Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1978, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday June 1978 Editorial Page Dirty books 1878 Dirty movies dirty books censorship There s no doubt that films and books are available that most of us would not see or read Still there must be a market for them since they arrive in our country and are sold This is where censorship is surely necessary since peddlers of trash are obviously more in in profits than in art Many book racks show books that are obviously exploiting sex killing and perversion Reading ads for movies makes us shudder Television could become as bad if permitted Morals must be learned Good examples must be given to our young people For parents and many com munity groups including churches aiming for the good is a day today occurrence Still salacious junk is a dandj subject for a long editorial So while 1978 s editor sat dozing in the sun the Free Press editor of June fires away at the sub ject and puts fear into the hearts of all right thinking A hundred years ago this week from the Free Press Files The constantly increasing demand for sensational literature is assuming alarming proportions The young folks of the present day are instable in their demands for trashy novels vulgar illustrated periodicals and such like produc incidental to the rapid ex tension of the field of literature This is essentially an age of progress New inventions are continually spring up and labor saving machinery in every branch of industry are placing many things within the reach of the masses that a quarter of a century ago were considered luxuries Among others the improvements in the art of printing have bled publishers to lay before the public standard works by eminent authors at such a low figure that all could get them But at the same time an insidious undercurrent of the lowest kind of literary work work that is a disgrace to the very name of liter rapidly pushed the solid reading matter to the back shelves of the book store and are now glaringly displayed in show windows and on counters in order to catch the eye and enlist the passions of the rising generation Young people now instead of choosing the kind of literature that will improve their minds and be of service to them future years are eagerly devouring the very scum of literary productions of the world To judge from the immense sale of some of the books published by J Ross Robertson of Toronto such as That Horrid Girl That Husband of Mine c the demand for this light literature is startling So all engrossing and June tunes Congratulations to this years graduates from universities and community colleges Despite the gloom and doom reports you do indeed have a fine future ahead of you The planters are out again and a welcome sight downtown real estate office is in the swing of it with attractive planters this summer too A couple of weeks ago we published a list of helpful hints for writers of news articles which are submitted to the paper We asked for an objective report Leave out the routine details But if the president stands up and says the minutes are slander that would be news The reporter for Knox meeting has taken it all to heart and came up with a write- up that s a delight You never read about a meeting like It before fascinating do these books appear that even the ordinary duties of life are neglected in order to make time for the perusal of that which is slowly but surely blunting all the finer sensibilities of their nature clouding the mind and rendering it unfit for the reception of anything profitable If this pernicious practice is continued If our young men and boys are not rescued from the folds of this wily serpent that is fast tightening its colls about them where in a few years will be our boasted progress our civilization even How will these youths be fit to take the place of their fathers in the battle of life Where will be the fund of knowledge that will enable them to compete with their fellow where This kind of literature is very fascinating no doubt but does it instruct the old and the young No Will the knowledge of this light literature assist you In securing a good situation where sound common sense is required We should rather think not Boys young men take warning in time and do not waste the best years of life in the pursuit of pleasure that is a delusion and a snare Jc of the time when you will have to face the world and do battle for your daily bread It is when you grow up that you will egret the time wasted in your youth then will the opportunities for 1m provement neglected rise up before you to embitter your life In vain will be your regrets the business life will leave you no time to repair the errors of former days Do then young men and boys cast off the bonds that bind you to this literature make a determined effort and free yourself and give your mind to the study of such literature as will not be only im proving in itself but a safeguard against the desire for sensational literature The immeduate evils arising from this deprived taste are fearful to contemplate The mind is gradually deprived of every good impulse a laxity of morals is engendered that drags its victims from a position of respect and esteem to the commission of sins that call down the condemnation of all right thinking people As is very often the case the young man led away from the teachings of his parents by a morbid desire for sensational reading begins by pilfering small sums from his employer intend ing so he persuades himself to refund but escaping detection he follows up his evil course by still larger appropriations till at last he is arraigned in the felon dock The young girl taught from her infancy the principles of honor and chastity is led away from the path of virtue by the secret perusal of this souldestroying literature till she falls from her purity to be the scoff of the world and brings the gray hairs of her once dear loved parents in sorrow to the grave Acton Free Press June Keep on going and the chances are you will stumble on something perhaps when you are least ex pecting it I have never heard of anyone stumbling on something sitting down Charles F Kettering By good conduct is meant common honesty in business life faithfulness to duty ambition in business and profession filial obligation the use of talents and always and everywhere simple human kindness and love Randolph Bourne We live in deeds not years in thoughts not breaths In feelings not in figures on a dial We should count time by heart throbs They most live Who think most feel the noblest act the best What do you mean youve given up on changing all the time Sugar and spice b Bl Sme Quick now WhatisexactlylikcaQuebec politician always wanting a bit marc than there Is in the kitty quick to assumed anger deliberately misunderstand ng feelers of amiability vaguely threaten separation charm one mi mile abrasive the next Give up thought everyone would get 100 per cent on hat Answer a wife Sometimes although not often I wish I had been married three or four times Not because I am a sex fiend or because I want a change of cooks every few years or because I don 1 the way my socks disappear in the dryer No Just to out if other men wives are as crazy as mine Back in the good old days before women lib men just heaved a universal brotherly sigh and groaned Women Everybody who counted all adultmalesandsmallboys knew exactly what was meant by the big shrug that accompanied this ambiguous twosyllable lament Even the women knew what it meant and smirked slyly tacitly admitting they had us by he short and curly and there a dang thing we could do about it except endure Nowadays if you get some guy in a dark corner in a bar and try to tell him your wife is crazy hes probably so house trained that he II look at you in horror glance nervously over his shoulder and blurt Oh no Perhaps a little volatile a fie mercurial but that all Then casting a swift around he might whisper No crazier than the sea which is also affected by the moon There no comfort In people like that Our readers write On Georgetown library To the Editor As a taxpayer of he Region of Hills and an advocate of the Ontario Library system I offer to fellow citizens the fallowing not as criticism to the present Library Board or staff The Georgetown Library is a decision for the region as a whole We owe it to our younger citizens to have a resource centre worthy of our region as good as or better than regions in the county One picture is a thousand words One visit to the resource centres Libraries at Burlington Milton or will tell Its story MP supports cuts The Innovative retail sales tax cuts in Finance Minister Jean Chretiens recent budget deserve a few comments They have many merits and enjoy a wide support in Canada especially in Ontario suggested as they were by the Ural Ministers at the Federal Provincial Economic Conference In February The Quebec Government has of course taken Its usual difficult separatist stand surprisingly with the support or some people who ought to know better The Government of Canada has agreed to foot the entire bill for Ihc disadvantaged Atlantic Provinces Alberta which docs not have a retail sales tax has been provided Instead with further Incentives for Its vitally Important petroleum Otherwise the arrangements are similar for all provinces As suggested both by economists and provincial governments retail sales tax cuts represent the quickest and best way of stimulating the economy at this time Since the Federal Government has no jurisdiction in this area It agreed to cover most or twothirds of the costs for the eight provinces To do Ihis Ottawa Is making extra tax room for the provinces extent of per taxpayer The provinces can then use this extra income tax revenue to Inane its new retail sales tax cuts Simple as that The only difference with Quebec besides No matter how much money Is poured Into the present library at Georgetown we will finish with a converted church ex steps poor Internal communication to handicap any staff however willing To motivate staff ft requires an en to create motivation Comparl son with what used to happen and what someone says may happen Is invidious unless controlled by unbiased professional statisticians with no axe to grind Yours Iruly J New of the separatist govern is that it alone among the provinces still collects lis own income tax Instead of a bookkeeping transfer of money our other provinces have gladly accepted a cheque or series of cheques will have to written to Quebec The province of Quebec will receive a corresponding amount of money from the of Canada in offset payments no more no less The Quebec Government will receive per cent million for Its part In the soles tax cut and Quebec citizens will receive the balance in ind dual income tax rebates per cent lMt million That is unless someone can come up with a more acceptable plan in the future Provincial Treasurers have indicated that consider Mr Chretien efforts fair Cirtalnly Ontario people must know that their Ontario Govei nment and the Govern of Canada are on the same Bide in this Important new measure to stimulate the economies of Ontario and the rest of Canada The benefits are already being enjoyed All this has been well explained in the House of Commons by the Government and I Most Canadians want and understand it Yours sincerely Frank M Hes the type who probably scrubs kitchen floor every Saturday mom Ing delivers his kids to their music lesson and mows the lawn himself even though he knows these are a wife s prerogatives and privileges I don t for one minute suggest that my wife is crazier than other wives Icouldnt in all honesty and without prejudice I ve seen some pretty crazy wives In my day But I think I put some money on her if it came to a contest And I m a cautious bettor Perhaps the only way can describe her is in sports terms She is like a boxer with a long left jab that keeps you off balance and a mean right hook that can come in out of left field at any time I trust I am being obscure Obscurity is what I have need of when this appears in print It not that wc don get along We get along and along and along Thirty years Is a long time to be married to a strange woman Perhaps It the fault of The Lord He made man in His own Image decent upright honorable straight forward sense or humor I can just hear Him saying A poor foked naked thing but Mine own Then His sense of humor got out of hand took one of Adam ribs note it was not a tooth or an car or a toe and made Woman Notice the connection A rib is just like a dame Imagine what women would look like If He had taken a toe But He wasn t satisfied with condemning men to heart attacks because they were missing a rib and things are inclined to save In on a chap I can almost hear Him giggling as He took not one of Adam regular runof th mill ribs but his CRAZY rib This was the rib that Adam seem to control Sometimes it made him pant breathlessly Sometimes It grew a sharp end punched him in the guts and gave him an ulcer Sometimes it seemed to float and when he put out his hand to grasp it it there Sometimes it sang the sweetest of songs all by Itself At others it gave him a pain in the arm Well that what my old lady Is like I don t know about yours but I suspect We head out to a party with friends and she tells me I have the most beautiful blue eyes in the world after Paul Newman I tell her she looks pretty good too Five hours later after have delivered an extremely lucid lecture on sex after polygamy among penguins or the iniquity of high school principals she tells me that I am rotten father husband and grand- that she sick of hearing me click my partial lower plate and that my eyes look like those of an alligator crossed with a sleepy parrot We used to go to church on Sunday morning and have our sins washed away or at least rinsed Nowadays we hove a Revival Meeting on Sunday morn ings From a long list meticulously hidden in that floating rib she produces sins of omission and commission that make me a combination of the Hun and Henry Free Press Back Issues 10 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press of June 1B68 The future of Churchill United Church Is still unsettled following a meeting of the congregation Tuesday May Called to decide the future of the building a historic landmark the meeting revealed a split in the congregation over the Presbytery decision to close the church Six busloads of Wolf Cubs parents leaders and friends from North happily headed off to the Buffalo Zoo Saturday but returned home over five hours late with tales of frustrating problems and complications Parents expected the boys home between six and but they didn arrive till after mid night Bus drivers said minor repairs had been made to some buses at a required mechanical pit inspection and the one containing some Acton boys had been grounded The Decoration Day program has a way boasted fine weather through its past 13 years Despite a few drops of rain this years parade and outdoor service on Sunday afternoon brought the mildest weather experienced so far in a wet and chilly spring 20 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free of June IS 1958 Ted Hansen was inducted as president of the Rotary Club of Acton on Tuesday evening when retiring president BUI Mattocks turned over the gavel The barn of Wolfgang von at Hal ton v one of two large barns destroyed by fire Monday evening during a furious wind will be rebuilt as a horse barn it was learned Wednesday Mr von s barn and the barn owned by J T Allison almosthalfamilenorth west were levelled during the Monday night fire which threatened the small commun ty three miles north of Campbellville and caused an estimated damage Acton Board of Parks Management gave thenodofapprovalforan ligation into the possibility of a lifeguard at Fairy Lake on Sundays following an enquiry by letter at their Tuesday evening A letter from Mac Symon commending the board on the improvements at the park also expressed alarm the increas number users of the lake for bathing and po out the dangers of a fatality 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press June 14 Interest in baseball circles has been very lively for the past week Teams from the town and the plants of Acton Tanning Co and and Co have been having some real sport in both hard and Softball and spectators have been taking a lively interest in the proceedings Among the graduates at Toronto vcrsity last week were a couple of Acton young ladies Miss Isabel McNtven and Miss Jean Kennedy Both graduated in the Arts course and received the degree Bachelor of Arts Mrs Dr McNivenand Mr and Mrs J Kennedy attended the exercises and witnessed the conferring of the degrees Both young ladles are con gratulated by the home town folks on their attainment The first band concert of this season in Acton is announced to be held in the park on Sunday evening Actons Citizens Band will provide a splendid programme of band selections commencing after the evening services in the churches at 15 m 100 years ago Taken from the the Free Press of Thursday June On Wednesday large and enthusiastic meeting of ratepayers was held the Temperance Hall to hear the pol tloits or day d by four d strict members of pari ament The Acton Brass Band Boys have com to fix up the skating rink a to hav ng promenade concerts during the summer of our young men has went and done it He got married yesterday Our grief at his loss from the ranks of bachelor hood is great Vtehopelkewlllmakeagood husband as he has been a friend to the boys and wc trust that the broomstick and rolling pin may never be brought to use In this case A solemn mass will be said and com muni on given to children at Little Dublin church Sunday Mr James Ryder has commenced to build his new carriage factory A beautiful top buggy was sent from the factory to Hamilton this week Continued on THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Bus rtess and Editor al Off c0 Copyright 1978

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