Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1978, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday 1978 Smile at us all The government is undertaking an advertising campaign to pro mote the value of hospitality to give a boost to the provinces flagging tourist industry At a cost of the govern will extoll the value of good manners and smiles But not only the tourists suffer from glum faces and unwilling clerks How about the rest of us who spend our money in this province every week All of us have experienced lack adaisical service We have all met Adios amigo Ken Hulford was one of those fortunate people who combined pleasure with profits and business with a service to his community For over a quarter of a century many people came contact with Ken at the popular bowling lanes The bowling alley was a centre of fun and healthful sport Parents knew their children were in good hands there Adults spent many happy hours competing fnendly fashion and socializing Ken involved his bowlers in provincial competitions and he himself was due to be honored by the Ontario Bowling Proprietors waitresses who treated us as if we were a nuisance Clerks who regretted having to interrupt a chat to wait on us Store employees who have no friendly words or thanks A conscious change in attitude would benefit them and us And those tourists the government is most concerned about To make an effort to smile and seem happy and appreciative could become a welcome habit Cheery words produce happy reactions Smile for us not just for the buck laden visitors Well be back shopping again next week Association later this year He spent many hours compiling the information that went into his well read column in the Free Press The top scorers always found their achievements recognized andapplauded Ken spoke to the young boys and girls at one of this seasons closing banquets and told them how he had enjoyed seeing the second genera tion bowlers join his leagues Seeing them grow and develop meant more to him than anything else he told them Tears were choked back that day Ken Hulford will be widely missed Mandate excessive Although the Niagara Escarp ment has occupied a prominent place in Ontario it probably is coming in for more minute examination now than it has over the last 500 million years This unique land formation which stretches from to Tobermory a distance of miles was formed before the glaciers marched down from the north to envelop Ontario in their icy grip and change the shape of the rocky Changes are occurring as the Niagara Escarpment Commission determines the fate of this natural legacy Many people vow it should be preserved but few if any outside the commission can agree on how it should be done Farmers and land owners along the Escarpment resent the in trusion of the government spon sored Escarpment Commission in charting the course of a natural feature long accepted as belonging to the areas in which it rose sometimes majestically and precipitously on pastoral Ontario It has long been recognized the Escarpment should be preserved from those who would destroy its beauty or its potential as recreation land The Commission has been charged with a mandate to preserve the 1 2 million acres of land from uncontrolled develop ment or being ravaged by unsightly gravel pits and quarries Un fortunately the commission has also been a refuge for defeated or persons to whom the Government owed political favors Local people did not take the ap pointees sudden interest in preserving the escarpement seriously resenting the fact they should be plotting the future of land they neither owned or cared much about until they were appointed to the commission at per meeting plus expenses Meetings were also held in pnvate the press excluded another sore pomt That was not the Government intention when the escarpment commission was formed with 17 members appointed from representatives of the public at large and one representative nominated by each of the eight counties and regional municipalities within the planning area Some members of the public were also alarmed at the large area within the Escarpment Commissions jurisdiction The commission 1 2 million acres of planning area often intruded into areas miles from the actual lip of the escarpment For instance the entire community of Acton was included in its planning area although it is two or three miles from the nearest evidence of the Escarpment It comes as no surprise to learn Premier William Davis has bowed to pressure from land owners and plans to reduce the amount of land controlled by the Commission by more than 50 per cent returning it to the control of elected rather than appointed representatives Now thats been settled ob jectors hopefully will present their case for change in the preliminary proposals of the Commission especially restrictions on property which they resent There is still time to have their concerns voiced and plans changed before they are written on the stone of the escar pment We dont think the commission has exceeded its mandate in their preliminary proposals What is obvious is the mandate is too large Georgetown Independent Of this and that Acton now has another service club the Optimists This new group of people have banded together in a social way to also work toward the good of the whole town Their particular interest will be in children Each service club brings its own goals and projects that add to the whole community Welcome Optimists Members of the Bruce Trail Association would like to see strong legislation that would preserve the rural atmosphere all along the route While the Niagara Escarp ment Commission has recognized the route applications for develop ment are being regularly ap proved Association members dont walk to walk from subdivision to subdivision Theyd like the route to remain a wilderness experience Yet of course the owners of nearby land wish to remain free to do what they want to with their land The Big Brothers Association of Halton Hills actively includes Acton Eric Balkind of Acton and Sanford of Limehouse are on the executive FREE PRESS GUESS THE IS To HIM Sugar and spice Do you ever do one of those psycholo gical quizzes in magazines or the Sunday paper They re kind of fun especially if you do them your old man old lady We do one every Sunday although it s not a psych thing but a straight quiz of general knowledge And every Sunday morning I get between right out of IS and the Old gets between six and nine right There goes the rest of the Sabbath I try to be decent and modest about it Its only because I know more about politics read more general news and am about twice as smart as you dear She responds it s because you an fascinated by those stupid politicians have time to read the news while 1 doing housework and ore stupid enough to read a lot of stupid articles and watch stupid TV dhows that you beat me And so It goes But last Sunday morning after I licked her on the information quiz she dug up another one in a golf magazine with little squeaks of delight and potential triumph It was a personality probe and the end result was that you were supposed to cover what sort of pcrsonyouwere a side issue what sort of golf player this would make you You had to be absolutely honest in your answers And if you wcrent there was your spouse across the way glowering and saying Youarenta bit like lhat So with brutal honesty we did the quiz We d have been far better off in church but there you can answer the questions hide behind the prayer book and bellow the hymns lustily although you be a very Old Nick underneath and nobody knows the difference This was real and earnest with no side stepping no hiding no evasions it came out pretty well as we had expected we are almost total I ve known it for years but my wife forlornly keeps hoping and saying that we have a lot in common Who needs If The old adage says attract Maybe lhat why we got stuck each other and have lived happily ever since Oh we have our little differences but beyond things like Drop dead or I leaving first thing in the morning nothing much comes of them Well this quiz really spelled it There were questions each with three cate gories and we filled them in religiously There were three columns Examples 1 Dependent Dominant Detached Lets things happen Makes things happen Watches things happen In both of the above I was number three she was number two And so it went right down the list Both of us had only two or three marked in the first column In the second and third columns we were almost diametrically opposed although there were a few over Here show we stacked up If you haven turned to the comics by now My old lady is dominant assertive anxious kind extrovert of action has enduring rapport with people quick tern irascible talkative energetic enterprising precise needs when disturbed puts stress on doing makes things happen our humble servant on the other hand comes out as dttached relaxed calm considerate introverted has extensive rapport is gen tie- tempered reflective reserved cool Inhibited restrained needs solitude when disturbed puts stress on perceiving watches things happen even explosive in temperament had a love of privacy wire self assured in most cases were suspicious In four out of 20 we have some thing In common Well which of those two would you to be stuck with for 30odd years My old Iddy comes across as a quick tempered aggressive dominating bully Which she tint I come across as a cold bloodless of calf s liver hung over the line to dry Which I t 1 Ike all of those psychological quizzes it bunch of junk The title of my wife ft the Triangular Type or the Muscular Warrior She Is supposed to bully people on the tee offer advice and play Hell she can even bully me accepts advice and plays only to win My category is called the Linear Type or the Loner I m supposed to be a solitary not wanting confrontation and even want to go out and play twilight golf by myself Ridiculous I walk across the street to nine holes of golf by myself One of us might win The only thing we found out from the quiz was that we both should have been in the first column called the Circular the happy extrovert who enjoys golf and an excellent game Newsbeat Volunteer help valuable Bob writes the regional council news for the Acton Free Press From time to time there seems to be a desire by municipal councillors to rid themselves of all special pur pose bodies That would In elude Conservation Author ties Library Boards and Museum Boards where they still exist Some municipal councillors will argue that the people sitting on those boards and commissions are not truly responsible to the people be cause they are appointed and not elected If you listen to some coun they 11 have you believing that the special Interest are respon sible for the miscarriage of justice due process and a whole lot of other things The idea that special In lerest groups should be ab olished and their responsibilt tics over by council was aired again this week by Oak vllle Councillor Carl Erlkscn Erikscn Is usually a bright light on regional council and statement seemed out of character coming from one who can generally be counted on to still spot the trees and the forest Prior to regional govern ment there were number or boards and commissions lhat reported to local councils People with special interest in parks and recreation were chosen for lhat committee ihose with some expertise and interest in planning sat on committee By Bob Burtt But with regional govern ment those groups wentby the board and with them went a helluva pile of expertise volunteer time and effort In their demise dawned the era of professionals Some times the new system stems like professionals work in a vacuum without the guidance they would have received from a group of interested and committed people and re port to a council that docsn I always listen and often doesn t understand Bill 1S1 abolished museum boards at the regional level setting In Its place a syslcm where the curator or director at the museum reports directly to council Now ihe Interest In the re gional museum by councillors has never been overwhelm ing and it changed But at least when there was museum board working with staff there was some bridge between staff and council Now the council is directly responsible but I hazard a guess per cent of Ihe councillors tell you the name of the curator or find way to the museum In fact if it wasn for ap proving he budget they probably never know the region owned a museum For some reason or another Library Boards and Con Authorities were left Intact under regional government I would hope that any move to get rid of them would be seriously considered and the experience In other areas of Involvement reviewed first The Free Press Back Issues 10 years ago Taken from the of the Free Press of Wednesday May IS 1968 The day old strike at the H K Porter plant was settled Tuesday at noon Employees of the plant Thermo id and Diss ton divisions went back to work today Wednesday A seven member delegation from Acton Chamber of Commerce presented council with a brief regarding a temporary mall on the Mill St business section last night Tuesday a lively discussion on the merits of the plan first proposed to council by councillor Ted Tyler last sum Whiting 37 was chosen Liberal candidate for riding in a precedent shattering nominating convention last nightTuesday The lively lengthy meeting featured a tie vote on the third ballot resulting in a fourth ballot and a narrow two vote margin over Mayor MacLean Anderson A canvass of members past members and the general will begin within days to raise money for a separate curling building for Acton Approximately two and a half acres of land on the third line north of Highway No has been bought by the curling club 20 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press May I0S8 Residents of Acton and District are in vited to join in the annual Decoration Day service to be held this Sunday June 1 with a parade and outdoor church service to be prior to decorating the graves at Ihe vorlous cemeteries Bruce Andrews of Acton who is slated to attend the British Empire Games trials at Saskatoon in June equalled the Canadian Juvenile mile record at the Ontario Secondary schools track meet held at the O A C C athletic field recently Bruce a member of the Guelph Legion track team was running in Ihe Acton high school colors and ran the mile In to top the field Claimed by Came Authorities to be the largest mole fox shot in this area a large male was bagged by Robert Marshall of Aclon on Tuesday evening near the Lome school area The young man told reporters the first shot knocked the animal down and when it rose to its feet to attack him he killed it with a shot in the head action followed requests by deputations Wednesday from land owners real estate brokers and home builders to the Acton Planning board for permission to develop residential lots in sub division The many residents attending from subdivision crowded the planning board from its usual quarters into the council chambers 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press of Thursday May Sixteen pairs of the large mouth black bass were deposited in Lake on Monday morning the government for stocking Fairy Lake All fishing has been prohibited here for two or three years by and Co and it is hoped all will cooperate in the endeavor to get good stock in these local waters The laying of asphalt roadway between Acton and commenced at Acton on Monday This type of road seems to be laid very rapidly and already the stretch of about halfa mile has been laid with the first coat A couple of steam rollers and quite a gang of men are at work laying roadway One splendid feature of this kind of con Is the fact that no detours are necessary As soon as the asphalt has been laid and rolled the vehicles are permitted to drive over it Only half of the road is laid at a time Traffic is therefore not interfered with at all during construction There was a time when a fool and his money were soon parted Now it happens to everybody THE ACTON FREE PRESS 2010 Business and Editorial Copyright 1978

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