Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 31, 1978, p. 24

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BIO The Acton Free Press Wednesday NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HILLS FOR APPROVAL OF A BY LAW TO REGULATE LAND USE PASSED PURSUANT TO SECTION OF THE PLANNING ACT TAKE NOTICE that the Council of Corporation of the Town of Hilton inland loeppty to The Ontario Municipal Board provisions of Section 35 Tha Planning Act lor approval of by law passed on tha day of February A copy tha by furnished herewiih A note giving an explanation of and effect of by lawandstatng landsaffoeied thereby is also furnished herewith ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY with twenty one day after the of ho notice Band by registered or deliver to the dark of tha Town H Ms not of objection to approval of told by law or any part thereof and shall Indicate that if a heat held objector an agent attend at tho to objection ANY PERSON wishing to support the on or approval of the by law may with twenty one days odor the data this notice by stored ma I or deliver to the of Town notice ol hi of approval of sskj by law together wih a request for notice any that may be held giving also name end to which such notice should bo givon THE MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve said by law but before doing so It may appo a mo and place when any faction to the by law will be considered of any heating that may be held will be only to po sons who have f led en obecton or notice of support and who have left with delivered lo the clerk to which notice of hoar la to bo sent THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS i5lh iralSpeciaURU llZone Thoa J HII DEPUTY CLERK J HUI MAYOR Fronch DEPUTY CLERK a Town of His May AD 1978 Deputy Clot The Co Town of Halton Hlls 36 Main Sleet South Georgetown On la no L7G4X1 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS BY LAW NO A By law amend By law 74 51 as amended Whereas I for Co potation of Town of Halton lis deems t necessary and advisable to amend By law Restricted Area By theTownof Ho no Ikdu forme Known as p of Schedule to By law as amended is hereby amended by changing designation of pa of Concossiontl ftom Genera Residential to CI Genero Commercial as shown on Schedule attached to By law 2 Schedule E to By law as amended is further emended by changing the ion a designation of part of Lot Concession ftom CI General Comma del to Rural as shown on Schedule Schedule to By taw 51 as amended is hereby amended by changing the zone designation of part of Lot Concession 8 f Rural lo CI General Comma as shown on Schedule at to his By law Schedule as amended is further amended by changing partofLol Concussion Highway Commercial to CI Commercial as shown on Schedule attached olhia By law Schedule By law as amended is hereby amended by designat part of Lot Concession RU Rural shown on Schedule attached to this By law Schedule B By law as amended la amended by changing tone designations of partsof Lot 19 Concosswn7 from CI General Commercial to Rural and from Rural to CI General Commercial as shown on Schedule attached to By 7 Schedule B to By law 74 51 as amended is further amended by changing the zone designations of parts of Lots and 30 Con cession fomC2 Highway Commercal Schedule attached to By law Schedule B to By law as amended Is further amended by changing tone designation of part of Lot 30 Concession from Highway Commercial I and Flu to Rural Special as shown on Schedule to his law and as shown mo pa rticu lam on Schedule 5 law ii i- 1 4 No Id or land I be used and no building or structure shall be he erected structurally altered enlarged or malntaned Rural Special RU 1 Zona except or the following uses All use permitted in a zone and a depot or terminal lot rucks their or and associated warehousing 12 1 lb No Id or structure shall be her Iter erected ally altered enlarged or except In with the end regulations set out In Section law 12 In add tlon to the provisions set out In Section 12 1 no build or structure shall be erected structurally alterod enlarged or ma lor use a a depot or terminal for rucks Including their repair or momienance and associated warehousing except I accordance with tha roqulromonts of Section of this By law elating lo land zoned General Industrial Mil end the provision set out In Schedule A to By law relatng to lands toned General Industrial Mil II there second between requirements of Sections and of this By law Insofar as the equipments lot lands Rural Special 1 ore concerned provisions set out In Seel on Insofar a they are thai be doemod to apply subject tot I- By law read a f rat and second time this day of February By law read a third lime and flnaDy passed this day February THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS Amendment to By law by by law 8 EXPLANATORY NOTE Council fw The Corporation of iho Town of Hills formerly Township of Esqueslng deems It advisable to amend comprehensive toning by law to provide for the proper lone designation of a number of uses carried out In the former Townsh a which were not property the I mo zoning by law was passed or through oversight or Inadvonance wero designated In the comprehensive zoning by law By law deals with number of spec pa cols land n paragraphs numbered through Inclusive The uses presently bo carried out on the parcels ol lend dealt by by law 8 and the proposed tone under the comprehensive on ng by law a a at follows Section I the amend ng by taw changes tho zone designation of part of Lot Concession 11 from General Residential to General Comma clal At tho use bo made of property for which the zone change is is thai of garage use has bean earned out on Ihe for a number years n the past The zone change from General Residential to General Commercial legalize the existing commercial use In add lion the other General Commercial uses set out n Seel on a of the comprehensive ton by law 51 will be perm tied uses on Section 2 to by law changes zone des gnat on part of Lot Concession 11 Gene Commc cml to Rural At the me ton by law 74 51 was passed a error was objected by the owner ol props in changing the zone designat on of Part of Lot 13 Concuss on to General Comma a larger portion of tho property was included In General Commercial on than was actually being used for commercial purposes Section by law will change Ihe zone deslgnal on of that port on of property thai It not being used as a service Italian to a ru or desig Section of by law w change zone gnat on Pert of Lot Concession Rural to General Com At present a service operation name of Gordons Service Centre is bong earned out on the property When the comprehensive by law was passed it failed to recognize service opera lion and the zona change suggested under by law 78 8 logo to tho conforming use Section 4 by law w It change zone gnat on of Part of Lot 1 Concession from Highway Commercial to General Commercial The use carried out on property by Auto Service L m led I a pubCc garage repair services to vehicles end arm machinery Although li was Intended to perm t this use on property under zon by law proper zone doslgnallon general wo not Included The amendment proposed by section of bylaw wtl alow use ptosendy made of the property Section to by law 78 8 w II cla zone deslgnal on of parcel of land which a used In pan for a Tom ly residential dwelling The present zone boundary of the portion of the parcel land designated rural is unclear Section 5 to he amend by law will change tone on of part of property from to rurol Hi Section to by low 7B8 corrects a mapping error In by taw SI for properties known as pa ts of Lot Concussion These amendments to comprehensive ng by low w I rs fleet the zone designation necessary to allow present being car led on parcel land w th by tho amend section Section of by taw change iho zone designation parti of Lots and Concession 2 on toning by law 51 from highway commercial to turol presently being made of those parts of Lot and 30 Concession subject to zone change Is that of single ly resident Tho proposed zoning will provide for p being ca tied In Section 8 to by law 8 change iho zone designat on of Part of Lot Concession Commercial and Rural Rural Special Theusecarrledouton lands subject he zone change Is e depot or terminal for trucks along with associated wo proposed tone category Rural Special w II provide for this use Section of by law 78B sals up a new tone under by law to bo known Drone Tho uses which are permitted In a RU zone are all use In a zone such as agricultural uses and a tingle family dwo ling house a with depot terminal for trucks Includ their or main tenant and associated ware housing Special regulations totaling to setbacks lot coverage and other are ot out In Section numbered 121 under amend ng by approved proposed zone categories under by law w II conform to Official Plan In for Township Equating Planning Area Appreciation given at official Mug opening The new coffee house In the The Mug was officially and cerehonlously opened last Wednesday Especially In people who had assisted the group of young people and there was a happy presents of hand lettered tiricatea There was a special program with folk singer David Archibald entertaining There were drinks and Mug Muffins at the counter as the friendly group chatted and listened the music The Mug Is open every couple of weeks and has a crowd of about 200 We need this in Acton and it work ing organizer Mark Beaton told the many visitors Mark as chairman for the jf YOUNG couple require farm with tor horse Reference available apartment n house Adult only Call Pro IrJings Lid ACTON bedroom apart or Include ridge hydro or ACTON Apartments Bac helor 1 bedroom bedroom CO All utilities Included n 853 FRENCH Deputy Clark The Corporation of tha Town of Hltlt Municipal Office Street South Georgetown Hills Ontario L7G4X1 ONE and two bedroom apart ments tor in Acton All utilities I bedroom 2 pets or ONE BEDROOM apartments stove fridge utilities Adults only no pels Maria St INDUSTRIAL from to One unit has f I shed office space and Is air conditioned The people to call ere Hesiop Industries Mai or CARL AND KARA Rosenquist check the Mug muffins at Wednesdays opening ceremonies program outlined the work of about young people who produced The Mug slides of the renovations in progress It took six hours to take the room and five months to put it a lot of frustration and a lot of happiness He paid tribute to those in who helped Certificates were presented to Peter Mirks for town Thwaites for Acton high school students Kay Dills for the Free Press Jean and Chuck Beaton school secretary Gall Cant well and Betty Com fort Barry Cooper for assist with the Denny and Don Perry for assistance with glue for the Lome Dobcrthein for trophies for the car Kithryn Beaton for the Down to program at the school and their help with panelling Terry Grubbc as one of those instrumental in the founding of the Mug Velma West for Lakeside ODE who donated stools Mike for assistance with building needs John ink for assistance in laying the carpet Helen Fowler of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary Gary Leslie with help for stucco Lloyd and M for help with E W Pearce for tile Bruce and Shoemaker Phil Sykes the folksmger Bill and Lcanne Taylor Earl Steckley for Trimly United church Helen Vin for the boa id A special of mugs was presented to Bill and Pauline Leslie who have worked closely with the group from the beginning We can say enough for what they done Mark said Bill Leslie pointed out the dynamic leads In the project were Mark Beaton the vocal push and Deb Well wood quiet and Susan lettered certificates of DAVID ARCHIBALD Services ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Founded 1BA2 Pes lor Rev Das Sydney B 1B35 Church Phone WEDNESDAY 30 m Young People TKUflSDAY 30p m Choir Praci Sunday 1978 Sunday School i PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rov And McKenilo A Minister Mr E A Hansen A Organist and Choir Master Sunday Juno Spoclal meeting 1 Church School lor ino ion and am- Divine paid Confl motion Class Members Sermon Thome When Divine Becomes Real Everyone Welcomo Gel quick results with CLASSIFIED ADS BETH EL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Sunday June4 1978 Sunday Worsh Services at am Preschool day School Sunday School nose You a welcome CHINFM MHZ To onto a dml EVANGEL TABERNACLE Church II Rd Sunday 1978 Christian Education 11 Worship Service Evening Sorvlco st Rnddati Speak Both So vices TUESDAY bio Study WED 10am Ladies T me 30pm Young People THE CHURCH OF ST MARTYR How St and St Athens Dr Rev Loona dEwno Music Mrs Frank THURSDAY JUNE 7 HolyE char si Sunday June 4 TRINITY Holy 1030b Choral 10 30 a Clutch School Nursery UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA TRINITY CHURCH ACTON Rev Chas Beaton B A BO GeOiQoEllatt MA Ph lor of Music Sunday June4 MornngWonhtp Baby Fold end Toddle Co a Sunday School Everyone Welcome MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Georgetown Sunday June 1978 m Sunday School 30pm Hoar E S Paalor THURSDAY 30 Kerr Speaks Tho Fellowship Evan go Ilea I it Churches In Canada We Carol CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH TheRev J BA Eleanor Sunday a and Chuich School Tho church on the h I Is Inter denominational congregation i in liter to tho needs

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