Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 5, 1978, p. 1

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Will explore town bypass to relieve congestion Engineer Robert Austin is going to look into a by pass for Acton and possibly lake recommendations to Queen a Park He and Councillor discussed an Acton by pass at last Tuesday meeting of Halton Hills works committee said he wasn looking for a truck route or by pass through any residential areas and thought some route could be designed to get through traffic and trucks off Mill and Main Streets According to Duby recent to Mill and Main Streets justify the town and province looking at ways of getting heavy traffic off the two streets He noted traffic flows have Increased greatly and congestion is an obvious pro blem Austin said the province has looked at by passes In the past and noted It would be costly for the town to make a submission unless it presents some new ideas He suggested his department prepare a report for committee before going to the province Austin warned the answer he comes back with could be Wallace Street as a route for through and truck traffic regardless of residents concerns He pointed out the old Idea of a Georgetown Acton by pass Is dead as far as the province is concerned Georgetown Acton and Nerval have suffered for years because there isn a by pass Daby observed In fact for years despite the fact Highway is a highway It wasn much better than a service road The junction of Highways and is a real trouble spot Austin reminded committee the province has made it clear a GeorgetownActon by pass Is dead so he may have to look at town streets as a route to get traffic off Mill and Main Duby admitted the town may just have to live with losing out on the by pass but an swers are needed so new ideas can be ex plored fir One Hundred and Third Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY APRIL Twenty Pages Fifteen Cents Niagara Escarpment plan explained to councillors The Niagara Escarpment plan will not limit the of Acton or any other urban area unless the expan sion is right into the escarp ment Commission Chairman Ivor McMulIln told Councillor Les Duby at a meeting with councillors from Hills Milton and Burlington Duby raised the point when he noted the map showed part of Acton already built up as a rural area He pointed out the Highway and Highway Intersection area on the NEC map looked as if it Is In the NEC control area while in fact there are build tags there told Duby to mark their boundaries and proposed expansion areas on maps when council sends in the comments on the preliminary proposals dis cussed at Thursday night meeting Unless you plan to go right into the escarpment we re not out to stop towns from growing Milton Mayor Don Gordon asked if a landowner has to sell the land if it Is In the provincial acquisition area and was assured they did not We re not out to expropriate or buy it Is just a long term plan to acquire lands when they become available and when the province can afford it replied McMullin Few other questions were asked as councillors listened in silence to the preliminary proposals of the NEC which will eventually result in a plan covering the whole area of the escarpment from Niagara to Tobermory Comments and suggestions from the councils affected by the plan have a deadline of June 14 When finally passed and accepted as the NEC plan probably not until 1981 it will supersede all town and official plans where any conflict arises The NEC proposes to recognize all existing pits and quarries approximately 300 acres In but suggests all licences be terminated one year after approval of the and conditions of the be renegotiated The Commission recommends additional acres for mineral resource areas in Halton Hills but no new pit may be established within metres of the escarpment of pits shall be on a progressive basis rather than at the end of the operating life as has been past prac tice According to the proposal most of the escarpment can continue to be held In private ownership Chairman claims the proposed development control area is smaller than presently designated He said the plan calls for a narrow feet strip along the escarpment plus a large amount in natural and cultural areas and areas of high scenic quality near the escarpment In the general rural areas acres In Halton Hills and in Milton lands not of highest value for tural use can have limited rural residential and other development without serious consequences as far as the Commission Is concerned The NEC wants to preserve scenic driving routes but has to face the challenge of not making the routes too popular said Don Taylor Director of Planning He explained no new roads would be constructed for this purpose and all roads would bclowspeedroads There are miles of such roads in Halton Hills and 13 miles in Milton The problem of over popularity has already arisen in the Bruce Trail according to the Chairman He won dered if Its success could end up destroying it Unfortunately some of the public using the trail are inconsiderate in their treat of private property and it has become obvious we need a great deal of public education Where the Bruce Trail Is on private property it is not there by right but because of the generosity of the land owners He said the Commission has proposed an approximate optimum route for the Bruce Trail but it will depend on arrangements with the land owners Eventually the Commission Is of the view that the whole length of the Trail will probably end up in public ownership Thirty three per cent is already public land Nineteen miles of the Trail lleainHaltonHUla 15 miles In Milton and IS miles In Burlington Cultural areas about 1 acres In Hills and In Milton are designated to Identify lands containing important archaeological or historical sites Examples given in the preliminary proposals are the old lime stone kilns north of Camp- Hilton Falls Mill Kilbride School House and Deforest Pioneer Cemetery Natural and hazard lands where little development will be per milted The escarpment protection areas will have considerable width of land on both sides where development Is care fully controlled and covers minimum of metres both sides of the escarpment The plan slated for acquis Hon by the province for recre ation or protection of live environmental areas could raise problems with owners especially where the lands are defined but where acquisition Is a long way In the future the proposal ad What Is fair to the owner and the public the proposal asks and wonders if additional development should be permitted on these lands and under what Hans The central area Including the actual escarpment are the protection area around It and natural and scenic areas will come under the control of the NEC or another provin cial agency which may be set up when the whole plan Is adopted but a large part of the responsibility for control and direction of the planning area will rest with the municipalities according to the proposal The preliminary proposal concluded by candidly admit ting there are many issues they don t know the answers to as yet but pointed out consultation with the munlcl palltles and the public will help clear up some of the proolems Ready and watting WAITING FOR THE MUSIC to begin for the next round of musical chairs are Kyle Thomson Brandy and Andrea Schumeth The young people were gathered together at the library for story hour last week which includes games and coloring as well as story readings Hydro woos council on corridor Ontario Hydro represent atlves came to Hills council with food and hope Councillors ate most of the food and sent Hydro away- disappointed 1 regret we were unable to have a dialogue Dave Hydro community relations officer said after the special meeting In the town administration building on the Seventh Line Wednes day In my opinion It was an unfortunate stalemate The questions they councillors have we can answer said Five Ontario Hydro reps took turns explaining con struction aspects of the dor from the Bruce nuclear generating station to MUton Switching Station Most of council questions concerned the planning of the line Patrlquln told councillors he hoped for a dialogue so Hydro can appreciate council opposition and It Hydros The week before and group arrived council re- Hydro brought out three Coffee was also served but affirmed its position on the plates of sandwiches and two it is customary for coffee to need for an Independent study smaller dishes filled with be ready for councillors and of the north south corridor olives pickles onions the public Council position Is an echo cheese celery and cookies Before Hydro called the of the Interested Citizens Croup ICG views The ICG has opposed construction of the line for four years until an independent study Is done After the formal talk round the council table the meeting recessed for an hour and Review legal fees Despite a recommendation from Hills finance committee that no town money be given to the Inter ested Citizens Group for legal fees in their fight with the Hydro council Monday night voted to reconsider the ques tion and put the subject back on the agenda for tne next meeting See page for committee story 10000 Fire damages Bovis home No one was injured as fire ripped through a second storey bedroom In a Rosemary Road home last night Tuesday Fire chief Mick Holmes said an estimated In damages was sustained toa house belonging to Mr and Mrs Bruce Harris 10 Rosemary The bedroom was completely gutted by fire and the rest of the house received smoke and water damage Mr Holmes said the roof was also damaged in operations The chief said the family was home at the time of the supper hour blaze which is believed to have in the bedroom Thecauseofthefirelsundetermlnedatpresstime Mrs Harrisherselfcalledinthealarm The family stayed with neighbors last night This was fourth major fire in Acton homes In the past few months social hour council learned the provincial power utility intends to build towers as soon as possible if the Niagara Escarpment Com mission grants per mission for construction in its development control area here Because the urgency we Hydro would risk being turned down by the Ontario Municipal Board Hydro supervising project engineer Art Collins said Hydro Is appealing to the OMB In order to force the to permit the corridor to pass through Halton Hills The revelation came as councillor Roy Booth tried to find out if Hydro was going to do the same on the north- south line as it did on the east west line build towers on NEC lands and In Booths words leftusthetown with no choice The east west line extends from Nantlcoke to Pickering It can be seen Immediately south of Highway and Trafalgar Road Collins also told council he Continued on Page 2 Two unconscious in Sunday crash Whats inside Tribute to firefighters Legal aid available thon this weekend Rotary thon success Credit Crazies sewers water Best family wellknown Children Aid meeting Champions dayforhockey Referee roasted Page Page Page Page Page Page 18 PsgeB3 Two Milton youths are unconscious In Hamilton General Hospital following a twocar crash at Speyslde on Highway early Sunday morning Donald Matheson IS of Dr Milton driver of one of the vehicles is listed in poor condition in the intensive care unit His passenger 19- yearold Michael Stafford of Broadway St Milton is listed in fair condition in the sive care unit Both youths suffered head injuries Mr Stafford also suffered abdominal injuries According to Milton OPP Mr Matheson was south bound on Highway in his 1971 when he lost control on a curve south of Mr Matheson car swung around and was hit in the rear by a 1976 Ford Van driven by Mr Bray and his wife year old Melanija received minor injuries and were taken to Milton District Hospital The cor was destroyed and damages estimated at to the Bray van Police move into Y Halton Regional Police are operating out of their new Acton offices In the building on Mill Street East Tyler Transport moved furniture from the former police office In the town hall on Willow Street Monday District One Superlnten dent Floyd Schwa a said Tuesday he thinks officers should be reporting to the Acton office starting today He also said Bell Canada should have the office tele phone installed Tuesday Police officers are contacted by police radio in their cruisers or by portable radios For about two weeks officers who worked Acton had to report to the district headquarters at Georgetown because of an Ontario mln of labor declaration that the 19th century hall was longer safe Workmen were busy thisweekinthenewofflce A partition and new glass plus a slab door were being In stalled The move ends months of talk and negotiations between the Halton Police Commis sion and Halton Hills council The departure of the Halton force from the town hall also ends a long association between the building and police forces When Acton had its awn constables they operated out of the town of Ikes in the The cells were in the town hall however The Ontario Provincial Police used the town hall for a quarter of a century starting soon after the Second World War The town ho was padlock on Tuesday by town staff Anyone who wishes to go in may borrow a key from Chrke In the town office Until Tuesday there was still access to the town only public washroom Deer hits Acton auto A deer ran Into a car driven by Murray Smith of Churchill as the auto proceeded along Slderoad Thursday morning Damage to Ihe grill of the auto amounted to accord ing to Halton Regional Police Larger group proposed to repace 500 Club FIREFIGHTERS WORKED for two hours last night to put out a blaze at Rosemary Road The fire was contained to one bedroom but smoke and water damage was received through out the house Damage is set at approximately A trial balloon was launched this week to replace the Club hockey club with a larger group which would support all sport in Acton Notices have been placed in several stores this week in a bid by a group of sport minded citizens to determine what support there may be for a club membership In the group who are floating the club idea arc such sport supporters as Kerwln McPhall Harold Bob Colin Ager Simon Chrlstensen and others There is no commitment by signing the form Mr said although he hoped only Interested parties would put their names to the Idea The club membership based on an exciting program backed by the Legion Branch and Mr Townsley said the group Is going to Iry and stick lo the format Under the larger club there would be a weekly draw for for weeks The cost of Joining would be per week or a year which would be payable by cheque of plus three post dated cheques Under the plan there would be an annual bonanza night with draws for southern trips plus cash and other prizes The club Is promoted by the Acton Minor Hockey Association Under the member club Mr Town other sports such as baseball soccer and lacrosse legion and all star hockey and others would benefit Copies of the 000 member club form are In the following places Eds In and Out all banks Beckers Royal Variety AB the arena and elsewhere HALTON BURLINGTON MEMBER OF Provincial Parliament Julian Reed and nationally known figure skater Kevin Parker were on hand for the celebrity skate at the Rotary Skatea thon Sunday afternoon Kevin also gave a demonstration of skating

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