Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 8, 1978, p. 1

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Acton g b Region levy According to a droit of the regional budget taxes for regional purposes will range from an increase of 34 per cent In urban Georgetown to a decrease of 15 per cent In the former town of Acton The levy or regional ser vices in Milton ranges from an increase of four per cent In urban Milton to IS per cent in former That part of Milton that was formerly Esqucslng will see an increase of 1 per cent while former Oakville jumps 13 per cent and former Burlington jumps 16 per cent In Halton Kills former jumps by 1 per cent and former is down by two per cent Urban and urban Burlington will see subs tan tial decreases Georgetown taxes go up rather dramatically reflect Ing the beginning of deben ture payments for the new sewage plant there Acton taxes drop because of an in 1977 Acton water rates were bumped by per cent to cover work that was necessary Because the sewer surcharge In Acton is based on water rates sub stantial revenue was col lected not only from In creased water rates but in creased sewer surcharge as well Regional Treasurer Don Farmer says taxes In Milton are up partially due to an Debentures for new sewage plants won t come on stream in Milton or Acton until next year Farmer noted that because the budget shows only 10 per cent of the spending for tal projects to be covered out of the current budget instead of the per cent last year the Impact on the mill rate is less than what It would have been Because of mill rate reduc In Acton Burlington and Fanner suggests the region should increase expenditures on roads by to make full use of the provincial subsidy all oca While the overall budget for the region Is up by 3 per cent gross Farmer suggests most of the areas of increase are outside of the direct control of council General government ex are up 5 7 per cent while debt charges go up IS percent police spending is up eight per cent conservation authority is up per cent and Children Aid Society is up seven per cent The amount taken from current funds for capital projects is down by per cent That has the effect of show decrease in the mill rate but in fact it reflects a to finance projects through debt financing as opposed to cash on the line Council meets today to further consider the budget DOUGLAS MACPHERSON OF WESTON suffered cuts to chin and leg after the flat bed trailer truck he was driving went off Highway 25 last Thursday morning MacPnerson 25 was trapped in the cab for more than an hour Acton Firefighters freed the driver by using a power saw to cut him from the cab Guelph OPP put the damage to the truck at The truck load of plywood and was scattered in the mishap Defer bylaw Third reading of the by law authorizing the town to buy the former property In Acton for off street parking was deferred Monday night but not before Councillor Peter Morris made It clear he was opposed He said the town was get ting into an area of public expenditure that would set a precedent Councillor Roy Booth asked for the deferment because some councillors were ab sent He said he would vote against the expenditure of close to because he t know where the money was coming from Send bylaw to OMB Despite objections from Robert and Austin Knox Avenue Halton Hills council will forward the by law amending the zoning to permit two semidetached homes at Knox and Park Avenues Acton to the Letters of support for the semidetached homes came from William and Bert Hinton Both letters of support said the homes would be a great Improvement and would be an asset to the neighborhood Council termed the Austin objection of table with the neighborhood frivolous One Hundied and Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY FEBRUARYS 1978 Forty Pages Fifteen Cents Sh Despite the incentive generous grants from Queen Park Board of Education pulled the rug on an expanded elementary school French program trustees had approved just last September Trustees feared grants would be cut in a few years leaving the board running a costly prognm Currently grade six seven and eight pupils receive minutes of French daily In September the board ap proved a program of minutes of French dally for grade four five six seven and eight students beginning next September Trustees started having second thoughts about expanded French program almost immediately after approving the program is complaints pound in from parents and fearing the addition of would hamper the progrt muiie in teaching curriculum subjects such malhem and English Principals warned if time had to be found for trench it would have to come from other During December Jan the subject is cussed frequently by leader of the dump the expand 1 French program Trustee Bill He presented a report it would be costly hamper extra activities class hues could increase vtceprinci pals principals and librarians would have to be tied up with more teaching cause split grades force more hiring of supply teachers and hurt teacher morale The administration responded generous grants most of concerns could be remedied Lawson urged the board consider running the expanded French irogram is a pilot project in a few schools to sec if it would interfere with math He questioned if the board could really support expanded rinch when it will ere effects on schools and class organization Trustee Ivun Armstrong said he t feel there Is enough slack in the daily elementary school schedule allow another course lo be added Director of Education Lavender outlined grant information pertaining to French received from Queen Park Just the day before which showed could expand French at a bargain price He explained it would cost the board next for rench teachers but by the school year the cost would drop to for the same number of teachers because of a per cent grant from he province Lavender noted teachers feel the board will need more rench teachers in 1978- and if trustees agreed the board cost for teachers would still be only 1 rovincial costs for staffing French program would leap from for teachers in to tor teachers in 1978 Lavender said French Is a priority of the province and is being backed up by generous grants If the board dldn spend he extra provincial money to increase its French program it get the money at all he warned He admitted the history of grants has been uneven and Halton has been aged to get into programs by hefty grants in the past and then ended up paying heavily to keep It going after grants were cutback Lavender said this is a danger and makes long range Continued on page 12 Escapes injury in truck accident Withhold taxes new protest DUFF shows off his new badges to mother Cathy Duff was among the beavers invested into cubs Monday at the scout half TownHydro get together to talk Hydro corridor Some citizens who have for people to send to the grown tired of waiting for a surer of Ontario response to Actons request declaring for review of regional will withhold their taxes until government propose a new there reaction approach Cory will forms this week and he 11 be leaving some local stores It s probably the only way J git action com mints who upports the plan She They have prepared forms be distributing copies of the ments that the reasoned pre- Place change Land sales go to building Ontario Hydro and Hilb council will try to talk out some of the problems of the Bradley to Milton trans mission corridor at a council meeting Wile the meeting will be open public will not be allowed to participate In the discussion David Com Relations Liaison Officer for Ontario Hydro said the aim of the meeting is to establish a channel of communication on the con struction of the line He said he had been warned to wear a red suit when going to Hills council so the blood show but if Sadatcangoto Israel Uteres hope for me He explained hydro had met with many councils of townships along the way to explain what is going on A 15 to minute overview by the supervising engineer and construction superintendent and a discussion of property appraisal and policies have been the pattern in meetings with other councils the speaker stated He invited councillors to tour the Bruce nuclear power development and the demonstration centre where studies on Ihe affects of high voltage lines arc carried out Mr said the Ime is divided Into three sections with the north section running as far as Colbeck the centre section from Colbeck lo Limehouse and the south section from to Milton He said the footings for the towers ore about 45 per cent completed and Continued on page Tonight public meeting the draft official plan ha been changed from library to the Parish hall Same time 7 30 Wednesday February the Proceeds from the sale of all town owned land or build will go into a fund for the construction of an to the municipal building decided this week Any money from the sale of town land already ear rmrked for something else is exempted Town hall committee appeals to citizens tions of the for Action committee nave brought no results Planning wants space Hills planning department is looking or rental accommodation be cause are cramped in the Seventh Line ad ministration building Councillor Walter suggested the former am lance building Councillor Hoy Booth said it is just authorization to look for rental space and to ind out costs and does not mean any commitment Weston man was treated and released the next day at St Josephs Hospital Guelph after a onevehicle accident on Highway just north of Douglas suffered cuts lo chin and leg after the flatbed trailer truck he was driving went off the road early Thursday morning According to Guelph the driver had apparently tried to pull the truck back onto the highway but Ihe vehicle hit a tree Upon impact his load of ply wood slid forward piercing the cab and pinning Mr between the steering wheel and lumber Acton Volunteer Fire fighters were summoned to the scene at a m and cut through the back of the cab with a circular saw and crow bars to free the man Deputy fire chief Bern Van Fleet said he thought the firefighters did a v good job at freeing the man as they only had a few with Mr Mac had to be pulled through the back of the cab before his rescue was com plete The mishap occurred at m According to Regional Police at the scene if accident had occurred a few hours earlier the driver may have been trapped longer than he was because there is a small number of ve hicles on the road at that hour Passers by alerted police to the accident Damage to the cab and the front of the truck is put at 000 police say The truck was still off the road at mid afternoon and police blocked all traffic as tow truck operators at templed to pull the vehicle the snow According to an Ontario Provincial Police officer on the scene In the afternoon there was some difficulty In getting the rig free Ads editorials merit OWN A top awards The Acton Free Press will receive three plaques at the Ontario Weekly Newspapers convention next month for best editorial page best classified ad vertisingandbestdiBpby advertising The competition results were announced last week The Free Press is entered In the clrcula category of from 3 to weekly There ere weekly newspapers entered In the class When the individual marks were added up the Acton paper placed first in three of eight sections but was not in the top three overall In first place was the Carleton Place Canadian second the Signet and third the Grimsby Inde pendent The Midland Times won the front page plaque the Journal for com position and layout and sports the Carle- ton Place Canadian for photography and news and features The Free the remaining three Dills Publishing other wo papers also won top awards In circulation category from to 10 the Milton Canadian Champion placed first with the Georgetown Independent second The Champion wins plaques for front page compost lion and layout editorial page sports and classified advertising The three papers cooperate closely in news and advertising departments All the production work is done in the plant at Acton A Letter To The CI t tens of Acton The Acton Town Hall Restoration Committee has completed Its Investigation of possible sources of funds for prcser vation of Acton Town Hall Thin letter will report findings of the Committee and explain what must be done One inescapable conclusion faces us If the Town Hall is to be saved citizens of Acton must demonstrate they will make sacrifices to save it Signatures on a petition saved the Town Hall for a moment but only signatures on pledge cards will save it forever Other sources of funds can became available if Actonlans first show a willingness to make private donations The Municipal Council is not prepared at the moment make any contribution The Heritage Foundation will not contribute unless the Municipality does Wintario will not contribute unless citizens and the Heritage Foundation do A clear measure of financial support from private donors in Acton may move these other groups to contribute Without them Ihe restoration becomes almost economically impossible The Committee proposes setting up a campaign to see what fundi people and organizations of Acton would be willing to donate towards the Town Hall Before doing this however the Committee must have some indication a campaign will produec necessary donations At the moment the Committee owes for the Feasibility Study were originally to be met by sale of Town Hall prints If the remaining prints are sold the debt could easily be retired If we cannot raise one thousond dollars how can we raise many thousands required for the restoration As a sign of interest in Acton Town Hall then the Committee asks all Interested citizens and organizations to purchase a print if they have not done so This should be done as quickly as possible These prints will become valuable historical keepsakes as they ore a limited edition and no more will be made When this debt is cleared the Committee will begin organ of the fund raising campaign Prints may be secured at D Bank Real Toddlers to Teens Acton Canadian Fried Chicken Pizza Spot or by phoning 8530365 or for delivery Volunteers who arc interested in serving on the campaign committee should contact Doug I read at For the sake or Acton Town Hall buy a print today Acton Town Hall Restoration Committee SIX YEAR OLD AMANDA DEFOREST took top honors in the balance beam at the North York recreation invitational meet She started with the Acton gymnastics club and moved to the Halton Hills club so she could get more practice For more gymnastics pictures see the sports section

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