Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 11, 1978, p. 10

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The siren wails and 28 specially trained men respond by Barb When Eramosa fire siren Is sounded at every other Monday night volunteer men arc off to the station to practice their skills under the direction of Chief Carl Meadows and Deputy Chief Frank After roll call and a business discussion the group divides Into three platoons led by three cap tains either maps or pumps and trucks or the self contained breathing ap paratus The men elect their three captains yearly who set up a course of study or the firefighters Upon joining the squad a recruit is first taught how to set up a pump how lo pull hose and then how to the trucks When cleaning the trucks all equipment is removed and then replaced in the proper compartment Chief comments that you know all the equip ment once you have cleaned the trucks a ew times It takes about two years exper ience and study before a man will be qualified lo use air tanks when entering a bur ning building The firefighters have all taken St John Ambulance First Aid Courses and ore trained as auxiliary am drivers Thirteen men received Ihclr certificates In Cardio pulmonary Resuscitation and Cardiac care Jim Funk Bob Gary Carl Meadows Meadows Al Maclean Bob Charles Milne Chuck Petty Stew and Tom These firefighters were the first In the area lo complete the government sponsored The training manual cohering books on Entry ladders hoses salvage hose ap paratus ventilation rescue first aid and Ire inspections are available at the station The men are expected to study this on Iheir own time The Wellington County Mutual Aid Association has monthly meetings and available volunteers attend to learn about new techniques and equipment The department has trucks two tankers two pumpers and one emergency van The oldest truck Is an International purchased by the village of in It la beautiful still operating In mint condition One hundred and ten square miles are covered by the department all of township plus part the Town of Milton The Crossroad from the Pushnch Town Line to the Milton are the Milton boundary lines When the fire number is colled We emergency phones in tho village ring One phone Is always manned The first volunteer the fire hall sets off the siren and answers the call documenting the particulars on a blackboard name line or lot number type of fire Maps are checked and within minutes after a fire call Is placed a minimum of two men ore headed out on the Chief Meadows goes assesses the situation and radios to the trucks what type of hoses will be needed and where to set up the equipment The first truck goes to the fire The second drives to the nearest water source where a man and a pump are dropped off The pump Is set up and a water supply will be available when the first empty pumper arrives The work is half finished when the ire Is out The trucks return to the station hoses washed and hung to dry A new hose is placed on each truck All equipment Is checked and trucks refuelled Air packs are disinfected and tanks replaced for the next Whewl emergency This may require a trip to where the compressor is located The Chief then documents the fire for the Ontario Fire Mar Office At the next meeting the fire will be analyzed on the blackboard Chief Meadows reports that last year there were 56 calls Six of the fires were of arson origin There were seven criminal convictions on three of the arson fires The lire rate is climbing per cent annually Deputy Chief Allsop reminds us that any home without a smoke Detector is gambling with life Detectors are available at the hardware store for about At this time of year many homes are burning wood Chief Meadows asks that you please be careful with the kind of wood you use in your fireplace The Chief Is investigating setting up a snowmobile unit with a trailing stretcher so that a arm- or bush accident can be more quickly serviced Fire inspections and prevention courses to schools and community groups keep the Chief and the Deputy Chief busy It may be thought hat the firefighters are socializing every other Monday night they are as they train to provide and maintain a service to our community TOM assists firefighter Bob who is adjusting the weight of his air pack at Monday night fire practice in Rockwood 3500 meals served many events attended District Pages 10 The Acton Free Press Wednesday Jan Erin twp councillors look to the future The inaugural meeting of Erin Township Council was held on January The in vocation was given by Rev Cook of the Church of Christ Reeve Donald renewed the accomplish of the past year and commented on the upcoming problems of the future which were mainly road main tenance gravel subdivision and the dam Deputy reeve Bert Wheeler was concerned about the grave situation saying We let all the gravel go out of the township We should be looking to our Councillor John said We should take a small look at the past and a big look to the future and hoped they could handle the problems well and make the right dec or the good of the town ship Councillor Jo Schneider was concerned about the gar situation saying We should be looking into it now Is the lime to do things up properly She said she wis disappointed in the out come and the whole utility question first year In council Councillor George Hoot Ihmks he can contribute in on in the coming year in fact of the background council has laught him in his first He says there should be restraint on spending they should lake a close look at that when setting a bud git was particular struck by the difference attitude of people in this township than in others he Ins worked In ire all of mixed bock grounds and There were very few unreasonable people all spoke to I could count them nil on one hand he says They are wilting lo talk things out He remarked lie was very happy ilh his job and the people he is uurklng for There will Ire a Grand River Conservation hearing for Passengers land aircraft after pilot suffers heart attack I thankful to be home says Paul Smith of Camp- bellville alter his harrowing near brush with death last week I think how if things had gone otherwise be here In a real life drama in the skies of southern On la no last Wednesday morning Mr Smith 39 and Donald Pratt of Burlington safely landed a fourseater plane after lis pilot collapsed at the controls The pilot Peter Kerwln of Caledonia was pronounced dead on arrival at obi coke General Hospital apparently Reflecting on the event a few days later Mr Smith said he been reliving Ihe I do think about a he commented As the days go by I seem to gel more terrified Mr Smith is preset working with Doug t read preparing plans for the rebuilding of Ihe old tree Press building on Mill SI Since then he been talking to a lot of people flying Everything we did was not necessarily right On that day the men left Hamilton Mount Hope Airport In a Cessna bound for Elliot take where Mr Smith on architect and con suiting engineer and Mr Pratt a contractor were going to inspect an arena There was some of the usual joking be ore they boarded the ptine but no thought hat Continued on Page 11 Wayside pit for Highway 7 top STEW facing camera and Danny Bolton practise the use of air tanks at the Rock wood Fire The next step is to put on the firefighting uniform with the tanks tor a total added weight of request from he provincial Ministr of Transportation and Communication by granting a permit for Ihe opening of a wayside pit for highway construction Council granted opening of the pit to on Ihe cast half of on Concession Reeve BUI stated the ministry s argument The states Ihe contract or the work on Highway 7 bet ween Acton and can be completed by opening this pit rather than several others Deputy reeve Henry Hoi man if residents in the knew of the MTC request Reeve said he did not know but lhat likely there has been some gossip Council granted Ihe permit subject to the Line being and rehab It itcd said the slated the pit would be rehabilitated the benefit of Mr asked if there would be an asphalt plant on the site and the reeve said it was likely taking the meaning from letter Gerry Ward on lot IB con He has the footings and block wall of his house In but ac cording to the Ontario Build Lode the lot is not suitable or building Allan IS r own has a pro blem about dogs running at large His letter was referred to Dog Control or comment and report or the first time in months there were no bills or loss of livestock by The road report was given by Ed Harden on a satis factory note All was within Ihe budget except which will be ab sorbed into the 1978 program Gravel availability is currently being looked Into On motions Lloyd Lang was appointed to the Com mi of Adjustment or a three year term Henry Wheeler was appointed lo represent the Township of Erin on the Credit Valley Conservation Board or one year term and John and Bert Wheeler will be the representatives lo the and Suburban Planning Board The Erin Township Public Library Board Tor Ihe coming year will be Donald Matties on Ken McKlnnon Isabel Nance Ruth Maddock and June Switzer A by taw was passed grant ihe reeve and treasurer the authority to borrow funds rom the Royal Bank of Canada the sum not lo exceed Another by law was read a second and third time to amend Ihe zoning by law to allow the arm implement on lol concession 3 the comer of highways and The tion of used farm machinery that is no longer will remain on the premises no longer than nine months and be located a minimum of 1G0 feet from any property line This bylaw was passed subject to revision of wording by the lawyers approval Owing to the illness of Glen Crcba It was suggested timer come In to the office on an hourly basis to relieve Clive Beard wood to go out on by law enforcement and building inspector work Council adjourned to meet February 1 at a The and District Lions and have lied their last six months activities and now they know why they have been so busy Not only have the Lions directed their monthly but the Llonettes have served 500 banquet meals The Mohawk Raceway Night The Skating Program me Christmas Bazaar Las Vegas Night Mr Pumpkin DressUp Day Turkey Draw Canvass for the Blind and Christmas cake sales have all Involved members time There was a Farmers Market Booth at Willow West Mall and entertainment at Eden House for the Decern birthday party to keep the moving at a hectic pace Christmas received a gift and Santa came lo the junior grades thanks to the Lions and Lion Members of the com munlty who needed assist at Christmas received help from the clubs activities will In elude a continuation of sponsoring a child to nursery School and transportation of students Rotary School and Dominion tapes are being col lected towards the purchase of kitchen equipment and Hockey Memoir Books are being sold No doubt club members will need just as much energy to complete projects planned for Ihe next six months 5 milion Everton site Long term land acquisition plans of the Grand River Conservation Authority for the proposed Everton source area were approved in principle January by Natural Resources Minister Frank S Miller The land acquisition program includes some l 200 acres of wet lands recharge areas and forest land in the area of Erin Township These lands contribute to the stable flow of the River which recharges the Arkell Springs main water source for the City of Open land will be retained for agricultural use pending completion of a master plan for the area when it is planned to plant tree and shrub species which will attract wildlife into the area Forested areas will be held for forestry purposes pro vision of wildlife habitat and controlled timber harvesting Area properties have been gradually acquired as they became available The Authority presently owns acres and plans to proceed with purchases of the remaining 2 acres during the next 10 to years Total long term estimated cost of the land acquisition is million Roundupjj by Barbara The Rockwood Horticulture Club will have a special feature at Its next meeting January is As usual the group will gather in the Town Hall at a Last year Gordon who Is a retired Fine Arts professor from the University of attracted a large crowd when he spoke about the old buildings In was fascinated Next Wednesday he will be speaking again and showing slides theme being Gardens Remembered This presentation will Include slides of the exotic and ical gardens in America and Europe Everyone is welcome lo attend Thercwlllbeachargo of to members Memberships to the Horticul lure Club will be available for Centennial students in classes Kinder garten to Grade living In the Harris SI and Carroll St areas are now being transported to and from school on existing buses if they wish in effect while Highway Is Continued on Page 11 FIRE CHIEF Carl Meadows and Captain Rick Lewis lead a discussion about the changing Township maps at fire practice on Monday night iswi The just shot down the road at thirty miles an hour wake of snow fifteen feet into the pasture We sure seem to be having our share of the stuff this year Can anything be as white as pure troublesome as a sky load of snoW On top of all the rain we had this fall I kind of get to wondering if God thinks we need an extra washing Maybe we do DtOitiiaitlttii The greatest Joy of my eleven year old life was moving to Canada and discovering snow England had the occasional snowfall and I remember paddling across streets In my Wellington boots and knee socks little girls didn even wear slacks in the snow and marvelling that the curbs hid dis appeared Oh the Joy of Jumping up your waist in snow crossing a ditch The excitement of watching the drifts gather in the driveway knowing you probably have to ski to school the next day and therefore have a legitimate excuse for being late Even In the fifties in Montreal a little thing 1 ke living three miles from school and having the school buses stop running didn t give you a holiday I used to write blotted letters to my poor underprivileged friends back In the old country telling forgivable lies about the depth of snow In the back yard It sure made the winter fun Tanntklolhtdilrr And It still does Yes it causes trouble unaccountably pulling well behaved an into the ditch and making any outside job five times as disagreeable Our years in the Ottawa valley produced memories of the biggest snowdrifts I ever hope to see One year the drift between house and born must have been ten feet high You had to climb way up from the back door until you were on a level with the edge of the barn roof And then carefully slide down to the milk house roof positioning your boots and buckets so they fitted Into the tunnel cleared around the door You don t believe me Ask Mack The Rockwood arm had page wire ence down each side of the lane a guaranteed way to get your driveway twice as full of snow from any direction as the neighboring fields Many the time we just gave up and parked at the end of its consider able length until the wind eventually stopped blowing and it was safe to get a bulldozer in Having lo push the snow the dozer would run the full length of the line piling great snow mountains In front of the drlveshcd The kids were delighted and convinced that we had hired this dozer to create play hills for their benefit alone All winter they spend hours wearing out the seat of their whomping down the bumpy chutes squealing wllh delight as the snow shot up their backs to melt In their underwear Snow is glorious it s exciting playful oh so bright and just plain fun And the nicest part of snow is that it goes away every spring Eramosa Council looks to 78 issues Planning water and sewers the zoning by law and secondary planning were the main topics mentioned by Town ship council members as Items they likely face this year Council members starting with Reeve BUI looked forward to 1978 during council s Inaugural meeting Monday This is the year the tap may be turned on and sewers He added council must nail down Its procedures about the wo vices responsibility underpinning is to get the zoning by law under way the reeve said There are people wanting a subdivision In so the zoning by law and planning are important deputy reeve Henry Holman Jr said Between administering such items as sewers and setting the pace for develop ment controls council will be busy John McLeod said Councillor David Masson called for Ihe hiring of a student to help he planner with questions such as determining the source of the township taxes what do Increased services cost with respect to tax dollars generated Are we swinging from an agrl cultural to a residential community he said Roads Is another Item which Reeve Ad sett says deserves some rethinking though we have got ton point where we can afford a new grader perhaps we should be looklngatroadconstructlon hesald Councillor Allan Burnett suggested council some time consider the ages of renting equipment Instead of buying it community centre and recreation were other major Items on Ihe reeve a list He said he thought council should look at the community centre with an eye of diminishing whatever deficit may coma from operating it On We simply must get the ruddy thing levelled off Reeve Adsett said A ball diamond for and the use of the Hortop Mill were other items the reeve said council will have to do some thing about Under legislation Reeve said council should look at the problem of moving cars off the roads especially during snow removal operations Looking around the beige painted council room Councillor Masson said he could not take much more of it He suggested It be redecorated It Is the moat depressing room in the township he said Township clerk Lloyd Hlndley ended off the look at the new year with a cautionary note Budget restraints are one limit council will have to keep in mind Mr Hlndley said There will possibly be fewer grants coming to the township than before the clerk laid Also the tax arrears seem to be going up and up he Mid TOWNSHIP COUNCIL held its inaugural meeting Monday in the townships offices Here Reeve Bill Adsett sits at centre with deputy reeve Henry Holman left and councillor Allan Burnett Clerk Lloyd Hlndley stands at the left with councillors John and David

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