Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 1, 1978, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday March Region and schools Regional government Is affecting small schools just the way it has affected small communities The proposal of the twinning of rural schools and town schools concerns the parents in the countryside They prefer their own school system with its own and its own autonomy They like their own independence But the latest suggestion is that one principal could oversee both Ask yourself Its interesting to hear from a newcomer to town that most of the people on her newish street disapprove of regional government here She poohpoohed our suggestion that newly arrived families dont care about the of the town They do Her friends and neighbors want to ask council some questions and she had called the Free Press to check out when council meets and Speyside and Robert Little and one principal and Joseph Gibbons school in Georgetown The viceprincipal would spend time at the smaller school where he or she would also teach Its easy to believe that ef could result Money could be saved Again as in the case with Acton Esquesing and Nassagaweya thats not the only concern as citizens see it where Do the towns old timers even know the answers to those questions any more Ask yourself where does Halton Hills council meet When are the meetings How many councillors are there What are their names Whos charge of water breaks Snow plowing The police No prizes Best buy in town You cant get much for a dollar these days But did you realize that one of the best bargains in Ontario is the Red Cross which in will deliver seme services throughout the province at a cost of less than cents per person The range of these services is wide and surprising Few people are unaware of the Red Cross man date to recruit and collect blood from voluntary donors Blood donor clinics are regular events here But there are many other services Did you realize that most Red Cross branches like ours have sickroom equipment available on loan Crutches wheelchairs backrests and many other items are available free Emergency aid is always avail able Red Cross does not have large financial reserves Certain programs receive support from fees and from government and municipal agencies but the Society believes that its services should be available to everyone who needs them Organizations such as Red Cross must rely on the people they serve to support them financially If each gives according to his or her ability the future of the organization is secured This is Red Cross month here Another town hall Fergus council must decide on the fate of two major projects the restoration of the old town hall and the addition to Groves Memorial hospital The presentation to the last council meeting on the town hall proposed an initial municipal cost of and an annual operating grant of for the town hall Fergus like Acton has a feasibility study financed by the Ontario Heritage Foundation Grants for the town hall are antici pated A fund raising campaign is estimated for There is also a fund raising campaign for the arena going on there Fergus council is still con its decision on the town hall project The Ontario Heritage Foundation is 10 years old this month and its members think it has been phenomenally successful Its goal is to preserve the heritage of our province foster local interest and joint inspiration The foundation encourages renovation and res toration of historical properties through grants and aid municipal in setting up local arch conservation programs Last year architectural grants totalled and was earmarked for feasibility studies Acton may get a Heritage grant yet WHEN A WATERMAIN BROKE on Churchill Road last week it left many signs of its passing One of the prettier ones was this bridge of ice formed between two trees in one front lawn Of course if due to the miracle of modern halftone reproduction the bridge of ice does not show in the picture you will have to take our word for it Sugar and spice Something pleasint hippened in anuda reccnlly Not loo many pleasant thing occurred in country of hie so perhaps we should mid enjoy this oni 1 m referring to thi deieney shown in of than noted for this It lo In ease forgotten it Mr brilliant minister and in Ida 111 bid committed minor and resigned from he eabmel Ik had forced the of her to paper in abortion for irnid I idly with whom he was ip- parmtly on more thin iking Hi w is ought when mother idv the prime mmiMir and squealed on him Mr Rhodes sihohr igain that you can have a lot of still be dummy He nol only eommllted forgery he lommillid And he set ms lo heard of birth control Tint s ill right Then good nnny dummies imong our illustrious and always been Most of the Just been lint was irtling the wholi business is Hie by in politics by he press ind by tin in generul Nobody went or his Jugular or that of rnment which Is in these limes when compassion and seem be going by board id it happened in Britain the tabloids would had flitd day and the poor man whouhi have been chased out of the out of probably Opinion Pat McKenzie at region by Bob Bum at region council Criticizing regional government is pro bably one of the most popular of our day Local councillors do it regional do it taxpayers do it and in our mouth tradition reporters do For those familiar with Ihe pitfalls and weaknesses of the system it Is difficult to resist the occasional sharp remark But it is even more difficult acknowledge the ad vantages and strengths of the system Of the members of regional council there is probably noone who stands to win more political brownie polnls by being critical than Acton councillor Pat zle But resists the temptation to attack and exploit the follies of regional ism Instead he has taken a positive stand accentuated the good parts and worked his butt off to make sure ihe people who elected him get a fair deal for their dollar It must have been tempting for McKenzie to throw his lot In with the critics He could have done that and received terrific press in Acton Being proregional is particularly cult in the presence of such articulate the Ac tenia for Action Com mlttec That group has carried Its protests about Actons amalgamation with Georgetown and far and wide Former Acton Councillor la a kiy member that group often speaks for ihe commit lee support the groups contention lhat Acton was dragged Into re government kicking and screaming Thais just not right was no number of Acton Council in who wanted lo go alone Norm Elliott was on then and he never uttered a word In fact Acton favored one town includ ing all of North but Brian Best wanted Milton on Its own and Anne MacArthur said Nassagaweya should stick together and all go one way or the other MiKenzle recalls lough financial lime3 In Acton prior lo regional government We sold two lots and look money from capital contributions to offset mill rate increases That a in any treasurer books You don I have lo talk to McKenzie long to know that he spent a lot of time and effort studying the pros and cons of having his people a part of a larger lown Politically could be willing his own farewell note by openly supporting re gional government especially the vociferous opposition from the for Action McKenzie acknowledges the fact lhat Acton did lose something in the shuffle to regional government but he contends It Is wrong say Acton disappeared If Aclon Ins gone so has Georgetown but that just so sees he for Action Commillee as the minority in That a a lis I merit only the electorate ratify flight or wrong I have to live with my self and 1 have make sure Ihe facts out I could be as emotional as Norm Elliott but I d hale to sec the town fore id to posi Ion where it support the needs of the people he said Listen 1 proud of my town I love It much the man I m proud of its pasl and I see a real future for it is not a highly polished orator or a dynamic politician He won rise to his feel and let fly with a speech I mobs cheering But he will take stand He will speak when he s got something to say and he should be credited for his straight talk There is room for more of that In govern is one of few councillors who has shaken the chains of parochialism and has been able to view Issues with a regional perspective His effort on thehome front has been tire less and his at the regional level has been faithful something not everyone can say right out of country by the sheer of scavenging that would have taken place Hut no not here Political foes impressed sympathy editorials reminded us that we all have two in the and the head of the United Church wrote ox a letter hoping There is enough grace and understanding in this country that you will not have to live under a cloud Such forebear A ago lie man would have been howled out of office Not so very long ago as some elderly Toms renumber a number of cabinet of that denomination were r thickly for exchanging mils one a Ger man indy with a shady past in thi world has come us Why Ihis sudden benevolence a fellow human being Is It sort of midwinter that has crept into our dour Canadian puritan Or is Hie whole thing a crafty I plot sn itch and induce among women of Ihe country I irst Mfirgiret bogs off and leaves lhat poor de m in with three boys lo raise Now brands with one swell reveals that even a minister is capable of passion If this is the ease in Ihe world is Joe lark going to do to counteract all this free publicity before the election cam pign begins His wife is staying home and behaving herself and his own past is impeccably dull My suggestion to Joe and the Tories for whil s worth Is that they start looking for some really rotten people as potential cabinet ministers What they need In anxious ranks are a six dtviate or two a couple of guys who served lime for armed robbery and a few ladles who were formerly happy hookers A jam of tarts as it were Toss in a child batterer and someone who snatched off clothes lines and Ihey d run the I right off the front pages fs it true that we all have a skeleton in our something that would be humiliating were It exposed lo the avid public eye there are a few lofty souls with a clean but I d be surprised if there were enough of Ihem to form a hockey cam Come on now reader Cast your mind back over your life and take a close look into those dark corners you have to almost forget Have you never picked your nose when nobody was looking Have you never ever smelled your own armpits in similar company you never helped destroy a reputation by repeating gossip Have you never done a cruel thing or a mean thing in your life you never got drunk and made an ass of yourself Never said a bad word Never hawked and spat a gob when nobody was around Never emitted from an Well good on you we in if you haven t You must be under six months of age and even can qualify on all counts I probably count on my Iocs the people in this country who have no bed cheated stolen committed adultery at least in head worshipped the graven Image known as a car or failed to honor their father and mother at some time Personally I have so many skeletons in my own closet there no room for more I had to shoving them under Ihe bed If Joe Clark takes my suggestion with the seriousness with which It Is offered I d be glad lo help I know some really rotten people Our readers write World gave the answer Dear Mr Graham beautiful and moving poem to the Lord thanking Him for so many blessings was very much ted I am sure by nil who read II is rathir sad however lhat Mr Graham omitted thanking Lord for choosing a young maiden Mary to become the mother of His dearly beloved son Jesus Surely God the and God thi Holy Spirit elevated the position of women by tills wondirful manifestation of love And Jesus from the time of His birth in lhat lowly stable of Bethlehem until His death and agony on the at Calvary respected and reverenced all women His Mother above all Martha and Mary Mary Magdalene etc and was not ashamed to show His deep love If he did nothing clso surely Ills great for women would have been cation alone for Ills oil too short life on earth Yet He died save us all His last thoughts while dying on the Cross were for His Mother when He commended Her to the care of His faithful followers Mr Graham cutesy Utile remark for not knowing the code number I presume he means Ihe Lord lo save him from the wrath and or indignation of women lib was a little superfluous Surely he knows the Lord can be reached in prayer at any lime It would be most interesting to hear Mr Graham comments on the two Irish women who led thousands of women on peace march to protest slaughter of innocent people Northern Ireland These two women of different religions were concerned and were justly rewarded when they were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize Were those two women and the thousands who fallowed them trying bring sanity into that unhappy situation or were hey just wanting to be heard or not world improvers at heart Apparently Ihe world gave the answer when the Peace Prize was awarded Cheers Sheila Letters welcome The Free Press Back issues 10 years ago Ten years ago today Taken from the Issue of the Free Press of Wednesday February IMS Council s five year projection of capital expenses was approved at their regular Tuesday evening The projection Is updated each year and submitted to the municipal board approval of projection facilitates final approval of the project when It Is finally undertaken The projection also provides Ihe with a better understanding of the municipality capital requirements in relation to each project The traditional nature of the Mason Knitting Company will be retained by the new owner Brendan Swan and he la also anticipating expansion here The company which has been in the Mason family for over years was officially turned over to Ihe new owner February 15 A team of Acton lady curlers placed second in the filly at Gait winning folding umbrellas Playing on the team with skip Shirley Hunter were Jackie Blow Phyllss Patrick and Dorothy Anderson Mrs Gordon Thomson of is not convinced the life of a TV performer is the idyllic state pictured by most viewers Chosen to be one of the five women in a documentary on status of women in Canada she been pursued by TV cameras from the time she gets out of bed in the morning until close to midnight Her everyday activities including her of riding horses and recreation like tobogganing with her children have been recorded on film for showing she thinks on he Sunday in April 20 years ago Taken from the lisue of Ihe Free of Thursday March 13 19M Construction in of a provincial school for Ihe deaf on recently purchased from AT Kingdon immediately south of Halton Manor in Milton was revealed laic Wednesday lemoon by Stanley Hall M County Health Unit announced a summary of reported communicable deseases for the month of February showing a total of 35 cases contracting six types of disecses In it was revealed there was one ease of German Measles one of mumps and one of Scarlel Fever during this month Sticky ice was no handicap for the eager beaver youngsters last evening at the Acton arena when champions in Ihe various leagues were crowned for Ihe season witnessed by only a handful of parents 50 years ago Token ihe Issue of the Free of Thursday March CNR officials have granted the request of the Chamber of Commerce and the train passing through Acton at from Toronto will now stop The matter of in enclosed rink was also discussed by the Chamber Women of Acton heartily united in World Day of Prayer Taking part were Mrs Rev Sawyer Mrs McCIeary Mrs Jones Mrs A T Brown Mrs McLean Mrs S J Mrs KSrkness Mrs Thompson and Mrs W J Baxter Last week Ihe deaths of a couple of for mer Hoc wood Academy boys took place in the persons of James and Mr Williamson At one time was looked upon an educa lional centre before collegiate institutes into prominence Mr and Mrs Jocque moved their hotel equipment into Sunderland House 100 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press of Thursday March There has been great dissatisfaction in thi province of Quebec and the govern ment has been forced to resign Straw hats are beginning to be used in this village The additions the Jail and court house at Milton are now completed The subject of a bonus to Mr Beard more tannery In this village was dis cussed at council meeting and a public meeting will be held in Matthews hall Note above bakery The streets in the village arc in a very muddy condition much as they are in muddy Milton Thegoads In the countryside are almost impassable On Monday Messri J Arthurs Post near Acton cut a pine log with crosscut saw inches in diameter in 17 minutes Pretty quick work It Lent We don refer to our umbrella it stolen THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office Copyright

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