Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 18, 1978, p. 4

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4 The Acton FreePress Wednesday Jan 1978 Editorial Page No plaque for Acton A building on Yorkville Ave in Toronto may become a landmark to honor the famous Canadian writer de Roche She lived in a flat at when she wrote The Ontario Heritage Foundation and the Toronto Historical Board are considering plaques on front of the building No one ever thought of a plaque for Acton although de la Roche lived here as a talented young teenager Her father at the time ran the Dominion Hotel They were known as Roach and lived in the first house north of s home for senior citizens on Main added deta to the family name and changed its spelling to something classier Yes de la Roche lived here The eggsact facts Eggsactly how many people tried to stand their eggs up on end on Egg Day last Tuesday It was the one and only day of the year for it and if you missed out you 11 just have to remember the date till next year It falls on a Wednesday Eggs are good for a lot more than fancy tncks too With Egg Day just over the Ministry of Agriculture and Food sent out a bulletin on eggs to all weekly newspapers And even mention Egg Day A serving of eggs 2 grade A large is an excellent and economical source of high quality protein and a good source of iron phosphorous and Vitamin A Canada s Food Guide states that eggs may be used as a meat sub stitute The nutritive content of the egg yolk docs not change with the virymg colors of the yolk ranging from pale yellow to orange The colour is determined by the ns fed to the hen Eggs are graded according to weight and sold by pound For example a dozen large eggs weigh at least 1 lbs or ounces minimum of 2 ounces per egg To produce tender egg whites use low to moderate temperatures when cooking High temperatures and overcooking cause egg whites to become tough and the protein to shrink Use the freshest eggs from your refngeraor for poaching and frying where shape of the cooked eggs is important Use eggs that have been stored the longest in your refrigerator for hard cooking since they peel easier than fresh ones Cool hard cooked eggs in cold running water immediately after cooking to prevent a dark layer forming around the yolk and to make peeling easier Purchase eggs from refrigerated cases and store them in the refrigerator at home They lose quality rapidly at warm room temperatures Store eggs large end up ends the Ministry advice And don forget Egg Day next January 10 It was eggstraordinary The Georgetown Independent had this to say about Egg Day Well January was the day of the egg again and at the In dependent office eight of them stood at attention on a desk while silent tension filled the office is there was a try for an even dozen Eight was as far as patience and time would allow on the day the egg allegedly chooses as the one day to stand up for itself and become is The reason for behaviour has never been egg but may be known to eggheads all over the country The theory has been put forward that it is the tilt of the earth on this day but our readers are much too hard boiled to go along with this scrambled tale For the past three years The Independent has followed the of the eggs despite scoffers who maintain eggs can stand up any day of the year but are simply lazy So this year we re leaving the readers to come out of their shells and unscramble the phenomenon Of this and that Someone has called the Free Press to relay her concern that thoughtless people may be deliberately injuring cats in her neighborhood Sad to think anyone could get kicks that way Noted in a monthold paper Georgetown Independent Georgetown Choral Society teamed up with Acton Citizens Band a joint Christmas program at the middle school in Acton and an appreciative audience which braved some of the winter s worst icy weather to attend went home delighted local people could produce such en joyable music vocally and The band which has never been recognized fully in Acton showed a depth and polish under the baton of Conductor George Elliott and his assistant Dave Sate Is it true that our band is not fully recognized Canadian weekly newspapers have an exchange system which brings us two different weekly newspapers each week They make most interesting reading and we see how other reporters and printers do things This week we received The Express and on the front page Council discussing a feasibility study of their town hall The building was erected in 1880 Various towns arc going the route of restoration as we see by these other weeklies While the members of the Business Association are dis cussing remaining OPEN sday nights as well as Fridays their predecessors of 100 years ago decided to close early every night except Saturday They intended according to the Free Press files to lock their doors at 8 clock I Saturdays they would have been open till 10 or later How times change Thanks to J P who sent us a copy of the Airdrie and Coatbridge Advertiser from Perthshire This interesting paper calls itself your brightest weekly and Mr Brownlee adds the Acton paper is the best I have read over here nearest to our own There any real farmers around here any more a shop keeper told us So we asked Jen Barr to find out She went hunting and found Angus M cEachern Hope you enjoy the story as we did Drivers are having a challenging winter The roads alternate it ions between snow ice slush wet sand and sometimes bare roads The works department are having their worst winter ever too A large gentleman squeezed into his seat on a bus beside a small nervous looking type Ignoring the No Smoking sign he unwrapped a cigar and asked My smoking won bother you will it No the small fellow replied Not if my getting sick wop bother you CROSSCOUNTRY skiing the new sport thats being enjoyed by many more people in this area than ever before This photograph was taken at Cedar Creek Farm near the Guelph dam Rockwood conser vation area is another popular spot Last weekend brought perfect weather for the outdoor enthusiasts ft Sugar and spice It must be nice to be one of those people who sail into a new year with high hopes great expectations and firm resolves I am more inclined to back into It gingerly head ducked as though awaiting a cult from fate I think experience that you have tobcyoungandnalve or old and religious or just plain dumb to expect the next is going to be any better than the last For example I know going to be one year older and uglier I know I going to have fewer teeth and less hair I know I going lo be utterly flabbergasted at the arrant thievery of the government when I make out the cheque for Income tax on the last day of April 1 know that more and more of my friends relatives and colleagues are going to be struck down by cancer heart attacks a broken marriage or the know that my daughter won t be able to get a Job as a teacher after a gruelling year of preparing for same and raising two kids on the side I am quite certain that my two grand boys are going to get steadily more cult to handle One of them not quite four years old made a dreadful suggestion to a lady In a store not long before Christmas as my wife and I looked around wildeyed pretending we t know him or each other I got a raise this year but am perfectly aware that it doesn allow me to keep up with inflation 1 saved some money this year for the first time in by continuing to drive a 10yearold car but I know every dollar tucked away and paid taxes on will be worth cents when it comes time lo spend it I know full well that during the coming year 1 will have to undergo the ordeal of a federal in which a bunch of nincompoops try to convince me that they can run the country better than a bunch of turkeys I am fully cognizant of the fact that my wife is going to be on my back in 1978 for moral turpitude physical lassitude and menial ineptitude not to mention a number of other things that can t be class fled In a family journal Economically the country Is depending on your point of view either up the creek without a paddle or going over the falls with a motor stuck in high gear Next fall my students will be the ab solute worst I ve ever had there will be more of them eight will be on drugs six will be alcoholics five will get pregnant and II be taken off to the funny factory Why don 1 1 Just shoot myself then in stead of heading into 1978 with all these bogeymen riding my shoulders may well ask Because life Is the life As my daughter six and which I have since considered one of the great philosophical gems of the century Of course I II be one year older But 1 11 be one year smarter at least Its not true that 11 have fewer teeth 1 11 have more I m getting that euphemism called a partial plate Leu hair but I can always get a toupee of a fall Uglier for certain but there comes a point when ugly Btarts to become beautiful His face has a Bored reader writes Acton Free Press Dear Editor I really great to see some interesting letters make their appearance so early In he year I refer to Mrs Jennifer Barr letter re mail service Incidentally her column Is very readable also Mr George Graham a an old Irish friend of ours I loo remember Father McGreavey al though my best memory of him I was Just a young girl then was bis courtly bearing and dignity When he presided at the euchre parties in the parish hall we kids surely thought it was quite a treat The ladles brought lunch did the work and the men played cards Us kids Ate like hogs and tore around the hall while Father rocked back and forth on his heels and smiled benignly Father McBrlde Ah there was a priest for you He and his great big St Bernard dog were familiar visitors summer and winter but he was not above chastizing an altar boy at Mast If everything was not to his liking But a warm compassionate man and fond of children How we mutt have tried his patience when ho was teaching us the Catechism Father brought much cohesion I believe to St Josephs and a mult of hia supervision he got b people to work together for the parish A wry dedicated and articulate man but MtwUmwi did seem lorn We left before Father bat friends by Bill Smiley lot of character they meaning that you look I ke something that Just swam home from the Crimean War Sure my buddies will be stricken with everything from a slipped cervix to a swollen colon but a couple of them were marked up for the big final registration last year and came through with flying colors and a heightened love of 1 Maybe my kid won t get a job teaching Maybe it a good thing How would you like to spend your working hours with a bunch of teachers as I do 0 K my grandboys are really rotten But they any more rotten than their mother was years ago She just now beginning to admit to us what she was doing when we thought she was at Sunday School 1 slipping behind financially but who My war pension soared by per cent on Jan so 1 m on the glory trail It is now almost bucks a month No question we 11 have a federal elec tion But what a to worry when our Grand Guru Pierre Himself says that If we all think positively the economy will pick up Who can argue with something as solid as that Certainly not the poor dope who has been out of work for two years He a prob ably not thinking positively No doubt no doubt at all that my wife will be on my back through 1978 for all the things mentioned and some new ones she think up But what the hell m used to it and were still man and wife although she might quibble about that designation or parts of It As for my students next fall they will undoubtedly be the same mixed bag of mixed up adolescents they have always been and we 11 get along fine once they realize Mr Smiley is a bit senile and must be humored Last year was pretty bad and this year willbeworse but life is the life beats lying there in the graveyard with your hands on your tummy from Acton tell me how proud they are of him and I wish him well I have to disagree with Mr Graham regarding self sacrifice home and family suffered a setback etc There has been no great change that I can see in the youth of today or as far as that goes parental guidance There are just as many happy marriages modesty and decency still pre vail parents still care for their children and vice versa Living in a predominantly Protestant village I find my nonCatholic friends and neighbors still set high values on their mar riages care and direction of their children and hold the same hopes for betterment our parents held for As for Women Lib which Mr Graham seems to diiparage good things have happened development Thank goodness he days when women were just their husbands chattels and totally sub servient to them la long gone and that great I A man and wife should be equal In all ways with neither having a dominant role but totally supporUvn of each other Back to Mrs Her column is the first one I read In the paper and I don even know the lady but the comes across as warm funny and I am sure well liked by her friends neighbors and readers You can tell by the length of tail letter It been boring up in the North Country too much snow too cold to go out hence the letter Only trusts RR4 17lh Jan 1978 Dear Sir Jennifer letter published in last week s Free Press cannot be allowed to comment Only in a few places does the Royal Mail Service exist Now it a nondescript expensive part of the Government of Canada unsure as our government Is unsure whether lo call Itself Postes Canada or Canada Post We who are served by the Post office despite the controversies that surrounded the construction and appear of the building and Its total lack of parking space are Indeed fortunate The old traditions are preserved by a conscien tious and helpful staff If their spirit and dedication were but more widespread our postal service would once again be a matter for national pride This letter as with many other com munlcatlons delivered to your office will be delivered personally My trust in our postal service does not extend beyond the area served by the stalwarts In Rockwood The Free Press Back Issues 10 years aqo Taken from of the Acton Free Press of Thursday January IT IMS In recognition of his service to the town and nation Mayor was chosen by an Independant committee to receive the lone centennial medal conferred by the municipality The mayor s wide interests and work for the town the logical choice the committee agreed Postmaster Gord McKeown and publisher Dave Dills also received the medals A record up from lost year was collected by Acton Firefighters for the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada during their campaign in November and December Hugh was elected chairman of Acton Legion at their elections last week He succeeds Jim The Men s Club made a donation of to assist the M C A board in the operation of their program The motion to make the donation passed unanimously at the regular meeting 20 years ago Taken from the blue of the Acton Free Press 1958 Two former pupils of Miss M Z Bennett Tom Watson and Murray Smith made the address presentation to the former principal of the Acton Public School at the official opening ceremony of the Z Bennett School named in her honour Joe Hurst listed the special gifts Miss Bennett spoke of her teaching years and mentioned 11 former students are named on the cenotaph Acton council Monday night agreed to amend the store closing by law following submission of a petition by the Chamber of Commerce represented by Terry in dicating percent of Acton merchants favored closing all day Monday The highest expenditure for prize money on record was announced by A Wood- bum when he read the financial statement of Acton Agricultural Society at the annual meeting in the town hall last Saturday William Thompson Is the new president of the Society Other officers elected are first vicepresident Lloyd McEnery second vicepresident Nino Bralda secretary treasurer Mrs CW Swackhamer auditors WA McKay 50 years ago Taken from the sue of the Free Press Of Thursday January Joseph Fellows Adams who was a son of Rev Zenas Adams one of the founders of Acton and born here years ago died at St Clair Michigan He was a veteran of the having entered the navy He saw considerable action In 1877 he settled In St Clair his slater Agnes who was a school teacher In Acton in her young womanhood residing with him She Is the only survivor of four brothers and seven sisters The annual meeting of Acton Fall Fair was held yesterday afternoon and reports were most encouraging J Kerr was elected President for dances local concerts ordinary meetings concerts from outside points 100 years ago Taken from the blue of the Free Press of Thursday January 17 ISTB Such weather Business is poor In town The merchants intend closing their stores at eight clock every evening except Saturday night At present the whole country is swarming with tramps perhaps the most miserable of human beings Some days there will be as many as a dozen in our village They will not work to earn a meal but prefer begging Some of them we believe are objects upon which to bestow charity but others are good fornothing loafers This class are fit subjects for the Central Prison There have been a number of females who are perhaps he most uncivil and vicious of the whole tramp tribe Perhaps It is we had a lock up here In which tramps could be lodged They could break stones for the streets to help pay for their keep We hope council will discuss the matter or a substantial lock up Knights of Pythias of Mr J H Hacking late editor or the Free Press tendered him an oyster supper on his removing from Acton to Ample justice was done to Mr Leavens excellent spread which was on strict temperance principles Died Annie age 30 Mary Kennedy age THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 8532010 Bus less and Editorial Off Copyright 1978

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