Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 23, 1978, p. 1

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Concludes 10year career Morrow quits politics flic Morrow will not seek reelection as Regional Chairman Morrow he end to a lovcor career in municipal politics when ho announced plans to quit a meeting of Itegional Council Wednesday Morrow cited problems of carrying on his Job as an Air Canada pilot serve as Hilton Regional and time or Ins family at the cruciil reason in his decision to bow out of the political Because of Ins com milments during the as of the regional council Morrow shifted manv of his flights to the weekend But he conceded that he simply could not carry on two jobs and find the time with his wife and two children it He explained he had spent only few weekends with his family since taking on the Job He said he fell It was incumbent on him to make his feelings known to others Mho might be considering running for the job lit he would he oint on course with Air Canada over the next yeir ind that would put even more demands an his time Morrow wis reminded that lit had rogirdcd the job is part Unit function when he assumed office two years icobutnow igrces the job is vcrv much i full lime position He notes that i self em ployed person or someone wl could set their own fficc it job outside of polities might manage both with the hours intf pressure wouldn int to hue missed it for Ric Morrow hi illy enjoyed the It isn m decision but ml lo hive just one job fori change Mm the an during a debate on the adoption of uniform water rates He said he timed the announcement ihen so that his comments might carry more objectivity than otherwise Morrow has been fighting to have uniform water roles adopted ever since he assumed office He told reporters after the meeting that he had been accused of favoring the adoption of form water rates because it would enhance his position politically both in the north if he wanted to run for Mayor of Hills and with his relationship with the Con Government at Queen Park Morrow served five years on Regional Council and five years prior to regional government two of those as reeve and three as a local councillor Morrow noted another reason was that the meeting was on his wlfes birthday and it was considered a special kind of gift While Morrow j certain that he won l be In the political world after the next election or in the next year or so lie hnsn closed the door to resuming a political career some time down the road Morrow was rumored as a likely mayoralty date and as a possible Tory MPP in the next provincial dec lion Morrow last minute decision to run for the regional chairman Jab left him as a dark horse can didatc with little chance of winning In fact Morrow claimed at the time he had some things he needed to say and used the platform as a candidate to say them His election came as a surprise to him and a lot of other people He defeated Allan Musson Mas son was appointed by Queen s Park and Morrow was elected by the regional council There ore no declared candidates for the chair man job yet Councillors sorry to see Morrow go See Page 2- ONTARIO WEDNESDAY AUGUST 1978 Fifty Two Pogoi Fifteen Cents Jailed nine months over armed robbery A former Courl in Milton Monday to nine months in jail for his part in robbery in Acton variety siore ind two other theft posscssu n Stephen Willi- fixed until is i ib September the told Slit w is rile retofni7inn pie pull hi i isut charged by Hilton Regional Police about a week the July knifepoint robbery at he Vanetv Store IJueen St His girl friend old Kir In also of no fixed ad dress ilso ippeared before Judge a Scott but her trial on the irmed rob Dele itrt will woman cniccd i I in m dirk in in up 11 Is knife m si re I mil ipproi the produced crown ittnriiev indie about June ones iicomphcehid broken canteen at ton Park Kilbride stolen see of ireites some food I rk ft lie nd told to tin receipts He implied the till i box of kepi I ill he counter handing i r ittJlnf The clerk w I Id police i f the of the pair Lording to the crown Police staked out he suspects were hunt it North Camp jfler i sixth wnt the pair were irrestcd Police recovered nil of the stolen money plus three coolers id been stolen from Conservation Pirk on July 12 round Evidence showed Jones and his iccomplice had moved into the Hobday Inn at Oak and spent most of the money on food and stereo equip mcnl for Jongs car Counsel described Jones worker who has held jobs but was presently unemployed and hid had a rift with his It was his first criminal charges it was pointed i His counsel ilso stressed there hid ltin no attempt to use the knife the robbery it Royal wis shown to the clerk but wis not used in a forceful he iddcd The young couple were broke and desperate after IK mi Lnt nothing but toast for seven diys the lawyer said Judge Scott handed out a nine month sentence on first charge break enter and theft six months on the second armed robbery and two months on the third possession of the cooler Hut he ruled the sentences would run concurrent Jones is lo be placed on probation for one year after he leaves Jill The judge said the sent norm illy run eon but in light of the evidence and the counsel s recomme for lenieney he would illow o be concurrent THE REV JOHN COOPER and Mrs Cooper have recently to Acton from New Jersey to head the congregation at Beth el Christian Reformed church Pastel painting behind Pastor John was done by a member of his former congregation on Page Fair organizers plan Region rejects grant town goes after it actionpacked weekend fall fair time draws on Friday evening A show refreshment stands nut Mayor Tom Hill was backed by coin Monday night in i move to have the pro government give part of the not transitional grant for water rates turned down by Regional Council The grant was offered to Halton Region providing uniform water rates in the whole region were established by Do of this year Lost council rejected form water rates on a to vote The mayor said Acton faces a CO per cent increase in rales by 1980 and Georgetown a lesser jump He said towns new sew age plants will up the rates since per cent of the water bill is sewer He said the Increased main and the new and new piping in park contribute to the pro jeeted increases He explained rates costs The motion si guested by the mayor but put by Councillors Pete ind it Patterson pointed out the region has the sole responsibility for the of witer md stated the province lo make ivulihle in transitional grants if uniform iter rites v December continuing the motion silted since the region rejected the idea Hills mis isk for ipproprlite hire of that imount to reduce of service on the residents copy of the in nil bo sent to Ihe 1 the isurer of to the Ministry of t commies ind Inter The or whole town would Councillor Pat said the only way the region could work was if the councillors thought of the good of the region as a whole I was down there Wed nesday and if you want to sec three hours of entertainment at no cost its the greatest afternoon Nobody knows what they re doing quipped Councillor Mike Armstrong Councillor Pat pointed out uniform water rates were rejected but with the phrase At this time added He suggested if sewer and rates were tied together regional council might the idea Hill maintained the timing of the motion provincial help was ipproprlaic since a lot of Conscrvitives sit on regional When this gels to the Premier s office it may have some effect Councillor Mult by a skid how uniform water rites throughout the region would people with wells who do use municipal services The mayor said rural areas would nol he affected and with in pun slid debentures are floated on w iter users only Armstrong suggested some members of rigionnl council are afraid accepting uni form waiter rates would be only the first step one tier government suggested the provincial government should be told Halton Hills favors uniform rates and sees this is the only alternative since the region turned the idea down Set Wanr Rates Up Again Page fall fair time draws on Friday evening A show Fair board members with entertainment by ihe many of the iocil clubs are busy putting the finishing New Commers will fill In organizations The touches on the many new and between by Miss team and wagon old planned for Acton Competitors ljc display both September 15 and Saturday is Jam packed ijlu and Sunday They The annual fair is entering with events to please wl of the faints year with events everyone regardless of age Saturday packed into the three day At a the furgroundi weekend open with hall poultry and Beginning Friday morning concession exhibits Ihose who wish to enter in ihe display once hall exhibits will be bringing Throughout the park there their wares to be judged will be an ihundnnce of food The outdoor animal shows begin morning as well The beef cattle and junior beef cattle show will take place the light junior Continued on Page Police sign lease after parking settled Vandals ransack Mill home Regional Police have evening mirror re door lights one or two suspects in mind Police damage to the rear palio concerning the busting up and the home to be iOO door Thcv ilso the ransacking of a Mill Street Vandals broke the bedroom iivmgroom and West home last room window bedroom kitchen Police ask for witnesses Police arc looking for witnesses to a hit and run car accident at corner of Avenue and Mill Street yesterday at 12 Cathie of HA John St was struck by a small orange colored car possibly an import while she crossed Mill Street pedest rlan cross over She suffered minor Injuries from the mishap and was treated at Medical Centre Police are asking anyone who saw the mishap to call Short circuit causes fire 54 immunized at polio clinic in Y By the hall and poultry exhibits will be judged and open for public viewing Many concession displays and Kerns for sale will fill the top floor of the arena The nudwav and outdoor ttyllies will also running Hills granted there is enough room Lights have been installed region police force hree sp in the park and will be used to mother parking spot to bring light the track where the number to three but horse pul will Chief Ken is staged This event is always popular imong people of all One of the highlights of the where they Hilton Police Thursdiy Commission Mid he would hive ink in inswer to commissioner inquiry sufficient spice simiii tin while TheAclonPohocliniehada have the needle for the firs young ladles is the Miss Acton steady of customers time they too tad to J be last Friday in lilt 11 limed h CI I Mm Ill 1 Will DC but were sent away they did not I I limited at on receivers to those and under and a to and from Holland who recei in last five yen also not need another shot Most of the were between the ages of and 18 In the screening process potential receivers were asked if they had had a shot in the past year Apparently cording to health unit em ployccs the given in Acton was a combination of polio and tetanus If a shot was received they could not have the polio Mrs explained at a of needles Continued on Page i hand I down after one year and the new queen picked thought they were all lo front told the commission Commissioner Harry of with the signs on Mill with Hilton Hills The police com loped for hrec but when the leise w is first up two spots were set aside for police on Mill Street DAWN CLARK peers at the camera through the colorful beads making up one of the many toys available for children attending the Kiddies Club every other Only four children showed up this week The poor attendance is blamed on holidays A short circuit in a dish washer burned itself out be fore Acton volunteer fire fighters arrived on the scene booster last week says fire chief Mick Holmes Owners of the ill in and phoned Kingham Ed home were Mo j the south concerned when the smell te lhe continued whether that person had The was no damage to the rccdved In the past kitchen and the appliance is sometimes ex Mr U of the Georgetown Health Unit students forget they have the shot or did not know what It was for Parents permission was also needed Several In off the repairable Mr Holmes said Gas generator spikes stolen Police have a report con the theft of a generator and a box of spikes GLEN HILLIER RECEIVES a shot in the arm from aNa building The answer from Sylvia Murphy R N at last Fridays polio was no others came in to clinic Only those 18 and under or persons travelling to or from Holland were able to re the immunization needle

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