subsidies by cutting expenditures or and from the serve raising taxes fund In his report the treasurer While setting the amount said there will be no lot levies from operating budget Trea available at the end of this surer Ray King urged it be year to assist in 1978 capital cut to meaning projects He said all existing next four or five years if council decides to go ahead with the expansion Included in the draft capital budget is for the reconstruction of Main Street South Georgetown for the rcconstruc Hon of Main St South Acton Monday London but with the terrible snowstorms in that area transportation of the stamps was halted for a few days She expects the stamps to arrive today The weather on Friday in Acton also disproved the old the matter again Councillor Russell Miller who is on the committee over seeing the fire hall addition was in hospital Tuesday and unavailable for comment Mr Miller consistently felt the town hall should be razed and the town have the lot for parking Councillor Les Duby was sorry to hear the decision He says it a reprieve and the question will be pursued Chairman of the Town Hall Its probably a monument further by council Restoration committee Dr regional government said Council decided not to give George Elliott said the Elliott the Restoration committee decision was not unexpected However he is not dlscour things we asked for Doug The Heritage Foundation aged as the decision Is not Fread said Monday They was not happy with the Input wouldn discuss It or even of the municipality Coun The committee will meet bring it to our attention cillors offered neither again soon to decide what to Thats obviously Influenced financial support or Interest do next he said A campaign the Heritage Foundation for pledges had been con They vecouncilbeenfight The fire ball addition un sldered A a plica ingitallalong doubtedly had a bearing on the is also planned Fergus just got a big grant decision Dr Elliott thinks Counc llor Peter Marks Mr pointed out but Wecouldgetnocooperation asked to comment on the they have the full backing of In making the two buildings said he thought If the their council the same The Heritage committee would get pledges Speaking of the fire hall Foundation knows we to indicate willingness to con addition which he terms a tried that undoubtedly tribute then council would horrible monstrosity Mr would have something to do have to consider financial said the whole thing with it support Unless that Is done just doesnt make sense The total sum for I don know that council If they do tear down the restoration ac would give any more support town what do they end up cording to the feasibility than has been given he said with It will still look horrible study is too high for the Names on a petition are not There been no aesthetic townspeople to raise he said enough thought given to it The committee had requested Mr Marks said it Is hard to Mr who received the from the Heritage justify the expense of a decision by phone from Doug Foundation quarter of a million dollars on Koch of the Heritage There are a whole lot of building There are more tlon relayedthenewstocoun ifs efficient ways to spend and his fellow commit If we Acton had been on money he said There would tee members by phone Mon our own it probably wouldn still be insufficient parking for day have happened Some other cars in the area The decision would have way would have been Councillor Pat McKenzle been mailed but was delayed found said council will have to con by the mall strike In Toronto No frills for fire hall jsted at ma to saying hat Through rain or There will be no vinyl covering on the dry wall at the Acton firehall despite a request for It from the Acton firefighters Hills finance com mittee rejected the request Councillor Roy Booth said they had no money for frills and If the firefighters wanted It they could do it themselves He pointed out the lounge in the Georgetown t cost the taxpayers a Talk office expansion normal by today following settlement of the strike In spite of tl hold up in the east bound mail Mrs McMillan says moll Other projects In the 78 delivered to homes blowing snow capital budget at present are finesses Kitchener a sprinkler system for Waterloo Stratford London Georgetown Memorial arena Georgetown Milton Erosion control in the Met ravine Is at 40 and in the Regan Crescent ravine at sleet or hall or snow the mail must get through Letter carriers had to return to the post office around 11 a as they could not sec where they were walking in the Monday night saying there red cent He said the men was no money for It in the did it themselves He claimed budget the town Is providing an The estimated cost of the excellent building and urged vinyl covering in the office the committee to stay with lounge and training room Is the specifications Councillor Peter Marks said there Is no money in the contingency fund for the vinyl Kicks door in A 20yearold Acton youth has been arrested and charged by Halton Regional Police after en tering property on the fourth line north of of Esqueslng and kicking in a door in a workshop In order to use the telephone Halton Hills councillors are architect Don to find talking about an to how much his fee would be If the municipal building on the the building Is done in Seventh Line but are staying separate stages away from calling it a This is Just an exploratory municipal complex move there Is no commit At a special meeting last to any building said week where a general dls Councillor Pete He cusslon on the subject was pointed out the financing has held a concensus showed not been figured out as yet there is a need for space He said he would like to see no Council decided to approach more debenture debt He said at reconstruction of Acton tennis courts at a new roadway and bridge over the creek at Park Georgetown at some councillors leaning toward staging the expansion and some wanted soccer fields beside Al to wait do it right He Georgetown at pointed out the planning department was the most pushed for space described the meeting as the first step in a series to decide how to solve the space shortage for town staff The cap tal forecast for the years to totals with no debenture debt foreseen this time Burlington The strike did not seem to Aclon residents from sending the r CI mall however the assistant post master says Although in coming Items were cut down substantially people still mailed what they had The post office found themselves with a shortage of ten cent stamps Mrs McMillan explained mainly Councillors praise snow plowers Praise was heaped on works superintendent Frank Morette and his snow plowing and removal crew Monday by Halton Hills works committee Councillor Pat McKenzle said the crews handled two major storms back to back last week and observed he has heard a lot of nice comments about the job the town did especially from new residents People can see Just how well off Halton Hills Is for snow removal Just by looking at the bad shape other towns were in after the twostorms Committee chairman Mike Armstrong agreed one need only leave Halton Hills to see what a good job has been done here He noted there have been a few little problems with snow plowing since it the first of the season but they have been quickly Ironed out Mayor Tom Hill said works has done a real good job on the snow and then asked a little sand be dropped at the In tersectionoftheNinthLineandFiveSideroad You Just have to go see other towns to appreciate the great job being done here Councillor declared Councillor George also said an excellent Job has been done Recommend cut levies senior citizen apts Halton Hills may cut the lot levies for the senior citizens apartment units on Elizabeth but won t drop them as much as the Ontario Housing Commission wants Tuesday night Christa Hale of com munlty housing for this area asked planning board to cut the levies to per unit Instead planning board recommended they be dropped to 885 per unit In eluding both town and regional levies The normal levy is per unit with town levy and regional levy is the same amount paid by the OHC for the senior citizens apartment units in Georgetown now completion there Miss Hale said she under stood the charges were when the plan was first board of directors She said the pro ject was ready for tender coll and hoped there would be no further delays Councillor Peter Marks asked what effect the town refusal to lower the levies would have Miss Hale pointed out all other municipalities lowered their fees for senior citizens apartments The municipal made the request for the apartments and we expect a certain amount of atlon Mr Marks replied Then It has nothing to do with actual costs but a matter of good will This is a trade off situation We ore all trying to work to a common goal I hope answered Miss Hale The motion to drop the fees was passed unanimously Council has yet to endorse the Choir joins band for Christmas concert In a First effort together Acton Citizens Band and the Georgetown Choral Society will present a joint concert Sun day evening Dec lBatthemlddleschool The band and choir will be performing together Miller had a rehearsal together Monday night The band will both also perform separately Chorus Dave Sale will conduct the band in Three Noels and Councillor Miller Is in George Elliott will conduct How Amiable As well as these Georgetown Hospital He has other selections have been chosen to especially been suffering with pains in please the crowd back for the past few The concert is the band annual Christmas gift to the town weeks Santa Some love him Some hate him Some couldnt care less SETTLING DOWN for a happy chat with Santa at the Christmas party Saturday Is eight She finds a comfortable perch despite her broken leg which has been in a cast since August Susan obligingly holds her crutches for her SANTA WHO Carrie Ann Stuckey just couldnt care less and stayed asleep right through her turn to get a gift at the Beardmore party Satur day Shes six months old and was among 500 people attending It was a big success again FOR BRYCE MARSHALL his first visit with Santa was a disaster Mother Janet rescues him Sunday at the firefighters Christmas party for children and grandchildren A buffet supper followed

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