Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 17, 1978, 8 and 9

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Tha Acto Free Press Wednesday May S Josephs by Tat Jansen and Joanne McArthnr Bales are still going strong every Thursday We now have In the bank are still thirty cents each even though wieners have Increased since Septem by eleven cents a dozen Inflation Is hitting everyone hard In Canada even us school kids We are now in a position to buy the team uniforms for our school Mr is contacting supplies to sec what the best price and quality will be for our uni forms Also we will be having a competition to find a school crest for Tshirts We are going to order these T shirts and sell them They will have our school name and crest and will cost about They will help in our fund raising activities again Our school did quite well In the Rotary Club held several weeks ago Our best money raiser was John with over While John did not win a prize from the Rotary club he will be given a from the school to show our appre ciation for his efforts Track and field practices are reaching their climax Pinal decisions on who will be the members of our team will be made this week There are four age divisions Tyke Atom Bantam and Midget We will have tryouts In all events and hope to do well on June third and fifth at Nelson Stadium in Burlington Mr Weatherman would you please send us some decent weather A very old tradition is going to be revived at our school this year On May 31 we will be having our May Crowning Procession May is the month in which we remember Our Lady and honour her as the Mother of Jesus We ask parents and friends of the school to remember this day and book it In their diaries Graduation ceremonies for our grade eight students are to take place on Juno the last day of school They will begin with Mass at church followed by Ihe Graduation Ceremony and a dance for the grade seven and eight students Our school Is growing with 131 students on our registers This will give us a total of 141 students in September 1978 We will have eight students leave from Grade eight but we have 17 students registered for Kindergarten in September If we have any more students register we might need another classroom With our student numbers dividing in Kindergarten we may even have a morning and ternoon Kindergarten class Student employment up in 1978 The main types of em offered says student placement supervisor Students looking for Jobs this summer have an ex chance of finding employment according to Canada Manpower Place ment Officer Nancy Evans Mrs Job placement has Increased per cent this year over the same time last year In Acton Brampton and Georgetown Broken down Into figures she explained that by the end of April in student had been placed In jobs At the same time this year 138 had got Jobs MANY BUSY BEAVERS were out planting seeds at the annual Beaver seed planting at Blue Springs on the weekend Beavers from Georgetown and Acton took part in the event Wild flower seeds planted by Beavers Approximately or attending to instruct the Beavers from Georgetown group of Beavers Along with and Acton attended the the wild flower seed planting Beaver seed planting at Blue boys took port In a Springs Scout Reserve on scavenger hunt tried bark Saturday moming rubbings and ventured onto a nature trail for a closer study The annual event was the environment hosted by Ihe First Acton A Rain i the afternoon Beaver colony with guests boys and their Douglas assistant into a shelter where district commissioner and decorated a birthday Murray Harrison district their special guest commissioner Scouts Douglas Anita Wildman are farm work clerical and domestic Bullions and general borer Mrs Wildman says she feels students are less picky about Ihe type of job they will take over previous years There has been an attitude change in poor economical times she ex plained Students are willing to accept something they were not looking for Mrs said She continued to say that employers are looking for mature responsible students who can be left on their own If students are having trouble finding a job states Lynn Bennett student place ment officer Manpower employees will tell Ihem what they are doing wrong They will students how to write out a proper resume tell them how to dress behave and speak We are here for the student as well as employers There are many pamphlets available also to assist the student their job hunt Many university students are already on the job Some high school students have already been placed also Mrs is the student supervisor for Acton Georgetown Orange ville and Shelbume The office in Acton the regular Canada Manpower Centre above the Credit Union on Queen St is open all day Tuesdays and Thursdays The Georgetown office also in the regular Manpower building beside the Toronto Dominion Bank on James St will be open Fridays Mrs Wildman has coached the high schools in Acton and Georgetown for a mass registration ANITA is the supervisor of Student Manpower for Acton and Georgetown She is in her Acton office Tuesday and Thursdays and in Georgetown on Fridays 1600 attend camp Bennett news GORD DOUGLAS left instructs Beavers on some of the surroundings at the Blue Springs Scout Reserve on the weekend The Beavers were there for their annual wild flower seed planting and took advantage of the natural surroundings by having a nature hike and a scavenger hunt as well Gord Douglas is the assistant district commissioner The camping area at Kelso Conservation Park may be a little crowded next weekend over Service Brigade boys from across Ontario will be camping at the Milton park for the weekend Paul Florence of Milton one or the organizers Ontario will be a big affair About i were expected but registrations at last count had topped the figure They will be living in tents in the Kelso camping areas at the cast end of the park from Friday to Sunday May to More than 100 churches from Ottawa lo Windsor will be represented by either Bat lalionsboysl2tol8lorSlock for ages eight to Campfires meals Ins pec tions devotions competitions chariot races march pasts and a Sunday church service will keep the boys busy for the weekend Hundreds of colorful tents are expected to dot the ground at Kelso Camp opens Friday evening closes Sunday afternoon HOJIOAYWEEXEMD biff hovearioli bay bonotwoidloidoryoui msaUfiomu2crii3ken qixzooisudslrorntrledett only CHICKEN PIZZA 29 MILL STREET EAST 8532450 by Victoria Last Thursday afternoon Mr Grade five class went on an unusual excursion They went to the Cemetery here in Aclon The purpose of the excursion was to see what they could discover about the past history of the town by visiting grave sites of some of our prominent citizens of the past Mr provided each pupil with an assign ment sheet outlining several questions and tasks This week our Kinder garten pupils will be travelling to Hamilton Place to see The Wizard of Plans are underway for Craft Day at M Z Bennett This will be held on the of Thursday May High school news by Janet none Tor the last week at Acton students have walked This Friday Constable Bob im dripping wet Andrews of the Halton Police holding soggy lunch bags and Force will be visiting our jn school He will spend some Hopefully summer will soon time in many of our classes be fln we and talk to pupils about tnese Police Week and the many ways in which the Police there will be a Youth fere n I events in their age group For the youngest group there is midget 14 or under Junior 16 or under and senior for those over 1G There will be many different events for both boys and girls Good tuck to all those par tlclpatlng CARPET CORNER 11 MAIN ST NORTH-ACTON- 8533620 Your headquarters in Hills For CARPETING CUSHION FLOORING DRAPERIES CERAMIC TILES Department helps us July The theme is on Fourth Acton Brownies by Linda Widish nature The girls picked the business The girls in the fourth pack name Mother Nature a were busy decorating in Santuary They are planning vitatlons this past Tuesday tohaveafamllyplcnlc It will The invitations are for the be a picnic The girls M mothers lo flttend our fun will be inviting the Guides VJL night to be held on May 16 from Eden Mills students win Brown Owl The Guides of the first and presented Golden bars to second companies are having Michel Booth and Tammy a Guides Own It will be Scott organized by the Girl Guides Skaters badges were given A Guides Own Is an inspir Nlcki and Michelle atlonal prayer time for the Guides Junior leader Debbie Rider led the pack In a singsong Tawny Owl Widish received a bunch of letters from our sister Brownies who live In England The girls all had an opportunity to read the in dividual letters We hope to answer in a week or two Letters were distributed regarding our June 3 trip to Storybook Gardens in Lon don The consent forms are to be returned as soon possible and Employment conference Students from Acton high and also parents and community members are welcome to attend seminars on job hunting skills apprentice ships continuing education how to start your own employer ex pec tat Ions and alternatives The evening Is Tree and everyone is welcome group of go on on all day field trip to Art Gallery On your mark get set Go what will be going on at Acton high this Friday May II will be field day for alt Interested students They will compete in many dlf by Carole and Chris Baglnikl Wednesday we held our track and field meet Even though It was cold and very damp the many contest ants did very well Results Thank you for purchasing and pictures are seen in this Girl Guide cookies The weeks Acton Free Press money will be used to support Sports pages Guiding across Canada Second Guide News The second Acton Guides Chilly wet weather has ruled the first half of May OF THE MUG WEDNESDAY MAY 79 PM PRESENTATIONS AT 00 M Refreshments Served Reduce High Cost of Heating Replace Those EnergyWasting Windows With THERMO WINDOWS CUSTOM MADE TO FIT DOUBLE PANED REPLACEMENT WINDOWS A Thermo Break Which Eliminates Frame to Frame Contact MAINTENANCE FREE Won I ch no I nood SPECIALIZING IN CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE 8533865 24 HOUR SERVICE Page Glass and Mirrors ACTON Cornar Mill St Willow St SMASH AMERICAN AIRPORT HITS GRAFFITI 77 Adult Entanalnmsnt FEATURE ALL NIGHT ACTION SHOW ChlfdranUndBrllFraa ComelnAnytlm On Price Covrm Entire Program COLOR SHOW Attainment SOCKS DRESS SOCKS MENS WORK 3 pair fin per pair CORD 9 Ply All Colours VICTORIA DAY Acrylic Cord 22o KNITTING YARNS 0 BABY YARNS BABY OPAL BOUQUET FLOSS BOUQUET Special Canadian 100 25 25o 49 RUG WOOL 35 QUILT BATTING 10 OFF These Already Low Prices from Thursday May 18 to Monday May 22 Dove A Little Save A Lot at the Craft Factory MAIN ST GLEN WILLIAMS Help is available for teens in unsavory home situations by Jennifer Barr You re seventeen years old a good student In school and want to finish Your mother alcoholic your stepfather Is abusing you You re afraid to go home at night What do you do This does happen and sometimes right in our own neighborhood What does a youngster do I asked that question of various social organizations in the area and received such a run around I began to feel everyone was protected but the vic tim In all I made phone calls I was referred to many other people However McQueen youth officer for the Halton Regional Police In Georgetown has some common sense answers A trip to Burlington headquarters of Social Services for North led me to Margaret the supervisor who also gave me helpful Information Help is available However under many people don know where to go for it McQueen says he always makes an attempt to help and would never leave a kid out in the cold He prefers to act as mediator by calling the youngsters parents and talking to both parties The police department is In contact with social services and will refer any cases Unfortunately most social service offices arc on a time schedule and a lot of the troubles occur at night Sgt McQueen assured me there were always places a youngster could be but also said he had to be careful 1 won dissolve into heap of soft mud Many teenagers are straight runaways They try the sob story line for financial help Both the police and the social service have a vigorous screening program to officials will to talk a young person into going home North Contact Centre is also con with listening to teenagers problems and helping them cope although they can refer a troubled person lo an agency if necessary Terry Clark spokesman for the Contact Centre says they are mainly a listening organization and a great deal can be by the miracle of dialogue He explains the Centre must have the callers permission before anything concrete can be done or advice given The Centre will advise a person In need to contact the Social Service office directly The agency doesn have powers to interfere on referral alone Most agencies prefer to keep the family together However for the case where the home is clearly unsuitable Family Services step in with a variety of alternative assistance Margaret feels the north North Halton know enough about the service and often has trouble reaching the right office Judging by the shuffling I received when first seeking information I would say she correct If I had been youngster in trouble I would have given up and crawled In a Hole However a call placed directly to Regional Headquarters Social Services in Burlington will get one to the source of help Student Welfare is there for anyone who genuinely needs it The youngster must have a place where a visit from a field worker can be received Ms explains this can be the home of a friend or neighbor and Is merely a contact place The young person student or not is carefully screened and contact Is made with the parents school If applicable church again If applicable doctor and any other public agencies Involved As with the police and Contact Centre an attempt is made to reconcile the family and keep the child in the home If the agency the youngster would be better off away from home for a while a group adolescent or foster home is available Ms speaks highly of the quality and availability of suchhomea The child may continue at Ihe school to which his parents pay taxes and room and are taken care of Often the parents are charged for child support if the agency they can afford it and if the child b under 18 Close contact is kept with the youngster School or Job checks school report cards and attendance are monitored and moral support is always there Every applicant Is screened carefully If every kid who wanted to leave home got help there wouldn be enough money to go round comments Ms Wateman Wedontwanttomokeittootoughbut at the same time not too easy Family counselling takes over when the youngster is settled in an attempt at reconciliation under one or separate roofs All thb applies to young people from the age of 16 to 20 Anyone under 16 comes under the jurisdiction or the Children Aid which tries to give the same kind of help- foster homes family counselling close contact The only difference Is if a child under 16 is out of the house at night and cannot return home for one reason or another According to Al McQueen the law states a child of thb age must be taken to a place of safety and the nearest place of safety the detention centre in Hamilton They re sure as heck not going to come to you again McQueen states There is help available If you are a youngster in genuine need of assistance or family counselling contact the Social Services Regional Headquarters In Burlington and your case will be heard The Acton Freo Press Wednesday May Give council control Abolish special purpose bodies Eriksen urges HONORED BY CO WORKERS at the Halton left are MPP Jim Snow Mrs Gordon Court House Friday on his retirement Local Deputy Registrar Sadie Thomas and chairman Registrar of the Supreme Court for Halton of the presentations Sheriff Mac Sprowl Mr Gordon MadiU and his wife Betty are pictured retired Friday after years in the civil with some of the gifts they received and a few of the last as Registrar in Halton the officials participating in the ceremony From The regions should do away with special purpose bodies like library boards and conservation authorities according to Oakville Councillor Carl Eriksen made that com during a discussion Region Administration Committee had concerning plans the province has to grants Under current legislation Ihe province pays grants to special purpose bodies for special designated uses and some other members of the committee felt the funding should come from the province to the municipality and municipal councils not special purpose bodies should operate museums library boards and conservation authorities Committee members took issue with a brief submitted to Provincial Treasurer McKeough opposing the elimination of conditional grants The Museum association along with conservation authorities and library boards generally fear being abolished and having their responsibilities assumed by council in Gue car boings curb VVIIIU was a season Halton Hills Scottish Country Dancers have wound up another successful season The group of to 30 Scot dancing enthusiasts meet every Tuesday night Septem ber through May at Esques- Community Centre In Stewarttown Besides the dancing in given by Lou Emslie a light lunch b served weekly Membership per person each year Wallet taken from locker An acton resident reported to Halton Regional Police that someone removed his wallet from his pants while they were hanging in locker at Acton high school May 10 Police are invest Calf club judges cows The Junior Dairy Calf Club held the first meet at Allangrove Farm on May The meeting started with Ken McNabb explaining the various parts of the dairy cow then we judged a group of twoyearold Holsteln heifers Everyone gave reasons on thb class Jeff Nurse the official judge gave comments and the official placing Equipment is stolen Regional Police are Investigating the apparent theft of the cassette recorder power pock transformer and microphone from the Acton high school after a May dance was approaching a the curves on Queen Street curve leading to Young Street and damaged its axle when It when the mishap occurred struck the curb Sunday morn ing Regional Police The westbound vehicle estimate damage to the auto driven by Larry Harris of Is icJL FRONTIER FLORIST GARDES I CENTRE LTD tup plum I R I FLORAL DESIGNS FOR ALL OCCASIONS We carry a complete line of trees shrubs fruit trees evergreens peren nials bulk stock Cash and Carry Special POPLAR PRIVET per hundred SHRUBS we carry a urge selection of cem etery WREATHS TROPICAL FLOW ERING PLANTS SPECIALISTS IN PERSONALIZED ARRANGE MENTS FRESH SILK FLOWERS Three Experienced Designers to Serve You Free tit Gumpa Acton Eden Mlft Minimum of BOO VISIT OUR GIFT SHOP OPEN DAYS A WEEK STORE HOURS Frl 94 Sat Sun 105 DONT FORGET Redeem your Show Me How coupons by May 20th and take advantage of the outstanding values being offered Lumber Department Sheathing WE AS CLOSE YOUR TELEPHONE 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