Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 2, 1978, p. 4

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Editorial Write if youre concerned The Queen of Canada is here in Canada reminding us again of the system of government that has served us well for many years Having a monarch as a head of state rather than a politician is an advantage that we cherish As well our Queen adds personal dignity to our whole system Elections come and go promises are made and broken Blame is east Yet above this remains the institution of the monarchy To learn that this system would be undermined by proposed new federal legislation is a great concern A governor general is the Queen s representative in Canada and the lieutenants governor hei representatives in the provinces To propose changing this and making the general our head of state could lead to politicians taking over total con mt Constitutional authority Senator Eugene says that the new proposals will make ousting the Queen and establish of a republic a fairly simple thing lor the government to do whenever it chooses Is it really necessary to change our government to please the people in Quebec it In a letter in last week Free Press the Dominion chairman of the Monarchist League refers to the insult to the Queen in possibly removing her as part of Parliament and concentrating power in the hands of the governor general a government appointee With this proposed legislation and with the country Prime Minister pointedly absent when the Queen arrived last Wednesday it seems obvious there is reason for concern Write to your member of parha to protest the Bill s pro visions Our federal member Dr Frank Room 118 Confederation Building House of Commons Ottawa KtA or Suite 204 East Oakville And if you feel the Prime Minister should have welcomed the Queen to Canada instead of being out of the country on holidays write to him too Equipment important Both sides of the police the boss Halton Regional Police Commission and the employee iepiesentitie Halton regional Police Association mav justly be pleased with the method and the new police pay packige Ihe policeman is the highest paid in Ontario but that is not enough commissioners and association brass send an officer onto the street they should make sure he has more than some extra bucks in his pocket Equipment Check to see he has he tools to the job One of the major complaints in the tion s survey and of the force is the equipment is the of the cheap All policemen receive pay cheques and all of them have some sort of equipment Just as Halton s policemen have some more dollars than other municipalities officers these others have better than the officers is an emotion all armed forces thrive on The police like navy and air force is an armed force that guards us against local foes They derive pride from their accomplishments and having equipment modern effective safe equipment to help them The association survey and evaluation the so called morale is also more than a list of complaints it is a bargaining paper The police commission seems to be waiting in order to counter the association s report with one from the police chief Hopefully his report is made soon in public and is more substantial than a brief rebuttal plus an assurance to citizens that all is well There is another step Both sides must get together to sift through each other report carefully he same way they talked about he contract Some items will no doubt be set aside hut equipment should be kept near the top of the list Issuing officers with equipment they can trust is a step towards making them more productive and therefore better policemen Identifying concerns Identifying major concerns and issues for rural residents is one of the objectives of a University of Guelph Rural Development project is one of two pilot areas It is interesting to note that after a full day session involving members from the rural com munity concerns discussed under different headings took on a The problems in summary are identified as the negative impact of ex on the rural community poor social planning and land use planning for rural areas high taxes with no benefits alienation of rural people from the political and planning process and a feeling of helplessness being unable to influence one own future As we reflect on the summary we wonder if some of those same complaints could not be equally identified among those in the small communities that make up There are certainly times when the weight of government seems op pressive and untouchable when planning doesn seem to suit our needs and when the importance of social planning seems to be ignored in our march to bigger and bet he summary that converts to goals takes on a more positive note as it the focus on integration of into rural communities the need for effective social planning and land use planning for rural areas the reduction of taxes development of better means of communicating with politicians and planners and development of strategies to in decision making bodies The urbanization of rural areas forces emphasis on the need for new neighbor to meet new neighbor There will only be under standing when there is commumca tion City dwellers who seek their retreat in the country should be aware there will smells and different problems Social life is different and important There still needs to be time for neighbor even though the new country dweller seeks only isolation at the outset Four of the other goals or problems touch on the role of government access to it com munication with it and its cost The roots of government were disturbingly shaken when regional government was introduced Voluntary boards were dismissed cutting participation Municipalities were merged causing alienation Costs rose as they were bound to do under any system but the lines of com of citizen to councillor in those chance encounters on the street while picking up the mail or socially were greatly reduced Being on councils demanded more time and much of it has been more time away from the com munity away from those chance encounters There is some similarity between rural and urban problems even though they are not identical Identifying the problems is the initial stage and having done that we are encouraged that meetings in the fall are planned at which a steering committee may seek solutions IS ONE of these houses yours Aerial view of Acton In the central foreground is the Legion beautifully shows the newer area which i the cemetery positioned on the shore of the lake Sugar and spice II i greit will kith It is common Hut e irrj more lift in the world on i wondtr whv It must In country in winch lot selling lift mu Stirs is into link in would big dip mini lit silling insurant Us fait In mv lisl urn iihint sigm ktt from III it auyist orgimation oik 1 iirntstk thou in il ikath t or Simpsons Si It piys up to benefits prnttcts you while nil driving ruling or you it work- iviry win in tin world No mtdlc it No ij Hilt 1 don do much driving or when I m it or work hut pirn il nod Kit I It costs only I month for Does it nit in lint thildren fnc i in d for up to luu grand for dental dntir Does mean il i dilute to jump in front of bus in leave for lift Sunn how I doubt il Hi it St jus wint to dini sure they rt pud off if you in gel for i hundred dollars on your charge Itrb ins art not so foolish in their concern about A ywd phywnght Will is ited by and I upon it in Hamlet soliloquies i thousand potts and playwrights up attempted to into A quick look Hart s shows solid pages of dt litis in Hi it hi ith muni lungs such is In f I ife our birth inn I i is fit il i It risk is liki i is i I rm i is hut i In Hit nit bo mUil i lu his donl tin Hi bti mis fundi mi in in of him in I ink so It r Hunt llnl pi pit old Whin I is lighter pit it I is lost to ith dirk oilui Hut I didn ivmfitl histoid re lib i or suit II Ins slightlv fin I is slums lid r ill sl irtd lo di lib but not of Whui veil lit frit nils in iht whin mill tits ill of in Iht ir prime you lo ful indsmtlllbi Old Its no 1 lilst rtnij irl in with litlli sophistic in llu In hi id sou of in iv from dit idi or I in from sinilitv itrtunk on nod ding terms with I this is not too tulumii For family journ it II is it tiling from Simpsons 111 it iiit mealing And thin ink sufgtsttd I ii list of polk us llu junk sifi pi sit box ind ivi il ill in tht bands of mv brother in tit fori on our trip gloom box w of a lohl I got to it If or go down in or die of si sickness on our in iht bottom f dn ssi hi mi therm it Dun s tin I ml bin whin in mi disk I Ik ho is p for two in in an ith on i In a mi ill dtposit iht bank I losl mv ki first 1 h id it Iht mi ll iv bin a iltillit pi with instill wtrt to in iki ijrtiibk Ihatms six ifo I don know Ii in I is siwuj Huts w thin i two 1 but strong smti I id llu l put in knob whin id til Hit off tilleiiuts in Mil I dip irt mt in in wfltonu tosphl up riftttiit 1 inks mi which is inn bun in vc ind m of llu tin with tin inn in with in mv so old is intiquis Ihires goiwl fishing rod down in In hi muni fin ittlus dimk pur hip nadirs to it I In n il i old Iodt with ol bur turn Hurt I think Hut will If ItnthirlJi friendly mi diugbkrwon i job for next vt us i In r that lout to out isl itt Hum On the News Beat Control is the real issue On he surface the debate about uniform water rales in II ilton Is really an lhil won mean more thin a ftw dollars one way or he olher for homeowners If you can believe pre by hi prokssinn Alton Minds lose most ifnihcominunitv is lift to foot lis own hill for domtstit Of the fivi serviced areas in the rcRlon Acton Is the smallest and has hi smallest revenue base from which ixpensive improve ments and expansions have to be financed The argument has always Acton needs help Some say the region should pay one price for water regardless of the size of the providing tin Officer rmi Held win as far to s lit region is bound to provldi ittr to all risidents on the mtiincipil water system uniform prin ill of rhetont and long winded to the issue in most areas of iht region I monty all hut of services ind lontrot of growlh Hilton Hills is only one of the four lal councils supporting uniform water rates and abandonment of the chargeback systim for water There is no question tint unci uniform water rates come decision making for vice would shift from area to it whin the proiinn in first nisi inte I eg illy the rigion his tin powir to or fust improved systtnis ixpansions sistims or i hookups to Hut tin tost of tin work is to hem fit imp hit lilt municipalities and not tin icfium ire fooling Hit bill return toumlt is been to ipprovc rtmm nitnditions from an bucked my movtlouniformr lies It isn t thai they mt to Acton but they ft they won I be nhlL to lhiy claim with three councillors reprtsmt tin town from sthemt of it ft could than i shred d Itul il isn just ire tin I or bis his turn id ptopli mil Ik insists loiild hi fnlnr It is diflitull or from in idministrativt slnndpcnnt ibi out slim for domistii Industrial i rate ire not ill Whin Is legally for water on page 10 years ago Application for authority to close the agency and remove he Acton CNR station has been made to the Canadian Transport Commission a notice posted at the station has revealed Popular Constable Campbell moVLd today from Aclon to Burlington where he has been He becomes traffic safety with the Burlington traffic unit beginning August 1 tomorrow More are being felt lilts week as a result of the two- week old postal strike Phone calls special delivery ore being increasingly utilized replace postal service Closed for a year to r dlway siding at and Co is being repaired this week radiology patients no longer have to travel of town for treatment The Midical Building has recently installed i full radiology in its upper floor 20 years ago Taken from Hie issue of Iht July IS5K Official word has been received from Canadian Nation it thai Margaret Will ravel through Acton her coach attached to the oval irim to Stratford Shakespearean l at p Bruce Andrews 17 year old Acton High School student and rack stir be it his Juvinik one time by seconds Saturday at the Games in Hamilton A snip box derby band fishing derby old limes bill piride truck and field events Miss 1opulantv and dozens of other will future the I Minor Sports first div Civ holiday program this weekend actum was taken by he Swimming Pool on Tuesday whin turned over to the Hoard of Parks and a to in 50 years ago About o lluir it Port I Sporis wire under thi direttion of I low ind Hit winnerswiri Scirruw Itssu Coles cola Mis lies victor limit While is lies I lhil limes Mrs W Coles I W Her house Mrs Mien Mr Mrs Hull I Tin Bros fnctorv will ihis week the largest order they filled It is a Soldiers memori it for Mil pounds of indsled wire brought in to Acton for Ihe work Hit Aclon iris Ball lub look heir longest journcv to play a of ball in one thev went to Kiev were mil by Mr Ik and his motor hunth The iris w is roned Miss 100 years ago from tin issue of Hit 1 IKTK illtheelties towns ind in the province ire hivini civic hohdiy Is there my of having The of Lorni his iccepted of Goodly crowds of people of this ullage io raspberrymg diy ind return Willi full pads commencing to wish that the August hid irrivtd might children to school Mr in employee of Mr 1 impbill of this village his crowds for evenings past to corner of Mill and John iihtn hi Ins been Ihe people to line their wicked turn to that which good We ire glad kirn that Mr Alex inn who is scnouslv Injured it Mr Paul Kenntdy s rilsmg is reeovirmg The mill from did not reach till noon on Monday on of tin dam done to tin Weston llu storm Sunday THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONES53 ess and Editorial Office Copyright 1978

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