Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 22, 1978, p. 5

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Government may aid BLAs with loans The exciting possibility of a government loan which would speed he projects Ihc Bus iness Improvement Area was announced by B I A chair man Henry Stachyra In his annual report Wednesday Mr and Ed Wood had attended a special meeting called by the of Industry and Tourism on January 26 the day of the big There were six other Invited Mr Stachyra told his lis teners at the Dominion Hotel that changes to I A legis 1 at Ion were discussed and the most important topic was the question of funding for the The Ministry pro posed to establish a fund which would be available to and this money would be repayable to the province over 10 years at the interest rale of one per cent a year We have taken the position that this assistance should be made available to those who need It most and therefore should be limited to the smaller communities with a population up to We have insisted that In the case of a regional mun such as Ha Hon Hills distinct communities such as Acton and Georgetown be eligible for this program even though the total population may exceed 30 If these proposals become adopted it would mean that a community like Acton could borrow something like and get most of the beau cation and other pro grams completed In a short period of time in one of two years By doing the work quickly there would be Imum disruption and Incon venience it would be more economical and we would also avoid the costs of in flatlon With a budget this money would be repaid at ill a year over 10 years This would still leave us SO a year Tor promotion and other activities Bill C which governs the operation of the states that in the event of the dissolution or the Board of Management the municipal ily shall assume all assets and liabilities of the board Under these circumstances it would be in the council best interests to cooperate with the business community and to keep it viable In order not to inherit something like a obligation It would also call for a long term com mltment from the business community and that In itself would spur many people Into some additional effort Mr Stachyra continued In order to qualify for such a program the Ministry considers it a pre- requisite that the municipality have an Official Plan They will not spend money on something which may be bulldozed two years later I understand that our Official Plan is now in the works The Ministry also insists that the municipality have a standard of ma in en because it would make no to spend money In an area where the buildings arc left to run down and deteriorate It would seem like a case where God helps those who help themselves so docs the province All that is left now is to convince our council to do likewise It is important that wi maintain and further our contacts with the Ministry so that we may provide our input and exert some influence on their decisions Tho Acton Free Press Wednesday Feb 1978 Pitch made for The proposed town pur chase of Hatch en Bakery site for parking could all fall through councillor Peter Miyks told assembled members of the Business Association and Business Improvement Area last Wednesday In a surprise announce ment he said the matter could end following Monday Jan when council again considered the third reading of Oil bylaw Opposing councillors say the town Is getting into an area of public expenditure BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT Area board of directors chairman Henry Stachyra outlined plans and aspirations of the coming year at the annual meeting of the B I A and the Business Association last Wednesday Leather theme signs bypass BIA plans Henry gave an enthusiastic report on the accomplishments of the Business Improvement Area at the end of its first year Controversial Issues in eluded the town halt Hot s and the Itself when the tax bills came out The board of management has done the groundwork and commissioned Anthrogram to do the rcvitalization study and implementation schedule The new sidewalks are completed and the next step is the beaut if lent Ion of Main One of the recommend ations in our revltahzation plan is the establishment the leather theme I have been told we have the largest tannery In the common The Leather Theme would naturally benefit the retail trade A committee would be formed probably of representatives of the leather industry Chamber of Commerce and other in tcrested people Noise and traffic congestion from trucks is getting worse all the time Mr Stachyra observed He proposed a truck bypass as one of the most urgent requirements Provincial assistance is available for traffic study if it is authorized by the local council is also for upgrading any local roads If they are designated as truck routes John M Mann dies in Guelph Funeral service was holt February for John Moffatt Mann who died January 31 in St Josephs hospital follow a lengthy illness Mr Mann lived in the Diplomat apartments 128 Church St He was born In Acton on February the son of Janet Mo f fa It and George Mann He attended Acton public school and high school and lived in town his entire life On July 1941 Mr Mann and his wife Mary were married In the Presbyterian Manse He worked at Beard more and Co as a foreman in the Chrome department The funeral service was held at Shoemaker funeral home with the Rev Andrew McKeiKie officiating Interment was at Cemctary Pallbearer were Harry Norton a friend from a friend Brock St John Goy a nieces husband Acton George Ware a nephew from Erin John Ware nephew of Guelph and Henry Leach nun a cousin from Rock Mr Mann was predeceased by a brother Charles of Toronto and a sister Mar jone of Acton He is survived by his wife Mary sisters Mrs John Ware Mill St and Mrs Albert Ware Arthur Street He also declared the need for welcoming entrance signs and proposed mother committee which would this as its The 1 A would mala ton on behalf of he merchants and service clubs and industry would be ap proached Wt hove nil the re sources wood treating plant local artistic talent contractor There is no reason wi have the best signs in the province To carry out these other projects he recom mended another full budget of This would mean the levy for 1978 would be the same as in Since we arc all business people we know that all this cosmetic work must pay off To this end it will be necessary for the I A and the Business Association to set up a well planned and co ordinated marketing and promotional strategy Mr continued Uniform store are a good beginning It is essential we become competitive with the plazas KARL GONNSEN told listeners how parking is provided in Burlington He was guest speaker at the joint annual meeting of the Business Im provement Area and the Business Association Residents told keep water running Hilton Region Water plan 1 lower mi ins ir the surf ice could not be completed before cold Neither set in so residents of Bower Avenue hue been id ip running if w ml to jinnintee their pipes will not freeze Director of operations for he region water department Don imphisicd this is i mi isurt only lie pi ins to ill services th it have history of freezing but there ire mm time restrictions Only a cert number could be this jtar Mr Our pet number of residences with of frozen services where hive We told them if they to be sure keep some w iter running Hie rttion decided lower Hit itter last winter Ihert were an number of frocn pipes CVCA look at new rules The Credit Volley Con Authority deferred a decision which would rework its relationship with land division com The executive committee meeting at Friday boiled down a four point motion concerning severances The committee however wants the lawyer to check out the legalities Land Division committees ask the CVCA for comments about proposed severances and the replies Under the four point scheme If adopted some new conditions may be attached to severances The points ore 1 the establishment that the proposed severance contains sufficient land for a building The maximum amount of land to be covered would be stated In each case The of the construction site must be known before a building permit is issued and also specifics must be registered on the title Re consideration of the recognition that the lot is will be made if a road widening occurs And that the above be registered entitle These steps wont be of flclal until they are check by the solicitor executive committee chairman Grant said Lets think about It and we 11 get it back he said Mia no and am As wo abldo with In and allow Jem free access In our so ttiars will be an abundance of fruit John 18 A bid no Is con lingo with growth Many faith who toby to as Savior but Is Jeiui such Importance we would be pure veasel with an Inflow which would bring a subse quent growth of end endurance with the nesa of Christ radiating in kindness a love Do you hove a real end vital relationship with God making Jesus Christ your shepard as welt Lord your Ufa WHOSOEVER WILL MAY COME AND DRINK OF THE OF LIFE FREELY WHOSOEVER YOU DIAL A FRIEND PRAYER The split rear seat is a BRILLIANT idea roomy back seat is split in the middle on the Deluxe Model so you fold it half or all the way down A great little idea for great big loads GREAT LITTLE CARS FOR A GREAT LOT OF REASONS Mazda line of now of achilles motors sales service 367 Outran Strast East Acton and the purchase would set a precedent Mr Marks said it would bo beneficial dor the B I A to say they would a for the demolition of the building and construction of lot Parking Authority member Paul Nielsen made a spirited pitch for the par tkipate This sort of money for parking Is dirt cheap he declared Us a golden opportunity Certainly if we arcn I willing to develop the downtown there will be a plaza Parkings big in Burlington The city of Burlington interest in providing parking was outlined by guest speaker Karl a professional engineer on city staff He wal guest speaker at the annual meeting of Business Association and Business Improvement Area last Wednesday parking was an Important part of the of the downtown core of Burlington He admitted the had concentrated on parking to the detriment of other Ihings There Is not yet a Business Improvement Area there and promotion and hive been overlooked Still time to help fund If you were out when your Heart Fund Volunteer called last week you can still support fight against hear disease Just mail your gift Ihe envelope she left you Any is a great day for you to contribute lo your Fund A downtown is oriented toward people and a mall toward the car he observed The public works depart ment looks after parking In Burlington on behalf of the merchants and there are two nforcement officers Many of Iheir spaces arc metered others rented Some year there has been a deficit which was charged against the businesses in the area The city purchased the land required I here arc plans underway for a parking garage to en courage development He spoke of Ihe Ontario Down town program which sees provincial loans of twothirds of the cost of capital costs of such projects generate tax dollars on extend over is much as years The people must be brought downtown he said with entertainment as well as retail stores Dave thanked him observing he showed Ihe way go Paul Nielsen echoed guest speaker Karl Gonnsen interest in parking Off street parking has been mended for Acton since 1939 he said but over the years there have been selfish ob jections He cited the Hot chen bakery site as ideal for a cost of and declared he understand the objections to the proposal If we are going to survive it behooves us as a whole community to put more emphasis on parking in the future he Insisted B I A president Henry pointed out a problem of assigning I A monies to it Don Lindsay spoke strongly in favor of off street parking Terry said it seems unlikely the town hall will be saved They council know damn well people won put up the money There will be parking space there Councillor said downtown parking Is needed in the interests of all and site has the greatest potent in I with other properties adding to the potential The project is taking so long and getting nowhere he commented Mike Klnal one of three who purchased the building from the said I Invested for you so you II be able to run a business in 14 years through transfers he has seen communities which closed their eyes to Ihe need forparking Nowwc have the opportunity to start before It too late The and executives Paul Nielsen of the parking authority agreed to meet hastily to get input to councillors before Monday night meeting of council t You Know Come in and ENJOY RED DEER Georgetown KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION for September 1978 THE HALTON ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD ADVANCED rontatrotton lor child on who bo n Milton Goorgnlown and Halloo Hllsl bo a all Catholic schools on Thursday March 2nd 1978 to noon 115pm OF ADMISSION AND REQUIREMENTS Batter Whole age Tomatoes MM nt Ice Cream lcf Hamburg or Wiener Buns M ID Cheddar Cheese 109 Ml I OF U Florida Oranges Bunch Carrots- Green Peppers Cooking Onions 3 Mcintosh Apples AN APPLIANCE PRIZE IN EVERY ONE OF OUR IGA STORES WEEKLY APPLIANCE WINNERS Woekl Ellen Holmes Week 2 Dawkins Week 3 Mrs Colin Foster WEDNESDAYS ARE GOLDEN AGE DAYS AT ACTON IGA FREE DELIVERY WITHIN TOWN ACTON LIMITS ACTON 8 Main St North 8531960

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