The Acton Press Wednesday Dec Sunday school awards at Baptist concert Although cancellation had been considered the Baptist congregation carried on with their supper and concert Sunday evening And the church was close to full says pastor the Rev Das Sydney happily A committee headed by Mrs Edna Gordon planned the festive turkey dinner which was served first The program In the church afterward included numbers by the Sunday school classes the kindergartens juniors intermediates and seniors A film strip Included the singing of carols Mrs Diane sang carols and Phil Brown and Dave sang duets When Santa Claus arrived he had very special tor the young people awards for best Sunday School at tendance He alsopresented them with candy There were gifts for the Sunday School teachers and superintendent Shirley Krause Georgetown train The same locomotive which Not long after leaving had to be pushed to Union Station the first GO Georgetown during winter a train going to Georgetown on first big storm December December out and was also involved in the GO sat on the tracks at a dead train derailment at Mimico stop until the second train on December came along and pushed it IS IT REAL asks Mrs Lou Simpson Saturday as she pats Santa on the stomach as he visited Jeannette Home for Senior Citizens Santa came bearing gifts for everyone as the of one of the residents en tertained for the afternoon Families visit seniors W Rtwrv Th Right To Limit Quantities Christmas come early for the residents of Home for Senior Citizens on Main St Saturday two daughters and their families of one of the residents Mrs Alice Cor put on a Christmas party for the men and women Christmas carols were sung The daughters families the Gordons and Wheetons from Georgetown brightened the seniors holiday season Santa paid a visit also and presented each resident with two gifts each from the two families The presents from the Gordons for the women handmade by Mrs Cormier grand children were covered coat hangers The men gifts also handmade by the children were wooden plaques with their names on them to hang over their beds The Wheetons gave each resident cigarettes tobacco or a box of chocolates Grandson Wayne kept Santa reindeer at bay whit Santa himself was busy distributing gifts Jeannette said she was very pleased with the party She explained she is most grateful to the Gordon and family Mr Wheeton said that although he felt the res dents had a good time he was dis appointed more children and grandchildren did not get out to visit loved ones living in such residences especially at this time of year He said his family plans to visit once a month for a sing song and small party CHEEK TO CHEEK with Santa is Mrs Alice Cormier of s Home for Senior Citizens Saturday afternoon Mrs Cormier s daughters and their families entertained for the residents and grandson Wayne Gordon played Santas duties Colorful Wraplip Skims Individuality A gift expresses you as uniquely as the way you sign your name Your taste creativity even your sense of humor combine to make each gift a personal crea tion Wrapping your gifts neednt leave you at loose ends Here are some basic guidelines for your Christ mas wrap up Use a large flat surface that will hold gift wrap sup piles In an area that you can work In undisturbed If you have a dining table use It and try to keep In qulsltlve prowlers away paper ribbons trims stickers double sided tape scissors and gift tags together before you start Before wrapping cut the paper to the right size Cut paper wide enough to over lap slightly on girth of package and long enough to overlap again when ends ore turned down Center the gift upside down on cut paper Turn the overlapping piece under and tape se curely Fasten ends by fold ing sides in the top nap down and the bottom Dap up Secure with tape or gift trim For odd shaped Items such as tricycles portable tele visions and doll houses slip them into colored tic gift bags and dress up with a big bow and candy cane For gifts you will be mall lng It Is Important to dou blewrap To protect your gift place It In a larger cardboard box surrounded by crumpled newspaper An Inverted box lid will keep the bow from being crush ed at EDEN HOUSE NURSING HOME oft waking a jot a Season christmas greetings As you kindle the light of hospitality In your heart on J hearth may every bright delight of the holiday be yours MANAGEMENT AND STAFF THOMPSON FUELS LLOYD MclNTYRE AGENT Young St Acton