Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 13, 1978, p. 10

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Sept 1978 Mushroom business booming on Sixth Line Mushrooms arc sprouting by the hundreds on mosas Sixth Line Tilt has been hard at work slim April tin Mushroom I- arm into production from foundation to puking lit first crop has a family operation under the direction old His partner and wife parents and sister Nancy art the while that slici into salads snuteln liuttervulh onions or add to a dish for that special flavor and is really a fungus J sensitive out too according to Jim If there is too much light or wind on its smooth surf it becomes brown tough and wrinkled Cleanliness is an Imperii of LYNDA GLENDENNING picks mushrooms in the dark the first crop at the Mushroom Farm She and her husband Jim are business i bee Iodise Is maintained at i IMoGS degrees Hie mush room beds are- filled with a of manure hay and brewers grain following s special reupe beds are thin cooked out a process when steam is forced Into the house to keep the temperature at degrees 1 for days Whin tin beds have cooled to digreis the spawn the white fibrous matter from which the mushrooms are produced is worked Into the beds The beds are then levelled off and covered with plastic far to days to keep them moist A casing material of lime mill peat muss Is ihen layered over tin eompost hid is watirtd and moist days liter mush rooms are popping up sornt at least three In dav a erop ma hi puked continue to sprout for a period of to days before the viel is no longer profit Then at tin compost and board bids are removed Everything the house is washid dlsinfieted and before the whole begins again bra spent loytars working in the mushroom industry before branching mil on his own he is in full opera lion he will have three mush room in different Knights worked hard all season participate in the dislriel finals Tiny finished second in the league being defeated 1 by l on r mil the stages of production His mushrooms are sold directly to the public from tin form The Mush loom barm is located at It Itockwood on the Sixth I of one kilo metre north of Highway It is open from to m through faatur I I t If is interested in heme number of Hit Parent Committee for tin Brownies and please lonlut Tcrr Hertford at or I aril it i22 Squirts who an tin eh impious of their soccer In i bird fought 1 inn mil the defeated bring home tropin Hit two wire scored In Jiff storm r lined out Hall on I ly last Sum held Sat Sept Liquor question might be on ballot Eden Mills Eramosa township elector ate will be asked two lions regarding tin sale of spirits wme it the November lion if the bylaw hi pro at Queen I irk before Sept has decided The changes in the liquor let must be passed two months before an election Council upon request of owner of the Hotel who sought a council lion placing the questions on the ballot The questions ire as follows arc in fivor of the salt of spirits beer wine under a lounge licence for consumption on licensed premises Effectthe salt of spirits beer and with food available Are sou in favor of the sale of spirits and wine under an entertainment Western see local aid lie of spirits hi ible provided The Hotel itis under dining lounge liunee means tint lilt estdhhsh 1 vi in the IRIS be the food sales present the hotel salts in higher Mr is advised the HO to seek a resolution from plating the illusions eh inges the liquor on billot Mr greed to cover tht involved above costs of the regular municipal per Manure lagoon ok is within bylaws visitors family of Mr I Hit other is I it home Mr i litkilt Mrs Sbirliv were Mrs id who Ins it i priiiissi Ihngton it Smut for ir bring El Hi pit hut impnss Hie by Peter Parkinson and his business partner I it are operating legitimate agricultural industry in i legitimate agricultural zone following the present town ship bylaws That is council opinion after their investiR of neighbors complaints about the offensive smell from the farm liquid manure lagoons Rockwood Mr Parkinson is plowing the liquid manure hi spreads on Ins fields within the hour time period to eoun like housis win built iftirlln firm inure I igoons id be in est ROADS superintendent Bob Hamilton supervises the water and sewer hook up at Rockmosa Community Centre Plumbing inspector Carl Meadows reports thai over UK out of a possible hook up permits have been purchased in The on tin eh irgt to the is tin Hi I of rut ir brought in the villigi I IV Mi irkinsnntobc a tood mil work the liquid manure into the fields is quieklv as hi could Sunshine club tours Niagara By Itoblna I a dull rning whrn the Sunshine Club boarded the bus for their Tour at he town ball Hock wood however it long before the sun shone and it turned out a beautiful day We had a most competent driver in He took us on a beautiful tour of the Niagara Stonty Creek up over the mountain where we bad a wonderful view of Ijiki Ontario down to the anal for a short and saw a freighter going through the lock then onto Niagara A stop wis made here for lunch and some night seeing and then down the scenic route to Niagara on the Lake the gardens and scenery was enjoyed by all When the bus headed for home from the Lake Bert Davidson hosted a homestyle concert storting with Alfred pi lying Ins h irmoniea Some it songs were rendircd by Mr in lovely voici ind his wife an currently visiting with his brother Ken Mylcs and we were glad to welcome these visitors from Kent England Victor Smith tame next with bis accordion and then Henry lcmliman conducted lively singsong with Davidson joining in with his mouth org in Mrs Vera president thanked ill the folks who had made the d iy so pleasant and for the Impromptu concert and also reminded everyone that next Thursday tomorrow Is the beginning of the regular meeting for the Sunshine Club and we will meet at I p for a pot luck lunch Those who bring something arc asked to donate towards the cost of the butler buns etc Villagers favor industry growth by tramosa Council and Planning Ikiard last night gave secondary planner Jim guidance in his drawing up of a growth plan for Seventyseven percent of the respondents to the earlier survey indicated thai wished to sec industry within the villoge After much discussion wis dirciled lo reserve two hectares aires for industrial land use Planning Board member John Trustee Audrey Hilton whether the industrial ami had to be within the village limits pointed out that only serviced industrial tots could with tin same types of properties offered by other communities Councillor David Masson said that industry does not want the headache of water supply and sewage dispose Councillor John McLcod said that he felt that there was a need for storage and warehousing space within the village in a confined industrial Seventy three per cent of the respondents to the survey expressed a desire for senior citizen housing It was decided that units accommodating CD people would be alio for specialized senior citizens Colllshaw was directed to allocate per cent of new construction for multiple family dwellings He pointed out that according to statistics per cent of the population cant afford single family housing Planning Board member Art Leslie stated that many the ipnrt newly married eouples can Own for i new house mid accommodation If housing not young people will move from the village to Leslie Audrey Hilton pointed nut thai there art pltnty of imply irtments in utlph and it sht felt should lit reserved foi single family dwellings According iw hire is no shortage of developable ind in The strictions to development and population growth are the water supply available from the existing and the trunk sewi age acceptable to our one at each corner of the village limits have been evaluated as suitable for development II is now necessary to choose the best developable land Consideration of industrial senior citizens housing and multiple family dwellings and the number of Infilled lots will limit the number of houses available for subdivision development says that there are lots available for infilling According to the Committee of Adjustment of these lots have already been severed October is the date for the next meeting at the Rockwood Town Hall when alternative plans for development will be presented by Secondary Planning Firm Marshall and Monoahan planners will be for Informal discussion at The formal presentation la slated for with a question period to follow w is ejun In lt I P of Knox 111 iviiiint inn lulled with a fellowship in tin Sunday School mam during llu litis of lulled I ARRY displays fine form is for the upcoming Roikuood tennis lub tmirrumenl Sept id and Oct are he dates for Hit adult tournaments The juniot tourney is for Sept Interested tennis buffs sign in at tht tout I bulletin board Meeting participant Mrs Swanston 97 Mis- IK I nil w Mis In r s in fur hi Si ml ir ii on Is Ii id 1 in nice tint rnding Id fill t Milt In lln ill ind 1 s gospel She not the just months injnjtd with her old w is friends ihiiikid ihi roll ill is re short verse i Mrs Mrs 1 took the Mis iv Mill lliinkful I us with Mis Miltnn md ssinn Miss i ill i w ffl ilimk it s ink ihe is ml I III fust win ihltirnf ilkcjlim ill r Tin i lull 1 ribbitsuddenh irttd iking i 1 in i weeks e hi slu w imi supposed be j mi ii i i I hi ntilv ibbit wi w is is sip in from ilu at ill limisor eruis i offspring told mi ithuui in mm I In fin ops llu dim is tin most iu r dibit 1 ve iter known 1liviiitimillusHtis 1 1 out tin pi itnlitv of rabbits I hi i I riiub ops ik mil r with itsdnipii dawn thin in s In lids is to whin 1- i was of llu ir trul mil fentnl lin iiilhniss i i id r dibits r irs I iiiMinlt I with inn ill most r I lout this I In Mi i is 1 111 I Ins i 1 I op is like dog She I in i lint lining on fnrlht ibilitv lus iv If wis llu I did it Wt figured if ilf Ijips i in In i mil is fins would lit doublv inning ItsMiuigtiibi wlul their irs will do Will I s llu We ime t ftmn i in Esmest In find red f ill pigeon s on t wtirdelutk 1 iK hive tlntks selling oni of lell ki t mm flu v hie it s pail ml is in inv miles So now J Si his up works this nun llu pi it is tin must sin prise of ill li ibru I isii I d be dure enough to i lulu vet old Hut he alwavs w is i pu em ions id indium hi strutting is ipeicotk liino his mil St in in lie so wlun she decided to on three I ges in I lie r on lilt eh line they might be w istiidiiing iinthingilscth it month I nut of bis slu 11 i plump of it hie looking ipt ieotk think of it phi is nils in the pen in i EIGHTYFOUR yearold Manuel Cakral recalls how years ago he brought home heavy pails of water shouldering a wooden yoke similar to the one he models here Lloyd Nevilles Saturday auction in Eden Mills brought the yoke an an gasoline powered pump and a yard water pump up for bids this prt lines is a soft letdown to the raws thy most import ml the donkey foil duln t link it Into this world alive His donktv mother stem all but bis human firmly are very lis ippinnted lib is much However at the risk of uttering a cliche life does goon And pigeons and pntoiks almost mike up for the

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