The Acton Free Press Wednesday Dec 1977 TRAFALGAR MOTORS MAIN ST MILTON OUR NEW NUMBER B7B72534 5 SAVE DURING OUR USED LATE MODEL SALE cylinder automate powers loo radio tin dark brown matching Interior It a low mileage one owner and carries Ford power train warranty months or miles Lie LRL246 JUSTREDUCED ONLYS3989 1977 GRANADA DOOR automatic power steering brake redo f bench seat plus many in attractive gold glo matching Interior Driven approximately infos and cornea balance of Ford new car warranty ITS LIKE NEW Lie PINTO STATION WAGON Economical 4cylnder speed radio plus en Iras Finished In e bright ye low with a contrast interior One owner and In excellent carries Ford 12 month or 12 mile power tran warranty REDUCED ONLY cylinder floor shift standard In Vibrant red with a con wasting bucket seat Interior Many radio IT S A ONE OWNER IN NEW CONDITION Lie JUSTREDUCED cylinder automatic power steer radio plus extras One owner and only driven Carries Ford 12 month or 12 mas power tram warranty Lie NOW ONLY MUSTANG DOOR HARDTOP automate radio white walls wheel covers in v brant red contrast bucket seat inter or Lie NOW ONLY l977THUNOERaiRO brakes AMFM stereo tape deck steel belted radial tires wheel covers Honor decor packogo us many extras Fin shed in beautiful bright blue matching and a low mileage JUST LIKE BRAND NEW SAVE A BUNDLE ON THIS ONE Lie FORDCUSTOM V8 automat c power brakes AMFM stereo plus many extras Flnbhod dark brown match Interior It a one owner with low m Excellent tlon Lie CHRISTMAS HOURS SALES Sal Open TuesatSAM SERVICE Closed Fri a noon open Toes at A WED LIKE TO BE YOUR CAR COMPANY TRAFALGAR MOTORS MAIN ST MILTON 29mga49 FORD Country Squire passenger wagon power steering brakes and win dows air radio Is or best offer Camp evenings or before JO a 1972 JEEP Wagonccr wheel drive automatic v Best cash oiler- Christ mas METEOR door hardtop low mileage en paint pick your safety crimination f marital or at ertfln 73 FORD Torino sports coupe miles engine with safely 1010 or 853 DO SOMETHING LEGAL SECRETARY Georgetown Law Office requires experienced legal secretary Applicant supervision Applicants should apply and be able to handle dies Box The Georgetown Independent Main St Georgetown Dntario Truck Wash PortFull Time personnel by January 15th or sooner for now Double Bay Hours Milton located Truek Wash Operation We offer good salaries and work ng condi tons for advancement with the Company Call Mississauga 4324 REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Security Full timePat Time nation BENEFITS Profit sharing plan Highest mages in n Phone for an and a and EMPLOYMENT WANTED GEORGETOWN SECRETARIAL SERVICE Fast accurate typing Shorthand Dictation 12yrs secretarial experience includ legal Strictly confidential Closed Dec Jan 1 Incluuva MRS TANAS 1485 DAY CARE AND BABYSITTING by reliable person Available Hoi day Season WILL baby sit my home children 11 after DAYCARE available In effective week of January References available on request ti Storey BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BOUTIQUE Tastefully decor gift store growing bus plus stock will finance at per cent low down payment required One In a million chance to have your own bus wllh a small cash out lay Acton area Call Gordon Dawe Real Estate ANIMALS BOARDED BOARD available for one horse possibly two Please phono for any additional Information OPEN MORTGAGE FINANCING Homos Farms Construction Commercial Bridge Loans Dobt Consolidation MORTGAGES PURCHASED We love to help you I MORTGAGE FUNDING REWARD Lost Cat Long haired male pan gray black and whits mark Vicinity Slderoad between Guelph Line and Fourth Line 100 REWARD white Eskimos Spitz dog lost December In area Answers to Sundance Loved family pet LONG haired Siamese male cat approximately years old m Line and Hwv No 7 Good after I I THE I I w TENDERS The Helton Board of Education will recervo tenders lor supplies lor Elementary and Secondary Schools Tenders for each canon will close at S T on the date shown In the following schedule 1978 Physical and Health Education Equipment and Supplies Jan 1978 Co retaken Supplies February 1978 Secondary Science Equipment and Supplies February Detailed tender lists and other particulars for tho above class may be obtained at the Central Administration Office Burlington L7R322 E S Lavender Director 76mge51 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF ETHEL THOMPSON late of Terrace Street Elora Ontario Etora InlheCountyofWeJing- of the Town of Helton Kills Acton In the Regional Municipality of Hal- ton Widow deceased ALL person having again it the aforementioned EthalThompton who died on or about the 18th day erf November 1S77arerequked to fits proof thereof the undersigned for the Executor on or before the day of January after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims then ffled DATED at Helton HIM Acton this lit day of December MACKENZIE AND CHAPMAN latere and Hon Main Street North Acton Ontario 77eB1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JOSHUA THOMPSON late of Terrace Wellington Street Elora Ontario In the Vllegeof Elora ton formerly of the Town of Helton Kilt Acton In the Regional Municipality of Hal- ton Retired Farmer deceased ALL persons having claims against the aforementioned estate of Joshua Thompson who died on or about the 31st day of May are required to file proof thereof the undersigned for the Executor on or before the day of January which date the Estate wilt be distributed having regard only to the claims thon fled DATED at Helton Hlla MACKENZIE ANO CHAPMAN Barristers and Solicitor Main Street North Acton Ontario TWO bedroom house Acton town limits monthly Supply own utilities Immed late possession or 33111 ELK S HALL lor rent contact Rick at or tarry at oiler 1 BEDROOM bungalow stone fireplace fridge end stove In eluded on acres close to Acton monthly THREE bedroom bungalow In with garace References required monthly plus APARTMENTS FOR RENT ONE bedroom apartment all utilities supplied centre of Acton upper floor monthly Immediate posses 1010 or Special effects with tree trims Conserving energy Trim Inside and outside Watching electric bills trees with patterned and There are marvelous ways colorful strips and scraps to decorate your Christmas of fabrics left In your sew ing box They re especially effective fluttering In the wind NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS FOR APPROVAL OF A BYLAW TO REGULATE LAND USE PASSED PURSUANT TO SECTION 35 OF THE PLANNING ACT TAKE NOTICE that Council of The Corporation the Town of Hallon Hills Intends to to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions Section of Tho Planning Act for approval of by law 77 passed on tho 3rd day of October A copy of the by law Is furnished A note an purposo and affect of by law and stating lands thereby is also furnished herewith ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY thin twenty one 211 days after the date of notice sand by regulated mall or deliver to clerk of the Town of Halton Hills notice of objection to approval the said by law or any part thereof and shall Indicate that if a hearing is hed objector or on agent will attend at the to state the objection ANY PERSON wishing to support the application for approval of the by law may within twenty one days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to clerk of the Town Halton Hills not his support of approval said by law with a request lor of any hearing that may be held ving also name and address to such not should be given THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may of by law do ng so It may appoint a lima and place when any objection to the by aw bo cons Not of any hearing that may bo hold will be given only to porsons who have filed an objection or notice support and who have oft or dodverod to tho undersigned let which notice of hearing is to be sent THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS w II bo January 13th A DATED at tho Town of Halton Hills this day AD FRENCH Deputy Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Hits Mimic pal Offices Mam Stioot South Georgetown Ontario L7G4X1 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS BY LAW NO 79 A by law to amend By law 1358 as amended of tho former Town of Acton now the on of the Town of Halton Hills WHEREAS the Council for the Corporation Town H lis deems it necessary and advisable to amend By law 1358 as amended NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPOR ATION OF THE TOWN OF HILLS ENACTS AS FOLLOWS 1 Schedule A to By law 1358 is amended by ng the zone designation of those lands outlined on ho plan attached to this by law as Schedule 1 front Residential Third Dons to R3 Residential Third Density Special Notwithstanding any provisions of By law 1358 as amended to the contrary lands known Lot Registered Plan In the Town H lis lormerly Town of Actonl may bo used or no purposes other than a two storey semi detached dwelling In with site plan attached to this by law as Schedule 2 This by law shell take effect on tho day It is passed by tho Council of Town of Hallon subject to the approval of thoOntano Municipal Board By law road a first and second lime this 3rd day of October Thos J II MAYOR G chard CLEHK ADMINISTRATOR By law read a third time and finally passed this 3rd day October tree and your house without using electric or tree lights They re Just as effec tive and so original you re bound to hear lots of com pliments from friends and family Cover balls Sffi with ma- S terlol or shiny aluminum thclr thanks tape available at art supply shops or your local and 1G cent store Guttering balls small mirrors strips and shapes cut from aluminum foil and tinsel shimmer brightly on a tree Brightly colored ribbon and long strands of metallic silver and gold ribbons looped over branch es glimmer and glow String yards of colored popcorn and drape through tree branches Add brightly decorated cookies too Use glowing candles in clusters around the house They are even more tlvc if the candle holders arc varying heights APARTMENTS FOR RENT TWO bedroom apartment avail able Immediately In Acton Call Sharon 877 or 877 A DAY to remember Trevor had a encounter with St Nicholas at the party He is two and a half ONE bedroom apartment monthly plus hydro Available now References CARRIES for loss than rent- New semi detached home AHOP Program Carpeted extra largo master bedroom Lots of closet space Campbell Court Acton Construe Lid or evenings THREE backsplit In Park Georgetown Finished room private back yard nicely landscaped Paved drive possession d Good mortgaging 877 payment or part lease Bert Root Estate IDS or 3980 3355 Mess your house may it always be filled with an abundance of beautiful tilings Thanks iJAwtam JUNE WARNER REAL ESTATE LIMITED THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS to By low by by law EXPLANATORY NOTE I lor Town of Hills deems it advisable to toning by law for tho Town of Hills Acton by ng designation of the lands shown on Schedule to by law from Residential Third Density R3I to Residential Third Density Special 1 zone The property bo under by law 79 is shown on Schedule to by law dotted parcel of land at the intersect on of Knox Slreot and Park Avenue Schedule 2 to by law Is a site plan setting out the requirements with respect to and maximum Id ng coverage Tho present uses which may be carried out on the parcel of land ore sat out In Section 3 of by law 1358 and Include a duplex dwelling a dotachod dwelling a boarding house or lodging house homo occupation a private club end use accessory to tho foregoing It by law 79 Is approved by the Ontario Municipal Board the lands may bo used or no pur poses other than a two storey semi detached dwelling unit In with requirements for setback and maximum lot coverage as sot out In Schedule to by law Tha zoning by law Is made by virtue of act that by law 1358 docs not presently permit the construe of a dwelling on a corner lot The uses which prosonlfy surround the property are residential and open space in nature If approved residential use allowed under by 79 will be in conform ty with Official Plan in forco for Acton Planning Area FRENCH Deputy Clerk The Corporation of Town Holion Hills Municipal Offices 38 Main Street South Georgetown Ontario L7Q4X1 77aM The Country Corner HOBBY FARM Atmosphat home carefully maintained throughout and trad centre halt bedrooms baths formal living room with fireplace separata room Ibrary room and largo country kitchen P no floors throughout large barn and pond All very scenic acres COUNTRY RETREAT This homo Is nestled on wooded acres in the Camp area and offers large hall with nd staircase largo separate dining room family room open and beams Country kitchen with Island 5 bedrooms bathrooms balconies etc etc AskmgS149000 AREA Located on scenic acres partly wooded with largo pond and stream This BOO ft estate features bedrooms bath rooms formal Irving room separate dmtng room ly room with fireplace and beams large don colonial kitchen and sauna Located in Millon area Askng1G500000 For further on above is INGEWINTHER 1990 FEDERAL RUST COMPANY Lakeshoro Road lo May till blessings ami of this holy season be id an you and your faintly Hate a joyous Acton TV Sales Service