Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 18, 1978, p. 22

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Jan 1978 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HILLS FOR APPROVAL OF A BY LAW TO REGULATE LAND USE PASSED PURSUANT TO SECTION 35 OF THE PLANNING ACT TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the Town Ration Hill intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to provisions of Section 35 of The Planning Act or by law pessad on day of November 1977 A copy of by law furnahed herewith A not grvlngan explanation purpose and affect by law and stating tho affected ihataby alto furnished herewith ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY twenty one days after data of by mail or deliver to of the Town of Hills notice of object on to approval of the law or any part thereof and that a hearing hold objector or an agent II attend at the hearing to the objection ANY PERSON to support the a pel cation lot approval of by law may w twenty one 2tl days after of notice by registered ma I or del to Town of Hnlton notice of ha of approval of by Ian together a request for not of any thai may bo held alio name and add rest to such not should bo given THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may of aald by law but before doing so may a time and place when any lection the by law will bo considered ol any hen that may bo hold II be given only to persons who have I led an object on or notice of support and who have left with or del to the clot undoing nod to which notice is to be sent THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS bo February 2nd DATED at tho Town lis this 1 1th day of January 1973 FRENCH Deputy Tho Corporation of ho Town of Helton Hill Man Sleet South Georgetown THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HILLS BY LAW NO A bylaw amend Bylaw as amended of Cor he Town of Walton Hills WHEREAS matters heron sal a In an amendment to Off cal Plan of the ng Atoo has and approved and at tha I mo AND WHEREAS the Councl of tho Corporal on the Town of lis deems end advisable to further amend By law 7451 as amended NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS ENACTS AS FOLLOWS 1 That Subsection 7 Estate Resident RE bo amended by deletng the sentence No land is presently Estate Residential RE Zono and by tut thereto follow 3 Perm ted Uses No person any HE Zone any lot or altar any building or any pose one of the follow uses namely la Residential family detached dwell That Subsection 12 be amended by adding the follow parag Subsection 12 No person shall change use of land build or or construct or alter any Id SI uclu or place remove any TBI any Inherent Lands Zone as shown on Schedule to By law No except poses of flood and erosion control end w in the prior oval of Ihe C t Valley Conservation ty 12 Respecting mnmum lot frontage on lands Eatato on those lands ahown as Lois 15 end 38 on a plan of subdivision part of Lot Concession Town of Hall on lis attached as Schedule By law No 77 84 Iho mm mum lot for each of lots 1 bo as shown on tho said Schedule 2 3 That Schedule A ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS be amended by row headed RE tho follow la the column headed PEHM1TTEDUSE CATEGORY S bln column headed FRONTAGE number In Iha column AREA number 2 Id In Ihe column headed MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE the number 15 in the cotumn headed FRONT Iha number If In the column headed INTERIOHSIDE the number 15 column headed EXTERIOR SIDE the number In the column headed REAR the number I In column headed STOREY number Ik In column headed I Iho number 1800 In the column headed STORE the number and n the column headed MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT the number 35 4 That Schedule B be amended by changing tho designation I hose lands shown a Lots 1 to on a plan vision of part of Lot Concession Town of Helton H IDs attached a Schedule law from Rural to Esiata Residential RE Zono Thai Schedule bo amended by changing designation of those lands shown as Block A on the sa Id plan of subdivision a as Schedule to this by low from Rural Inherent Hazard Lands Zone Thia by law shall take on tho day It la passed by the I of Town of Helton Is subject to oval of Ontaro Municipal Boa d 7 Schedules and 2 attached ho eto a a or to form part of Ihishy law Novumber 1977 Thus J Hill MAYOR G CLERK ADMINISTRATOR a passed this day of J Hill MAYQB G CLERK ADMINISTRATOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS Amendment By law 51 by by law EXPLANATORY NOTE Council for Tha Corpora on of the Town Halton H II deems ad lo amend former Township zoning by law By law by changing designation of the lands shown on Schedule I to by law 77 84 from Rural to Estate Residential IRE and Inhere Hazard rones Tho uses which presently may bo carried out on iho lands nad on Schedule toby law In Sections of zoning by forestry Inst lutlonal end recreational uses along building on any lot The effect of by law will be to permit construction of a single fam detached dwell ng house on any lot contained within thai portion of tha land dealt with by by lew 84 which is to be zoned Estate zone In order to control tho way In which the dwelling un is are be constructed on these kits a men is with respect to frontage ot area man mum lol coverage maximum building height mln mum Id ng siio and front side and roar ya d setbacks are to be Inserted In the Zoning attic Regulations attached at Schedule A by law 7461 Thoso tot out In detail in Section of by law Section of the zoning by law amendment provides for the use which may be carried out on that portion of the lands to be Iho former Town In Sect on for no The only use is residential In WANTED TO RENT BEDROOM house with room Acton Town limits or OFFICE space for rent ft Car air conditioned Main St Acton ACTON bedroom subdivision Fully furnished Lease aval labia per month Available Immediately Reply with references to Box Acton Free Press Acton FOUR bedroom brick house available February lit monthly plus utilities References required Call after SB from Rural to Inherent Haa zone Basically are roslr cted to along build or for the putposos ol flood end on cam w or approval of Schadulo by law 77 sots out lot for the property which la to be designated Estate Residential zone Schedule also shows the pattern tor tha Estate Residential vision Finally by law 77 Is amendment lot ghlp of Eiques ng zoning by law as p the addition to by law of o provision sett uses on lands designated Estate Residential IRE zo Is perm tied In an Estato Residential IREI ion form of single fern detached dwell homos The Official Plan for Esqueslng Planning ha been so thai if zoning by law approved by the Ontario pal Board the contemplated Estato Residential will bo in con formlty with the Official Plan In force at this time FRENCH Deputy Clo k The Corporalionof the Town of Hrila Municipal Office 38 Man Street South Hills i APARTMENTS FOB BENT ELK S HALL for rent contact Rick at or Lorry at after 30 Adulti only No pet All I lilies or 853 12 BOOMS BOARD AVAILABLE hour coverage Run by qualified nurse Reasonable rates 33706 ACTON Apart bedroom 4J All utilities Included BEDROOM apartment monthly plus hydro Avail able now Reference 853 Halton Board defers decision on French program Board of Education has deferred a vote on of the elementary French language program until the January meeting Trustees agreed to defer a vote on the controversial after much Thursday when they were told provincial funds for the program had not been received and a dele gation is expected at this Thursday meeting from Parents for French Immersion The board Is not sure whether funds from the Province for the program are port of their present grants or an extension to them Guidelines from the Ministry now allow the board per student for minutes of French daily That would increase to per pupil for minutes and for minutes of French dally under the new policy The program contemplated by the Board calls for dally French programs from grade four up beginning in September 1978 Additional staff 13 teachers for the program would come from the present staff There arc presently teachers instructing In French in elementary schools Objections to the program have come from Milton trustee Bill and Halton Hills trustee Bert Hinton Mr said he stood firm on his concerns despite a lengthy report from the superintendent of Program Bruce Mather defending the expansion Lawson fears the core program In the schools will be affected by taking time away from such subjects as mathematics and English Trustee Edna Robinson says the program is half baked because it takes teachers out of Instruction to provide French instruction She said she supported French instruction but not under those terms She felt the administration should come forward and say they needed 13 more teachers for the program and ask if the board was prepared to support it Trustee suggested the board should be asking teachers not the adminl stratlon how valuable the program is We have to know what goes on in the battlefield where teaching goes on to get sufficient knowledge of its value be said Me felt the board was being led down the garden path by the ad ministration Director of Education Em Lavender admitted the ex French program would take lime from other programs but he also ex that research data other places where expanded French programs are In use showed no adverse affect on other subjects He also noted that classes In schools are half hour longer than legislation calls for Trustee Helen Howard Lock was as firm in her support of the program as other trustees were opposed She said expanded French would reinforce first language Englishand pointed out French had the second highest usage in the world greatest interna tj language in terms of having developed culture as well as being Canada alternate language Bruce Mather said the small amounts of time taken from other programs would be corrected by principals over the next years an answer some found disturbing Lawson said he foresaw repercussions among school staff Mr Lavender director of education said the expanded program posed a dilemma both for board and admjnj on how to take a good thing and make it work within the system Board approves radios rejects transportationofficer Board of Education Hinton maintained it was If the first aid course was finance he didnt approved new safety guide- discriminatory because all mandatory think the board could avoid This despite a warning from lines for school buses in drivers In the East area of Trustee Cam Jackson person position Trustee Fred that eluding a program to equip the Halton had that training East Burlington trustee and trust that it was too much he was sympathetic but the buses with two way radios area buses are operated by the chairman of the committee the educational However the Board turned Halton Board working on recommendations officer to do this on top or his Is head would have to find down a recommendation lo Trustee Bill Lawson op- since last May maintained other duties ways of raising that extra posed the motion have the board should seriously i mandatory first aid courses look at the consequences of cheek transportation Another recommendation for bus drivers He said two hring a transportation of officer include kceninc that all drivers have man small bus contractors told him fleer hl of S bus system first aid training was thert would be a severe Bruce the board bus schedules and lost although Trustee Bert problem in recruiting drivers superintendent of business J ffiTSaeS ficer He said It wasn t too miking decisions on whether much to ask the director of operate in education to get up at or Element weather a during Inclement weather and make a decision rvy on whether buses should run IVU 111110 or not Harley operations A school Richards was sentenced to When Kearra was charged superintendent noted the principal was acquitted in one day in jail and fined the marijuana offence board had a transportation provincial court lost week of K earns was also remanded Trustee Bert Acton- officer until when bus I I charges of possession of to February 11 for trial on a tried to have him supervisor Ken Giles retired marijuana for the purpose of charge that he unlawfully suspended until the case was Trustee Jackson not satis J trafficking possessed a quantity of Chlor but the board decided with the board rejection pjPJL A principal for years In diaiepoxidc pills for the to move him out of his said ho would give who was moved from purpose of sale under the m and into a less the board notice of motion at J hlsnrinriniKhlnrf thn tive position in the the to hire a Wno Halton principal acquitted of marijuana trafficking his of a Burling Ion school last September and given an administrative job with Board of cation Robert Gordon K earns charged after police found 11 growing in his yard Some of the plants in the backyard of his Burlington home wtre higher than 12 feet Bifore K earns trial John Stanley Richards a boarder m home had pleaded ecIuc guilty lo cultivating marijuana and at testified the plants were is and his lundlord I know what they were provisions of the Food and lve position in the the next meeting to hire a Drug Act trasnportation officer and to them on tho role of the board in planning for the future Ik asked for permission to have Mr Venditti speak the board at the next meeting but trustees said he should have arranged it with the chairman clearing it with group of next meeting when another from a bunch of f parents in total- arc group Parents for people opposed to the ltle opposed a trench Immersion presents program nor their reasons hmtohi program being a brief and the upcoming survey will One of the protesting ask only those Interested to h parents said the srnall group respond anyone opposing has business to deal th without theoptlon of the Xm online m Eight Oakville parents object to French Immersion implemented by the NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In estate of EDWARD GEORGE TYLER SR tale Mowb Piece Acton Ontario n the Town of Hlls the of Hal on Transpo ALL persona atom clam ogam LER SR who on or be the day January a a to oof thereof undo rug nad for Executors on a tho Tenth day of Fob date having regard only to the Ontario Nnih day of January 1978 MACKENZIE AND CHAP MM Berth tors Main Street North Acton Onto Sol for Iha Executors ran BENT BEDROOM able Immediately 118 Church St LARGE J Bedroom half ol house Adults only no pets and needed hydra Ave W Available February isl alters 17 INDUSTRIAL it COMMERCIAL feel j program lmmcrblon which has so Interest shown in it per cent should not become a burden to the taxpayers in this region A Idler the Board slates trench Immersion because survey in the garbage of political reasons Mr Mather denied any They also took umbrage to such statements and objected statements attributed to to the tone of the letter Superintendent of Program Trustee Len Crosier of Oak Bruce Mather at an Oakville ville agreed with Mr Mather feel both sides should be fn and School meeting that statements had been heard from before voting on have taken out of context He at lnan paying Later Mr told the press he thought Mr Venditti would be helpful to the board efforts to acquire this issue in order that they might properly assess the situation Quite frankly with so few children lo be involved cannot un dersUinrl why this program is being pushed so hard the letter says The board will consider the immersion program at their Board motion on alcohol ads is defeated Board of turned down a motion without comment from the Ottawa Board of Education deploring the advertising for alcoholic beverages carried on tele vision and radio networks The motion sponsored by Trustee Bert and Howard Lock found only five supporters amongst the Board Ottawa Board of Education urged he provincial and fed era governments to take action on advertising or alcohol stating the altitudes students arc deeply in by the media Car flips About 500 damage occur red lo car on the line when it flipped over Saturday around noon police say The car was driven by John Saunders of 182 Mountain view Georgetown The was south bound on the road when It flipped over and landed in the west ditch INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES said he was not interested in tended the meeting Church Services EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 33 ChurcMI NEW MINISTER Pastor SUNDAY Christian Education Mam Morning Worship m Evening Service TUESDAY Bible Study ALWAYS A HEARTY YOUR FAMILY Far Lease 2 storey build no frontage sq ft 3500 sq ft totalise rig space plus office basement storage and se floor complete with heating end for a variety of retail and offices uses Heart of downtown Milton on Main Street Adjacent to free municipal park Easily Call National Trust 141B Mrs Pearl Davis 1416528 3302 ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH MM Street East Founded 183 Pastor Rev Oat Sydney Sc M Pastors Phone 8531836 Church Phone 8530600 WEDNESDAY p m Young THURSDAY 30p m Choir Rehearsal Sunday January 22 1978 a m Sunday School and Adult Class 11 Morning Worship Everting FeOowshlp WEDNESDAY JAN 26 Annual Business Meeting Luck Supper Everyone Welcome THECHURCHOF ST ALBANTHE MARTYR Anglican Corner AfcaniDr Rev Leonard Director of Musk Mrs Frank THURSDAY JAN 19 Holy Eucharist Sunday 1978 EPIPHANY 111 900am Hofy 10 30am Ma tuns am Church School and Nursery WEDNESDAY JAN 1978 10 m Holy Eucharist A m Junior Confirmation Class Adult Class Action MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH 177MaplaAve Georgetown Sunday 1978 9 Sunday School Kerr In to rim Pastor ThaFeBowsh p Evangolical Baptist Churches In Canada We CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Minister J and Mm Eleanor and Church The church on the II an Int denomination congregation Istering to tha need of community Everyone Welcome BETH EL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Sunday Sunday Wo Scrv at 10 am day School during the mo sorvteo Sunday School the welcome Bock Cod Hour heard those stations Ham dial 1150 Catharines H S C am dal 1220 Too am dial MHZ Toronto a m dial 1430 30 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON McKerule A Minster Mr A Hansen A Master Sunday January 22 10 M Con Class fo Teenagers School for Nursery Kindergarten and ados Dlvno Thomo Th no Rovotut Ideas Everyone Most UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA TRINITY CHURCH ACTON Rev Chit Beaton ABO George MA Director of Music Sunday 1978 10 Morning Worship Fold and Toddler Care Sunday School Everyone Welcome

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