Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 17, 1978, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday 1978 Should Acton grow Should Acton grow The question has plagued ing boards for years now However something new has been added to the argument It used to be assumed that the population here would be limited by the capacity of the sewage treat ment plant But now new ulations will permit a subdivision whose homes have septic tanks It opens up a whole new area of growth The ideas of hundreds of new homes and a plaza at the east end of Acton horrifies some people Others couldnt care less And for the future owners of the nomes the prospect is likely a happy one Downtown merchants well know what a plaza can do to a downtown Georgetown and Milton are nearby examples Our merchants like to have new stores but downtown not in a strip development plaza Do we want strained schools and services Or do we want new mem for our churches and clubs new shoppers Object to change Hamilton city hall has been swamped by letters and phone calls from people objecting to the pro posed change of their name from Hamilton to A regional review commission recommended merging Hamilton with rounding municipalities and naming the new city It produced an uproar in that city and petitions are going out Lets hope their petition gets somewhere in Queens Park Ac tons didnt The name Halton Hills youll recall was chosen by ballot Acton and Georgetown werent on the list Esquesing was a popular choice with historical connotations but it lost out Many here will sympathize with the people in Hamilton who like things the way they are History in names Our history lives in our names says a Letter to the Editor in the Globe on Tuesday Many will agree with David McQueen of Toronto who writes The review commission report calling for Hamilton to be renamed is the last straw which persuades me to protest vigorously against the progressive murder of good old Ontario place names Like many others whose im migrant ancestors settled near Gait I was keenly dismayed to see that name swallowed up in the oh designation of Cam bridge An important Canadian name one intimately associated with the making of Confederation simply wiped by official fiat off In brief The Town Hall Restoration committee is looking for con for their bake sale on Saturday May 27 Check their Open Letter for details The Free Press is planning a display of old pictures of the town for Back to Acton Days We would like to borrow any old pictures which we will and return to you People always seem to enjoy seeing these old pictures the map Then we see the short sharp cnspness and strong his toncal and literary associations of Acton and Georgetown melting into the blah designation of Hills Not knowing better one might suppose it was no more than another tacky development on the of Metro Toronto And now Hamilton home of Dundurn Castle and Sir Allan Nab is recommended for the chopping block Our history lives in these names Let it be let it live If we must have regional governments let us think up appropriate desig nations for them but let the old names remain on the map to tell us who we were and are Congratulations to Steve Saxon who went as far as the Ontario finals in public speaking on the weekend Two people recently reported receiving their Free Press on the Friday of the same week it was published But what a difference in miles One person received it in Florida the other in Toronto Such speedy deliveries were a happy surprise IN SPRING A childs fancy turns to sitting on cars and making faces for the photographer Sherry Burke Mary Beth Davel Tiebert James Morgan with his mouth open Allison Morgan Chnssy Keith Olsen Michael Smith and Ted all jumped at the chance to get their pictures taken Sugar and spice Bi Smile once wrote the cruellest month don know about that November la no slouch In country when it comes to cruelty but April is certainly no bargain around here It a a sort of zilch month All the enter months have some character except aforesaid November They re either some thing to make you look forward with an tlcipatlon backward with relief or to just plain enjoy May is golf and fishing and grass greening and flowers blooming June Is the first heat wave lilac stent mosquitoes and summer Just ahead July and August ore hummer in all its glory hot dogs swimming camping baseball trips summer theatre family reunions Ing September is a glorious month usually Warm enough everybody getting back into the groove new schoolmates new interests new friends new follies to com mil oneself to regional council must subscribe to the ostrich THEORV IF SOU ITS MOT THERE ITU October Is great sharp air fresh produce golden sun football magnificent foliage Thanksgiving weekend Let skip ruddy November But Decern is exciting with fresh snow Christmas Kith all its ramifications holidays coming families getting together January and February ore brutal but challenging We re right Into the curling and skiing the dally battle to stay alive and the knowledge that once were over the hump about the worst lies behind Even rotten March has Its Easter worst of the winter over March break and only one or two more snowstorms to survive Then comes April There nothing to do out of doors Curling and ski are finished and it too early for golf and fishing Nothing to do outside except catch a cold in that frigid wind blowing off the Ice in the bay It a dirty month There salt and sand and mud on the streets to be tracked Into he house It a pain in the arm for house wives That lousy yellow sun peers In sol en Ely through the windows illuminating dirty pones smeared wallpaper spots on the rug stains on the chairs and well fingered woodwork none of which showed up In the dear dark days of winter The homemaker heart sinks Male homeowners ore Just plain rasscd the snow imperceptibly melts revealing all manner of Junk on front and back lawn This year I watched with the surfacing of four dally papers in their yellow plastic wrappers on the front lawn where some turkey kid had thrown them when there was four feet of snow on said area Then up crept one disgusting item after another peeping first its head then rusty body out of the snow a reminder of how I was caught short again last November by the first fall Picnic chairs lurching out of the shrink Ing drifts like a couple of old wlnos decrepit falling apart disgusting Fragments of Christmas tree swept up minced and throw all over the lawn by the snowplow in early January A stack or newspapers put out with the garbage in February picked up by the same monster during a blizzard chewed up and hurled into threepound lumps all over the place each solidly frozen into the ice salt and sand Last fall oak leaves caught on the ground by the first snowstorm about three Indies thick looking about appetizing the meat in a particularly repellent shepherd pie April is also a rough month on teachers If the sun is shining however feebly students gasp wildly pretend they re dying of heat throw all the classroom windows wide to the degree breeze that spells bronchial to the less hot blooded pedant For university students about to April is hellish Final exams loom like the Furies of old and all the procrastination begins to catch up And these days per cent of them are quite convinced they won get a Job on Speaking of nothing to do outside as I was away back there there Is nothing to do inside cither Unless you want to watch large young sweaty overpaid athletes smash each other Into the boards the pro hockey playoffs wend their way wearily toward the finals This year April was worse than usual with a thousand windbags expelling their contents into the air about an upcoming election Suddenly all sorts of people who care less whether you got Ingrown toenails or fell Into a cess pool began showing great friendliness and sincerity a genuine concern about your point of view and how you would vote And I think the month of April Is pretty well brought to its climax by the income lax return due on the last day of that miserable month 1 always feel that I been beaten raped and left naked by the side of the road when that ordeal is over It cheer me up much to look around and see all the people diddling the unemployment Insurance all the former students now fairly affluent who never paid back their student loans Looking back all I can say Is that April Is Awful Thank goodness for May Not to mention Pearly Ruby and Mabel Dear Sir It has been brought to my attention that some citizens In our area would like to apply for the grants available for reinsul of their homes but have not been able to obtain the necessary application forms The agreement as per the CHIP program Is as follows The house must have been built before It Is a selfcontained resldenUal unit CHIP will pay 3 of the actual purchase price of insulation material If you paid out the grant would be 00 The maximum grant is To obtain a grant application form write Canadian Home Insulation Program p O Box St Laurent Quebec or call collect 341 Requests for application are also avail able at our office located at Mountain view Road comer of No Road Georgetown We would be pleased to assist anyone in this matter Yours truly Director Hills Energy Conservation Centre The Free Press Back Issues 10 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press of Wednesday Mays IMS A threeman committee has been formed to investigate the closing of Acton C Charles Paul Nielsen and councillor are to compile specific data that can be used at the expected hearing sometime next month Considered the most successful to date Guide Brownie and Ranger Cookie Day on Saturday raised S3 to be divided among the groups Barbara Mcintosh this week joined the news staff of the Acton Free Press as a reporter photographer Miss Mcintosh is a graduate of the threeyear course in Journalism at Ryerson Polytechnic Institute in Toronto and a native of Brighton Ontario Staggered classes are a distinct possibility for the M Bennett school in September To accommodate the extra pupils unit the new addition is completed in December principal Elmer Smith suggested some staggered classes as the best solution 20 years ago Taken from he Issue of the Free Press of Thursday May Approval for the presentation of a debenture by law to cover in debentures the costs of high school buildings and additions in Acton Milton and Georgetown was given Tuesday temoon when Halton County Council held Its May meeting in the court house Milton Children playing with matches are believed to have caused a fire at Acton Motors on Main St South on Saturday evening resulting in damage to con tents and building When firemen arrived at the scene the frame double garage at the side of the main building was in flames and black oily smoke was pouring from the interior of the main building An increase of to County assessment over 1957 was noted Tuesday when assessor J Ford Rogers submitted his schedule of equalized assessment for to County council 50 years ago Takpn from the issue of the Press of Thursday May 1928 Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs C K Browne a most delightful shower was given to Miss Annie by a number of The bridetobe seated beneath a large white bell was presented with many beautiful and useful gifts A pleasing and entertaining evening was enjoyed by all Mother s Day was very fittingly observed in a number of churches last Sunday The evening service at the Baptist Church last Sunday was conducted by the young ladies in honor of mother and Mother Day Miss Bertha Nephew in her usual pleasing manner led the service Miss Mary Locker delivered an excellent eulogy of Mary the mother of Jesus Miss Barbara Plank outlined an ideal purpose for the girls of today At both the easterly and westerly en trances to Acton new roadway is under construction Fortunately however a detour of only a couple of blocks is necessary at the eastern entrance 100 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press of Thursday May has no hotel license now Mr Thomas Hume Informs us a great number of travellers and others come to his house for accommodation but that if he does not receive a license he will not allow any person to put up at his place He is taking steps to try to get a license We notice our sidewalks are beginning to get pretty seedy looking In some places especially on Mill and Main Sts It would be well to have the holes and broken places fixed up a bit We don t want to get a name for bad sidewalks like Milton and George town have About 40 persons went from here to Toronto yesterday to see the great boat race The race was won easily by Harlan Some persons played a contemptible trick a few nights ago by plastering several door nobs and gate latches up with white wash on Main St so that any persons taking hold would get their hands dirty The proposed Fenian raid on Canada is now beginning to take up the attention of the newspapers in both Canada and the United States It appears that secret meetings are being held by persons of not the best character All the volunteers in the Dominion have received orders to be In readiness at a moment notice THE ACTON FREE PRESS Business and Editorial Copyright 1978

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