Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 23, 1978, p. 11

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Report from Queens Park Ballinafad Bride tobe honored at community shower Liberal Leader Stuart Smith called upon Premier Davis to reconvene the Legislature as soon as possible to discuss the Government s handling of environmental matters He out a number of issues he Minister of the faced and he Issues cited 1 Absence of a policy for toxic liquid indus trial Haste disposal Withdrawal in of the bin on refillahlc pop bottles Government of the- million suit igamsl Dow Chemical or mercury pollution of Lake St in favour of illry with fishermen 14 I make he fcnviroii mental Assessment meaningful allure o develop i polcy to deil with tin si nous problems of solid waste disposal in Metro Inronto Failure to on piobleinsofluke in the collage where Ministry of the I ordered stop using 500foot and one I dummy at its smelting plant it Cupper We si of Sudbury INCO complied stacks Willi foot in 1072 However the at the sime time the company to riduce Its emissions of sulphur dioxide from tons i d i in 1970 to ions by the end of ions by the end of the end of 1JH According to he Ministry this order wis on i tonnage emissions due of dispersion under ill w on potentul effects on vegetation soil and witer m surrounding Todnj to TOO Ions Mm IMO fish 197J SUSAN represented Acton Agricultural Society at the Mist C N com petition last Tuesday and Wednesday Miss Acton joined other girls for the busy two days of judging Miss Niagara Region took first place The Inability of Ontario to eomplv with eommimens o the Internal lorn I Joint Committee on the Lakes clean up Stuart Smith s stitcmiut upon the of s decision to in eight old pollution control order on International Co Lid which is been described a demon the hopeless irony of Out inn enforce policies lBL rtoueslmc report iluilmj ft tin Iters pollution id of pen ill tin imnt li is ovir hack gency debate on the environ mental control order the best thing would be for Minister to resign I think lies sold on to big business llnl he s agreed to almost Ive limes the previously set limit for the nex four Mr has since been replaced The condition of the Great likcs his received some publicity recently following relcise of by the Pollution from Use Activities Group which in dieatcs thai both the United St ids C imdo have He prevent lake pollution but be enforced more strictly Hie group is urging broader and stronger control During list Provincial I Davis in called for tin of the S re it Lakes nttilit to provide for dollni irds I ill that emissions or per of North in made i missions mil I I per cent f dob il In In the Out it Haton to hire specials to baby sit for police problems of lucli ground level of sulphur dioxide id icule dun in the sent be paid into an cleanup fund idmmislircu by both lo aid pollution riseirch official of the of tin I nvironmenl rcetntlv disenbed this slate merit the Premier us a bit wishful Or Smith h is indieiled luiiiw tint the recent decision is list iv in a of inept on issues We in i period of dnfl ind miction the Ihe results of which could ind for Police will no longer bib sit prisoners under a scheme adopted in principle during policceommisiion meeting it Oakville Instead police will urn the prisoner minding chores to seven special still who arc to be screened by Hilton Regional Police Chief Ken Skerrelt The plan also for llu idle cells police headquarters Seventh Line Oakville the pohci f iree from over me to hi mo per Tliert will in immedi for prisoners rem with he until court hands down sentence which mt The will sped I Hi Willi Farm help mobile homes Two farmers received final approval have mobile homes on their farms for farm help this week four months iftcr they first sought permission If ills planning board gave Clarence Coles and Walter Scott he go receiving Health Unit approval The permission for the mobile homes is for i two year period The Coles firm is on Lois ind sion Five farm is on Lot Concession County bills for library use township rcsi dents will pay or the lege of using the Wellington County Library council has decided Sixteen residents arc cur registered using his service The fee is SB a year residents pay lo use Library System as well The small but expand community library Centennial School is free to township residents Ebenezer Trio leave for festival By Mrs Hon Mel can Sandra and Laurie Early and Jessie Monro leave his week to alien ho for Youth being held at Mount Allison While gladioli and yellow daisy mums decorated for he marriage of Barbara Shane daughter of and Mrs Norman Shane and Ron Kelly of The church was full ilssion said very urn i prisoner costs per hour for Iwo is hose cells cost figures on ind reimburse from the have trans ported guarded prisoners iscorl officers and jailers held ind hi Involved with other work sud idmimsir i tor Jiilcr is In be on duly hours day accord nil which issuuici of tin r unit I Critic if the is not rie to rlv tisl silling session would hi tic way llnl a liMsluivi lommiltee could imp wired such prior to the lature is it pre sent sebeduled by Mrs WlnifredSmith A shower for an October bride was held in the Com Centre on Sunday afternoon Lorraine and members of the be family Jointly entertained the many friends and acquaint or the guest of honor who is Erin girl was taken by sur prisc as she was under the assumption thai the gather was for her friend Lor raine who is also a fall Bride lo be Gwenda was escorted o he front of he hall and asked to sll in he place or honor a nicely decorated arm chair She was rounded by about of her friends and relatives who wished for her a future of happy days She received some beautiful gifts A delicious buffet lunch was No trailer for family Council will not permit Earl Penick to move a mobile home his property and place on a cement slab Mr a six year res i of township ownsaSOucrefarm it His wife family winters in Honda He had proposed that his in laws use ihe fool trailer as a sum residence GO days each year felt thai his requcsl was contrary to the by law The VrcsG served hanked all for the gifts and hose rcspon for gelling up the party for her Mr and Mrs Joe Ha jar and family have returned from a rip to the Okanogan Valley where they visited with Mrs Ha jar parents Mr and Mrs Richard Shorlill spent last week in Parry Sound Mr and Mrs and little daughter Julie recently moved from the Seventh Line and are now residing on number five near the 10th Line Mrs Ruth her father Al Thomp son to London on Saturday where Ihcy a I tended funeral of Mr Thompson sister Alma she was her year We extend he family as hey recently received word thai Mrs brother Ronald Spink passed away in London A nephew Richard Spink of with his friend have been spending some lime visiting with the in village here some time with his cousin Jean in Toronto Mr and Mrs Paul have relumed from an enjoy holiday which they spent Acton Free Press Wednesday Aug 23 11 Vacation dampened With the Air Canada pilots threatening lo strike tomorrow many travellers wonder how they are going to get home Many Acton residents on vacations and others on vacation in Ac Ion are worried It Ihrows holiday iplans far a loop and can Ac spoil the trip with worries of travelling home touring the United Slates They visited many states including New York sylvania Virginia Washing ton while here they visited he White House Their travel also took hem North Carolina Baltimore and a few others before returning home Mr and Mrs Leo Jamie son who recently had cousins visiting from overseas planned a trip lo show them Western Canada They motored as far as British Columbia and spent some lime in the other western pro vinces before returning home in lime for the relatives to take the plane back They all agreed it was a memorable holiday Many members of U C and their husbands were invited spend Sunday afternoon ihe camping grounds of Bud and Eveline Snows in the Mount Forest District The was Ideal for a picnic supper which all en loved TIDY CAR Low Cost Interior Exterior Car Protective Cleaning Treatment call 8776136 Telephone A FOR ALL OF CANADAS LA BUILDING NEEDS MACKENZIE icioa a I Try Our Delicious Fish Chips or our Chinese Cuisine HOURS MondayloThursdaylOa m loBpm m lollpm Sunday noon to p m Telephone chief me In llu Chief idvised the ingc may mean ill Hilton prisoners in Hamilton Inn so mi of them in the West Detention Ccnlre He the force would he able to handle the with lib present number of Chief reminded the police commissioners the this Commissioner It red the cost of luring Ihe seven men would cost for the of the wilii ibout reeoieriblc from the pro Chief sud he did gne dim if there is no money in budget for project wis found to build a for public commission trucks This is a priority item It people we rede iling Willi no trucks FIXING UP f r YOUR HOME SEE NOW FOR YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN INCLUDING LIFE INSURANCE WHERE PEOPL E PEACHQ THER ft HALTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION I DISCOVER The luxurious New Fall Fashions at Gals Pal YOUR FASHION SHOP IN ACTON SFRVNG YOU IN FERGUS ACTON STRETSVIU BOLTON glenlea drug mart Queen Street East Acton 853

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