Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 22, 1978, p. 4

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4 The Acton Free Press Wednesday Feb 22 Where to buy a hide How many people have beaut ifully tanned cow hide rugs in their homes Business Improvement Area board president Henry Stachyra had an experience that he expects many townspeople share In his home he has a beautiful hide he told the annual meetings of the BIA and Business Association He bought it from a friend who owns a small tannery outside of Acton He in turn bought it from Beardmore tannery and then sold ittotheStachyras I wonder how many people would be interested in items such as this and other leather products if they were readily available he asked his listeners Of course he went on to promote the B I A s Leather Theme for Acton Leather specialty shops here could not only have locally tanned hides but coats purses bags belts wallets and even footwear made of leather treated right here in our largest industry Although we have made a small attempt at the Free Press to deter mine which shoes and purses for sale in town were tanned here we were unable to trace the lineage It could be done though of course It will add something very to the town as well as business of course It will give us a new identity thatll put us on the map The possibilities are terrific as Henry Stachyra and the others involved in the Business provement Area realize While there has been no money allocated yet to get this aspect of their plans going it shouldnt be long The leather industry Chamber of Commerce and Business Association will become Involved in the plan as well as the Business Improvement Area The introduction and promotion of the Leather Theme could just turn out to be the most important thing the B I A ever does in the long run People all over the province will know where to come to buy that hide for their homes Hope for financing The new possibility of govern ment assistance to speed up B I A projects will be of great benefit to the Leather Theme This pro motion has been set aside while the most obvious of the proposals have been attended to The attractive new sidewalks had to be done while road work was underway on Mill St Now there is the possibility the funds will be reassigned to provide Caring people The desire to help people who have undergone misfortunes is natural and commendable Collect ions in Acton just the past week are being taken for two Ideal families for the Heart Fund and for Ten Days for World Development All these causes touch our hearts in different ways Sometimes there is a special reason for the organization of a benefit dance or fund Sometime parking if the town will not assist us While other towns willingly pro vide parking some Halton Hills councillors oppose the idea for Acton saying it would set a pre cedent Even the knowledge that the government recognizes the pro blem of long term financing should assist the hardworking members of the B I A in making their plans for the future its simply family and of feringhelpquietly Now we have the Community Services Centre which can direct people to the Red Cross too or other agencies or individuals who will assist Many who make no donations of money or time or blankets still feel sympathy The responses vary but people care Of this and that Education is what you get from reading the fine print Experience is what you get from not reading it Opinion A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks Doomed to gather dust Bob who reports on regional council meetings for the Free Press has this to say about he BUI 151 committee Halton Regions BID 151 Committee tabled Its 93page report last week a no the report is doomed to collect dust or ever more The report won move mountains and will do damned little to alter the framework of regional government in Halton After the better part of a year the final recommendations represent the whims of a few councillors as opposed to a commit to any new direction the region should follow Recommendations appear in report without any serious analysis of the con sequences that might be faced The report lacks the hard data and economic analysis that is needed for the report to carry any credibility Burlington Councillor Walter Mulkewich said It all when he said the effort was futile because the recommendations of the committee were based on blanket state ments and biases hurled from both sides The report recommends returning power for local water mains sewage lines and garbage disposal to the area councils All of those recommendations could be good thoughts But that Is all they are There Is nothing in report to indicate how those recommendations should be carried out The return of water and sewers to the area councils would put an end to the problems developers and residents face when they have to apply at both levels good But what about staff When the region assumed those functions many new em ployees had to be hired because local staffs t release employees Would the same thing happen In reverse sending taxpayers taxes further out of sight In so many areas the report barely scratches the surface offering bald state ments as cures to complex problems Regional councillors regard the com mlttcc as some kind of a lark Even some members of the committee readily acknowledge the committee lacks any credibility Even if their report ever did find its way to Queen s Park there nothing In it that would impress the powers that be Its too bad because the committee could have served a valuable role and it could have helped relieve tensions that currently exist in the region The committee heard a number of briefs one from the Ac ton tans for Action Com mil tee That committee represents a group of articulate concerned people who don much like having Acton dumped in with Georgetown They expressed their concerns to the committee last June The committee listened Whether It heard or not la open to debate But nowhere in the report is there any answer or even an essessment of what the Actonians had to say The committee decided that matter was one of local concern That Is a little tough to swallow The committee is set up to review and improve the legislation In Bill 151 Bill set the rules for the regional game and it legislated Acton out of existence as a municipal structure The committee remains silent on a problem that has generated more concern In Acton than probably any other problem that community has faced In the past few years It appears the committee has wasted a lot of lime and produced a document that will change nothing In fairness committee did Identify some of the trouble spots in regional but for any good to come of the study another study will have to be done The committee concluded Its last meeting by requesting an Independent study Independent studies have been completed In a number of regions but no significant changes have been brought about Insteadofcbartlngacommoncourse the 151 committee report wilt surely generate more heat than light Too bad ANNUAL CHURCH service for Beavers Cubs Scouts Brownies and Guides was held in Trinity United church Sunday afternoon Above left Religion in Life awards presented by the Rev A H Father Smye Rev C Beaton and Rev Below left Cubs enter the church after the parade Right the color parties left the church as the Acton Citizens Band played Sugar and spice by bw swiiey Well who arc you going to vote for when they call the election The righteous quivering jowls or the igingbut still elegant shrug What a choice One of the guys is so hungry for the big job that he looks is though he can already taste it The other is so mesmerized by failed his personal feud with Rent Levcsi that he t know an ordinary taxpayer if he climbed into bed with one Of either six If Joe Stalin v ere olive and well anil living say in Moose jaw probably garner more volts than the other two put together Thai other Joe was chosen leader of the Tories by a handful of votes imately per cent of the convention delegates didn want him Since then one of the latter has become a Liberal lauinct minister another his Quebec Lieutenant has faded into the woodwork His opponent the ubiquitous 1 bedevilled by domestic troubles a sagging economy high unemployment a feeble dollar and an apparent lack of touch with reality looks and acts every one of his nearly years What a a million This famous line spoken by the arrogant but extremely competent Howe builder of Canada industry almost toppled a government a couple of decades ago when he uttered it in the fimous Pipeline Debate Red blooded across the land shuddered in horror at this scornful altitude toward thai magic figure Today politician could stand up in Ottawa and say a billion without raising ripple A minor example the government people in of unemployment insurance have launched a SI million advertising to wirn cheaters of the system of the dire consequences should they be caught What a farce The system is so full of holes that Is being ripped off legally it must be added to the tune of millions and we all know it It nice commission for the advertising agency handling the account but they arc the only bodies who will get anything out of it Who is going to read the ads Certainly not the people who are cheating They already know all the loop holes and fine print Only the very stupid arc caught not the employers who also cheat laying off a skilled workman when things ore bit slack with a tacit agreement that he go on unemployment insurance until things pick up when he will be re hired Certainly not the millions of people like me who in pay into the fund and will never get a nickel back from it That leaves is readers the guys who drew up the ad the civil servants who authorized it and a scattering of pensioners who can afford a newspaper and read everything in it for want of something better to do But whats a million if it keeps some advertising types and civil servants happy and makes the blood of a few pensioners Grateful to all May take this opportunity to notify the wonderful people o Acton and Georgetown and that due to a call which came to me from the Province of Manitoba and British Columbia I have found It necessary to move my residence to effective February 3 1978 Further I cannot express my gratitude enough to all concerned in the Region for the chance everyone has given me to start a new life of freedom from son after 42 years confinement 1 am in debted to everyone and I will not fail one I will continue to strive toward a sincere and meaningful rehabilitation and I do want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of my creditors local business establishments stores banks vate citizens who liave placed their trust Seek 65th men Dear Sir It Is hoped that a detective story without murder fraud or crime may be sufficiently novel as to win space in your paper There is such a story of a Canadian Army unit that served throughout Europe This unit the TANK TRANSPORT COY was disbanded In Holland In IMS Ex members departed for street In every part of Canada and contact between individuals was lost Twenty eight years later two former members met in Flln Man and speculated on what had happened to their wartime friends It was decided to try for some answers It should be noted that a year old trail Is a cold trail and difficult to follow Theflrstanswerwasashock remembered as a happy Joking youth and unit favorite was found dying in on Edmonton hospital A notice In the Legion jnd In me by contributions and loans and credit w thout which I would not have been able to make the goal for which I strive so hard the foundation of Boys Town in Acton and in each province in Canada I leave my present address by this an so that there will be no mis understanding as to the sincerity of my In tendon to continue to maintain my lions to my creditors from my present address which is Arthur J 194 Main Street Box Ml St Adolphc Manitoba ISO Phone Nos 1 or 1 2407 Sincerely yours Magazine produced eight replies all from the area between Sydney S and Powell River C a truly generous hunting preserve hour and a half years of detective work has located living ex members and about deceased out of possible of about The search continues Will anyone reading this please check with your army acquaintances if a man be found please advise him of a company reunion to be held at North Bay Ontario July 1078 For reunion details and other Important Information he should contact Maurice Box 1071 Stirling Ontario or the writer Sincerely O Box 145 Waterloo Q JOE Unfortunately those ads and that million along with many more squandered on such pettifogging piffles don mean a thing to the man or woman In Glace Bay or Sudbury or who has been out of work for a year and has no prospect of being in it in the near or distant future Clork carps and Pierre pontificates and IJrondbcnt issues broadsides And factories because Canada prices are too high because Canada s wages are too high and because Canada production is too low Many people mostly young people rejoice our release from the slavery of the work ethic even though they don t really know what It means To my generation it merely meant doing an honest day work for a day pay Today generation ranks the work ethic with slavery racism and having a bath Saturday night whether you need It or not all the trappings of a vicious misguided past So be It It s their funeral not mine They are the ones who will be paying the dous taxes for welfare medicare ploymcnt insurance and indexed pensions for civil servants when I am sporting about in the fields with a couple or three nymphs What with the half hour coffee break twice day the calling in sick when you have a hangover the sneaking off at noon I for the weekend and various other little games which you know about as well as I we arc turning into a nation of layabouts And we re already beginning pay the price Add to this incipient separatism and the stranglehold of the mandarins on the wafflers at Peking on theR Idea u Canal and you can see why I and many another honest Canadian look forward lo another election with a certain It seems to be a question of turn the rascals out or turn the turkeys Nuff said Don I think me a gloom pot it a and I ve just put No grandson to bed For the fourth tlmo He loves those late movies The Free Press Back Issues 100 years ago Taken tram the Issue of he Free Press of Thursday March 1B78 The committee of the Acton Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society met In the vestry of Knox Church Acton The Georgetown Town Hall was destroyed by fire about one clock on Saturday evening It was supposed to have been the work of an incendiary The building was insured In the Western for While Mr Edward Matthews was coming off pond with a load of ice one of the horses broke through and sank With considerable difficulty the animal was taken from its cold bath Mr Fred Secord one of Messrs W H Storey and Co travellers left yesterday for the Lower provinces He has met with great success in selling gloves In different parts of the country The Acton Plow Works which were lately purchased by Mr Sidney Smith will resume operations shortly On Tuesday afternoon a large crowd gathered at St church to witness the nuptials of Mr John and Miss Nancy Whllly The event had been studiously kept the ears of the general public but as such matters always will leak out to a considerable degree a crowd of both sexes assembled to witness a ceremony which always possesses so many charms to the uninitiated 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press of Thursday February J The long distance at which radio recep tion Is received and the ways It Is trans mitted and rebroadcast grow more inter all the time Mr and Mrs A Brown listened In on an Interesting broad cast Wednesday morning from Australia which included listening to Big Ben in London The announcer in Buffalo ex plained how the rebroadcast had been made The contestants in the high school oratorical contest were Clarence Hen derson Merle Switzer Frank Cook Jessie Young and Isobel Smith Each spoke in rosy terms of Canada a future Miss and Miss Young were tied 20 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press of Thursday March Thomas and Thomas building eon tractors were granted building permits representing a house building value of to build single family units in the Gtenlca subdivision by Acton council Monday evening- Acton oldest and popular centenarian William Mainpriie passed away at his home at 104 Mill St in Acton March after a short illness in his 1st year OnSunday Jones Alban Anglican church Acton officially announced that he had tendered his resignation to the Lord Bishop of the Diocese as rector of the Parish of Acton and effective April Mr Jones has accepted a commission as an officer with the Royal Canadian Air Force Chaplain List He will leave for No Officers School London Ontario for a course Rarely indeed do married couples have the privilege of living together for years In Acton we recall only three couples who marked their wedding anniversary They were the late Postmaster and Mrs James Matthew and the late Mr and Mrs William Williams On Saturday March 1 Mr and Mrs James H Reed marked this event to make the third couple 10 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press of Wednesday February 1968 Carol Patterson 14 after winning the Lions public speaking contest at Acton high school on Thursday went on to the second stage of the contest zone north Tuesday evening at Georgetown Lions club There were eight contestants with the winner a girl from and her standby a girl from Bramalea Marsha McKenzie and Rob Rough were chosen Queen and King of Hearts at the Valentine Ball at the high school auditorium last Thursday evening Sparks from a chimney were blamed for a fire which broke out on the wooden shingles at the farm house of Mr and Mrs Gordon Rognvaldson Acton Tuesday at 30 a m Acton firefighters responded quickly and they kept the blaze restricted to the roof Ray discovered the fire and he was aided by Don Van Fleet who was passing by on Highway THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office Copyright 1978

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