Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1978, p. 4

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4 The Acton Free Wednesday July History in print For many years Actons Early Days has been the only source of information about our towns his tory other than the Free Press files Copies of the books have been almost impossible to obtain During the demolition of our old building on Mill St we located some printed sections of that old book We decided to reprint the missing pages to create a limited number of copies of the book which 50 years in business are now for sale The book resulted from a senes of columns in the Free Press written by publishers H Moore and G A Dills It was first published in 1929 The book proceeds street by street and includes anecdotes about early people here Its a constant source of reference for anyone trying to recreate the his tory of the town Hintons store a fixture on down town Mill St for over half a cen tury will be changing its name this fall Bert Hinton is selling out his stock after so many years in business Probably Bert Hinton is one of the bestknown people in Acton He was usually m his store and happy to chat with customers As well he has been interested in all levels of government and other Acton organizations and events He was on local council and went all the way up to hold the post of warden of Halton county Hes been active with the C party He is presently Acton repre sentative on the Halton Board of Education Sheridan college grew and developed while he was a member of the board of governors He has been president of the fall fair in the Chamber of Com merce We know that Bert will remain active and keenly interested in his town despite the sale of his business What can we do Our young people are wondering what they can do all summer with jobs scarce Judge Phillip Gilliam of the Juvenile Court in Denver Colorado wrote this in response Go home Go home Hang the storm windows paint the wood work Rake the leaves Mow the lawn Shovel the walk Wash the car Learn to cook Scrub some floors Repair a sink Build a boat Get a job Help the minister priest or rabbi the Red Cross or Salvation Army Visit the sick and helpless Assist the poor Study your lessons And then when youre through and not too tired read a book Your parents do not owe you entertainment Your city does not owe you recreational facilities The world does not owe you a living You owe the world something You Of this and that The Chamber of Commerce has produced an attractive folder about the town which includes a map New maps of the town are often wanted The folder also lists all the towns businesses and industries and contains other interesting in formation Preparation of the booklet took many hours The Chamber project will be much appreciated The recent well read account of one of the meetings of Knox Missionary Society has been republished in the Western Review of Drayton Valley Wendy Thomson formerly of Acton in eluded the article in her column She concluded It almost makes a person want to rush into town and ask to become a member of this fascinating group does it And think how eagerly tha particular column will be read from now on In Seaforth the whole downtown mam street may be designated a heritage district Here is a good word for the Russians They have developed a special kind of elm which is said to be immune to Dutch elm disease Seeds are being flown to Coventry England to help replenish War wickshires woods It may be possible for Canada to make a deal with the S S so that once again the graceful elms may grace the landscape One billion seconds ago the first atomic bomb hadnt been exploded One billion minutes ago Christ was still on earth One billion hours ago men were still living in caves and now one billion dollars ago in terms of government spending it was owe it your time and your energy and your talents so that no one will be at war or in poverty or sick or lonely again In plain simple words grow up quit being a crybaby get out of your dream world develop a back bone not a wishbone and start act ing like a man or woman It strikes fear to the very heart of me for the future of our country when I see these young people who are completely and utterly in different to their responsibilities to ward others and toward society in general Im a parent I m tired of nursing appealing excusing tolerating denying myself needed comfort for your whim and fancy just because your selfish ego in stead of common sense dominates your personality thinking and requests Summertime peacefulness Sugar and spice he Unit hi ippi print I probibly lit I mil disgruntled Whit I limit here around on I us it e Us and listening in tin v of of people In e words on a iy fc And go on I know it it mi 1 doing blowing of lift nines around with i bunch of middle aged whin I could tit back home right now pi imhj oil with bunch of middle is hi ins I must lie mil of for two ind i hot lit if when I could limit it I picking own slriwbcrrts met norm to greit ilinnir iosts with liny unions mil in In ins sniffing neighbours flowers inn I Hi ifltrnoon swim mil sinking ilh on mild instead i rudds bus looking llu llur who look llns trip inhaling ll of eontemplitine the lri s to I ind knowing 1 for 1 in in i liht now looking tip if I do I go whin I illc so I up but s i In till now with i lulu Mil wis tending in thjt direction I cone missed seeing Til i I wonder Is sit ihimjit I stood up lint night i tin of October when I t v up St i illim now of knowing 1 I in hi down Hi il kid ml si sod old mm had lots of Wilson next door is liwn cut I ink lord we I id i i he fid this I womkr if t job Iwmdirhow yesterday Maxwell Henderson former Auditor General of Canada Things are slow this time of year but many happy events are oc How about a family gathering a special trip a visitor from afar a wedding Phone and let us know The Optimist creed printed on the program of their charter presentation dinner Promise yourself To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind To talk health happiness and prosperity to every person you meet To make all your friends feel that there is something in them To look at the sunny side of everything and make your op timism come true To think only of the best to work only for the best and expect only the best To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others To be too large for worry too noble for anger too strong for fear and too happy to permit the presence of trouble This week Town Hall tales recalls the days when the library was in the town hall It later moved to the Y Does anyone have a picture of the library as it was many years ago Our readers write Bruce Trail code li In diysllun his I in tin with in llu Brim I nil Many do not Hi it 1 portion of tin over properly id liny Hunk it llns footpath is owned tin dove riumiil mil that llu in In is they like Users of tin I nil should Uii itwi inlnki ilonglhi Bunt Ir because kind give thur permission to use thur In order to good between landowners it is mi port ant trail users follow tin mil do not sir from tin ir It will be helpful to know tint On Bruit Association publishes i indiliook lb il this book in is ible tonon mimbcrsfnr IHI book can be obtained by writing Ij Association 11 ird ill itsitnl Hamilton 17 existence tin It will Acts of kindness Sir During the wintir I i holiday m December lchrmryi ill on second of 1 1 ir is I w is dm return o he Undid Kingdom on llu sixth I experience da fall and sufkrtd jury Before my I left of thanks for delivery your in tnil various avenues of issisl nice Ik thanked I didrequist ihi igmt of delivery I i culling mini mint publication assuming of it w is published In view he I not rut ivi cutting miylsiy l should lie obliged a Ihe letter was rocuwil mil published or hi if not peril you will hi sufficiently gracious lo publish llu below Whilst on holiday in Alton during the ist winter I had a fall on Mill sin it is insult of which I suffered injurv in consequence should like hunk express my appreciation to who assisted me In particular llu Alton Medical Centre Ihe taxi service General Hospital anil not least the unknown gentleman who picked mo up from Hit side ili pi I Inkers rights of tin spirited by strielly nil iruLlo the follow Users ode inly irked routes ml limb femes stilts out dljirlngc voueanearrj n t irrv it out ij i Hiking fires it offiei IniKli fires ifler use Heller slill irrj lhluhhl hikers stove ii flowers and pi mis for others 1 slnp irk frim 1 on on or near farm ilk iround tin edge of Hum IMliel do not disturb wild life I iw your lb inks and ike hit ours sincerely President Hills ilk I ill I mi fully riiovered I hank you mi sun will with me Mr 1 dun ills of thoughtful he it know lidded Yours I ici Wilson Parr CWAC reunion We still Invent located ill our A frit lids of at days of World War news media hive helped a deal in other so once call an nil in Womens Army Corps Veterans lo through medium of this least 1 or complete Reunion brochure write lo tt Reunion Chairman Mis Shirley Wood Niagara Sired loronto Ontario Canada IC3 Letters welcome by Bill Smiley Thai was somi dump we stayed In night Tin iltress was so lumpy 1 had skip on the floor and the Old Lady didn a wink she w is so at those llalnns whisllinL at pin dung her hum Shi me lake pictures of bruises to show the girls back home It wasn l as bid though as the night crossed North Sea lo Holland in that barge called a cruise ship She must lost ten pounds night Thev should have called it a crew s ship Ihey were the only ones Who wenn tossing their Iripes with every roll The Old iris pretty decent though Shi t said more than four limes a day My God I be glad when llns is over And she insisled I not the most miserable m in on the trip She says I m onejumpaheadof that mean old sod from let eland About the only time she gels is when 1 out I say to some voting blonde Vic The blonde laughs heartily even hough I ve her for the time of of my but my wife Hunks I cricked dirty joke or some thing Hi ink goodness have our tickets home paid for m to seek out and kiss 1 rude on checks whin I gel home even it makes me throw up inflation is peanuts compared to wlnt they have over here Buck and a half for a cup of toffee Sold my watch in after gave me my bill the bier Sold my other pur of shoe this morning to in Italian entrepreneur ifler I I ride a fountain to throw some coins In it Next Hem to go on the block is my wifes ravelling iron It w pounds when we started out now weighs 14 Thai our guide Is i dandy He II be a millionaire when he s JO In every city he recommends a rcslaunnl run by a cousin at which the prices are way below average and the food wiy above Whereas all the rt verse is rue all serve the same Something stew ind int on irm and a leg it am I doing here on my way to mother scabrous cathedral when I could be oul bass fishing with Hudson or on the Bruce Peninsula fishing speckled rout or wandering through trees on the back nine of the golf course Or jusl sleeping in if 1 felt like in stead of having to hurtle out of the sack six join cheerful tour group seven and climb on that bloody bus to charge another miles down some foreign road Never again boy never again Next time I want to visit the sights and sounds or not to mcnllon the smells I Ah Venice 1 read a good travel book Who talked me into any way Lets see It wasn t he agency II I my wife who has haled every minute of It Now I remember was Frank Powell a colleague who did the same trip when the Canadian dollar was way up and the llsh pound was way down I can hardly wait to get back I going to punch that Powell right on nose The Free Press Back Issues 10 years ago Token from Ihe Issue of he Free Press of July 17 The post office will be virtually closed up when the post office employees along with fellow union members across Canada goon strike tomorrow morning a K C Lindsay clerk and of Esqueslng Township was honored Friday evening for 25 years of service when of tibials gathered for a dinner at Caravan Restaurant In Milton Reeve Aclon gave notice to members of- Ballon County Council Tuesday he will propose hot county ap pointed members to various organizations not be paid a per diem allowance Mr and Mrs Donald Reed Ave celebrated heir wedding anniversary recently Amalgamation of County Health Unit Peel Health Unit was endorsed by county council Tuesday although here was no indication Peel was interested Thirsty beer drinkers received hope for he current hot spell today when it was announced he strike could be over and brewers retail stares open this week win of he season for Herbs Delivery came last Thursday in town league an extra inning battle with hat extended innings before Herb s squeezed out a 109 decision 20 years ago Taken from Ihe of the I- ree Press of July 17 I05H Thieves made their getaway with at least worth of watches and jewellery after smashing the window of Don jewellery store in the hours Tuesday No word has been received Acton as yet concerning the royal Irain taking Princess Margaret early nexl month However it is believed the rain will pass through Ihe own Browne well known Acton and a member of the Guelph IodM No 1331 attendee his 80th parade on Saturday Mr Browne his been part in July celebrations since his boyhood Mrs Miss and Miss nidi have taken a trip Montreal the situation in he Middle Fast growing worse family and friends of Mrs Kenneth Knox were glad learn she his safely left Jordan 50 years ago Taken from the issue of he tree Press 19 Mr Miller an employee of the Acton Tanning Co is now using his leisure time Iraining for the marathon swim at the National Exhibition Last w he journeyed to Toronto and did i 14 mile swim in Ihe bay weekend he does iraining swim at Toronto and the week he docs his swimming In Lake here On Tuesday morning residents of he west end of Main Street were surprised see a full grown deer in vicinity The results for the Normul School for qualifying as teachers were published this week All the pupils from the examinations have been successful 100 years ago Taken from the Issue of the I- ree ItCIHx I think Mr you are not aware of noise and rackcl laic at night which we residentsof MillSt put up or I am sure you would have menlioncd it in your paper before Ihis are being made that he young boys are in the of bathing in Morrow pond in daylight Boys you had slop or free ride Milton result If hear your neighbor slam bang a pillow ill such nights as these and word voumay be sure mosquilo escaped The grcal International Temperence Demonstration on the Grimsby camp grounds comes loday The Quoit m itch between Mr Hugh and Mr of Georgetown for a side comes off in Georgetown on Friday Ihe THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office Copyright 1978

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