Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 3, 1978, p. 13

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Red tape snarls home construction township sym pathizes with the predica ment of an Acton resident but their hands are tied and councillors are unable to help him Bob of Acton attended the councils meeting Monday evening and explained that he had pur chased a lot In and a prefabricated home now In storage He had a contract with builders to erect the home but it expires on August 1 He also said he had money in registered home ownership and had to know one month in advance when to take that out His problem be explained was that he could not get a building permit to build the home until the sewers and water project was completely operational Building Inspector Glen told council the waiting game was costing Mr an arm and a leg He needed to know when the project would be completed so he could either cancel or extend contracts Mr explained he applied for a permit last year and was re fused for the same reason He suggested that maybe due to hardship the by law could be waived In this case Visiting lock wood village trustee Eastwood pointed out the minute the contractors start putting his house up he must pay interest on his mortgage She pointed out if there was a strike by the sewer end water contractors he would be losing a lot more money than he is low He is more protected now she plalned Council they could not grant Mr a building permit at this time nor could they give him an approximate date on when the project will be completed Hortop Mill to be picnic area lessons put to practical advantage Here instructor Kay Chatterson right assists Barbara Osborne with her lampshade during the Rockwood night school program TWENTYTWO ladies regularly attend the Monday night exercise class in the Rockwood night ROUND and round she goes Linda Osbourne crochets her bedspread at the night school program Rockwood District The future of the Mill in was discussed at the township coun cil meeting Monday evening Joseph who keeps an eye on the place attended councils meeting and ex plained a lot of work has to be done to maintain the struc which was Just recently restored He explained fishermen drop by and light fires to keep warm or van dais get In and destroy parts of It Mr said he would like to sec some action taken on the responsibility for the building Deputy reeve Henry Jr pointed out a lot money had already been spent to restore the site and for the township to stop maintaining it now would be like kissing the money pre viously spent goodbye Are we going to let the conserva tion authority Grand River take it over or are we Councillor Dave Masson said the site was an ideal family picnic area but would have to be fenced in Reeve BUI pointed out If It had not been for the local interest the building would long ego been dis mantled by the conservation authority Mr Benham said at the present time the picnic tables need painting and the weeds need spraying He was instructed by the reeve to go ahead with the work and the clerk will be instructed to notify the conservation authority to discuss any plans they might have Eden Mills April meeting The Acton Free Press Wednesday May 3 Mrs J Chamberlain was hostess for the April meeting of the Eden Mills Women The president Mrs Barden opened it Joined in the singing of the with a reading Unanswered hymn Nearer my God to prayer and in unison the Thee followed by the reading Psalm was repeated All Erin Township council meeting collected for Cancer Society by Doris Fines Erin Township reeve Don aid Matheson and deputy reeve Bert Wheeler met with county engineer Allan Holmes to get advice regard Telephone City gravel They brought back an agree ment to be signed with The truck haulage route joins highway north of Erin and follows 17 to highway 25 The agreement states shall be primed and surface treated Trustee says by TC on an appropriate aggregate base so as to create a hard surface This includes intersection provement on No and highway if necessary They will maintain these roads to a reasonable standard as determined by the municipality as long as they continue to be used for the extraction of gravel Five tenders were received for grass cutting in ceme teries and other municipal properties Councillors George Root and John were nominated to interview them and get recom mendations beginning with the lowest bidder These tenders were received for retaking of library and municipal building Council accepted the lender of Glen of Hillsburgh at S3 per hour A letter of congratulations will be sent to Acton Chief Mick Holmes and the Fire lighters on receiving the Citizen of the Year award Council received a delegation from the Hills burgh Blue Grass Festival committee Whereas in previous years there has been a problem with traffic control on Mill Street council ap proved the closing of Mill Street from Ann Street to the Medical Centre for 12 hours to accommodate the Blue Grass Festival July under the supervision of the road superintendent Traffic will Misleading survey could be confusing The on Rock and did not cover enough wood secondary planning put homes claim village trustee out by planning consultants Audrey Billon and planning Marshall and board member Alan Monaghan was misleading Osbourne Both attended the Squabs are the ugliest most engaging creatures ever born on this farm or any farm for that In case youre not sure what a squab Is its a baby pigeon Now these little fellows arent your average every day born pigeons These are prize fantails very elaborate little birds with puffed out chest helicopter tall and a ridiculous way of prandng around on tiptoe Fanny came to live with us two or three years ago a black fantail hen without a mate We tried in vain to find her companion but piegon raisers keep their birds In pairs and don usually have extras lying around In the closet Our little became a friendly endearing petwhat else is there to do when you cant raise a family Pat her owner was very fond of her and loved to have her perch on his head particularly if he had his pith helmet on Only one egg Well our search finally paid of and a handsome red saddle male came to live with Fanny and make her life complete Fan thought shed died and gone to heaven She couldnt get over her luck after so many years of unfulflllment For the first couple of days Fan spent her time cuddled up to Big Red cooing and chortling squashing him In a corner in her eagerness Big Red began lo look a Utile harassed Well they must nave settled down because In a couple of weeks Fanny laid an egg one mind you and started to set I had to have a little talk with her about that one egg Really Fanny I says did you wait all these years for Big Red just to bear him one child Are you going to set for three weeks on only one egg She got the point and laid another egg Gemini For three weeks she and Red took turns covering the eggs and on the twenty first day the inevitable happened Out of tiny eggs no bigger than a roglns oozed two of the oddest birds imaginable if you dont count puffins and pelicans The squabs were certainly small but not small enough to fit In those shells It must be hellishly uncomfortable spending twentyone days crammed into such quarters The little squabs are white where theyre not- bald They have beaks which take up most of their heads In fact they have trouble keeping their heads afloat They are blind with blueveined eyes still covered by birth membrane And theyre charming Red and Fanny are Immensely proud of their children and practically pop their vests puffing up thelrchests Patrick calls them Aocs because theyll be entered In shows under Fantail pigeon any other color Being the offspring of a mixed marriage they certainly could be any other color Well certainly have a lot to talk about during the next few weeks because we expect baby rabbits lambs baby golden pheasants baby doves possibly baby peacocks but no baby donkey Jessica had all the fun without the naughty girl regular meeting of Eramosa township council Monday evening to air heir grievances Mr said he was disappointed the survey was circulated only to homes In He said rural residents ore Just as or even more interested In the village than the residents themselves and should have a way to express their opinion and be kept up to date on what the consultants are doing Councillor John said that even hough he lives In the village he did not receive the survey He ex plained he knew It was In the mall to all householders and wondered how many other villagers did not receive 11 yet did not know they should be getting one Village clerk Len Hockey said no one else in the community had com plained about not receiving a copy Council decided to ask the planning consultants to ex tend the survey to the rural residents of Eramosa at no extra cost rather than concentrating on another door to door survey in the village Mrs pointed out to council that two questions on the survey contradicted each other She explained she did a quick survey of the questions ires herself She noted that the results of one question show most of the villagers want the village to grow lo within a few years Another questions results show just the opposite She feels this is misleading to the villagers and could cause a lot of problems In the future Council also could see future problems because of the confusion be rerouted and the firemen wilt supervise parking At a previous meeting council had refused lo pay an Invoice of to the Erin Village library as the same services can be obtained from the township library However they agreed to donate lo help defray costs of hose township citizens using the Erin library A letter of acknowledgement was received from Mrs De Nonce inwhichshehopedthe County Library Board will accept it as a donation and not on an annual basis Building inspector Glen wants some policy and guidelines in his work of enforcing by laws He looks into infractions of housing animals when they are brought to his attention but he dislikes going around snooping for them What should he do when complaints come in about one place and he enforces the law while down the road someone else is infringing but no one com plains Council agreed It was a delicate situation The by law has to be enforced If here are grounds and neighbours are complaining but what about those that he supposedly knows nothing about Council suggested he talk to the lawyer and see if he can get some guidelines to look into these infractions Mr lot conces sion came In to complain about property tax and rising costs saying taxes have more than doubled In three In years and he soon won be able to afford it On learning the school tax was the largest culprit he said he deplored abuse of pencils erasers and note books that the children were allowed to bring home saying the tax payer was paying for them and if parents were left to buy the supplies themselves as they used there would be less waste and it would cut down on costs Mr Boudrcau was advised that was out of council hands and he should contact the Separate School Board member and make his complaints known to them Ed road superintendent asked direction from council on how lo use the money for the best interests of the people They agreed the best way was to spread ihc road on different areas of the township and not oil on one particular piece of road At special meetings held earlier Si was donated to Erin Township Recreation Board and contracts were let to Cox Construction for crushed gravel Miller Paving for calcium chloride at 60 per ton and Thos Hope for snowplowlng in Hillsburgh Due praise was given to Mr Hope for the terrific job he docs in always keeping the streets open If a township plow had to be brought in they would lose valuable time in gelling roads open and they are also too large for ability in village areas Council adjourned to meet again June 1 at Township can vass for the Cancer Society collected a total of 293076 Northern township chairman Trudl thanks her generous can vassers and residents who added to the fund Saunders southern township chairman is very pleased with the results in her campaign area The door to door canvass collected 1785 50 The Lions Club added another proceeds from the cloak room at their April dance Marjorle thanks her canvassers and adds a special note of ap preciation to Mary Logan who filled in for Winnie Hilts who was ill during this years canvass Controversy ends tenders recalled The township of has been forced to recoil lenders for gravel The tenders had originally been called several weeks ago Deputy reeve Henry Jr after declaring a conflict of Interest submitted a bid and left the council chambers while council discussed the three bids When Mr Holman returned to the room he discovered council had disallowed his bid after they had opened the sealed envelope The deputy reeve vacated his seat for a portion of the next meeting and told council the bid should have been considered or not opened at all He contested council was In the wrong by not doing one or another He requested that council consider his bid and enter this into minutes of the meeting Councillor Dave Masson suggested Mr seek legal advice on the matter and council would do the same Mr Masson agrued Mr actions were holding up road repair throughout the township At Monday evenings meeting of council Reeve Bill told council the town ship solicitor said the three tenders submitted should have been considered and that they would have to be recalled I myself would like to see things done properly the reeve stated as the council agreed to the re call Porcelain painting is featured by artist PORCELAIN painter Helen Burnham shows some of her china paintings available at Helens Art Nook Main St Helen Burnham of Helens Art Nook on Main St Rock wood is an artist In the unique field of porcelain She paints her own softly colored designs on china ware from Bavaria France and Japan China painting or decorating Is an old European craft The paint used is a powder base mixed with oil In the kiln the glaze on the china plate opens the paint permeates the glaze and the oil burns off leaving the design For color depth with the transparent paints each plate requires a series of colour applications and at least three firings It is hard to Imagine how a plain white china plate and four colors red yellow block and tan could be transformed into soft floral effect in only dusty rose and avacodo green in Helens hands this China painting Is only one of Helens talents She also paints on canvas with On a com mission from the Rockwood Home and School Association she recently did a painting of principal Grant MacCraes homo It la most charming In her shop Helen also frames anything and everything She has a wide choice of frames and mats from which she helps customers choose what is right for their photos paintings or projects Teaching la another of Helen s talents She has been Instructing students in por celain painting at Recreation Centre and offers classes In her Hock wood shop She is presently membership in the International Porcelain Art Teachers Association Helen loves her work especially the fascinating art of china painting Always ready to acquire new skills she Is about to take a course In glassware painting The shop on Main St across from the River carries Helens china paintings and water colors as well as many other local artists work Decoupage seed paintings dried flower pictures figurines jewelry and some crafts are also In her selection There Is a line of art supplies Including different types of brushes canvasses and brushes All supplies for china painting are on hand too The shop hours are Wed and Thursday l m to p m Fridays 1pm to Saturdays a to 9 m Other times by ap pointment call by Barb Ladies dont forget the fun tournament this Monday am at the tennis courts The and Rock wood Home and School Association will meet this Thursday May 8 p m at Public School Phil Bruckler Chairman of Play Environment Advisory Committee and Recreation Director of Woolwich township will be the guest speaker He will show slides of the kind of playground the Home and School wishes to establish at Eramosa School Executive elections will also take place Come and support this worthwhile parent organ of the secretary treasurer and pennies reports A new coffee urn la to be purchased with money donated to the group The roll call was answered by 11 members with a sign of spring I notice A get well card is to be sent to Mrs G Stevenson who is still recuperating from her ill Pennies for the Fellowship of the Least Coin were gathered and the dedication was read by Mrs Win McLean The province this month was New Brunswick and this was read by Mrs J Chamberlain Devotions for the evening were in charge of Mrs V Montgomery and Mrs E Harden with the scripture readings from Second Corinthians Chap 12 and Hebrews Chap and the Chapter on Self pity from the study book The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs MacDonald on May 23 at To close the meeting all joined In the singing of I Need Thee Every Hour followed by prayer by Mrs Barden The social time was con vened by Mrs Montgomery and Mrs assisted by the hostess Courtesy remarks for a nice evening were extended by Mrs S Wilson and their family of 3 have as their guests Mr and Mrs K G Young of Shropshire England The Youngs have journeyed to Canada to at tend the May wedding of Elizabeth and Stephen Jones Len Hockey village secretary reports that returns from the Secondary Planning Survey have been only fair in number There is still time to get your survey into the Village Office Have your Ideas about future counted Nursery School will hold Its registration for three and four year olds May 17 300 p at the Town Hall For further information contact Ann McGeragle at Congratulations to George Day who has recently been elected as Vicechairman of the Wellington County Board of Mr and Mrs John Jones Dont forget the St Johns Parish Dance this Saturday May at Rockmosa Com Centre Tickets available from Parish members Saturday May 13 set aside the hours from to attend the Nursery School Bazaar at Cen tennial School Admission is free A special attraction Is a Mothers Day Table where little children can purchase an attractive inexpensive gift for Mom There will be a childrens fun area as well as a fish pond penny table and home preserves and tables Everyone con enjoy tea after visiting the bake table while elephant and childrens tables Fudge and popcorn will be available too The afternoon raffle in cludes a hand woven blanket a handmade doll and a hanger These items are on display at Pearls Variety Another feature Is the Nursery Schools cook bookfull M the childrens and their moms favourite recipes This is the main fund- raising event for the School Come and enjoy

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