Our readers write Acton Free Press Wodnosday July 26 Protest new bill s Constitutional Amendment Bill has been on the provisions in regard to the Supreme Court and the Senate However 1 believe that citizens should be aware that the Bill proposes revolutionary changes in the Constitutional Monarchy changes which are in many ways more important to the average Canadian than any other of the Bill s proposals The Bill presents a facade behind lurks a republican reality which removes he Queen from being port of Parliament and which concentrates power in the hands of the Prime Minister ap pointee the Governor General The Governor would exercise power in his own right giving way to the Sovereign only when she was present in Canada Not only is this a gratuitous insult to the Queen whose labours interest hove been directed so evidently to Canada but it also would allow for a government to ton its own power without checks or balances by keeping the Monarch out of Canada The deceitful danger of the Bill is that it maintains many of the Crown trappings while these symbols would in fact stand for altered ideas and a quite different Equally it would preclude Prince Charles or Prince Andrew from serving as Governor General it would eliminate reference to the Queen Canadian Forces and it would abolish the happy status quo whereby both Queen and Governor can their powers fully within without Canada Canadians determined to preserve their Institutions should write their provincial federal legislators to protest the Bill provisions A detailed statement outlining its threat to Canadian Constitutional Government may be obtained by writing the Monarchist League of Canada Cresc Ottawa Ont KIB Yours sincerely If corridor ever finished it will be monument to political interference Following is a copy of a letter sent to The Toronto Star regarding statements from Ontario Hydro over the Inter Citizens Group request for on independent study of the corridor The letter Is particularly relevant at this time since On tarlo Hydro Is challenging Hills and Region opposition to the Bruce to Milton hydro corridor marching- through the town Hearings open Monday July quotation is from It dealt with the east west route- from to Pickering not the north south route Frame a carefully worded statement apparently is designed to suggest that the public hearings were held on the topic of the escarpment crossing at The hearings did not include this topic and the public Jjad no System of assessment 124 Avenue Acton L7J1R0 July 1978 The The Acton I- ret Press Acton Dear Mrb Dills I am writing your paper with regard to the matter of the present system of assess pursued by the Acton Hydro Commission in levying payments for hydro on residents in our town We are continually being urged to follow the course of saving energy by the authorities within our province yet the basic rate of assessment tor hydro has apparently been raised from 100 units in 1977 to 1 units in 1978 In other words ten limes the previous Is this change due to the whims of the local commission or has it been ordered by the provincial authorities We ourselves have been trying to obey On April Andrew Frame Ontario Hydro made the opportunity for discussion a civil servant advisor in the decision as far back as 1971 it Ministry of Energy accused that the line should be located It is true that Star staff writers of innccur in a corridor between Bradley recommended the crossing in acies In their report of March Junction and the Milton trans his report thereby choosing on the Interested Citizens former station The govern the lowest preference of three Group and its request for an accepted that the line recommendations by the independent study of a power should start at Bradley June environmental agency transmission corridor planned tion and finish In Milton as engaged by Solandt to study by Hydro to follow a route the crossing He may have north west of Toronto Brian Solandts recommendation privately reviewed the short Vallee one of the writers of the crossing and corridor route between effectively rcvenled a number Frames attempt to suggest and Milton but the of errors Frame letter but that the public hod a chance to public was not allowed an some additional incorrect be involved in the decision opportunity to participate in statements should not go became a deception also when the choice of this route Most unchallenged It was found out that the of the affected land owners Frame states the Cabinet cross decision were not even aware of the the suggestion to conserve electrical did not order the Ombudsman was made by the Government threat to their farms and Indeed last year only for the month to drop investigation into months before he Solandt homes of March did we go above units the claims of the Interested Commission even came into Frame states that William It was for May for July Citizens Group ICG The being The following excerpt Stewart former Minister of BOO for September BOO and for Nov Ombudsmin himself con from a corridor statement by Agriculture and now a The present policy of assessment docs not eluded he had no McKeough on Novcm of Ontario Hydro encourage householder to tion of Section 14 of 1974 in the took the initiative In meeting energy but to do otherwise To my the Ombudsman Act makes this clear with the Grey County Hydro own way of thinking the course which This is not correct because a A preliminary route In Corridor Committee of far should be followed is give the letter from Ombudsman Concession was identified mcrs This is correct but the householder who uses below a ecrCun Maloncy to Minister and submitted to the Govern following is not number of electrical units a lower Timbrell dated April Liaison Committee and Stewart was not brought in rate and to increase the higher rates Let tales that subsequently approved by by Ontario Hydro but acted the former divisions of rating assessments questioned the Ombudsman Cabinet on January 1972 independently remain but make the rate higher for the This crosses the Frame should explain how a bigger amounts used Malcolm Rowin Deputy Director of Ontario Hydro con The householder who is being hit the Minister of Energy informed Frame states the reason possibly act independently hardest of under the present sjstem is tint the matter was the transmission line crosses in a heated conflict between who lives and who is hi being referred to the Attorney the escarpment at the firmersand Hydro Would trying to energy Regrading approved Some rtgnding of land create a drainage swale in Silver Creek cons der issuing and connects with the it not be more correct to denying M doney coke Pickering line at Milton suggest that Mr Stewart the power to continue his is because it was a major because of his previous good must recommendation by the standing with farmers as have Ind luthonty from his Commission Minister of Agriculture was minister so This recommend came involved in a political move to wts pressured the after public hearings had been try to settle the conflict in the Cibinet level to drop his in held last before the provincial in is he said Certunly the Interested election a conflict which Citizens who live in the might result in costly losses to The whole Milton Georgetown Milton di he Government The Hydro question with its much strict and who mended the previous election had resulted publicized public Solandtheanngiaswellasthe in such losses closely related Credit Villej became when it was public meetings cm attest to to the corridor Issue This Conservation learned that the general route Thursday approved was decided before cither the It I Chpsham Surveyors Hydro Milton activity Georgetown to or the rcgrade land on seven lots in begin the letter from Premier made the ipphcalion in behalf of It Brothers to the Interested Citizens Construction mikes this matter This explains the political reason issions for the stitcment to the press HONDA CIVIC 394500 A MOTHER S work is never done Baby ducks swans and birds at Fairy Lake all need the care eye of a parent these days Big lake at Bronte now open Bronte Creek Provincial Park Recreation Complex opened its swimming lake on the July 1 weekend One of the largest man made lakes In Canada It Is in operation from a to 7 m on weekdays and from 10 a m to on week ends The cost for swimming is cents per person while children in arms are free Shower and change rooms are as well as cent lockers store your pic supplies Also available at the recreation complex are eight tennis courts and a free mul purpose court The charge for the tennis courts is per court per hour BE A T THE PRICE INCREA SE AT BAZ MOTORS WE CARE WBAZ motors ltd STREET GEORGETOWN HONDA 8776286 or Toronto 6761813 GEORGETOWN SECRETARIAL SERVICE OKI LFG WERE EXPANDING AS OF SEPTEMBER WE WILL OPEN A NEW OFFICE IN ACTON IN ADDITION TO OUR CURRENT GEORGETOWN OFFICE WE ARE A SECRETARIAL SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN Sotting up reports and charts Editing and composing letters Short hand dictation PHOTOCOPYING AND A COMPLETE LINE OF OTHER SERVICES TO MEET YOUR EVERY BUSINESS NEED WE WILL ALSO HAVE TYPISTS AND STENOGRAPHERS A VAILABLEFOR OUTSIDE ASSIGNMENTS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL MRS TANAS 8771485 PIANOS LEEG TOCHER MANUFACTURER SUGGESTED RETAIL FURNITURE STOREWIDE SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICES prepared and presented to the farmers for their forced agreement Frame interesting ding the formers were in volved in the flnallzation or the statement does not picture the proceedings as the far mew saw it They say they were pressured into a settle on the threat that further negotiation was useless and might result in a less ad vantageous price for their land The settlement had to include the press release and it had to be made without the farmers having legal counsel or members of the ICG executive present at the meeting or the deal was off This Information from far mcrs who were actually present hardly fits Frames description of the procedure In a later meeting with members or the ICG Deputy Minister Rowan described his role in ing the meeting with the farmers as that or an honest broker His prominence in the discussions carried on between the citizens and the series of energy ministers has been obvious His vehement and sustained objections to any suggestion of an independ ent review of the problem have led the citizens to suspect i that this civil servant com to an earlier decision and determined to save face by resisting any change in thei plan has been a king pin in blocking the consideration already given by the Govern to other groups involved in corridor problems As for Frame he should do more homework before rushing into print Misleading statements do not help inspire confidence in the Ministry where he is employed In spite of efforts by Rowan and certain Hydro personnel to becloud and distort the issues the Bradley Milton corridor story is an example of Hydro planning originally based on engineering principles being changed for political reasons then when citizens asked for an independent examination of the changed route as as had been given two other major corridors they were refused Over a period of nearly five years the excuse has been that there was not enough time to study the mutter There was even a refusal to a request for an independent four month review using Hydro s own data to compare with only one alternative route selected originally by Hydro and accompanied by a clear agreement from the Citizens accept the result no further resistance The Corridor issue was split into three sections in transparent effort to divide the Citizens but this failed Then efforts decision in me efforts were maintained to try tocreate the impression that some sort of independent examination was being carried on Solandt was supposed to have done this in the south third The Hillsburgh hearing was supposed to be a study but It was primarily to get order in the chaos caused by Hydro adjusting a short portion of the route in the middle section some Tour times to avoid influential citizens In the north portion Energy Minister simply said no study was necessary since tile route would follow an existing line He thereby created some miles of farms split diagonally by the double corridor probibly the most disastrous disruption of good farms anywhere in Ontario If the corridor is finally fin ished it will remain a lasting monument to both political interference in energy planning and open govern ment discrimination between groups of Ontario Citizens Joke v Mountainview Road S Sulla 304 GEORGETOWN 8776984 up FROM HIGH FOOD PRICES SHOP HERE Canada No Fresh LOIN PORK CHOPS REGULAR CHOPS CENTRE CUT BROWN SERVE Fresh Lean MEDIUM GROUND BEEF 129 STEWING BEEF Pkcj Schne 6 SANDWICH SPREAD ROLLS fresh as spring PRODUCE ARRIVES DAILY AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Carnival 14oz Tins PEAS Save SI TEA BAGS Del Monte Tins HALVES or SLICES PEACHES 2nJJU Jolly Her 3x3 25 Pkg ORANGE CRYSTALS 2 Tin TOMATOES Kroft 16 Bottle Save BARBECUE SAUCE 69 Clovotloaf Tin PINK SALMON S9 128oz Jug Save29 99 LIQUID BLEACH Ingersoll 16oz Jar CHEESE SPREAD Deli World Pkg of 8 DINNER ROLLS Grade A Meotim FARM FRESH EGGS 83 Plain Sesame Cornmeal quick neasv FRDZEII FOODS Awake 12 Tin Save 38 I York of 24 Save ASSORTED ORANGE nn POPSICLES or PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 26 27 28 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES SUPERMARKET Mill Street East Acton 853