Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 31, 1978, p. 4

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4 Acton Free Press Wednesday 1978 Understanding your policy If you are not sure just exactly what your home insurance policy covers check it out with your agent The case of Cory Van and his insurance on his house has made others think of their cover age and what would happen in a similar case of a very serious fire We have heard this past week from insurance agents who under stand the details of such coverage and the complexities of an option loss clause They also point out the appraiser is independent working to strict guidelines Their concern though is with others who may be wondering this week about their policies Ask your agent they say Many people dont realize what coverage they have and only find out when they have a loss Uptodate appraisals are im too They should be reviewed often The insurance agent is working on our behalf between the insured and the insurance company Helping us is part of his service Understand your policy before you have a loss Stiffer drinking penalty New legislation proposed con cermng drinking is to be com mended It will be introduced into the Ontario house in the fail The new legislation will give police on the spot authority to suspend a driver s license for 24 hours if the drivers breath test proves too high The legal drinking age would be increased to from And the maximum fines for drinking driving would be boosted from to for drinking under age The three month suspension for three time convic tion would be increased to three years suspension But are our fines and suspension stiff enough yet to be a real deter rent A friend in England told us recently that people there are extremely cautious about drinking and driving It s such a worrisome problem especially to parents of teenagers that we asked why Here from England is the reply Young people are inevitably stopped more often than older people Penalties are the same in principle although monetary penalties will depend on the severity of the offence and the financial situation of the defendant The maximum penalty for the first offense for driving with excess alcohol is four hundred pounds about or four months imprisonment and at least 12 months disqualification This is increased to three years disqualification if the person has been previously convicted in the last years Some courts adjust the fine to the amount of alcohol in the system beginning with pounds about up to 120 milligrams alcohol per 100 ml blood increasing by pounds for every 40 Plus the obligatory 12 months disqualification A Crown Attorney in Oxford county in Ontario announced that he will impose jail terms on second time offenders They will receive a 14 day jail sentence and be suspended from driving for six months A third conviction within five years would bring a man three months in jail He says there are far too many cases of impaired driving in Oxford county Who wants to be on the road with a drunk driver Nobody At the end of May Cancer society canvassers and campaign organizers have a happy evening each year over pot luck dishes as well as facts and figures You should be so proud of your selves guest speaker Helen Cummins told them Certainly the town is proud of the organization and its volunteers And we all helped Acton mount a terrific response to the appeal again this year The Meals on Wheels program is facing a serious deficit of drivers and deliverers for the summer If you can help come to a meeting in the Y tonight May or call Terry Grubbe There a story and ad about it in today paper It interesting to watch all the progress in rebuilding and renovations around town this spring Many improvements are underway AREA BEHIND DUBY ST houses has become a subject of controversy since last week Some residents want it cleaned up ana filled in to become a grassy park for children while others believe it should be left in its natural state Sugar and spice The organizers of the young peoples coffee house The Mug handed out their thanks in the form of nicely lettered certificates last week For the many who assisted them without thinking of public praise the pat on the back was a fine gesture Although spring was about two weeks behind schedule gardeners got right up to date on the last two weekends Garden shops found business booming on Victoria Day weekend and again last weekend Petunias and delicate annuals are all going into the ground these days The sun and heat brought out the greenery in record time The problem with recessions is that they always come at such a bad time when everyone is out of work Anybody got a Job or my She years old has degrees Is three times as bright as her old man can charm the birds right out of the trees when slit feels like it and is an outstanding fundraiser from me She plays the piano extremely well the She composes musk raucous rock or contemporary classical She can cook up a storm when she it our place although I never had thing more substantial than a cup of weak tea and a burnt brownie at hers She has an erratic but bnlllanl academic career liberally sprinkled with for essays and glowing tributes from son That mainly because she can write rings around me and comprehend ab stract theses in onequarter he time I do She is completely versed In nil the modem psychological Jargon of child raising but despite that has two happy healthy children Despite the fact that she an ardent Women Libber she Will living with a male chauvinist husband and gets along pretty well with a male chauvinist father or at least what she thinks is one She can type at a hell of clip self taught She has worked as a waitress bartender an organist and a helper it daycare centre And finally she a actress You should hear her conning her mother Into taking the kids for a week Now wouldn t you think thai ill these attributes she could hack some kind of living out of our economic Jungle But no Her problem is that she is ready willing and able to go out and conquer the world but walking right into Canada worst unemployment situation since Great Depression An added difficult is that is specially trained to bo one of those pariahs of todays a teacher Bung a newly graduated teicher today Is like being on undertaker in tome Utopia when nobody ever dies occupation has its day in the sun I guess ifteen years ago it was Ihe turn of teacher If your body you were still breathing you were likely to be snatched off the streets or out of an office and propped up in front of a class room With the post war baby boom over and out of the schools and the reluctance of so many young people to have children for whatever reasons school enrolment has shrunk drastically and will go on doing so for several Tin huge educational empires created during the boom years are shrinking and lion is fairly savage Thousands if young teachers are unable to get jobs Hun arc losing their jobs because they are redundant II nobody s fault particular just a mutter of execrable management by our leaders Nothing new in that They re the people who study all the charts examine all the facts invariably come up with the wrong answers In the sun for the teachers is over Mor lie of those already in profession is low for various reasons Morale of trying to enter it is depressive I rcekon doctors got the next day in the sun For years along with dentists they carried thousands of dollars on their books of people who could not or would not by Bill Smiley pa their medical bills Then came health insurance and suddenly young doctors were making a fantastic living because they were paid for everything they did Now they ve had their day too They work incredible hours often in rotten little offices where they sea rely ever see Ihe light of day But their expenses have shot up they pay a whacking income tax the government is always creating more paperwork and suddenly it become a grind having his day in the sun in the sick 70s Id say the service people garage mechanics TV repairmen plumbers electricians It certainly isn nurses or construction workers So be it But there must be something iw fully wrong with a country when ands of highly dedicated highly educated young people simply cannot find employ in what were trained for Maybe my son Hugh had some psychic foresight He took off for Paraguay as a Ba hai pioneer three years ago and is living happily hand to mouth without having to go through the humiliating search for a ay to put food in his mouth Max whose Why Shoot the Teacher has been made into a popular movie perhaps should have stuck a not into his title Shoot the poor young devils and put them out of their misery of us old codgers w our stale ideas and antiquated teaching methods and give the jobs to the young ones got a Job for my kid Duby Rd land use Our readers write THE SPIRIT PLEASE STAND UP To the Editor Re Neighbour disagree an K Ingham land use No one would argue the safety and en vironmenial hazards that exist regarding the storm sewer outfall that lies on town owned land adjacent to the properties on the south side of Road The of this dangerous situation would ap pear be the main concern and objective of all residents concerned However the question of land utilization Is of some importance and although con celvably of secondary Importance It must be given due consideration as well On the one hand we have a group which does not but merely proposes that perhaps the existing open natural space of town land be manually cleared of rocks dangerously hovering dead trees and other hazards and perhaps be utilized as a natural play area for our children a dog run and small garden plots the which would be the responsibility of the Interested residents themselves at no cost to the taxpayer Again It must be emphasized that these are proposals only and not demands There Is no question of changing the nature of the land other than the addition of grass to the already existing open areas to replace weeds and the removal of mosquitoinfested water filled ruts left by the builder s heavy equipment There has been no mention or intention of adding any chemical compounds to his effect ihc other hand we have he socalled environmentalist viewpoint concerned thai Ihc land remain In its natural stale as was when homes were purchased with the exception of removing garbage and other environmentally detrimental debris There is no argument that Ihissame croup recognizes the hazards involved with the storm sewer outfall In Its present state However it In Interesting to note thai large number of this same group namely the environmentalists who oppose any grassed play area dog run and gardens have signed a petition In direct to heir present state of affairs that is in direct contradiction to what they huvo done and arc presently doing Some of these same environmentalists have taken it upon themselves to extend their personal property fences to enclose areas of town owned land Some of these extended fences have completely and blatantly blocked passage through a natural open walkway thai exists along he entire length of the own owned land In question thus disallowing any other resident the pleasure and freedom of a stroll through one of few remaining natural areas Some of these same environ have established same vegetable and flower gardens and grassed areas so vehemently opposed in their counterpetition along with the chemical additives to maintain these personally enclosed townowned areas Some of these same environmentally conscious residents nonchalantly allow their dogs free run of his own owned property with all that this entails Namely dog feces and in some ease bitten children proven hazards to our children Obviously the land is not ours to do with as our personal jvhlms and wislies would dictate It is first or all a beautiful little area which we as residents of the south side of Road have the immeasurable unique pleasure of beholding and sharing In common It must not be changed and It must bo shared The sewer outfall situation must be recognized and rectified as a hazard There is no need for an organized park a dog run vegetable or other gar dens no need for a mechanically con walk way or fenced in personal land claims under whatever pretext We all have our own properties for these activities should be available to all who wish to avail themselves of the freedom to enjoy this small but wonderful piece of nature There have been attempts to reconcile the opposing groups with the intention of proposing a general meeting of oil residents for purpose of discussing problems The environmentalist group has aided in Ihc Initial preparation and proposal of such a discussion but for personal reasons have reneged on their commitment The situation for It self The Free Press Back Issues 10 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free of Wednesday May IMS News tha the Chamber of Commerce and council will try to implement the proposed mall along the Mill St business section between John and Mill Sts worn t long in drawing reaction Businessmen opposed to the idea immediately drew up a counter petition They apparently got more signatures on the document opposing the Idea than the Chamber of Commerce had supporting It The congregations of Trinity United church Acton and Churchill United church will be amalgamated effective June 30 A letter to this effect received by the record ing stewards of both congregations from Presbytery was read during the morning service at each church Sunday morning Peter K McWilliams who resigned as crown attorney was declared the Pro gressive Conservative candidate for federal representative of County after a single ballot last Thursday night Providing the weather cooperates of ficial opening of Prospect Park will take place this weekend Parka and Recreation committee decided at their regular meeting Thursday 20 years ago Taken from the of the tree Presi of Thursday June 1KB On June I Cordelia A gie daughter of Mr and Mrs William Algle was united in marriage lo Amos Mason in a pretty double wedding ceremony at Beaver Hill the family residence in Alton On Sunday last June 1 Mr and Mrs Amos Mason quietly marked the anniversary or that event at their home on Bower Ave in Acton Council approved a plot charge of SI 10 per square foot and grave opening charges of Tor plain box and for vault on their first regular meeting In three weeks last Monday evening The Five Straws a group Acton singers entertained at the Junior Pipe Band Garden Party held in Acton recently Included in the program were a group of Scottish dances and singers The Junior Pipe Band played several selections dressed in their new kilts The event was held funds for the Junior Pipe Band to purchase equipment 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free of Thursday May 1928 Very general and sincere regret will be felt at the announcement that Mr and Mrs C C Henderson are about to leave Acton Toronto which is the centre of Mr Hen business and where the sans Messrs Ralph and Arthur are attending college is naturally the objective or their new home A young man of this village caught trout in Morrows pond Monday The G T authorities intend to do away In the future with the night switch man at the station The night operator will have to do the switching Yesterday morning an aeroplane from the Jack V Elliott Aeroplane Co circled over town and landed In a field on Mr Ed Mannsrarmjustwestof town The pilot In charge was prepared to give air rides to citizens at a rate of per The rain however spoiled the s en tertainment and few availed themselves of opportunity to secure a thrill by the trip in the air The machine proceeded west from Acton shortly after clock to try a new field for business years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free of Thursday May 1878 The Queen Birthday was celebrated this village with great eclat A splendid program was prepared w as offered in prizes The sports consisted of baseball quoits match stone race dancing Highland Ming hopping race foot race catching greased pig climbing greased pole trotting race running horse race hop step and jump running jump high pole leap etc The Acton Brass Band discoursed music In the evening a grand musical and literary entertainment was held in the Temperance Hall under he auspices of St church after which there was a beautiful display of reworks The population of Acton is about 900 A respected citizen Robert Fisher died at The Knights of Pythias led the process hill and upward of 10 carriages followed the remains to their last resting place THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Off Copyright

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