BAYER ASPIRIN 88 Bottlb of CHILDRENS ASPIRIN 33 ANACIN TABLETS 49 ONE A DAY Vitamins 059 FLINTSTONES or CHOCKS Multiple Vitamins Q39 ASA TABLETS 139 ANTIPHLOGISTIC HUB Menthohtum Rub Sugg Retail 299 189 ANTISEPTIC LOZENGES of 18 MECCA OINTMENT Tin BUCKLEYS Cough CoUs Mixture Odor- Eaters SuperTuff OdorEaters Extra Durable ForSmaktrt Sport Wort Shoes 19 SUPPOSITORIES BUCKLEYS Lemon Time 69 JOHNSON BABY POWDER 397 g CORRECTOL laxative specially designed for women BAND AID CLEAR STRIPS 60s