Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 22, 1978, p. 9

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Campbellville dog wins championship A Siberian Husky belonging to Carol of l Is the only international champion of her breed In Canada Knhala of Kortar Kennels earned that honor last November at an inter national dog show In Mexico At the same time she re ceived her Mexican cham She had won her Canadian title previously To win the International championship the dog must win four shows in a row This was the first time Kahala had attempted her international and achieved It being the first female to ever do it first try Mrs said very few huskies In the world have attained this champion shipmaybe two in the United States and two in Mexico Kahala means Canada in Russian Judges from Mexico Eng land Canada and USA counted up points for move ment confirmation of body faults and temperament Kahala outshone everyone Her half brother Kesu took the best of breed at the same show He was close to getting his International championship but came down with an illness and had to be withdrawn Norman House of Missis- was the dogs handler while in Mexico Erins hockey game French Immersion discussed A hockey game will be featured as one of the events In the opening of the Erin arena Friday February The game pits a team composed of the community centre board council and others against the general contractors team Festivities for the opening of the building start at pro with a parents and tots skate Other activities include an opening ceremony at and public skating Following are comments by George Day town ship trustee for the Welling ton County Board of Educa tion at an Education meeting in February I wish to commend the Principals and Vice- Principals Association for their report on Alternate French Programs It is ex tremely Important to this board that we continue to receive Input and advice from our administrators In the field During all discussions on Alternate French programs there Is almost no reference to the present French era Ion program Person ally I have never seen so much enthusiasm from parents with children in French Immersion as in this case and I agree that the pro gram appears to be success ful Nevertheless Is It the wish KORTAR KAHALA a Siberian Husky from Campbellville won her International championship in Mexico She is the only dog of her breed in Canada to receive these honors is owned by Mrs Carol Broadhurst of Kortar Kennels Judge Hans Brunnotte of Castor Centre Ontario a Mexican handler and Norman House of Kahalas handler shared the limelight with the champion Rockwood District The Acton Free Wednesday Feb 1978 Recommend approval of eight lots by B Wynneck At a special meeting of the Village Trustees on January 27 according to the minutes of that meeting a resolution was passed that a letter should be sent to Era mosa Township Council copy the Planning Board that the Board of Trustees mended approval on eight lots on Queen St for Mr Scharf This would be subject water and sewer services being operational and to Queen St being opened and serviced These lots should be regarded as in filling cate gory Mr Scarf had earlier ad dressed the meeting explain ing that he had purchased this property acres in March 1973 The land was zoned residential at the time of pur Informed by the Township Clerk that water and sewers was a pos and that a plan of subdivision would hove to be approved At that time a double lot 132 by 132 feet was mandatory Mr Scarf said that he felt as a taxpayer that the village should keep con trol of development and avoid large subdivision plans He staled that in his own case he planned to proceed very slowly as the market for housing was not good and his current plan called Tor only eight lots Mr Scarf stated that he felt entitled to ask for lots eight at once and re to the Ontario pal Board hearing report con the rezoning his property to agricultural He CVCA OKs 3million for its budget The Credit Valley Conser vatlon Authority approved a budget during its inaugural meeting in the Peel Region offices Thursday We re gonna be short of money but weve a lot to do CVCA chairman Grant Clark son told the gathering The total budget figure hits for this year Last year figure was The CVCA agreed to look into a suggestion by member Lea of Acton con a special meeting of the authority and Kills council to discuss the draft report about Metcalfe Ravine and the paper Mill Dam The CVCA will also check Into an Ontario Municipal Board ruling which ap parently covers adequate compensation for the freezing of hazard lands Chairman Clarkson s comments Indicate the CVCA will switch its stress from acquiring properties to buying the headwaters I think weve done all the buying we can on the lakeshore said Alex of Caledon said the authority Is fast approaching the time when it cant buy the headwaters The authority also accepted without approving the CVCA annual report for last year The page document will be considered for approval later A G Clarkson was re appointed as Chairman by the Province of Ontario for 1973 Hinton has school buyer ActonEsqueslng school Speyslde anytime they want board trustee Bert to close It he told a meeting disclosed he has a buyer In of parents mind if the school board sells Monday The parents are the school concerned about the future of Tvealmostgotabuyerfor Limehouse school Limehouse school The Executive Committee will be composed of the following Authority Chair man A G Clarkson Mlsslssauga ViceChairman Howard Stewart Brampton Water Management Advisory Board Chairman Ken Whillana Brampton Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Chairman Frank Leavers Information and Education Advisory Board Chairman Robert Harrison Provincial Appointee Reforestation Land Use and Wildlife Advisory Board Chairman Harrold Historical Records Advisory Board Chairman Henry Wheeler Erin Town ship These seven members comprise the Executive Com mlttee The in order are Harold Kennedy Mlsslssauga Gail Provincial Appointee Hal ton Hills James ville Charles Bryan Amaranth Township and Evelyn OSulllvon Erin Village AND ERIN VILLAGE representatives at the Credit Valley Conservation Authority inaugural meeting at Brampton Thursday in cluded Gail Maltby of Acton seated on the left and Elizabeth OSulhvan of Standing at the left is Larry and Les Duby Also at the meeting was Erin Townships Henry Wheeler Twinning plan upsets parents Parents of children attend ing school ex pressed fears the Holton Board of Education plans to close their school The board Is taking steps to keep the school open a board official told a meeting In Limehouse Memorial Hall Monday night A six member committee formed to ask the board to postpone its consideration to combine the administration of the Limehouse school with Joseph Gibbons Public School In Georgetown The proposal called twinning was to be decided upon at a board meeting on March and Acton board trustee Bert will also ask the board to defer its decision Twinning has previously been considered for Speyslde School and Robert Little Public School ati Acton Twinning has some economic and administrative advantages the learned However Board oil education area superin tendent George Heaver agreed the saving of about a year Is minimal on one school The overall effect is greater he said Under the twinning proposal which was suggested by he boards administration a full time principal would be stationed in Joseph Gibbons school The principal would be for the Georgetown and Limehouse A vice- principal with part time teaching responsibilities would be in Limehouse ac cording to a Limehouse school newsletter No busing of school children Is involved area superintendent Heaver said Heaver said he nearly fell from his chair when parents wanted to know if twinning Involved busing kindergarten or Grade children to Joseph Gibbons school has grades kindergarten to six It also has a full time principal Ron Beckett who was also at the meeting Talk of moving kin dergarten and grade six from is news to me Beckett told the meeting Heaver maintained the busing of children from Limehouse is not in the twinning proposal Twinning of the school is on attempt to preserve It Heaver said Limehouse school has 196 children this year Next falls enrolment Is anticipated to bo 178 the principal said Two years from now the number will dip to 162 according to Beckett After the turn of the decade the population Is expected to Increase slightly with more children coming in Beckett said According to the school newsletter when a schools population dips to no for seven grades including study group of parents teachers a principal and the board is set up to deal with the acceptability of being a small school with limited resources No automatic recom mendation for closure is made until a schools enrolment falls below according to the newsletter The newsletter was sent home with children Monday If the proposal to twin the Georgetown and Limehouse schools is carried out the main difference will be that will no longer have a full time principal In his place would be someone who would teach part of the day and administer the rest of the day The children who are going to suffer in the change area are the children who will have the part time teacher pre dicted Mary Shier Mrs Shier is a teacher at school Feelings In the audience to the twinning proposal varied from the cautious optimism of the parents committee chairman David to pessimism of parent Marie Brown Mullins said the committee will gather Information and generally explore the The board of educations attitude is Damn the parents and damn the kids Mrs Brown said She said she thinks the school will close just as the Norvol school did a few years ago The proposal came to close the Nerval school and it started with twinning Mrs Brown said Another Mrs Brown Debbie Brown from got applause a chorus of when she asked Heaver to bring the kids from Stewarttown School to Limehouse Youre talking about closing down our principal That same as closing down our school Mrs Brown said Grades and 8 are bused from Limehouse to Stewart town middle school The money doesnt matter a damn Our taxes arent gonna change Whats gonna happen to my kid Will she be bused a woman asked Heaver As far as youngsters are concerned dont think itll mean much difference Heaver replied We can only go by and I think thats what were afraid of another woman said of this board that a small per of our students in the elementary schools should receive a Cadillac program in French instruc tion to the detriment of the re maining ninety per cent In this period of restraints when grants are not being In creased sufficiently in re lation to our Increased costs of education we cannot af ford to maintain an mersion program as well as give to remainder of our students a taste of the French language and culture Ever since the inception of French Immersion in this board has been spoon fed in receiving information on the economic factors of the Immersion program in future years Our former director Indicated tlmeand time again Ihnt the immersion program would cost a great deal to the taxpayer However under the present administration reports have given a better picture of the situation We are committed to the French program to grade This program will be the cause of concern to this board after the grade date linein organization modation and economically Indeed we will be faced with this problem right through to grade It is my feeling that wo should now face the situation squarely by phasing out French Immersion and sub stituting a program indeed not so sophisticated but available to all students Pro ponents of French Immersion state that this program has been available That Is not the case since the number of students entering Immersion has been restricted to 190 child several miles away from their home school en vironment to a French Im class I have always been concerned about this segregation This type of pro gram will tend to separate us rather than unite I would favor a core pro gram at the grade six level and If successful it could be made available to grade and downward Indeed I really feci that a student can be come fluent In the second language by having French instruction available In grade and up This would give the student years of French instruction I feel that better results will be realized if the motivation comes from the student If we are to instill In our students an appreciation of our second language then all students should be exposed to some Instruction In that language sold that his OMB report dialed his entitlement to In reply lo questions from the trustees Mr Scarf stated that he v request official approval for eight lots in the tail side of Queen St north from Jackson and that the next might be in five to six years The total on a long term basis was lots Will plan for playing fields by Barb The Township Recreation Committee held its monthly meeting 14 At this time Doug engineering consul tant from Gamsky Manner low Ltd was given the go ahead to draw up plans lor the Park playing fields After lengthy discussion it was decided that a regulation size soccer field a regulation size baseball diamond and a smaller practice ball dia mond will be developed on the land available at the site The plans will be ready by April 1 so that it will be known where the fill from spring highway construction should be dumped Committee member Lor ralne Root reported that recreation faculties running currently in the village are badminton Tuesdays and volleyball Thursday evenings at the school The night school craft program is slated to begin March 13 Registration is Wednesday March 45 pm at Centennial School Village resident Maria Reid has agreed to be the chair person of Pioneer Day Future plans of the commit tee will be the development of ideas for this event The committee is in the process of compiling a Municipal Recreation Direc tory to be available to own ship residents LISA AND JANET Verhagen R 3 will be appearing in the Guelph Figure Rhapsody on Ice 78 in Memorial Gardens Guelph February 25 and Also appearing from the area are Leanne Ford ana Jean Bonner of and Cindy McGilloway of Acton Zoning topic for council The Village Trustees held a special meet on January 31 and at that time three recommendations regarding future planning were passed along at the Era mesa Township Council It was decided that a meet ing be arranged with Rock wood Board of Trustees the Township Council and the Guelph and Suburban Plan Board for the purpose of determining groundwork and direction of secondary plan for the Village of Rock wood There was a recommenda lion that a zone change from five to three should be mode In the new zoning by law Zone five is Industrial land area and Zone three is Commercial land area This would affect roughly the area of Northern Stag Industry the land on cither side of the CNR tracks in and around the Station St embracing the Meadows Family Campground This land area would change from Its present industrial to commercial zoning The trustee also recom mended that no other re- zoning of any property within the village limits be allowed for the immediate future The concern here is the rezoning of land presently In an agricultural category to a residential category Bowling League TEAM STANDINGS Pollers Optimists Kays Feeds Four Corners Happy Gang CountrymenSI Rovers Guclphitcs Dynamites Carney Results of games bowled Tucs Feb Nortons points Ivy Alice Johnson Happy Gang points Dick Angle Kay Feeds points John Polo Elmer Allan 530 Dynomites points Greg Dales Jim Dales Optimists 5 points Mabel Gerry irk hoi point Joy Halliburton Van Dricl points Ted spare Dune Carncys 2 points Danny Bolton Wayne Nightingale Hovers points Dune Kingsbury spare VivlenneO Four Comers 5 points Ann Parkinson Nellie man Countrymen 2 points Peter Bosch Eva Bosch Men over Ted Jestin Isporo Dune McPhcdran Women over Ann Parkinson Nellie man Joy Halliburton Ivy Ritchie Van 546 Angle spare Linda Wilson 530 Eva Bosch Alice Johnson Mary Ann spare Mabel 516 by Barb Wynneck This is GuideScout Thinking Week Visit the groups camping display at the plaza Congratulations to Heather Cox of Centennial School who placed second in the South Wellington Oral Communications Festival- Intermediate Division Heather winning speech was entitled Superstitions The Home and School Association will meet Wednesday March 1 at at the Centennial School Local Board of Education Trustee George Day will be the speaker discussing the Effect of the Declining School Enrolment on the Taxpayer The Cubs and Scouts arc raising money for camping gear by holding a bean supper Friday March 10 to pm the Town Hall Price is SI per plate and everyone is welcome Rocking will provide he music for the March 11 March of Dimes Dance at the Community Centre All proceeds to the March of Dimes Ability Fund Price is per couple All tickets must bo purchased in advance by calling Julie Brace at after World Day of Prayer will be held March 7 p m at the Presbyterian A general meeting of the Rockwood Tennis Club will be held MarchG at Rock wood Centennial School The 197B executive will be elected at this meeting Wind screens will be up for the start of the new season instruction will be available for novices and tournaments organized Come and think tennis whites instead of snow white Movie night will be held on Friday February at at the Centennial School Auditorium The feature film is Iron Mask Two other movies will also be shown Admission adults cents senior citizens cents children to 13 years cents Proceeds to the Grade Washington Educational Tour Registration for the Rock wood Night School Program will be held at Centennial School Wed nesday March 30 to p The ten week courses will begin March 13 The fee is sis per class Upholstery weaving pottery and ladles exercise in struction will be offered It is hoped that modern square dancing quilting and fur nit we restoration courses will also be available Come join In these activities and have a productive early spring For further in formation contact co ordinator Lorraine Root at Former mayor is robbed A revolver toting masked man who also wore a balaclava robbed and tied up former Burlington mavor Milton fire dept report Milton Firefighters responded to calls last year nearly twice as many as in 1976 Fire damage in Milton and area amounted to an increase of more than from the previous year George Harrington last week Harrington was robbed at gunpoint as he tallied up morning cash receipts In his office Regional Police slate several thousand dollars were stolen in the robbery According lo police the former mayor was tied up on tho floor He has bruise GRIFFENHAM was recently marks on his wtata aB owl of the Second KISS Browne Pack Shown left to right are Janet Bureau when the robbery Cunningham Brown Owl Mrs Acting took place DUtriclCommisalonerandMre Griffenham

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