Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 8, 1978, p. 10

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Seal off Speyside classrooms before school closes school will not be closing its doors In the fore seeable future but there is a possibility a few rooms may be sealed off to help cut ex ptoses Don Gentleman North area chairman for Hal ton Board of Education reassured some parents at a special meeting last Tucs day night that the school would not be closed Residents of the area were concerned about other small rural schools being closed due to declining enrolment and wanted to be prepared for action In case word came of school demise Area resident Sheldon chaired the meeting and ex the school was the ackbone of the community She pointed out the school was in no danger of closing In September but that is not to say it Is never going to close The school could be facing twinning or split grades Mrs Sheldon slated Now is the time to cope with them and not after we find out about it a closure she said Mr Gentleman presented the parents with schedule drawn up by the board in die a ting when possible closures of schools take place with seven classrooms would be under Iq be closed when the enrolment falls below pupils There arc currently he claimed In he said Iherewere 244 students in school That dropped to in 214 in 1974 IBS In 187 in and in 1977 Forecast for coming years at this rale of decline show thai in there will be an enrol ment of 134 still way above the board proposed closing figures There are two factors in for Ihe declining en Mr Gentleman told the group He explained in kindergarten there were students in 1977 only In the past year he con there were more grade Q pupils heading to Sleworllown than coming into kindergarten In North he said there were 1 grade students going into high school but only BOO coming In leaving student decline In elementary schools Mr Gentleman elaborated on the situation and claimed that in I wo years Halton enrolment will decline by 300 students This is the equivalent of Speyside schools or one third the en rolment of the school itself lost students to middle school len students to SI Joseph school in and will lose more to Millon when their separate school opens next year In addition next year coincides with a year in which the birth rate was at a minimum Area resident Julie suggested taking the grade from area high schools and putting them Into middle schools In this way the grade can stay In Speyside and keep the en rolment figures up Mr Gentleman bald this was not possible the high schools were not yet full Mr Gentleman said there Is a possibility of some schools becoming twinned and cited and as examples Twinning means that the two schools have and one principal He admitted he sat in on informal talks twin but nothing formal has been discussed He said it could be twinned with Llmchouse but they like the back roads to the other school or possibly an Acton elementary school was all Just an Informal talk he stressed One solution that might be used Mr Gentleman said was the sealing off of rooms He explained that If a few of SpeyBide classrooms were totally off rather than the school closed and even sold a lot of money could be saved and the facilities would still be there if needed in the future He said this was more likely to happen than twinning or closing the school Another resident stated that lax dollars arc going up each year yet the number of adults paying them are not going down but enrolment Is In addition teachers are being laid off she continued Why are our taxes still going up she asked Mr Gentleman explained that when the pupil teacher ratio goes down so does the amount of grants received The school board in turn baa to make up the difference One man reminded Mr Gentleman just where the taxes come from the people no matter if they are local provincial or federal One mother in the audience said it seemed to her the tion was simple Instead of attending meetings dis cussing declining enrolment In schools parents should be home doing something to raise enrolment Top breeders producers honored Close to Halton Hoist cur which are Club members and friends awarded to the top five met at the North animals each year in Canada and Country Club George- in each age class or to those town on Wednesday Feb with over kg of fat were for their annual meeting awarded to J Proud 3369 President Russell W Oak discussed the many sue two certificates Burn cessful activities of the Hal view Farms Ltd Milton two ton Club last year and stated certificates James Carney how pleased everyone was Milton and Claude Picket that James C Reid George- Georgetown two for the town and Claude Picket CraigReld Georgetown were receiving Milton tone certificate the Master Breeder Award at Long time production the Canadian annual certificates were presented to meeting in Toronto on Feb This Is indeed an honor for these men and for Halton Ralph Ford the Club secretary treasurer re ceived a Certificate of Recognition for his years of service in this position His duties are to be assumed by Bert Stewart Hornby Joe Snyder Holstein mented on having percent of the dairy herds on production test the highest in the province Joe stated that we should not be satisfied until a 100 per cent level is reached He also stated that cattle prices arc low now is the time to cull your herd and replace with higher quality cattle The certificate for top to Murray Harris of Bum view Farms Ltd Milton Twenty seven Hols te ins pro duced kg of milk kg of fat per cent test for a composite B A of Runner up certificate went to Claude Picket Georgetown records kg of milk kg of fat 3 per test for a composite of 154 Separator production breeders with the highest production cert if I going to Farms Ltd Craig Gordon McDonald George town Nurse George town Jim Reid Georgetown and Bryan Marshall Milton Jim Re and Gertrude Nerval each received the Two Star Cow Award William Thompson Milton and Martyn Burling ton were awarded their 40 membership pins by Joe Snyder field man Greetings were brought to the Halton breeders by the Canadian Directors from this area Ralph of Peel Osborne Wellington and Clarence toy of Waterloo Craig was endorsed by the club to run for Nat lonal Director it the op portunity arose at the annual meeting in Toronlo on Feb Following a smorgasbord lunch trophies were awarded to the winners at the Halton Show at Milton Guest speaker was Dr Ken McDcrmid Director of the Veterinary Services Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Dr Rich Man Poor Man Who the Thief Such is the title of this year Ten Days for World Development program ing place Feb io20 When Comfort of Acton co ordinator for the program in Trinity Church asked me to help publicise Ten Days my first thought was Oh oh this Is much too deep for me But after perusing the literature learning the theme was the inequality of world food systems and how large a part our own country plays in I began interested I ve always felt we were getting ripped off In our society with large monopoly manipulating food costs and the hard working farmer receiving an unbelievably small percentage of that cost Common cry when we hear of massive surpluses being dumped Is what about the starving millions in the cast Yet Canada gives millions each year in foreign a id We re the bread basket of the world are we not Producing Im coiling According to Don Mitchell or the University of this may have once been rue but is no longer In a paper presented at a Ten Days National Food Conference he states profits of Canada s food corporations averaged IB 7 percent return on Investment for retail chains and percent for processing companies during 1977 Yet we are producing less than ever In a long detailed paper I can hope to reproduce here he calls for on end to profit speculation on commodities and land among other things He feels we need to begin raising discussion of food as a strategic energy resource being developed as a PUBLIC resource Third Susan George author of How Ihe Other Half Dies Ihe Real Reasons World Hunger feels financial aid tc foreign countries Is merely setting up the same system of food monopoly in western countries She says land manipulation that is causing the problem and when large companies hold major portions of land they produce the least food World Bank figures prove this Miss George states the small peasant who gives loving care to the little he possesses is the most effective cultivator in the Third World She right Isn she With our major corporations we as a country are producing less food than when we were as a nation of small independent formers statistics prove that The starving countries of the world are also solving problems with the same systems It doean lake mucr arithmetic to figure out what going to happen Thro loot program It s impossible to do more than merely waft the Issues your noses but for those who are Interested there are local events this year hosted by Trinity United Church Acton On February 10 at p m there will be a film and pane discussion with Reverend Das Sydney of the Baptist Church in Acton Dr Paul of Canada and Jin- Johnson former CUSO volunteer At the February church service at 10 a m the spcakei will be the Reverend Murray former United Churcr missionary In Angola Friday February 17 at will see Gwcn and Jim Johnson giving an illustrated talk on agricultural develop ment project in Nigeria Further Information may be obtained from Eldon Comfort 6531069 Remember the greatest mistake of all Is to do nothing because you think you can do only a little MeDermid has been working stressed in the field of Brucellosis for proved sanitation on the farm over years He discussed ami suggested that all visitors the history of the disease and to dairy and farms the recent increases in the number of herds infected During the months which ended in December total of wire slaughtered of with is heros complete I depopulated KEN MURRAY of Acton is the new dent of Halton Hoistem Breeders Club taking over from Russell Hurren of Campbell ville is invited to the Horticultural Club meeting to be held at the Town Wednesday Walter Mitchell of Rock wood Hardware will he talk on Lawn and Chemicals and show mg slides pests Mr should be required plastic boots or their own thoroughly He the r program which lertiken by the Animals rtcd by the of i Ltiltu Food and directors chosen for are us follows Past President Russell Campbell President Ken Murray I irst vice president Jeff Nurse second vicepresident Harold Patterson Milton Secretary treasurer Bert Stewart Hornby Sales Agent Martvn lleslop Burlington Safety Council Rep Bill Robinson Jr Georgetown Directors are George Bird Bennett Sandy lliichanan Bill Bryan Marshall Robert Marshall Dennis Keith Moore Man Ness Doug Peddle David Junior Director Paul Laid spent eight years work for a chemical company before buying ire so should be very informative meeting Mr Mitchell there will be some door prizes so tome along bring your questions is fret Rockwood District The Acton Free Press Wednesday Feb 8 1978 Swanston swims eight miles every day by llaruWjnncck Local swimmer Man IB who represented trio Canadi Summer Games in Newfoundland his re relumed from series of meets ik three college teams in Ihe southern USA Alan is one of the is swimmers chosen to meet some of the tup Amen swimmers and world record holders The nidi fin second an mint when you consider that the I A has best ill swimmers in the world m is sprintT torn peluif in the freestyle and intiiv il medley events The individual medley in the swimming of four consecutive strokes the butterfly the the back stroke and the free style lor front crawl His routine is to rise m on deck the Victoria ltd Recreation Centre at 50 a swim from a m Breakfast and lunch art Grandparents gave early Bible training SWIMMER Alan 18 is shown on Ihe right as he trains for the Guelph and Aquatic Club Alan was one of swimmers who represented Canada at Southern S College meets Erin township council make appointments TV Ivan Bird Ijirsei will 1 l eaten at Centennial High School where Alan is a grade 13 maths and science student It is then back to the pool to lrainagainfrom4to6pm At home by m Alan has dinner the sack Presently he is swimming eight miles a day under coach Cliff Barry of the and Aquatic Club Alan feels that good coaching is essential to win He has only been swim ming since he was years old According to Alan It the meets that keep you going and I hate anyone to beat me even in practice and so he endures the pain and exhaustion of training 11 months of the year There is swim meet to weeks Strategy is the secret of the short distance swimmer according to Alan As the meet approaches all the strength and endurance has built up swimming eight miles a day will be directed into the shorter lances As the result of taper his training he will be able to put all his effort and energies into the sprint the day of the event Future competitions in elude the Canada Cup Meet in February In The Nationals in New West minister B C in March and the Commonwealth Games Trials in Edmonton in July after the Trials Alan is in one of the top three positions he will go on to the Common wealth Games The top two Games finalists head for the World Championships in Berlin Germany When he completes Grade this spring Alan has a tough decision to make regarding his education and his swimming career He wishes to major In accounting at University and to maintain excellent swimming coach ing He has yet to find a Cana dian University which offers both the academic courses and the swim program he needs No scholarships or training allowances arc made at Canadian schools as they are in the US where the college courses are adapted to the athlete s schedule This makes going to a V S College seem the easier course of action Ahn has had a great ex per in swim meets from Winnipeg lo St John New foundland and as far south as Miami His ability and competitive attitude may well take him farther and farther away from his home at It The Presbyterian and Groups met at the home of Mrs Gray for their Kb ruary meeting The presl dent Mrs Milne opened Ihe meeting with prayer lowed by a hymn What a We Have in Jesus Mrs fclsie gave the secretary report and Mrs Gray the treasurer s report which showed a very success ful year Mrs A gave report on cards that had been sent to the shut ins in Jan Mrs Lelshmun had charge or the devotions and read the Psalm 104 from the Living Bible followed by prayer The topic was taken by Mrs Gray She spoke on of prayer She sold many received early training in prayer when very young by visiting grandparents homes where there was fimilv She so spoke on life after death She said ich person lived a good est life and by to help the less fortunate there is very little to fear The World of Praer will be held in the ten church In March and the ladles of all in the village ire welcome Then will be no meeting in March the members will be attending the of the W at St Paul Westminster church in The meeting closed with a hmn followed by prayer Mrs Gray assisted by Mrs Johnston served stnwberry short and a cup of Mrs Lcishman will be hostess for the April meeting Ivan Bird I M irlcne li mitt Din Connor Miller I Henderson Sid Spear and Jo Schneider were appointed to Community Centre Board at Wednesday meeting of I rm Township Council Triton nynecrlng lias suggested certain road standards concerning lot front in the proposed subdivision Council the till drainage application of Roy Madgett for his lot 15 concession I and the by law was drawn up and passed The road accounts were brought inby I Harden who also had received i letter of appreciation from llvdw by manager of the area for the prompt assistance and co operation of and his men during the recent lee storm in the area Council will renew their ROM Rural tint in Municipalities is opposed AMU Ml Municipalities Decision was based nn the facts that it was cheaper dealt more on iff tip such line fences and linage as tax reform The membership fee schedule of is on the town shipiKipul dionofG4J0 also based tin population is membership fee A motion v is passed anj member of Ix author to ROM lion tint expenses he paid The feeling is over and above the benefits received from the convention itself meet people from other mtinici of their pro and how they dealt with tin m they ire stationed at the for every hockey game decision was lo find out where they come from and support that unit A report from Roger county planner of record study shows Erin Township has vacant lots under separate ownership that could be built on It also shows there are 1 taxable buildings which include houses schools and com buildings in the township Wellington County Plow mens Association have issued an invitation to host the plowing match The clerk was directed to write a letter to support the invlta tlon A mailbox and post on Ballinufad has been knocked over by the snow plow The owner requested assistance to put t back in Continued on page 11 The farm in will be featured on the television program Ontario Scene this Sunday evening Feb Ontario Scene will include four different items with the Hocys segment the major one The program shows Elizabeth and her daughter Cumc with their sheep and crafts Elm Tree Farm It lambing time there and they have had over lambs in the past month The other three segments include a dairy farmer a tobacco farmer and a man who produces both oil and soya bean on his land 33100 fire A neighbor turned in alarm and 16 men responded to the Thursday 4 m barn fire at David Burnetts RR The fire its cause not jet determined had a good start according to Chief Meadows The roof was In before the firefighters arrived on the scene They were able to confine the fire to the barn David Burnett lost head of cattle pigs hoy straw grain and corn for a total value of His loss is insured Allan Jake Burnett David father lost worth of equipment stored in his son barn The arm is rented front Randolph Peterson and his loss of the irn is approximately Avid observer notes birds seasonal changes Jeff Harvey Acton is on avid bird watcher and a member of the Georgetown Naturalists club He has been observing his feathered friends for several years now and he is going to share his knowledge with readers of this newspaper He will be writing articles on birds to be found In this locality week he writes on sea changes in the birdlife of county and on bird watching as a hobby by Jeff Harvey The number of people who study birds whether In their own backyard or in far away places is on the increase How many friends do you have who maintain a winter feeding station for birds In a way fact taking an Interest In the environment Other people who construct bird houses are helping types birds to sustain their numbers year by ynr Just about everyone can recognwe a robin a crow or a sparrow But not every per son realizes how many differ species of birds are found in this area Even those people who do not look for birds or cannot identify those he sees has any Idea how many types there really are In County for example on a warm spring day in mid May a person who searches hard enough could see as many as or If very lucky 100 types of birds In the one day Over the whole year there ore about species which at some time or other pass through Of these between 70 and 100 are known to nest Many very rare birds which migrate from as far away as Central South Amer ican con be found nearby Most of these can be found in the Niagara forest just south of Here is a list of some exotic species which migrate thous of miles every spring and fall Most of these you won know but could with only a little practice Scarlet Tan Northern Oriole Wood Thrush Yellow Throated Vlrco many types of warb lers Bobolink RoseBreasted Grosbeak Indigo Bunting to gether with the well known Common Crow Black Cap ped Chickadee Robin Star ling and many many others Those names may sound like they came from who knows where hut it took me only two years leam about these and the many others found in this beautiful area And once this hobby storm it tends to be addictive As your lift list grows you real get involved with it and Envoi all over However don I Bet the idea that you have to travel thousands of miles to these birds A start would he lo put up a winter bud feeder Don be surprised when the birds arrive Some these such as chickadees will even feed out of your hand Bird is also relatively inexpensive All you really need is your two eyes and an interest in ail the birds As you gain more interest you will find binoculars an tlal These should be chosen with care but a good pair of or binoculars should cost between and In addition to the binoculars a good bird guide book would be very useful Two books which come to mind are Peterson A Field Guide to the Birds and Rob- bins and Birds of North America These books which are sold in either hard or soft cover can be purchased at most reputable book stores and by reading these guides and looking for patterns within a family it is possible to recog nizc most local species by sight Another invaluable aid in Identifying local birds is by ear All birds in one way or other have a voice and though first they may all sound alike after awhile you will learn he local dialects of most specie and this will help you to separate the common ones from the more rare types of birds I have studied local birds for eight years and I am ramlllar with per cent of the Bongs of local species JEFF HARVEY of R Acton is an avid bird watcher and belongs to the Georgetown Naturalists Club Me will be putting his hobby to good use through the pages of the Free Press writing about various species of birds in the Acton area

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