Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 1, 1978, p. 13

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PUBLIC SCHOOL students held their public speaking contests last Friday Stacey front row centre won in the grades three and four group Pat Primerano back row centre won first prize in the grades five and six group Other winners were front Gordon and Lon Book back row Greg Hiscock and Daryl Johnston Limehouse animal speeches Personal pets were the winning topics at the Lime- house public speaking contest last Friday February Winning in the grades three and four category was Stacey Featherstone on the topic My Cat Nicky Second in this junior division was Jody Gordon who spoke on Charles and third place went to Lorl Book for her speech on Gymnastics Stacey was awarded the Twins Wood working trophy for her first place win Also competing in the grade three and four division were Roger Mull ins Craig French and Gregory In the grades five ind six competition Pat took first place with her speech entitled My Dog Salty Second place was Greg His cock for his speech on Wolves and third place to Johnston who spoke on Atoms and Molecules com petmg in the grade four and five division were Gordon March Margaret and Steven Lipsett Pat was the trophy which wis donated by Nobles Garage Group meets on twinning A small informal meeting Elected to represent the was held Tuesday to further pirenls at the meeting were discuss the future of Janet Armstrong Brian school Eaton and John Harrington At the moment of writing this I am covered with smalt bruises and my hands have numerous scratches on them An Interesting encounter in the woods perhaps Unfortunately no I was worming the sheep Sheep are adorable creatures fluffy lumps of affection with tiny delicate mouths and sweet little feet Sheep are totally Incapable of aggression until you try to pop worm pills down their throats We ve wormed them lots of times but they get larger and wiser every Mack went to agricultural college so he knows how to handle sheep he says With great authority he grabs one by the scruff and flips it into a sitting position against his legs The sheep mouth is then within operating range and the undignified pose keeps the sheep Immobile hee heejiee With his legs braced and sheep In hand Mack orders me to open its mouth and pop in the pill called an on the label Opening the sheep mouth is the first problem A horse has a mouth like a whale and a tongue the size of a razor strop It quite simple to ease your hand into the obliging spaces between Its flat teeth and get a good handhold on his tongue Open files the mouth and in goes whatever has to Sheep have a mouth like an Once you do have a reasonable working space there the matter of a mlriad of tiny needlelike teeth to surpass The pill is shoved to the back of its throat and the sheep insists on calmly rolling the medication to the front crunching It in half and spitting out the bits to have a looksee When you got five of these to get into two sweet little lady sheep you can ap preciate that Mack and I were struggling In the barn for some time Mack grumbling all the while about having to go to work stinking like a sheep MYsheepdon Sheep have a lot of problems actually They are ideal hosts for Innumerable parasites both inside and out When you ridded them of their guests there any number of nasty diseases waiting round the comer If you get them through the sicknesses they all have the required shots they try to kill themselves giving birth to twin lambs at the same time or pushing the little beggars out sideways Friend Joy and I spend long hours on the phone discussing our latest knowledge of sheep raising or chicken core We both been horse farmers for years so that novelty has worn off Nowwe re IntoaUsorts of fascinating sidelines Did you know my peacocks got blackhead and my ewe No butmysheephadtlcks quoth Joy Our party disappointed with our gossip Rtot A Run It was through Joy Rent a Ram service we were able to provide Lucy and Penny with a husband He came without a name so the kids called him Thomas because Thomas promises At first sight of him the ewes were horrified having never seen a man before Lucy fell over in a heap and Penny hid behind the tun shelter Thomas was most hurt and spent the rest of his visit eating buns with Erica who thought he was a sweet sheep We ve yet to find out whether the lady sheep got over their shyness When May comes and they produce lambs I II figure they did With all Ihls trouble can cause friends wonder why w bother putting up with them Well this morning I opened the door turfed the pair of them out for a play and stood chuckling at their antics Like springboks they pranced all four feet together on Colls and leaping they bounded up over the manure pile sailing merrily over the wheelbarrows Lucy tumbled Into a snowbank and Penny did a fancy slide Into her ending up sitting on Lucys head I laughed at them and the sun came out That s why we keep sheep Council engages Waterloo firm to handle Rockwoods plan A proposal for the Rock wood Secondary Plan has been accepted by Eramosa township council In January council called tenders on the plan Three firms bid for the job and each presented briefs of their proposals to council at their Monday evening meeting The bid accepted was from Marshall Macklin nan Consulting Engineers Surveyors Planners of Waterloo for the amount of Although the highest bid council took note they had the best presentation and Fire course Hills Finance Administration Committee authorized Deputy Fire Chier Bob Hyde to attend the Eire College at from May to June I- ire Chief Mick Holmes stated the course concerns fire fighting operations offered more for the money than the other two firmi in volved In the terms of reference for the job council explained how the official plan of the and Suburban planning area wot approved on December 1073 It is a joint plan which sets policy for the townships of Era and Pus linch and the village of A brief section of the official plan deals with development and establishes a population target of 1 by 1990 Council asked for a secondary plan of to be incorporated into the firm bidding ap peared before council Monday evening and went into great lengths telling how they would go about develop ing the secondary plan The Marshall Monag nan proposal stated The development of a suitable secondary plan for a com the size of Rockwood carries with it the respon sibillty to see that the plan meets needs for orderly growth in the village of Rock wood while reflecting the aspirations of the residents of Rockwood A small com leads itself to effec tive public involvement In the plan preparation process and indeed necessitates such an approach We propose that the concerns of the residents of Rockwood be Identified early in the plan develop ment and that the data col lection the alternative strategy and the preferred alternative phases be pre pared with mutual Several stages would be undertaken to come to the end product which would take from mid March until mid December The proposal ex plained that the major elements would be issue Identification data col lection determination of con and opportunities definition of role of village preparation of alternative strategies and implications selection of preferred alternative preparation of policies draft amendment presentation of draft amend ment and revision and pre paration of final amendment The firm would have close contact with the public and with township council Several meetings would be arranged to provide output from residents Other tenders came from Dryden and Smith Planning consultants in conjunction with Planning Consultants Ltd and K Smart Consulting Engineer and Planner They bid and S3 respectively Council discussed the matter extensively with Roger secretary trca surer of the Guelph and Suburban planning board and John 0 Grady a planner with the Community Plan Advisory Branch of the Ministry of Housing before making their decision The Acton Free Press Wednesday March 1 1978 13 Judges for the competition were Mrs iceprincipal at George Kennedy public school Mrs remedial resource tcieher at and Joseph Gibbons public schools Miss Stevenson from I imehouse and Mrs M Martin a former Limehouse public school staff member Christian Book last years winner represented the school at the North Public Speaking finals In Milton on February Christian brought homo the second place trophy A ballot was sent home with students They were to meet with principal Norm Howell teacher representative Ann and area super Don Gentleman A meeting was held at the school a couple of weeks ago to discuss the possible reduction of enrolment in the school and its possible closure Twinning was first mentioned for this area then This would mean that the two schools would share one principal The one vice principal would be the principal at Robert Little The vice- principal would also be required to teach part time The parent named to meet a parents committee do not approve of the twinning scheme Mrs Armstrong explains she has years teaching experience and her husband about the same Mr Eaton wife is a teacher at the school Mr Harrington teaches in Feci They have all experienced schools of various sizes and ire Interested in all facets of itlon They strongly favor small schools like A small school should be an extension of the family Mrs Armstrong thinks The principal should know the students their families and their ex pec tat Ions She compares the problems of smaller schools now with problems small areas have with regional government The matter of twinning will be presented to the board of education at its meeting March A meeting to discuss the possible effects of twinning will be held at the Robert I lltle school tonight Wed nesday March CVCA has reduction The Credit Valley Con Authority learned during its executive meeting Friday It has gained a reduction in the architect fees for the now defunct new headquarters Frank Leavers of told the com mlttee the architect was most realistic The architect will delete 12 per cent interest from his charges to the authority The saving amounts to Do not forget the architect agreed to build a suitable structure committee chairman Grant said However we let them off the hook because we voted for no building period he said Later he said referring to the CVCA staff no- room to put the bloody people This whole question has got to he looked at he continued Trustees want new sidewalks for village by The Village Trustees held their meeting recently and dealt with the current issues the village The trustees applied to the Ministry of Transportation Communication for new ilk ilong Ihe section of Main Si from llirns St to the River bridge School author ities ind Ontario I Police have agreed that this area is hazardous to children The cost is which is beyond the village budget The trustees have now the township council to consider any alternate source of funding for this proposed sidewalk Hob Slater the Dog Control Officer has re signed and the trustees arc looking for a rephcement one interested in this position contact village Hydro manager I en Hockey is going on a Honda vacation for a month beginning March The village office will be managed by Betty aslwood during his An extra hydro trans former will be installed on St to handle the hydro load in the outturn area of the MAP SHOWS the boundaries of the new federal riding of Wellington DufferinSimcoe A population of is included in the new riding New riding confuses candidacies wide open It has become evident to many of those individuals who arc working to organize the large new Wellington federal election that there is a general lack of understanding as to the extent of the new riding and of the status of the current elected rcprcsen tallves Wellington County the fallowing are included the Towns of Fergus Flora Drayton Clifford Arthur Mount Forest and Townships of Erin West Gnrafraxa Peel Maryborough Minto Arthur and West Luther The organizational problems of such large riding arc The estimated population GO people is extremely spread out without any one major focus point in the riding There won be a Member of who represents the whole of the new riding of Wellington until after the next election In the meantime the elected representatives of the old ridings will continue to represent those until the next federal election Because of the changed riding boundaries MP Ross Milne will be contesting the new riding of Peel and thus will not be working directly for those areas of his old riding which included South and Counties The result is that the candidacies for he various I in the new riding are wide open there is competition for these positions The riding association has two strong nominees in the persons of Hurry Greene of 1 loc il businessman and of Chamber of Commerce and I Iberl van of a long time organ and policy maker for organizations Up up and away STUDENTS WERE as helium filled balloon took wing Students had enclosed a message with the address of the school so that whoever found the balloon could write and tell them how far it had travelled but it turned out they could see for themselves The balloon lifted bounced off one tree and impaled itself on a second one to the disappointment of all involved with the project Students may try again in June The original idea was conceived as part of an enrichment science class for grades four five and six Wrong Whiteside named in 102yearold killing The memoirs of a detective wno investigated an axe murder at Dal Una fad years ago names the wrong man as victim according to one of the victim relatives who lives in Georgetown Detective John Wilson Murray John White side age as the victim The detective of the depart ment of justice of the of Ontario is incorrect says Whiteside relative Donna Robin of Pennington Crescent The man who was found lying bis brains beaten out 100 yards from his Esqucsing Township home was named Robert not John and he was 75 years old not GO Mrs Robin contends Mrs Robin firmly bases her belief on newspaper reports of the Inquest at Silvcrcreck Both Acton tree Press and The Daily Globe of Toronto name one Robert Whiteside as the de ceased How con detective Murray be wrong Murriy cannot be asked for on explanation He died In The Whiteside ease was unsolved However mcmoirswcrc republished by Collins last year under the title Memoirs of Great Canadian Detective Mrs Robin notes in the book preface that the editor a man named Victor worked in his own influence Perhaps Speer made the mis take Murray memoirs recently gamed national attention when the Canadian Magazine published two selections The Million Dollar Counterfeiting the Mary Ward Murder Mrs Robin who was born a Whiteside in first heard of a possible link with a little marc than two A couple of lady customers in Mrs Robins store Georgetown Fabrics mentioned the family from long ago However mention of any thing unusual least of all a crime was omitted Mrs Robin her curiosity sparked by her living so near to wrote to a dlstont relative Don White side at Ottawa He Is re searching the family a Mrs Robin says she knows her western relatives generally came from this dls trict Don Whiteside reply letter contained census reports kinship charts and the first indication of a real skeleton in the family clo setnewspaper articles of the Inquest Other packets of information to Mrs Robin soon followed One of the customers who failed to mention the murder later confessed she thought Mrs Robin may be rassed Mrs Robin assured her she was not Mrs Robin she has been interested in her family for some years but Its back ground has not been looked into prior to the 1960s So far everyone with the name is re lated Mrs Robin nys The main question in Mrs Robin mind concerning the Whites Ides is not who hacked out the life of Robert but where are the graves of his wife Catherine and son Harry Limehouse Gibbons twinning not to be decided until April Board of Education won be asked by the admini to approve twinning of and Joseph Gibbons schools until some time In April Last week parents met at Ihe school to discuss the situation and Thursday asked the board to delay discussing the subject on March until at least the end of the month so they can give the proposal study and pre pare brief outlining their concerns There has been a mix up In communication between rrustee Bert and the board and parents Thursday the board was to review a position paper from School Principals Association deal with the mechanics of twinning schools Because there wnsn enough to deal with the position paper properly Thursday it won be dealt with until March Director of tducatlon Em La vender emphasised the principals brief deal with twinning school A with school but is simply ideas on how twinning can best be achieved after the decision to twin Is made The board senior ad ministration will review the principals brief and bring back a report including recommendations to the board on March Lavender said trustees comments on March will be taken into account in administrations report In the nearly three pages of the memoirs Murray suspects first one and then the other of the crime Both however are released They die of tuberculosis No trace of their graves has been found by Mrs or Don White side Seven Whites ides in eluding Robert are buried in the cemetery The latest marker Is for George Whiteside who died in at the age of 10 years nine months Don Whiteside turned up no trace after checking the cemetery at and the pioneer cemetery on Highway 7 at the Fifth Line Mrs Robin speculates the stones with others may have been discarded from the Ballinafad cemetery when It was tidied up years ago Once Mrs Robin thought a possible grave site existed within the sugar bush on the Whiteside farm She visited the bush with a friend who pointed out three not two grave sue mounds Each was surrounded by stones How ever she has since learned the plies of earth may have figured In an old method Catherine and Harry were seen together In Guelph about nine years after the murder according to family note discovered by Don Whiteside In her search for more Information surrounding the murder In particular and her family In general Mrs Robin has collected some stories which drop more detnil into place Campbell whose grandfather farm was across the road from the Whitesides Mrs Robin learned how police started the investigation A detective walked into the school house on the Line the morning after the killing He carried an axe and he asked if anyone could identify the owner of the too One of the surprised children became Miss Campbell father years old in 1B7Q Another story tells how a shack was built near the school on the Whiteside land Robert Whiteside so the story goes did not tike children taking their recess on his land So he built the shack to keep them away Mrs Robin also wrote to two aunts in an effort to fill in more blanks in the family story She also hopes to check county records From her relative In Ottawa received a copy of his re search which went so far as to check of existing Will Administrators of Estates In Lancashire from 1557 Other work has been done In Ireland All of Information will be given to the who are growing up Mr Mrs Fraser Robin have three children Blair 17 and 12 The trio according to Mrs Robin ore the ninth generation of the fimlly In Canada

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