Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 22, 1978, p. 1

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Council will buy Hotchens for parking Hills Is going to buy the former s Bakery property for downtown Acton parking from Paul Nielsen and Mike Monday council passed a by law authorizing the pur chase of the Bakery land from the two downtown businessmen Councillor Walter objected to the purchase say Ing he t think the town should be buying land for free public parking He noted the town docsn pay for plaza parking lots so why do it for downtowns He was joined by Coun Roy Booth Peter Morris and Pat Patterson in opposing the purchase At the same meeting mer chant Ed Wood who repre sented the Acton Business Association and Business Improvement Area an the will convert the land into a lot He noted merchants support this plan mously Mr Wood thanked council for Its help in remedying parking problems in Acton He the Acton Business Association is working In harmony with the BIA Chamber of Commerce to Acton Business Improvement Area chairman Henry was very pleased with the decision he said Tuesday He had called a special meeting for Saturday night to prepare the B I A proposal for council It was agreed unanimously then hat the B I A would undertake to provide the parking lot if the town purchased the Hotchen property We re united in It and we were willing to com mitcouselves Mr Stachyra commented We still have lo Iron out a lot of things There will be further meet to discuss details such as the assigning the money from the sate of the pump house property He was pleased at the final vote when the Acton councillors and George all favored the purchase We certainly can t expand the downtown without more parking Mr Stachyra stressed Parking authority member Paul Nielsen has been trying to get more parking for Actons downtown for 16 years This Is really only the beginning he commented Tuesday When people pull together things begin to happen He pointed out that there are other parking locations which can be made available at no cost to the municipality or merchants If merchants in an can put their land together It can readily be turned into parking Such lots could be behind the stores Commenting on the pur chase of Mr Nielsen said is in a very important step in the right direction We re going to attract both development money from outside and from all the existing businesses he said It 11 be very import ant for the downtown Will lose 4000000 Linda Paula Hitching Council kill Kitching leads f uniform water rate Ontario scholars Paula Kitching lead the potential Ontario scholars at Acton high last semester with Do 8 percent it was announced yesterday Tuesday Mrs Pendleton secretary student services at the school explained that the students with over per cent overage in grade cannot definitely he termed Ontario Scholars until the province okays the marks at the end of June Other Scholars arc John with per cent followed by with Linda Chaumont receiving per cent with David having BO percent Other secondary school honor graduites at the end of the fall semester were Kim Break David Hannah Sue Jennifer Roue Matt and Sue Thompson Second school lion diploma recipients were Barber Diane Hoy Dunbar Gordon Bill Manes Sharon McQuodc 1 eroeheschi Maureen Rouse Chuck Susan Thomson Karen Heather Lindsay Fire victims lives straightening around In spite of the oiler a provincial grant to do so Regional Council has refused to abandon the chargeback system The decision was In by many ell lors as a rejection of the spirit of regional govern The chargeback system for water and sewer facilities precludes the benefit of using wider assessment base That had been proposed as one the major advantages of regional government Under the chargeback system the region builds and maintains sewer and water lines and charges each municipality for any work done in that area the legislation im plementing regional government put control of sewer and water at Hip regional level the political control remains with the area councils A new system of charging for water systems sewage systems and regional roads was advocated by Regional Chairman Morrow senior staff officials at the region If it had been ap proved the political control would have been shifted to the region from the area 11 was that shift in power base that brought opposition The proposal would hove seen a move towards uniform water rates a sewer charge on the water bill to cover costs of the sewage system and an expansion of regional roads adding many miles of roads in the southern portion of the region The change in the road system would have shifted share of Die burden for roads from and Burlington to the north In an opening statement Wednesday Regional f Morrow said the proposal would be fairer way of assessing costs lo ratepayers He argued tint the proposal would move more towards a user pay under the surcharge sstem Pass lease The bylaw the lease between the town of Hills and passed without comment at council metluiL Monday Some changes have been incorporated into the lease which is for five Part the building is rented by the municipality Morrow had barely finished his opening statement when the proposal fell under heavy criticism from councillors The heavy criticism set the tone for the meeting and it soon became apparent that the proposal was doomed lo fail Milton Mayor Don Gordon said he liked the current system and saw no need to ehungo it Councillor Carl tnksen attacked the proposil He said the proposal follow the user pay but would pay for its own system and then have to pay more to help for sewer and water in Acton Treasurer Don Firmer acknowledged that the system is too small to be viable but argued that the amount or Burlington would have to pay Reconstruction has begun at Elissa Shoes this week after fire destroyed the back storage area and smoke water made the upstairs apartment and front store unuscable on Cory Von is still in Georgetown hospital with back injuries following a fire which left family homeless and injured his wife and himself on February The family was forced to jump from second storey balcony He injured two vertebrae in the jump Friends expect Mr Van to be out of hospital in a weeks time In the meantime Mrs Van Is staying with friends In town Sewage plant on schedule Work on the si million expansion to the sewage treatment is per cent complete as of the end of December according to the region director of public works Bob Moore Figures for January work are not yet available he said Kitchener man hurt A Kitchener man was taken to Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital after he was hurt in a traffic mishap on Mill Street East Tuesdiv evening Jacob Kuiz of Kitchener suffered a minor injury to his right ear when come into collision with an iistbound station wagon driven by Phillip of The mishap occurred about pm near the town of A Georgetown ambulance carried to hospital Kutz apparently was returning to his vehicle from the police office on Willow Street where he had asked or directions to Georgetown The tanks can be operational any time now he completion for the project is estimated at early summer Much of the remaining work cannot be done until the frost is out of the ground according to Mr Moore Work is being done to ex the capacity of the plant to million gallons per day from Cost of the expansion is SI 167 of which is fee paid to Varamac the contractor One delay In the work was caused by the late delivery of aeration lank devices Because these were late spray beds can not be finished until the weather breaks While workers wait for winter send indoor work will be done including plumbing and painting Mr Moore declared himself to be well satisfied by the eon tract or work The plant when done will have four times the capacity It had in 1969 when it was last expanded At the time it could handle gallons a day Effluent treated at the plant is fed into Block Creek assist Acton was negligible Burlington Mayor Mary Munro and Burlington Councillor Ben Ciprietti claimed the councillors been given sufficient information or proper documentation on which to base a decision Mrs Munro attempted to have the whole question tabled early in the meeting pending further information This Is a useless mef ficient way of going about it said The motion to table the report was defeated Milton Councillor Jim Watson acknowledged the proposal could help the two northern communities but he opposed on the basis that Milton would lose control of the projects that were carried out there I rather pay a taxi cab driver for a ride and go Continued on Page EVERYBODYS GETTIN into the act after all there is do reason a woman can not be as good a carpenter as a man so Carole Gov is giving it a try at the night school woodshop class held at the high school BA BIA elections joint annual meeting SCOUT AND GUIDE week was observed by the girls of the Second Acton Company Monday night at the Robert Little school the 30 girls In the group studied Germany and China as part of International Night Gathered with Patrol Leader Cindy Pettibone are some of the girls who will soon be sampling German filled pancakes meatballs pum permckel bread egg rools vegetable chop and rice They feasted again Tuesday at the huge banquet at the Legion Wintario HRPC restates intent grant to pool Acton Lions Pool and the Hills Recreation department have received notice from Wintario that a capital grant they requested has been approved The grant will cover one third of the costs of revamping the Normal Wintario grants are distributed on a basis with the grant sup porting half the expense and the club applying matching the government funds Capital grants until January of this year were issued to recover funds already spent and covered only one third As of January 1 these arc no longer available Pool supervisor Liz Bin reported she had been notified by mail yesterday morning of the approval The recreation department had applied on behalf of the Lions who had supplied the funds for the improvements to move office in Acton Regional Police Commission Thursday reconfirmed its intent to move the precinct from Willow Street to Mill street in Acton The commission passed a specific motion to enter into an agreement with Hills concerning the change of offices The police want to move into the Building on Mill Street East Com mlssloner Horry Barrett noted there are about eight vaguely worded motions concerning the change of offices The confirmation was prompted by a one page report from police chief Ken concerning the facilities In my opinion the building would be adequate if the following conditions are met Skerrett wrote The 666 square feet of room would be adequate if this area is self contained and for our use only he wrote Obstructing the entrance of the build with three cruisers would also hd to be considered the report stated That our neighbours will be content if we are unloading persons for interrogation at the side door in the public alley Skerrett also asked the town lo install proper wash room facilities for its staff oner Harry Barrett of said there is no allowance to In stall a washroom Commissioner David Coons of Burlington said he wanted the Acton and Georgetown offices dressed up so that officers can be proud of the place work in I was absolutely appalled by what I saw in Acton and Just smoke Where there s smoke there Not always A resident reported billowing smoke to the fire department Sunday night Firefighters searched to make sure and found there was no fire Georgetown Coons told the commission In Georgetown parts of the linoleum were coming up from the floor and people were changing clothes as prisoners were brought in he said 1 want men to be proud Coons said He pointed out the office needs a coot of paint Discussion also centered on the for another bathroom in the Barrett pointed out it is not a simple case of installing another washroom Under the labor relations act you need two bathrooms Barrett said That is ex pensive in terms of space and dollars he said The commission plans to have only an office girl plus a duty office in the office during the day Other officers come and go The town will have at least one permanent em ployec In the building determined we re going to up grade the Coons said We have to give the fellas a lltUe sense of pride he added The first of its kind a Joint meeting or the Business Association and the Business Improvement Area was held Wednesday of last week Over people gathered In the Dominion Hotel for dinner elections and speeches New president of the Bus iness Association is Ed Wood replacing Alma Swetman who remains a director Vice president is Wayne Ruse secretory Art Cooper surer John Bum stead On the board of directors arc Bill Grace Robert son Barb Robinson and Mrs hour present members and four new members were elected to the Business Area board Returning are Bill Yundt Terry Henry Stach yra and Ed Wood with new comers Wayne Ruse Don Lindsay Alec Johnson and Rick Devlin Paul Nielsen conducted the elections and John Bum stead the elections president of the Chamber of Commerce Louis Charlebois chaired the entire evening Reporting for the Business Association president Alma Clear snow from hydrants town job The town should be clearing snow away from fire hydrants Hills council was told Monday night Councillor Peter Marks noted the fire department is urging residents to keep snow cleared away around hydrants In the event of a fire He asked who would do the job In cases where residents balked at the idea Both Mayor Tom Hill and Councillor Mike Armstrong said the town should be clearing snow away from hydrants and locaUons where it ham been done should be brought to the attention of the works department said the group has accomplished a fair amount in less than a year Highlight was the Back to Acton Days which will become an annual event involving even more of the community Books on small business may be borrowed through Linda A brief was pre pared on parking and repre sentatives sent to a on dowi town cores I want to assure the More inside Further reports on the annual meeting of the Bus the Business Improvement Area inside today Press Sec page we strong united voice she said Incoming president Ed Wood assured his listeners arc on the threshold of exciting years We are on a recovery course Business people will play a vital role in the future The executive will plan the bills but the whole member ship must keep those balls rolling he declared business community is more than the downtown core All businesses are In volved here The will to create feeling of unity and community spirit Mr Wood urged business people to stop thinking just of themselves To realize our dreams and aspirations requires your help he Karen King is new coordinator Acton and Georgetown recreation will be swapping jobs so they may get to know the needs and desires or the entire town and to give them more able experience Anne Pickering coordina tor for Acton and will be holding the same job but for Georgetown Karen King Georgetown tor will now be working in These changes take place March 13 1978 Both rdi tors will keep in touch with groups in their former areas Glen Gray will remain as recreation director for the entire town KAREN KING has been ANNE PICKERING transferred from will become the recrea Georgetown to Acton as tion coordinator for recreation co ordin Georgetown on March ator

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