Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1978, p. 1

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Corridor billion dollar bungle too much power now Reed Evidence is mounting at meetings of the Select Committee of the Ontario Legislature on Ontario Hydro that the Bradley to Milton GOO transmission cor ridor Is a billion dollar bungle Liberal energy critic Julian Reed said this week Heed says it Is apparent Ontario Hydro is producing power which Ontario will not be able to use until the year AD He said it Is becoming increasingly evident that bringing another generating unit on stream at the Bruce nuclear power plant Just adding to Ontario enormous electricity toad We are the largest users of electricity in the world Reed said suggesting the proliferation of new plants either En the works or planned will load Ontario with ex cess power He told this newspaper the select com Is on the horns of a real dilemma with the Bruce to Milton line The corridor is about 33 per cent completed Hydro employs 3 men on the project If the project is cancelled it throws people out of work and cancels orders for equip ment and leaves an unfinished corridor Reed said If Hydro goes ahead it means we Just be loading Ontario with power no Ontario Hydro spokesmen have repeat edly said that if the Bradley to Milton cor is not finished soon that it will cost consumers a million dollars a day to furnish fossil fuels while power is bottled up at Bruce Meanwhile Ontario Hydro is going ahead with plana to bring the 500 fcV corridor through Hills to Join the east west corridor on the Reford house farm near Milton Halton has opposed the corridor and an Ontario Muni clpal Board hearing has been called for July 31 to decide whether the town s by laws restrict Ontario Hydro from erecting a steel curtain down the middle of the Fifth Concession iegalpossessionofal properties In Hills was completed by Hydro per cent of owners were complete by the end of May The Interested Citizens Group is still fighting the hydro corridor claiming they are being discriminated against because there has been no Independent study of the need for the corridor and Its route as was afforded residents along be route of the east west corridor Energy Minister Reuben has rejected all pleas by the ICG and ordered Ontario Hydro to proceed But Julian Reed Halton Burlington feels the government has no control over Ontario Hydro and some workable system has to be Initiated which would enable taxpayers to keep the corporation under control He says Ontario would not have such a proliferation of power plants if the Government was able to exercise some form of control over Hydro MARK AND PETER Bray were tops in tneir age groups after just months in the Guelph Marlins Aquatic Club Story on Page 3 One Hundred and Third No BO ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JUNE ThirtySix Pages Fifteen Cents Petition calls for talks truck limit on Wallace A call to have public debate on any further extension of Wallace Avenue by Halton Hills was one of the points made by neighborhood res in two petitions pre sented to the town works committee Monday Town engineer Hob Austin was Instructed to study the petitions which carry about 270 signatures Bob Johnston of Acton Boulevard presented the documents to the committee and asked for its comments The longest petition names calls for among other things restrictions against vehicles of more than five tons on Wallace Avenue between Mill and Streets and the same weight restriction on Churchill Road North from Highway to Acton northern border The only exceptions would be for trucks delivering or picking up and then they would have to stick to the most direct routes The petition also asked for school zoning for sections of Acton Boulevard and Church 111 Road North Traffic would be permitted at 15 p The same speed limit was called for McDonald Boule vard instead of the current The petition ended its preamble with the call for public debate on changes to Wallace Avenue We take great exception to the use of the original portion of Wallace Street as a per route for trucks states the petition The reasons are that such traffic is detrimental to residents on the thoroughfare and also when trucks pass Warren Grove they are a menace to children on McDonald Boulevard The petition recognized that Mill Street is narrow and that there is a traffic problem needing solution Lastly the petitioners stated they can accept the odd truck making delivery to the Industrial Park or Diss ton However the attached petition of residents In the area ore strongly opposed for its Wallace Avenue per manent use as a by pass My concern Mr Johnston told works committee i3 that a can go on the fringes of the subdivision Ho said that within houses of his home there are children Last year when Mill Street was being reconstructed some truck traffic used Wallace Avenue to get through town speedily I saying after the of Mill Street last summer that was a taste Mr Johnston said A taste of more than the usual amount of truck traffic and that is what we re concerned about He added that he Just could not understand why some thing such as posting the school zone could not be handled across the board I don t see the problem What the difference bet ween 30 m h and p h asked engineer Austin More vehicle control replied Johnston Are you saying there isn t an obvious reason with the two schools sideby side Johnston asked I haven looked at it like that said Austin Then he added Churchill Road could not be posted at the lower speed limit because Ihe schools do not front on It My hope Is to sec through traffic bypass the town Duby said In the past the intention of talks was not to give problems to residential areas but to bypass the town completely Willi the plans for Acton East in mind said councillor George I suggest the engineer study with the MTC taking the bypass north from somewhere between the 3rd and Lines and emerging near Camera Mayor Tom Hill asked Austin if there was any reaction from his talks with the Ministry of Trans portation and Common I ve got no positive reaction replied Austin There no extra money available he said So nothing will be done said the mayor Senior citizens apts are still year away AT THE AGE of Frederick Is hap pily planning his 32nd trip across the Atlantic to England in August He lives on Elmore Dr with his daughter and her husband Mr and Mrs Harold MorriSi after living many years in Mount Hamilton Story on Page The development agreement which will permit Acton senior citizen housing units to proceed has yet to be signed by council before going to Ontario Housing for off cial approval Last week Halton Hills council decided to moke con cessions to speed the project along It had been hoped at one time the project would be completed by this fall Hoy Holmes regional director for South region of Community Housing Development of Ontario Housing Corporation said Tuesday if alt goes well it will probably be a year before the units can be cuplcd As soon as O H C received the final agreement it has to be ratified by the board of directors Then a tender call can go out in two or three weeks With approvals the con tract could be awarded in early August he estimated There could hardly be a start before October and It would be a good eight months from start to finish he figures That would make it next summer before people could move In Halton Hills clerk ad ministrator Ken Richardson agrees It will be next summer before the units will likely be occupied not this fall as expected He says council is aware the urgency of the situation He is mailing a final draft the agreement to Ontario Housing Tuesday day Council will also likely approve It next Monday After it Is signed It will be forwarded too C Its now proceeding as quickly as it con Mr Richardson says The development agreement has been the stumbling block Council did not agree to certain require ments Last week council decided to waive the five per cent cash in lieu of parkland will allow OHC to build sidewalk only in front of the building will waive fees for administration legal tad dispensed with the security bond requirement OHC have agreed to pay lot levies Remove fences gardens Back to Acton Days in last minute planning Channelling to solve Duby Road debate If all goes well back Acton Days on the Dominion Day weekend should be an exciting and fun filled celebration Organization chairman Ed Wood explained that a lot of events are still In the plan stages but if organizers can pull through on their the weekend should be and bigger than last year Until a meeting tonight it Is not known exactly what time and where the various events will be taking place Mill St will be closed off from Fellow to Main St and a mall formed The Lions club will be sponsoring a bingo on Satur It is hoped tables wilt be set up In the Trinity United Church area The Town Hall restoration committee is currently at tempting to acquire a license to hold games of chance The Station Hotel will be having a Bavarian Garden and their roast port barbeque The Dominion Hotel also hopes to get a temporary outdoor license for the weekend The newly formed Optimists club hope to have a bike rodeo Saturday and a pet contest is in the planning stages One possibility also Is a skateboard demonstration A dance Saturday evening put on by the Acton Sabres Hockey club has also been mentioned as welt as horse shoe pitching contest and a garden party picnic on Sunday A parade is being organized by Terry and pony rides will be offered Throughout the weekend arts and crafts will be on display Mr Wood said he hopes people will take advantage of this opportunity to show their wares A flea market is encouraged and individuals are invited to set up their own garage sale In the mall The Music Stop hopes to get together enough groups to have a blue grass festival The Acton Citizens Band will be performing and one member of the weekend Outers reach goal after two years committee hopes to get the various church choirs to take part In Sunday picnic Acton firefighters will be having a fireworks display Saturday evening The start Friday and run to Saturday Sin day s fun will be a spill over from Saturday Mr Wood said This is second annual Back to Acton Days prom Ising a wider variety of things to do than last year If the organizers hard work is equalled by fun the weekend should be one to remember The debate concerning what should be done about water and lands south west Road will grow silent by year end if steps taken by Hills works committee Monday are along the correct path The committee is mending a twopronged approach to solving the problem which has caused neighbors to take up opposite positions concerning solutions Acton Councillor Duby moved that all fences be re moved and that gardens be moved back to residents property lines by the end of the year Tin cans and other refuse may be removed said Mr and the area should be open for residents to walk through The committee also passed on town engineer Bob Austin recommendation which called for an existing but silted channel to be cleared as soon as permission is received from owners and the Credit Valley Authority Engineer Austin report states there Is a sizeable pond which resulted from sewer discharge There is a sub stantial amount of stagnant water there The pond covers town and private property The original construction due to the subdivision required approximately feet of channelling south from the outfall This was con but subsequently has silted in and is presently overgrown and not function ing as a proper water cour se states the report I find the engineers and Councillor a recom mcrdatlons satisfactory said Mike Franklin of The cost of the channel work will be about said the engineer Duby Road neighbors voiced opposing views con cerning what should be done with the lands at the rear of their lots during a works committee meeting last month Mr Franklin asked that the pond be cleaned up because It in his opinion was a hazard About a dozen families shared that view On the other side some families with Sue Ubblnk as spokesman argues the area should be left in its natural state After more than two years of fund raising Acton high school Outers club have reached their goal On Monday a foot North canoe was delivered to the school The group has been collecting paper and glass as their main source of income for purchasing the canoe A grant from com the expenses The canoe was built by Greg Cowan of Huron Recreation Mr Cowan built the canoe as a replica of the type used by the North West trading company for the fur trade These canoes require 10 paddles and were used for transporting pelts and furs to the yearly trading session The canoe will be used by the Outers for long canoe trips Outers teacher advisor Rowley anticipated the first use to be for the Thanks giving canoe trip in the fall Fund raising for the canoe was begun by the Outers preceding executive many of whom have since graduated The Outers would like to express thanks to all mem bers of the community who helped them by contributing to their collections of glass and paper Contributions by citizens and work on the part of the Outers have made a dream become a reality DISTINGUISHED VISITOR to Acton Kmjevic left Is presi dent of the Croatian Peasant Party and a former vice prime minister of Yugoslavia He chats with Mehmed Basic right the editor of The Croatian Voice the newspaper which Is the organ of the party The paper is published in Acton See story on Page 2 MEMBERS OF THE OUTERS admire the clubs buy a canoe Some of the expense was covered by new 26 foot North canoe Members have been a grant Peter Bruce McPhail raising money for two years to earn the funds to andCliffBrittonillustratetheslzeofthecanoe

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