Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1978, p. 5

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Our readers write Points of clarification Drive Georgetown Ontario May 19 To the Editor Acton Free Press Dear Sir I would like to make some points of clarification about the article printed In this week Independent and Free Press about the Big Brothers Association of Hal ton Hills For four years Hike a Georgetown resident headed the interviewing selecting and matching both Big and Little Brothers When he had to leave our because of a job transfer the control of the Association fell to three interested men They felt that a larger executive would provide more continuity and mom stability to the organization In the event one or more of them were unable to fulfill their lions As a result a number of interested persons myself included met at their request to set goals for the Association form a Board of Directors Incorporate as a profit establish an inter view and ma titling committee and organ ize fund robing program This had been done hence the release to the press I want to moke it clear however that the Big Brothers Association in our com has never failed to establish Itself but has in fact worked diligently over the past five years to provide guidance for fatherless boys In our town The work done by our association is confidential and as a result does not receive a great deal of city I want to assure you though work by our Association has been done in the past and we anticipate even greater involvement In the future I would like to pay tribute to the Optimist Club of Georgetown for their financial assistance over the years They have provided money for the Association to be able to cover administration costs and to send some of our Little Brothers to a Big Brothers camp each summer In addition I want to extend a special thanks to those Big Brothers in our com who have continued to work of and responsibly with their Little Brothers during the reorganization of our Association Yours very truly Larry B Ciglen Vice President Big Brothers Assoc la lion of Halton Hills Save the escarpment Acton Press and Once more the proposed quarry near Speys if rears lis ugly head we arc given slide shows of how the proposed lakes will be how and recreational oriented the could be once the 120 million tons of dolomite has been extracted of the trucks on Highway the Noise Thtk of the Pollution rape of the Escarpment do we need slides of what could be only years hence when it is there today dams the trails the stands of tree all close to Canada major urban It Is the last remaining piece of the edge between Acton and Milton that docs not have quarry operations on it The area should be purchased by the On government and left as it for the use of he public as an unstructured natural recreational park Enough environmental damagequarries power lines garbage dumps etc If the urban core needs crushed stone let them ship It in by rail from nor them Ontario and pay the increase in price For onto he planners and decision makers must equate the increase In price or crushed stone due to and compare that to the value of retaining the of mature trees so close to the urban core Lloyd P Acton Ontario Tips for our writers Share a letter Would you like to share la the Prime Minister personal correspondence with a beautiful woman Wouldnt you like to know just what he said to Bardot Of course you would A copy of his letter came in th mail so here it Is Only one difference He wrote to Brlgitte In French and it sounded a lot more romantic that way But even in English It interesting Madame Think you for your open letter of December 13 concerning the seal hunt I too am sorry that we could not meet last year for if I had had the opportunity to speak with you and provide you with more accurate information perhaps you would not have written such a letter When we are examining questions which Involve so many psychological zoological economic social and even cultural factors it is necessary to consult the specialists The outward appearance of a phenomenon may often elicit emotions which bear little relation to the hard facts We must be care ful for what we may see on the surface is not necessarily a true Indication of the situation Just what do scientists tell us about the harp seal and the hunt The path biologlsUandveterinarlnswhogo to the hunt unanimously agree that the seals are killed in a more humane manner than most domestic animals In any civilized country The method used renders the seal Insensitive to pain instantly Fisheries officials are present to guarantee humane practices and these officials are ac companied by independent veterinarians and humane society representatives who help them ensure that the prescribed method of slaughter is followed Naturally thesceneonthelceflocsisnot pretty but we must remember that neither Is the scene In slaughterhouses for farm yards The fact that mainly young seals are involved is upsetting for It is seldom that we are not deeply touched by the sight of nearly all young animals in their natural habitat Those who are opposed to the harp seal hunt maintain that the species is in danger of extinction There la no truth to this argument the species Is the second most numerous of the seal family and currently numbers approximately animals giving It a very wide margin for survival Even Jacques Cousteau a world If there ever was one acknowledges Lot fact Furthermore It has been scien tifically established that at present levels the harp seal population Is actuily increasing in number over previous yefs What attitude should the authorities in view of these incontestable facta government knows that the econonlc situation Is very bad In the regions The Acton Free Press Wednesday Ills always with delight that editors of weajlies look 1o the readers for Information of wings on in the community Nany people voluntarily do write ups of and meetings to have run in the pair your weekly paper is grateful to fful many call the paper disappointed when the news item submitted 13 not prlntEl exactly as originally written are a few tips to remember when copy for this paper you report your meetfng for the pa paltry to bear In mind that readers want to red an objective report of what penAwhether it was at the last Ladles Aid meewg or at the big fire There no place for iinlon in a news story Avoid using we and I unless the news Is In the torn a letter to the editor or an editorial com lent iy wnteups that come into the news concern meetings where a hymn and are sung The problem that arises here is that people who attended Ihe marlng already know the hymn title and recited Those who did not go J not interested In those details a can t print stories that are like Sutes of a meeting Therefore that detail to be cut out of the meeting report what Is important is that maybe your group donated some money to a worthy cause Now that is important to the com munlty and to the general reader The readers know what groups you support and in turn support you for your efforts Every group hears the minutes of the lost meeting and dutifully passes the resolution to adopt them as read That is important but it not news Now if the president stands up and says the minutes are slander on her or his good name that would be news and by all means should be Included in the report for the newspaper When writing up your news for the paper please print all names They re familiar to you but probably not to the typesetter or proofreader A slight error may cause some hard feelings among friends and that kind of headache no one needs whether they are in the newspaper trade or not If you have complaints please call the editor and talk things over Your hard work Is appreciated Writing for your local paper is very satisfying If you follow a few ground rules you can see your work In type Just as you have presented it Remember your paper Is for your news and the more you participate the more you can enjoy the newspaper as well as your community hurt Niagaraon was taken to Hospital with minor tries after the car he was veered Into a ditch on i Guelph Lino Saturday niftit Jury Dyke the driver was to His car has lut In damage Mail box reported hit A rural Ac ton man reported to Regional Police that someone damaged his mailbox during the week of Nay EVatV MONDAY GEORGETOWN ELKS LODGE I BINGO Dior Prizes Road Georgetown MO Prizes Early 730 PRIZES AT EACH Doors Opon7p m Bingo Starts 8pm 16 Rtgular Games 3 Special at WOO Jackpot Numbers GUARANTEED Share ThsWMHh and In Small Children FREE Bus Service F Acton and Georgetown 25 fit 26 He fought and won them He defied President and might bean one 27 sun 28 29 Rom the outrageous No 1 BestSeller CHOIRBOYS PLUS SLAPSHOT saturday 700 Sunday Wednesday 7 Saturday Matinee Irwin Allen Voyage to the Bottom of the S Show Timet Sun Bprrt and Sat 9pm fishermen hunt seals The skins meat and fat obtained from the hunt are a vital means of supplementing their extremely low Income Of course I do not want to reduce the entire issue to a matter of money Nevertheless the muchdeplored hunt relieves a great deal of poverty Is carried out and does not en danger the species This being the case what possible reason could the government Invoke to ban the seal hunt The question has to be examined In the broader context of the evolutionary pro cess Hunting is a normal and essential function of all creatures in the animal king dam and human beings are the supreme hunters It is an infinitely more complex function for people than it is for other animals and It of necessity reflects the enormous and terrible dangers inherent in human life and evolution Is not our very planet subject to such fundamental hazards Hunting fishing and rearing and killing animals are necessary for our existence and these activities involve many and diverse risks Our duty In every case Is to meet these needs as intelligently and humanely as possible In a manner that safeguards the balance of natures resources and does not reduce human dignity despite what appearances might Indicate This is exactly what we are doing In the case of the seal hunt The harp seal could nave been endangered but we are protecting it We arc also enforcing a method of slaughter which eliminates any unnecessary cruelly and degrading Theblowdclivcredwlthaclubon an Ice floe or by a cleaver in the slaughter house is certainly not a tender gesture but in both cases the animal is made com and instantly insensitive to pain It would be a fine world if we did not have to kill at all not even painlessly in order to survive but then we would be discussing a different evolutionary process a different universe and a different reality Although spring is about two weeks late the weather this week is finally behaving as it should People have laid their white skin the weak sunshine and emerged red You can almost hear the buds bursting The smell of barbecue fluid fills the air Some people have been swimming in the lake It all spells Happiness NOW IN AdTON The All New DA achilles motors in and view this fantastic Sports Car priced well under comparable sports models Also test drive Mazdas line of Great little cars for a great lot of reasons Priced from 3840 achilles motors magna sales service 3S7aun Street Acton Coordinator appointed Tony Smith Is a prof Engineer special lzlng in hydrology and engineering As such he has been employed with MM Dillon Ltd of Toronto as deputy manager of Water Resources Engineering Canadian Inter national Development Agency in charge of Trinidad Water Resources Survey and the Ministry of Natural Resources Conservation Authorities Branch as hydraulic Engineer Such a wide variety of previous responsibilities in the water engineering field has enabled Tony to be selected as the coordinalor Tor the Grand River Basin Water Management Study now In progress This study funded by the Ministry of the Environment is a direct result of the 1971 Treasury Board Report and the Inquiry into the Grand River Flood Both these reports stated that a comprehensive water management plan be evolved for the Grand River basin taking all related Authorities are concerned with erosion and flooding aspects the Ministry of Natural Resources deals with water quality as It re lates to fisheries and wildlife while the Ministry of the Environment monitors pollution levels as they relate to domestic and industrial In light of this the Grand River Implementation Committee was formed to produce a Basin Management plan that would examine and involve all provincial organ as a whole rather than In Isolation supply of information to the report the Ministry of Housing Ministry of Treasury Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs and the Management Board of Cabinet are also Involved In 1977 funds totalling were approved with which to hire full time staff and resources to undertake the study Tony Smith Job will be to coordinate the efforts of this staff and those of the Ministries involved with a view to completion of the final report by the target date of September To date a number of Technical reports have been prepared by Activity Groups within the study primarily dealing with immediate water quality and quantity concerns The will now be responsible for overseeing the compiling of these reports into a final document complete with recommendations for the better management of the Grand River water resources At present there arc at least four provincial Ministries involved in specific aspects of water management The Ministry of Agriculture and Food con trols farm drainage Con dave Mcmullen CONCRETE CONTRACTOR FLOORS WALKS DRIVEWAYS PATIOS POOL DECKS CURBS J VtCtKr on Grade A Fresh CHICKEN LEGS 1 LB 119 MEDIUM GROUND BEEF Serine ders Pkg Varieties BOLOGNA 129 Fresh Lean STEWING BEEF 2 Pie BEEF PIES 129 69 quick easy mm foods Save 16 iHrgtilner CHOCOLATE or GLAZED COD or D0NUTS 79 HADDOCK 149 Welchade 48 oz Tin GRAPE DRINK a Carnival 14 Tins CHOICE PEAS Dova 32 oz LIQUID 4100 DETERGENT 79 Bicks 32 Jar POLISH PLAIN GARLIC DILL PICKLES 79 Maxwell House 10 Jar Save INSTANT COFFEE 549 Returnable 26 oz Bottle Save 35 PEPSI COLA 14 02 Tin Hunts Tin BARTLETT PEARS 269 TOMATO SAUCE 31 Kraft oz Jar Save MIRACLE WHIP 129 Kraft 16 Pkg CANADIAN THIN CHEESE SLICES Grade A Medium FARM FRESH EGGS 83 fresh as spring PRODUCE PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 24 26 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES AB SUPERMARKET 9 Mill Street East Acton 853 0650

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