Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1978, p. 4

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The Acton Press Wednesday May A great idea Did you ever wonder when your house was built How it looked when it was new Have you had a surprise when found the intriguing patterns among the layers of wallpaper when you were redecorating Did you ever wonder who wore down those stairs Who put those mil holes in unbelievable places How come there are sounds that could be a ghost The Women s Institute has an excellent scheme that many of its members are following Dublin Women are among them The idea a house log I members spend many happy hours compiling booklets about their own homes These books are to be left in the house when the owner moves on for the benefit of the next tenant And each subsequent family is expected to add to the book all the changes they have made It s an idea that worth picking up by every home owner The book would of course begin with the original sale of land which is obtainable from the registry office All the history that can be compiled should be written into the pages How about pieces of wall paper carpetingandpamtsamples as well The dates and prices of renov ations and repairs would add even more interest Most families have cameras nowadays and pictures will enliven the book Before and after shots as each room is redone or additions made Garden and garage are included too The house logs are fascinating How about starting one for your house Biding their time The senior citizens who hoped to be moving into the new apartments this fall have had a sad surprise with the news the units could be another year in the works While these people who have applied for units now know they should renew their leases for a year they still do not know if they would be eligible for the apart when they are indeed ready They have asked but have had no assurance These older people who live alone find this uncertainty very Surely Ontario Housing could at least promise some of these people that a unit will indeed be saved for them They have been biding their time in hopes for too long already Move the siren it time to consider moving the fire siren from the top of the town half The noise of the siren creates a vibration that permeates the whole building It is probably this vibration which caused a stone to break loose from the face of the town hall this week Architect s studies have shown cracks and repairs were antic Short takes Here s a good way to help the economy How about taking the sales tax off all Canadian made goods lpated But these flaws are certain ly strained by the siren In he event the town hall should come down the siren will have to be moved probable to a tower on top of the fire hall addition Why not move It now to prevent any further damage to the building and possible danger to ped One of the people at the band con cert Sunday night said I guess we 11 read on the editorial page of the paper this week that more people should have been at the concert Right You just did It was an excellent concert A new series of articles begins this week containing memories of the old town hall in its better days Have you any recollections to share George Elliott Yvonne or Alice While many of us have been lamenting the late spring fruit growers have been rejoicing They are pleased because blossoming has been delayed until danger of frost is past Bud development is about a month behind last year but it won take long to catch up acton press CAN YOU GUESS WHEN this picture was taken Last Sunday on one of the warmest sunniest days we have had all year This large snow possibly the last in Halton Hills still exists alongside Road near Ballmafad Sugar and spice b What with Chretien budget and the hockey playoffs It looks like along dull spring ahead That budget came sailing with the buoyancy of a wet sock I can help agree ing with the braying opposition critic who labeled it a cynical preelection budge So the sales tax was cut Dig deal It means that If I want to go out and buy car I can save Brother if I could afford that kind of money for a car I not going to let ISO worry me one way ortheolher And that Is sure going to go a long way In providing jobs for 1 million unemployed isn t it There a single item in Ihc budget that will remotely affect our sickly dollar or our sorry unemployment slluation Something that truly amazes me Is that the federal Liberals despite their do us record over the past decade hove a very good chance of being reelected How do you figure that with the whole country mad at Ihc government for inaction lack of leadership a monstrous deficit and a dollar in the doldrums It must only mean thai we thing an alter mine would Ik w his it depressing thnifjil Ho cm worst thin 1 think rusnn for a in polls Mini i sort of apathy and Ins tin voter to Hit point he just I give a diddle my The tack of credibility imong politicians his tlecptntd than the revtrse since Hit lit begin House of Commons was it more evident thin n night On side of the use as the minister followed cliche with pladludt one group of trained sells flapped their flippers on Ihcir desks every he stopped for i drink of walir On the other the House another group of equally well groomed seals flipped heir flippt rs on their desks when their man was tutting up the finance minister 1trhips should changed from he Ho Commons to Common Zoo is developing in this Is a deep sort I on a mistrust of and everything that motes And somebody had better start paying some attention to It at some other time election time or there going to be hell to pay in this country Surely the Ottawa mandarins the expert economists and the year civil scrv ants have had their innings They have made a complete hash of things in the three decades since World War when Canada emerged as a vital country with everything going for it and has slid sttadily from a strong secondary power to a whining voice In the wilderness Surely it time for a leader to emerge who has a gut feeling of what this nation all about and what its people want But where is he Or she John had it but his own ego blurred ihe mirror Robert had it But in this TV age he t have charisma He wasn t sexy enough Joe Clark sexy Ed malic It Is laugh 1 11 bet I m sexier on a Sunday morning with a hangover and no shave Oh well we cant solve the nations problems here every week Let turn for comic relief to the National Hockey Continued on page Newsbeat On the road to crisis By Bob THIS WEATHER HA Bob reports on the region fir ihe Free Press Milton Champion George town Independent Halton Region is on the verge of a gar crisis and regional council has no one blame but Itself For more than two years the council has taken a narrow minded approach determined tint Ihe regional dump must be located on prime agricultural land near ihe Intersection of Tremaine and Britannia In the southern part of Milton Spurred on by the shrewd and wily of Public Works Chairman Jack majority of councillors satisfied themselves that there could be no alternative No they consider expanding Ihe Burlington landfill site In spite of a con sulUnta report indicating this could be done No they wouldn t entertain the prospect of a small site at Ihe Milton Brick yard in spite of the fact that the site was heartily endorsed by Milton Council And no they weren t much Interested In developing dry waste sites that would take the pressure off existing sites and his cohorts took the altitude that they were going to stick It to the dump fighters and even If we re wrong we can do it cause we re bigger More two years ago the people made It clear that they stand for it and it was Just loo much to swallow But now when it appears even the region cant stuff it down the peoples throats the region is calling foul Regional officials complain about Supreme Court decisions that force them to abide by the law about residents who won fall over and play dead and about the province lack of leadership last month the region issued orders thai no more industrial rubble wa3 to be at any regional landfill sites Trucks loaded with rubble pulled up to landfill only to be told to take their load someplace else Mind you the drivers given any indication about where to take the garbage but simply told it be dumped at the landfill site In keeping with the tradition the region has earned in the waste management field the staff bungled the move to restrict use at the site was no advance of Ihc restrictions and no option worked out to provide for the waste Instead of pressing Queen Park for permission to use a vacant quarry pit for dry waste as an In lerim use the region simply said sorry fellows you re on your own Until now Joe Public has been happy to leave he mailer in the hands of the politicians and experts Disaster Imminent and as long as the garbage was picked up and taken away did it really matter what happened to It or where It went as long as it went But that situation is changing and disaster does seem imminent So far householders haven been effected just commercial or industrial concerns But residents have been warned that restrictions on their use of the dumps Is very real indeed Now the fur is going to fly and you can bet the region Is going to point a menacing finger at Ihc dump fighters I can hear it all now We followed the law after two supreme court judges us we could longer break It we studied nil of the alternatives and made the decision on the best technological data we could get If only it for those selfish unreasonable people we could have taken care of ihe needs of all of Ihe people In the region and had a landfill site developed they will say It would do my heart good for the region to be told once and for all that a dump at Site Is out of the question It would mean Continued on page The Free Press Back Issues 10 years ago Taken from the lisue of the Free Press of Wednesday May IMS There la no Indication of settlement In the strike at the if Porter plant In Acton Members of local of the Saw Workers Union have been on strike since Thursday April and the plant is picketed M Harry ended all peculation and second guessing about his political future when he told a press con ference Sunday he would not contest the riding of in the June election Peter of Crown Attorney for past ten years confirmed Tuesday evening that he would be a Progressive Conservative candidate entry in the June federal election race in Ha I Ion riding J M Mike a former Mayor or Milton an active community worker announced Tuesday evening he would seek the I nomination for the Halton riding in the June federal The prompt response of firefighters from and Co and Aeton brigade averted what could have been a disastrous fire at Beardmore early Tuesday lemoon 20 years ago Taken from the of the Press of Thursday May 15 1958 Starting in Acton years ago George prominent citizen and harness maker will retire from his business in his present shop at the end of the month Considered to be one of the few remaining harness makers in the district Mr Edwards began his business in cton at the present location of the comer of Mill and Main Streets Marilyn Young Acton high school student was chosen staff members of the school to participate in a four day trip to Ottawa sponsored by the Acton Rotary Club in with the Ottawa club Representatives from H K Porter Co v ere present at the Planning Board meeting on Tuesday evening to request permission to build houses for employees on their industrial property in Walker and L representatives in making the request pointed out that several employees from the Toronto plant relocating in Acton odd require homes here 50 years ago Taken from the issue of the free Press of 10 19M The topic has been of such interest to the ihe building of a new covered rink for skating curling etc was settled the electors on when the project found two to one with the electorate Considering the or so property owners were allowed to vote and upwards of of these are non residents the turnout of 14 showed the vote was representative Mr John Duval passed at the home Mrs Papilon ChurchSt He is survived by 10 children The public meeting held under the of the Women Christian Temperance Union was replete with in teres Reading essays were Helen Irander Frank Cook Roberta Michie Olive 100 years ago Taken from the issue of the May lftH Owing to his increased business Mr Campbell of the Ross in House is having another shed erected on the commons opposite his hotel the meeting of Township Council Messrs Waters and the Reeve were appointed a committee to examine all roads for the improvement of which petitions and applicitions had been made The Acton Division Sons of Temperance held an Open Division Tuesday evening in the Temperance Hall The hall was literally jammed and seals had to be put in every clear place in the building During the progress of the entertainment the floor gave two very loud cracks but lille notice was taken of Ihem until Ihe audience rose to leave when the floor owing extra weight upon sunk in the centre fully inches This caused some excitement and the crowd made their exit as quickly as possible Local news Is scarce The Division Court met in Matthews hall Bakery Monday THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 853 Business and Editorial Office Copyright 1978

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