Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 31, 1978, p. 11

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday May31 11 Club interested in planting by Barbara Wynneck Belty Eastwood Tony and secretary Hockey were present at the May Village Trustees meeting Murray Haig attended the meeting as a professional landscaper and member of the Horticulture Club He presented the Idea that a plan should be drawn up for future tree plantings in the new section of cemetery The Horticulture or interested parties would then have some direc tion to follow in me future plantings He also pointed out that the Club is interested in improving other Village areas The trustees will consider his suggestions Don Hilts local represent alive at large on the Water and Sewers Committee also attended the meeting In future he will relay the trustees concerns to Ihe Ministry of the Environment and will report the meeting minutes back to the village office Decoration Day is this Sunday June New will be Installed on the village office The buildings trim will be painted during the month of June A letter was read from local resident Lloyd Dyer regar ding his concern about the five point intersection at Guelph Mary and Inkerman Streets He feels that area is dangerous because of speeding vehicles ignoring the stop signs He would like to see Guelph Street closed from to Streets No houses front on this route The trustees agree that this is a hazardous area and they suggest that Guelph St should be barricaded at and Inkerman Streets for a period of time to see if traffic patterns 1m prove The trustees will recommend this to the town ship council Root McLeod win roundrobin tourney Gertie 90 years young JOHN counts Greg Englishs rib boos from Rockwood CentennialField Day nine firsts the kindergarten champion by Barbara Tennis Clubs first round robin adult tournament saw Andrew Schuster and Monty Root and John and Robin Root face each other in the tournament finally got final doubles match Robin underway thte No Root and John were nshine and friendly the tournament winners competition made it a fun day Came time is am prize of three used tennb each Monday morning for a The heated day and play were enjoyed by all Furthre monthly tournaments are The Monday morning balls MUSIC NIGHT at Rockwood Centennial School was a great success in spite of the heat and the invasion of mosquitos through the opened doors Here the Senior Choir sings their rendition of the most enjoyable number Old Joe Clark Milton jail closes Friday The earold Correctional Services Jail in Milton will close its reported to Milton Council doors at this Friday this week that may take two June thus ending another weeks to remove equipment chapter in history and furniture from the John L Main regional building but it should be director of the Ministry of vacated by Sunday June 18 No prisoners will be accep ted after this Friday at lunch time All police have been notified of the closing Main said and have been asked to lake prisoners to the Ha mil ton Went worth detention centre the Metro Toronto West jail or Guelph Jail A replacement for the regional jail is expected to be built at the site of Correctional Institute local lady tennis buffs Rally raps on tier The city of Hamilton will not have its name changed to Wentworth as proposed two weeks ago by a regional review committee Ontario treasurer Darcy McKeough agrees the name should not be changed Its part of the regional proposals there that are pro ducing stiff opposition About people attended a rally in Dundas last week to oppose onetier government in Hamilton Wentworth Speaking to the group Mayor Joseph Bennett said bigger government is certainly not better govern ment and bigger is certainly not cheaper government Bigger is certainly more confusing and more costly with less opportunity for the GERTIE BAYNE of sits ready to slice S losing our freedom birthday roses sent with the best wishes of Rock of choice to live in a small a long Womens Institute of which she is a community with charter member government Stonet Creek mayor Gordon Dean called the report thai recommended the consolida lion of Wentworth County communities Into one city some green scum lhat has floated to the top of bureaucratic cesspool Eric Cunningham Liberal MLA for North sold the heritage of Dundas by Barbara Gertie Bayne celebrated her birthday Friday May her home on St Friends and relatives delivered Ihelr best wishes throughout the afternoon When asked if she felt 90 Mrs replied not for one moment She was born Gertrude Burns on a farm on the line Township She lived there with her family until her marriage to George Bayne She and George farmed on lhe5lh line moved for a few years then returned to Rockwood to take over the Burns homestead Gertie has been busy with living her years She raised two children Helen and Harvey as well as her sisters two daughters Doris and Isabel There are now three grandchildren and one great granddaughter In the family InlSJOMrs held the charter meeting of the Rock a long Women Institute al her home She recalls that Ihe group was named after the horse Rock a long who had speeded along and done great things She has been a life long member of Rock wood United Church and UCW FIRST ERAMOSA Brownie Pack recently enrolled one tweeme Lee McLean She is in the front of the row followed by the six girls who earned their wings and flew up to guides They are Suzan Kay Julie Robson Shelagh Harding Carolyn Kingdon Carolyn Milson and Knsta Grade Cen tennial Students return from their four day trip to Washington DC this evening Their days by Barbara Wynneck The beautiful spring blooms seen at Ihe village office the cenotaph the cemetery and the boxes at the villages outskirts are the results of the Horticulture packed with activities in Club work last fall They eluding a While House Tour are delightful and and an evening at Lincoln welcome signs that spring Centre has arrived Kids the Lions and Fire Depart Bait Association Is known provincewide Bikathon is this Saturday as a fine example of an June 3 Pledge sheets are volunteer depart available it both Fire Chief Carl Centennial and Eramosa Meadows was recently Public Schools chosen by the Fire Marshal Oflicc to speak at the Fire Chiefs Annual Meeting in and Ottawa He was Ihe source or Home and School Association information for chiefs who meets June at needed direction in public school proving their departments Planning for the creative Frank has resigned as playground is on the agenda Gertie and George retired deputy chief Tom is Plan to attend with your to the village with their daughter Helen years ago Harvey then took over the homestead George passed away in 1961 The spry Mrs pre sently keeps herself busy reading and lending her in door garden the new man on the job Ideas 24 hour doctor service recommended by panel Is there anything funnier than the sight of a full grown man sitting in dignified splendor on a riding lawn mower half we struggle to remove the grass The aspects of nature that annoy our sense of order arc never ending This a grumbling column though because I love cut ting grass I d better we have two and half acres to mow I suppose it silly having so much to tidy and subdue around the house but we enjoy the sight of reasonably manicured space and t stand to cut up he front expanse with little fences So we started cutting the hay field that existed before and compromised by planting a large variety of huge trees Well they looked huge on the nursery lot they resemble twigs with three leaves now lhat they re safely established here A rose by any other It surprising what you can do a worn out hay Held We had that kind or lawn on all three of our farms If you look closely Its all broadleat weeds but once cut they produce a green carpet providing you don I mind straggly stems popping up untidily the day after cutting If we ever sprayed the dandelions there d be no lawn left Besides what Is nicer in Ma than a golden carpet all round the house If dandelions weren so prolific they be con a desirable bedding plantat great cost I very proud of my exotic tropical hibiscus but our Jamaican friends consider I m filling the house with weeds In England we had a lovely prized flower bed of golden rod Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and dan are beautiful walker This year I finally got my push mower hack Cutting the grass Is to me an Ideal way to sunbathe and get exercise at the same time It gives me an hour or two of uninterrupted thinking I love it It not easy for the kids to wrestle the mower away from me and because I like it so much they look upon it as fun mother keep to herself Two years ago the children and I went on a trip to Mon treal In May and Mack found himself cutting the grass When we came home there was a shiny new riding mower in the yard I Howlhated that thing To sit for hours being jounced all over the garden doing nothing more constructive steering was a total waste of time You couldn even get a decent tan all hunched over protecting your the shaking Erica was the only one who got a kick out of it She ran around in a eccentric circles and figure eights pruning little trees and curing my bush problem But she had a very small vote and lost Back to the push mower lithe muscular legs and an all over golden tan Well I can dream can Milton but not for a few would not be but the lax years according to the Minis of Correctional Services Frank For more than a decade inspecting grand juries have been condemning the old jail in Milton and calling for its closure The jail court houses old onetier government registry office as well as the health unit building and the police station are all owned rTinCeSSeS by Region The health unit is expected VlSlt Mdll to vacate its building and move into new regional Halton Dairy Princess building later this year of bellvllle will be at Burlington That will leave the whole Mall Saturday June 3 to block vacant the promote milk and milk tlon of police station The products Holly will be block is bounded by King assisted by Marion Bool Hugh General Hospital emergency has been urged for Ihe second midnight to 7 m lime in as many months to weekends They were told as inquest lhal doctor Members of the Public cull and available institutions Inspection Panel minutes formerly known as the Grand payers would lose the right to have a doctor on duty at all determine their own affairs times Stand up and be counted In this town or you re going to get soaked vriSVtarSn SSKKfS SVC ST the current system functions effectively in our hospital fora our size The inspection panel report recommended that patients at the hospital be provided with a cost break down of care have duly in off hours and on tlmca They found hospital to be weekends He indicated it 1 too A coroner s jury in March to keep a doctor recommended that with the population of Guelph ap proaching a staff doctor should be on duly at all times in either Guelph General or SI Joseph hospitals The members of the in spection panel touring public buildings in Ontario Dairy Princess from County were told that Grand Valley tor is In the General Hospital AWARDS WERE presented recently at the First Eramosa Guide Company Heather Cox centre received her Canada Cord Cheryl McDougall immaculate in all areas and left and Kelly Flewelhng each were awarded they with their All Cords lis operation and care for the pjtlenls Brownies enjoy camp church marks 116th year by Mr and Mrs Ted held a family dinner in honor of their twins birthday this week Those present were Gerald and his fiancee Miss both of Cornwall twin brother Gary and his friend Mls3 Barbara Millburn or Guelph and Jim Barden also from Camp Corwin was a bee hive of activity as Brownies spent the long Please remember swim Waterloo and the special ming registration is Friday music provided by the choir June 2nd from to at The May meeting of the the Community Child Presbyterian Women was ren years of age and up are held at the home of Mrs welcome Swimming lessons James and Mrs William start first week in July with an at In women baseball two tendance of members The teams were formed Mike meeting opened wllh the Marshall is coach and Linda reading the new psalm organizer The by president Mrs T Barden ladles play on Tuesday even Dougall Mrs J Chamber lain Mrs W McLean and Mrs Wilson The social hour was convened by Mrs J Gllbertson and Mrs Stevenson and courtesy remarks wire extended by Mrs Wilson Mr and Mrs Eric Locke rt have returned from a three- week visll to England They Plans were made for clean up over to help Eric sister day at the church A donation celebrate a special birthday Mrs Jim has is to be given to the Managers They also visited Beryls returned home from a two towards renovations to the mother and sister and family weekend enjoying the great week visit with her daughter manse in Rockwood The they also visited Win outdoors Roman days was Liz Peter and Joshua Camp- spring rally of the Waterloo- Chester Cathedral the theme and the girls bell of Oakville While there Wellington will Eden Mills Cemetery will she attended the graduation be held in Fergus on May not hold a Memorial Day of her son in law Cpl Peter The roll call was an service this year If It is the Campbell of the swered with a shower gift for final resting place of someone SENIOR STUDENTS demonstrated many different methods of getting up and over that high jump bar at the Centennial School Field Day The high temperature of the day added to the heated competition dressed in togas and given Roman names Every one including the leaders and helpers were thrown lo the lions The Saturday evening concert was special as all the Brownies and visiting Guides performed skits and sang songs A Roman meal was prepared and all ate with their fingers much to the delight of the children Most of the girls earned their noli day badge The end of the camp was also the end of this seasons Brownie meetings formerly of Aclon who earned his Bachelor of Com degree from University Congratulations Peter The Anniversary service of the presbyter Ian Church was very well at tended and many nice com ments were heard about the fine sermon by Rev C M Lewis a professor at Sir frld University In the church kitchen The next you have loved and lost and care to make a donation in Mrs William MacDonald their memory it could be a sing song say or do given to the treasurer Mr program by each member Lloyd Neville A short essay on Newfound- Miss Susie land and Lab was read recently enjoyed a bus trip to by Mrs T Barden Scriplure Ottawa with the G Losby Safely Patrols The a chapter on Hasty In ren were treated to a tour of Judgement was read by Mrs that historic city Including a Stevenson Readings were visit to the Governor Gen- also given by Mrs G Mac- House

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